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Location: Wiltshire, UK
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20-05-2009, 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54
Well, I consider there's moral support, and then there's banging your head on a brick wall sometimes? Plus the fact that by the end of one of these threads nothing seems to add up I know myself, it's absolutely impossible to turn around a dog that has been destined "by a trainer" to be pts because nothing is working with him
I never once in the thread said this.

Originally Posted by Helena54
and yet within days, he's had a miraculous turnaround and is once again the perfect dog again,
I didn't say this, I said things have really improved - but that was because of our attitude, and him as a result - you have chosen to ignore that.

Originally Posted by Helena54
, just like he has been in every other thread BY THE END OF IT!!!!
Why would I not want to post about progress my dog has made?

Originally Posted by Helena54
I stopped coming into these Woody threads because I saw red when a hyperactive YOUNG working springer puppy (a dog which I would never be able to cope with myself, and would never consider for a first time dog either, but hey ho) is given solitary confinement for 3 days a week on the trot, day and night, with a break for lunch and maybe a break during the EVENINGS (just so we get that bit right for fear of getting it wrong like before )
Absolute rubbish and I take offence to being accused of this, this would be cruel to my dog and is utterly un-true! You've totally made this up. He was in the crate for four hours in the morning, and four hours in the afternoon and then at night, 3 days a week, for about 2 months.

Originally Posted by Helena54
On top of that, I have never heard of any morning walks???
Again, telling lies to try and slander me. I have made several references to his exercise regime that always include morning walks, daily. You are just imagining things now.

Originally Posted by Helena54
Why is that then? I've only heard about the Friday night walks to the pub with friends and the week-ends
Well, if you want to read posts about how I stepped out of the door and walked Woody for 30 minutes then came home then so be it, I thought pictures of him running about and playing with his friends would be more interesting. