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View Poll Results: Is CM improving as a TV trainer & offering more apt advice
Yes 45 52.33%
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26-09-2009, 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
No, neither have I !
See the quotation pulled from the American Humane assocation .....

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26-09-2009, 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
We use it m'dear, because it is so blatantly the case You are pig sick because, thanks to CM, I can stop my dog mating a bitch
Oh dear, that gave me a chuckle !!

Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
Clearly, you are unable to read as well ! I said that we were unaware that our friend's bitch was in season when we agreed to go round and meet her. Once there, as she was at or nearing the end of her season, and it was clear she was not going to allow actual copulation, we let them have a roar round for a few minutes, before beating a hasty retreat. Every time Tai mounted her, I would oi him and snap my fingers, and he would get off her.
Did you not say , once you knew the bitch was in season, you left after initial introductions..

Then , you say you decided to let them play, even though poor Tai wa clearly aroused,

I think I read it as you wrote it..

Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
No willing situation then Jackbox, just simple ignorance. We had no idea the bitch was in season. As to the responsibility or otherwise of the owner of the bitch, that is nothing to do with you, or me.

If you knew me just a fraction Jackbox, you would know how I would never ever use my dog in order to show off. I've nothing to show off about, he's the one who's obedient, well behaved, well balanced, calm, entirely trustworthy with babies, children, adults, other males - entire or otherwise - puppies etc.

Your right then onus was on the bitches owner to not let an entire male into her garden, regardless of where she wa sin her season.. and the onus was on you to leave before you got through the door, to stop any stress your dog would be in.

But all you seem to be concerned over is how good you are, and how your friends admired you .

You are right, I dont know you, one can only make assumptions on people from what we read!!!
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26-09-2009, 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher
Every time Tai mounted her, I would oi him and snap my fingers, and he would get off her.

Originally Posted by Tassle View Post

I think it is sentances like this that are causing the confusion.....what this implies is that Tai tried mutliple time to mount the bitch - therefore you were not stopping him - merely distracting him till he tried again.....

Excellent point, clearly the CM way was not working!!
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26-09-2009, 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post

And yes, your interpretation of my belief towards the "stringing up" is as you say ... that Cesar is not stringing up the dog, the dog is fighting back and resisting the discipline of the lead. For the first time in their lives, the various dogs that we have seen being so-called strung up (your words, not mine) are having to learn some basic manners, control and discipline that they should have learned a very long time ago from their owners.
But Gnasher, this just isn't true. Even I, as someone who watches only sporadically, have seen him goad dogs so they will fight him (usually by hurting/scaring them, heavy editing all included of course) and the dog's air flow is cut off.

What you then see is a dog fighting for it's life (in its head).

That is what is so terribly sad and disgusting about CM. I wish more could see this, because that is the real truth.

He wants the dogs to fight so he can half choke them and then get them to submit - it's all about the submission for him. So, he wants the fight and causes it.

He can then do what he does and appear Mr Wonderful speaking calmly as he's mid choke ...

Ben Mcfuzzylugs
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26-09-2009, 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by lilypup View Post
i watched an episode last night with my 16 year old daughter. i turned the volume down and asked her to describe what she saw. she said she saw a frightened bulldog being kicked by cesar while skateboarders surrounded her.

she said that it was no wonder the dog wasn't focusing on the skaters as it was more concerned with where the next kick was coming from.

she also said if she saw someone doing that to their dog she'd call the police!

out of the mouths of babes...
Well done your daughter - seems she understands dogs and is not lead by slick productions. Is she looking to work with dogs because it sounds like she has a natural understanding that most dog owners sadly seem to not have

Originally Posted by ClaireandDaisy View Post
A `trainer` alpha rolled my Daisy - an agressive rescue I was working with to rehabilitate her. She did it so fast I didn`t have time to stop her. She had asked me to go to the other end of a tunnel and call her through. Fair enough. Daisy was muzzled. As I turned, Daisy jumped and barked, suddenly anxious that her person was walking away. The stupid woman threw herself on top and pinned her down and fought her. She was not a small woman and Daisy is not a particularly big German Shepherd.
Since then, I have to muzzle Daisy around trainers as she watches them suspiciously. In that instant she learned that people in that position hurt and frighten you. I have managed to get her to accept policemen, ticket inspectors, screeching children and skateboarders. But they didn`t attack her, did they?
Why would any normal person feel the need to physically subdue a small mammal who is totally dependent on them? I can only assume they enjoy the feeling of power. What does it prove - except that you are bigger and heavier than a dog. Wow. Big deal.
That is so sad that a trainer was so stupid - and all because she was stressed because you were walking away - totaly totaly stupid!

Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
CM's methods are so cruel that I managed with little effort to stop Tai mating a friend's Alaskan Malamute bitch who is nearing the end of her season (unbeknown to us, before I am slated ).

Every time he attempted to climb on board, a swift "Oi" caused him to pause and look at me; a further snap of the fingers and a "down" resulted in a rapid dismount.

Even I was impressed ... I fully expected to have to at the very least grab his collar and pull him off her, or put him on the lead. But not, she and Tai had a lovely romp, mock fight and Catch-Me-If-You-Can race around our friends' garden.

Gosh I am so cruel
I havent in any of CM's episodes heard him teaching a single command - 'down' 'sit' whatever I would never have my dog in such a situation, if I turned up somewhere where there was a bitch in season and my dog was any way interested I would clip him on the lead straight away
Sure I have pretty good voice control over Ben but whats the point of stressing him - its like he can walk nicely offlead but I clip him on the lead beside roads - I prefer to have him 100% safe rather than people marvel at how I can call him away from chasing a rabbit or something

Originally Posted by tinkladyv View Post
I will try take this oppotunity to answer all the questions put to me as best i can.

I have used the Alpha roll and pinning with my sisters German Sheperd, she has tried trainer after trainer, all with different ideas, but no success. the GS jumps up with so much force he has knocked her and others over consistent with the ideas of the trainers etc but this was escalating out of control. We took advise from a trainer we new after discussion about motivation, circumstances etc and used the Alpha Roll. .
Thankyou for replying. I am assuming you are talking about excited jumping up when greeting then??
Why not just teach the dog an alternative behaviour?? Like sitting when greeting - its fairly easy to teach

Originally Posted by ClaireandDaisy View Post
I found one reason why NGC are sensitive about the clip - the American Humane Assoc. (US version of the RSPCA) protested about his methods, and demanded they not show this episode -
Of course this body can see it looks cruel but his followers just cannot see anything wrong with his methods

Originally Posted by Tassle View Post
I have also been on the recieving end of people who have tried and failed with the Alpha rolling. One GSD who was exhibiting classic teenage behaviour - was being rolled by its owners of 4 then bit one of the owners so badly she was unwilling to work with the dog and refused to rehome it as it was a dangerous dog. (It had jumped up and bitten her arm after being rolled on a pavement).
That is so sad - an example of a dog being totaly normal but subjected to his methods made him rehomable - and I guess PTS - so a dog killed because of CM's methods

Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
We have darling, many times! As I have said before, I do not like the Illusion collar, I dislike any gadget, preferring to use Cesar's calm assertive methods, rather than his collar. As I have also said many times before, when we first took Tai on, he had good, basic training, but his manners were appalling. 24 hours of Cesar's techniques, and he was a different dog. With simple calm assertiveness, positive confident body language, consistency and firmness we turned a rather rude dog with no manners, into one who would sit and wait for his food until told he could eat, would not barge through doorways and down the stairs, and would not pull like an express train on the lead. That is why I cannot understand Cesar using choke chains - those of his client's who have chokes - or indeed, the Illusion collar. He can achieve the same thing without, because I have with Tai.

And yes, your interpretation of my belief towards the "stringing up" is as you say ... that Cesar is not stringing up the dog, the dog is fighting back and resisting the discipline of the lead. For the first time in their lives, the various dogs that we have seen being so-called strung up (your words, not mine) are having to learn some basic manners, control and discipline that they should have learned a very long time ago from their owners.
Its great that you got a nice happy relationship by teaching your dog some tricks - our dogs do love to work with us. Do you really think those of us who disagree with CM have dogs with no manners??

