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Helena54 is offline  
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21-12-2006, 06:28 PM
Hi Shaza, I'm so sorry to hear you're still suffering and Ozzie is still suffering, and I do hope you had some joy with your vet this evening, and maybe you went to another one like you said you might do??

Now, looking at the sore, it looks very, very similar to what my Georgie can inflict on himself with his wet exezma?? Has your vet mentioned this to you?? Have a look on an internet site where they show pictures of dogs with wet exzema (sp???) and you will be horrified at some of the sores, mostly self inflicted coz of the itchiness!!! I am wondering if something down the beach set off an itchy spot there, and the more he got at it, the more damage he did, then it got infected, and so it goes on. Believe me, I could leave my Georgie for only 10 minutes if his tail was itching and I too would end up with what your Ozzie has got with Georgie!! It is very, very painful for them, and Georgie cries when I bathe any sores like that on him, but luckily we don't have them much now, due to his steroid treatment. You have probably got the equivalent of what I use here (Hibiscrub - kills everything and cleans it all properly) is it pink your solution you've got from your vet??? Can you ask your vet if you can have a steroid cream for it???? It will calm it down immediately, so please ask your vet about a steroid cream. Anything to stop his pain, it looks awful, but don't worry too much coz I've seen the same thing with Georgie many a time, and it will heal, eventually, it just needs the right treatment. I hope you have a better night with Ozzie, and I hope you got to see either your vet or another one tonight. All the very best.
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21-12-2006, 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Hi Shaza, I'm so sorry to hear you're still suffering and Ozzie is still suffering, and I do Now, looking at the sore, it looks very, very similar to what my Georgie can inflict on himself with his wet exezma?? Has your vet mentioned this to you?? Have a look on an internet site where they show pictures of dogs with wet exzema (sp???) and you will be horrified at some of the sores, mostly self inflicted coz of the itchiness!!! I am wondering if something down the beach set off an itchy spot there, and the more he got at it, the more damage he did, then it got infected, and so it goes on. Believe me, I could leave my Georgie for only 10 minutes if his tail was itching and I too would end up with what your Ozzie has got with Georgie!! It is very, very painful for them, and Georgie cries when I bathe any sores like that on him, but luckily we don't have them much now, due to his steroid treatment. You have probably got the equivalent of what I use here (Hibiscrub - kills everything and cleans it all properly) is it pink your solution you've got from your vet??? Can you ask your vet if you can have a steroid cream for it???? It will calm it down immediately, so please ask your vet about a steroid cream. Anything to stop his pain, it looks awful, but don't worry too much coz I've seen the same thing with Georgie many a time, and it will heal, eventually, it just needs the right treatment. I hope you have a better night with Ozzie, and I hope you got to see either your vet or another one tonight. All the very best.
Helena, I have just looked on a couple of sites and your right, it looks very much the same. When I first went to the vets of the saturday morning, they had said it was either a bite or some sort of dermatitus. What makes me cross is that they didn't put a collar on straight away, so by the time Monday came, it was really bad.

The treatment the vet has given is called Betadine, it is a dark brown liquid that I have to mix half and half with water. He is also on antibiotics called Nisamox 250mg of which he has 1/2 a tablet every 12 hours.

On reading up on the internet, it says that it can easily reoccur. Should I ask my vet tomorrow when I have to go again, about steroid treatment?
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21-12-2006, 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by scorpio View Post
By the way, have you tried arnica as a pain relief? As it is homeopathic you should be able to give that to Ozzie on top of anything the vet gives him. Just an idea I had this morning as I was driving up the motorway.
Thanks Sheree, I shall print this off and try to get some tomorrow. Vet still wouldn't give me any painkillers, all he keeps saying is that he would rather not
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22-12-2006, 01:42 PM
Hi Shaza, there's one particular anti-biotic that is used specifically for this pyoderma they're called Ceporex over here??? Ask your vet about them over there, maybe the ones you have are the equivalent?? I once had a dog with a terrible skin condition, same as Georgie but worse, and she was put on Ceporex for 3 months and it cured her, whereas a previous vet had put her on steroids and they did absolutely nothing for it!! Horses for courses I think as far as the steroids are concerned, coz my vet always stresses to me that they work for Georgie, as I didn't like giving them to him, because of what had happened with my other dog, but they DO work for HIM! Ask your vet about whether he thinks it is Pyoderma (Wet Ecezma) and whether he thinks a short course of steroids might heal it up quicker. My vet never gives me anti-biotics alone coz they just don't work for his problem, he always gives him a steroid jab PLUS a course of those anti-biotics, sometimes. Other times, he just has his steroid jab, depending on how infected a particular hot spot has got.

I hope Ozzie isn't crying so badly now, it must be sooooo upsetting for you. I know, coz of how Georgie cries when I tend to one of his wounds he makes.

Ask your vet about that Hibiscrub too, tell him our Surgeons use it to "scrub up" and it kills any bacteria, he might have some and might recommend it. Again it works well for Georgie, it stops him itching, which in turn cures the further problems he causes himself.

Good luck at the vets with him, and I hope something is now working, either those anti-biotics or whatever other treatment he's giving him.
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22-12-2006, 02:12 PM
Thanks so much Helena, I have printed out your response and will take it to the vets with me when we go this evening. I shall have a look in my dictionary in a minute to see if there are any words I could get in spanish. Hopefully they might be called the same. Just had a thought typing this, I will do a google translation to see if I can get anything on there.

