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15-05-2010, 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by cassassin View Post

I may not be able to offer a completely permanent solution

I can only offer to be a stepping stone for him right now.
You can sugar coat this all you like, a stepping stone is a stepping stone, not a permanent solution for the dog.

If you really had this dogs welfare at heart like any of us, you'd be in total agreement of him being professionally assessed by the people responsible for him, the RSPCA.

This thread has gone to from okay, to bad, to really bad and I refuse to get dragged into a personal debate as we obviously see things on a totally different level.
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15-05-2010, 05:17 PM
The RSPCA own Oscar ( doesn't matter if Kitty signed the agreement with them or not, legally they still own the dog)... The RSPCA say they now have the kennel space to take him back. Although it was very nice of cassassin to offer a foster home for this dog, the right thing for Kitty to do now is to hand Oscar back over to the RSPCA.

If Cassassin still wants to take Oscar on, and the RSPCA agree that it is in Oscar's best interests to go there, then i'm sure Cassassin and the RSPCA could work something out between them.

Kitty must be so stressed out by all this, and all the bickering on this thread must surely be making her feel worse. The poor girl held her hands up and admitted she's made a mistake, she took on Oscar out of the goodness of her heart and wanted things to work out, sadly it hasn't happened. So she did what she thought was the right thing and contacted the RSPCA, who originally homed the dog to her friend... Kitty should NOT be made to feel guilty because the RSPCA have decided they want Oscar back!

Kitty, I wish you all the best, and hope that one day you will find another dog to come into your home and heart, and not be put off by this one unfortunate incident xx
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15-05-2010, 05:19 PM
Originally Posted by Sal View Post
You have stated you couldn't keep him permantly earlier in the thread - What's changed ?
I think you need experience as well as knowledge of a breed.
Have you worked with DA Dobe's before ?
How many and how many have you owned ?
I have worked with Dog Aggressive Dobermanns before. Nearly EVERY MALE dobermann will have same-sex aggression once it hits puberty. I have owned one Male dobermann previously.

I have worked with my own Dobermann on dog aggression. I worked with him by slowly introducing other dogs around an empty field. I had him focus on me, everytime he looked away "Watch me!", with a click/treat reward when his focus returned to me. My dog went from a snarly, lunging beast everytime we walked past the big house with the alsatians to being able to calmly walk past the gates with his full focus on me. It took a lot of practice and a lot of hard work.

I have worked with two other dogs who had issues with children. One male had a really high prey/chase drive and couldn't take the "aura" of children. You know how they are always so excited and screaming, raising their voices, etc. Child in the home, so what had to happen was a lot of work on both the Child's part and the Dog's part. The dog was taught a strong leave it command as well as a "settle". The child learned to act appropriately around the dog. The other case was similar to this one, where a dog bit a child. The dog's ears were tugged on and he turned for the child. No harm, he made an air-snap and walked away, but would growl at children afterwards. My late mentor decided that for him, the best option would be a child-free home. He was successfully placed before she passed on.

I always said that I probably will not be able to offer a forever home, but if it were to work out...If I can get him to tolerate being in the same room (still separated by a room divider) with other dogs, more particularly, my small breeds (which he is lovely with cats, so hopefully two small dogs wont be a threat to him) then he would be welcomed into my family permanently.

I can't believe how much flack I am getting for offering to help. This is almost beyond ridiculous now.

Originally Posted by Nicci_L View Post
You can sugar coat this all you like, a stepping stone is a stepping stone, not a permanent solution for the dog.

If you really had this dogs welfare at heart like any of us, you'd be in total agreement of him being professionally assessed by the people responsible for him, the RSPCA.

This thread has gone to from okay, to bad, to really bad and I refuse to get dragged into a personal debate as we obviously see things on a totally different level.
The RSPCA will likely not assess his behaviour, they probably do NOT have room for him. If I do this through the RSPCA, then you will have no room to speak anyways, so debate isn't really an option.

If the RSPCA accept my offer to Foster him, then we all win.

I am done with this thread. Kitty can contact me via email or phone should she need to.
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15-05-2010, 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by cassassin View Post
If the RSPCA accept my offer to Foster him, then we all win.

It's not about winning, it's about whats doing what is ethically, morally and legally right.