I totaly agree that in most of the situations the dogs are suffering because of the lack of training from the owners.
and of course the dog will be v confused if things that have worked in the past no longer work for it
Mia was totaly used to pulling on the lead, she had learnt that pulling ment she got somewhere faster. When it stoped working (when I got her) like any dog she tried harder to get it to work to start with - this is not bad bahviour it is just her using her brains - then when she realised that was not going to work she tried lots of other things until she did something I liked (sitting down) so she figured out that now if she wanted to manipulate me into walking she had to sit nicely

As for 'calmly stringing up' and all the rest
makes me think of the bit in 'Silence of the lambs' where Lector has the music playing and is calmly cutting up the guy
You could calmly shoot someone in the face, calmly hit them with a baseball bat, you might be feeling calm but the other person is feeling violence
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26-09-2009, 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Ben Mcfuzzylugs View Post

As for 'calmly stringing up' and all the rest
makes me think of the bit in 'Silence of the lambs' where Lector has the music playing and is calmly cutting up the guy
You could calmly shoot someone in the face, calmly hit them with a baseball bat, you might be feeling calm but the other person is feeling violence
very well put!
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26-09-2009, 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by Ben Mcfuzzylugs View Post

You could calmly shoot someone in the face, calmly hit them with a baseball bat, you might be feeling calm but the other person is feeling violence
So very well put,
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26-09-2009, 04:03 PM
Originally Posted by Ben Mcfuzzylugs View Post

As for 'calmly stringing up' and all the rest
makes me think of the bit in 'Silence of the lambs' where Lector has the music playing and is calmly cutting up the guy
You could calmly shoot someone in the face, calmly hit them with a baseball bat, you might be feeling calm but the other person is feeling violence
I had to turn that off....and the reservoir dogs one....I love that tune - but cannot think of it without shuddering.
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26-09-2009, 04:21 PM
Gnasher has said she doesn`t use CM methods so this is a bit pointless really isn`t it?
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26-09-2009, 07:29 PM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
CM's methods are so cruel that I managed with little effort to stop Tai mating a friend's Alaskan Malamute bitch who is nearing the end of her season (unbeknown to us, before I am slated ).

Every time he attempted to climb on board, a swift "Oi" caused him to pause and look at me; a further snap of the fingers and a "down" resulted in a rapid dismount.

Even I was impressed ... I fully expected to have to at the very least grab his collar and pull him off her, or put him on the lead. But not, she and Tai had a lovely romp, mock fight and Catch-Me-If-You-Can race around our friends' garden.
Gosh I am so cruel your own admission he tried to mount her several times. You then stayed and allowed them to romp around offlead..not fair for him surely? Every instinct he had saying he should mount her...and you making him stay and play..
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
. As you very well must know, if you have an entire male, they will pay attention to a bitch if she is just about to come on, as well as during the height of the season, and again at the end. Whereas the bitch will not allow mating (usually, unless they are a complete tart like my GSP, and the GSP who came belting down the lane to Tai) EXCEPT when she is ripe for mating, this does not stop them flirting, teasing and being thoroughly tarty at the beginning and end, as we saw last night with our friend's bitch. As must be obvious to anyone with half a brain, of course I would not allow any dog of mine to just randomly mate a bitch. But if owners of bitches in season bring them out during this time, then they must expect entire males to show interest.
I disagree. Totally. IME with a dog who shows no interest in inseason is the bitch that flirts and cajoles no matter what part of her season she is in.
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
I knew it ! You anti Cesar's just can't resist having a pop can you, about something that is nothing to do with the thread about whether CM is improving or not.


We actually went round to meet her, taking Tai with us of course because he comes everywhere with us. We left very shortly after the initial hellos, what a lovely dog, etc. etc., for the very reason that Tai was understandably aroused to say the least!

If one keeps an entire male, you have to expect this sort of thing of course, although it is one of my bugbears - people who continue to walk their bitches in public places when they are in season. Or rather, people who get irate at the owners of entire males who get very attentive towards their bitches when they insist on walking them in public places when they are in season.
But YOU LET THEM PLAY and that was let them play despite the fact that your dog kept trying to mount her. IN all honesty of your training and methods were THAT good, your dog would be told once and once only and that would be that..not an 'oi' several times, there would be no need if your 'training' is as good as you suggest.
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
We use it m'dear, because it is so blatantly the case You are pig sick because, thanks to CM, I can stop my dog mating a bitch

Clearly, you are unable to read as well ! I said that we were unaware that our friend's bitch was in season when we agreed to go round and meet her. Once there, as she was at or nearing the end of her season, and it was clear she was not going to allow actual copulation, we let them have a roar round for a few minutes, before beating a hasty retreat. Every time Tai mounted her, I would oi him and snap my fingers, and he would get off her. I said...if his training was as marvellous as you suggest (thinks to CM of course) then you would be able to tell him no and he would go nowhere near her again.
By the sound of it he actually pretty much ignored you as he kept going back for more.
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