Ozzie is still yelping today - mostly when he moves. He wont go for a walk, I have tried so many times, but he just sits and wont budge. I have to carry him outside - put him on the grass for a wee and poo, then carry him back in. The collar really depresses him but I cant take it off for a second or he'll be at it. A few days ago the vet stripped the dead skin off to release the puss, this was when he was at his worst, he doesn't seem to struggle and yelp so much - I think this is because it is not such an open wound now, though it still looks very sore and nasty.

Again thank you so much, I feel better that I can go to the vet armed with some questions - hopefully he will understand me.
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22-12-2006, 04:24 PM
Oh Shaza it doesn't sound too good still does it with poor Ozzie, I'mso sorry. Yes, do a google translation, and whilst you're at it, try to translate or ask your vet about F*ciderm (that's a "u"), the steroid cream I mentioned before. I can honestly say, I could have a hot spot as bad as you've got there with Ozzie, and when I put this cream on it, voila, it's gone overnight, just turned to a nice calm pale skin colour instead of red raw, it really is amazing stuff, but there must be similar creams over there that are steroids too?

Don't worry too much about the size or condition of his particular hot spot, I can honestly tell you that when I first got Georgie, he had wealds along his back full of puss about the size of half a rugbyball!!!!! The vet was treating them just before I got him, and as for his tail, well, the whole tail was as red as Ozzie's with no fur on it!!!! It will get better, you just need the right treatment for what it is, and if your vet can actually now recognise that it might well be wet ecezma or pyoderma then all well and good, you will get the right treatment for him.Don't forget, he thought he might be treating a bite or something, and either way, it's still infected so needs to be acted on for that first.

All the best, please let us know what the outcome is and I hope it's all good too! Good luck, try not to worry too much poor little man I do feel sorry for you!
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22-12-2006, 08:58 PM
Well, went to the vets again tonight, armed with an English print of your previous post Helena and also a google translation. He read the English one - said he understood.

I had some of that Fuciderm cream from when Ozzie was castrated to put on the stitches. Anyway he told me I mustn't use it.

He was worried that it was scabbing up again and didn't wantthe infection to be trapped underneath. So I now also have to wash the area with Benzoyl-Plus Piodermas, leaving it on for 15 minutes, than rinse off. Then 20 mins later wash with the Betadine and water and wipe with cotton wool. He has also had another injection - not sure what that was.

I have to take Ozzie back in the morning for him to check it.
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22-12-2006, 09:12 PM
I can understand that the Shaza, if it's a bad infection he's got, you don't want it healing up on the top of an infection, I realise that.
Oh dear, poor Ozzie, you've got to do even more washing of it now then, and I don't envy you the job of leaving it on for 15 mins. either with him in pain whilst you're doing it! Then just as he thinks it's all over, you gotta start again 20 mins later with the other stuff. This is a blooming nightmare!! Poor Ozzie, and even more poor you!!

I can only hope and pray that it settles down soon enough what with him having another injection - I wonder if it was a steroid jab??? I suspect it was. Maybe by tomorrow, after another night of healing, it might be a lot better, it really should be especially as he's got to leave it alone with his collar on. Good luck again at the vets then tomorrow, at least he wants to see it every day at the moment and maybe he wants to give him another jab, in which case you should be ok all over Christmas! You can't do any more Shaza, but I do hope the poor lad is not in so much pain with it by now?

I don't like the sound of that cotton wool though?? It sticks to wounds, and it must be awful for Ozzie that you've got to dab it or wipe it with cotton wool anyway? What about those soft pads, and just gently dab it? Can you imagine "wiping" something that's red raw and so so sore? Awwwwww, poor little man. I wish you all the best for tomorrow, and I hope you get a good night's sleep. Let us know again how he's doing please ok. Take care.
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23-12-2006, 11:56 AM
Had to take Ozzie to the vets this morning on my own as other half is playing golf. I foud it very difficult as he had to have it cleaned again with Betadine or should I say scrubbed - as the vet said he wanted all the scabs to come off in case of further infection. Poor Oz was most distressed, and so was I. Would you believe got back home and suddenly realised the antibiotics run out on Christmas morning, so had to drive all the way back again Vet has given me another two, and have to go back to see him on Boxing Day.

I have been using my makeup remover cotton wool pads rather than cotton Wool Helena, but in view of the fact I now have to rub the betadine in I might look for something that wont break up - can you suggest anything.

Here's a couple of pics after Vet visit - I dont think it looks any better, but vet seems to think differently

That brown stuff is the betadine, thos brown spots - scabs are what I have to try and rub clear.
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23-12-2006, 12:03 PM
Oh dear, that's really awful, not wonder it hurts him so much too!

Regarding the cotton wool. You know what I would do?? I would go out and buy some nice new soft white flannels and use those, you can keep washing and drying them for future use. I use those on Georgie. Or maybe cut up a new soft towel into pieces and then throw the bits away that you've used?? Anything's better than a swab that can leave bits behind or stick to the sore I think?

I keep saying this I know, but that really, really does look like what I had before with Georgie, and that area is the very FIRST place he would get at if he had half the chance! It is a very favoured area for this type of thing, don't ask me why!!

Poor you having to go back again for those anti-biotics! Have a nice rest over the Christmas, keep doing what you've got to do with it, and hopefully those anti-biotics should have worked. Trouble is most anti-biotics are for specific things, so I'm only hoping he has got the RIGHT anti-biotics for this skin trauma, not just any old anti-biotics that the vet might favour to use??? Have you asked him about those Ceporex ones?? they are specifically for skin problems!

I don't envy you Shaza, but I will say you are doing the most wonderful job for poor little Ozzie, so keep at it, it's got to get better soon. Good luck on Boxing Day too then back at the vets!!
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