The only looser here on so many levels, is Oscar.
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15-05-2010, 05:35 PM
No rescue organisation owns a dog if money has changed hands for it. Regardless of calling it a donation they have no legal rights over the dog.

There was test case involving one of the BC rescues where this was sorted out.

The rescue organisations know this. They do however try and say they own the dog still and sometimes it works and they can retrieve a dog.

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15-05-2010, 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Nicci_L View Post
It's not about winning, it's about whats doing what is ethically, morally and legally right.

The only looser here on so many levels, is Oscar.

Let's not forget all of the other people who will go through this thread, see what happens to people who offer to help and get totally turned off by the thought of fostering or helping with rescue in any way, shape, or form!

Now I am done with this thread.
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15-05-2010, 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by cassassin View Post

Let's not forget all of the other people who will go through this thread, see what happens to people who offer to help and get totally turned off by the thought of fostering or helping with rescue in any way, shape, or form!

Now I am done with this thread.

I didn't realise I was sitting an english exam
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15-05-2010, 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by cassassin View Post
I am contacting the RSPCA Preston. I do not think they will let me have him, but this is basically what I am offering them:

*A Temporary Foster Home, no matter how long he needs it. I do have references, am willing to have my house home-checked by the RSPCA. Nicci_L he can stay on MY "stepping stone" for AS LONG AS IT TAKES.
*Full medical care including Thyroid, Liver, Cardio and any other tests and treatment as needed.
*One on one training to work with a behaviourist on any of his issues.
*All of the Mental and Physical stimulation this dog will require in order to be completely satisfied.

I will be sending an email shortly and will be following up with phone calls all of next week. Poodle cups, I say, to anyone who thinks I will give up that easily.
love 'poodle cups'

alot is put on him changing hands.......why? dogs for all different reasons sometimes do and/or have to, they are very adaptable creatures.
cassassin is already offering more than alot of pets could be happy ending,or he may need to be pts...either way a temporary stop gap in a home imo is preferable to a kennel situation or pts
i am gonna be shot down,here goes ......
imo this poor dobe is being punished for something 'he hasnt done yet'
it defo should not be ignored,he should be removed from the situation asap to a place without children,and things be taken from there.
re kitty.....she asked on a public forum what to do,she is getting peoples opinions good,bad the lot...thats what happens
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15-05-2010, 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by rune View Post
No rescue organisation owns a dog if money has changed hands for it. Regardless of calling it a donation they have no legal rights over the dog.

There was test case involving one of the BC rescues where this was sorted out.

The rescue organisations know this. They do however try and say they own the dog still and sometimes it works and they can retrieve a dog.

yip!! its called 'scare mongering' happens alot
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15-05-2010, 05:56 PM
Ok here goes I feel terribly sorry for Kitty. As previously stated she did this out of the goodness of her heart and it has back fired. All I have read is people bickering the people that are prepared to try to do anything are getting shot down.

If Kitty is alright with Cassassin trying to re-home through the RSPCA and the RSPCA are happy with it what is the problem for goodness sake ?

This poor dobe most probably isn't actually aggressive but is unpredictable and for what reasons we will never know if it is being given a second chance with someone who may be able to sort him out all well and good she is willing too pay for the necessary tests too rule out health problems and work on his aggression issues if it doesn't work out then the poor dog will more than likely have to be pts.

At least it has been given a chance so if it is an easy solution too sort everybody wins, if it isn't then the outcome will be one that no one really wanted but it had a fighting chance. I am a grandmother and mother and was badly bitten as a child and no I do not know how I would of reacted if I found myself in this position but someone is offering a possible life line without the danger of more children being hurt. Worth a try in my book.

I think everybody needs to sit back now and let Kitty the RSPCA and Cassassin sort this instead of people having a go at one another and nothing constructive coming out of it at all.

I usually stay out of these debates but this one has made me reel with shock at how this persons misfortune and this dogs is being as I see used for a personal slanging match between some members.

No offense to anyone but this how some of us are finding this thread.

Hopefully this will end up being sorted to suit all.

Maybe Kitty or Cassassin will be kind enough to update of us of the outcome and how things turn out in the long run if they feel like coming back onto this mine field at some point or maybe starting another thread that will update us in the future if they feel brave enough.

Now I am taking my tin hat off and running for cover.
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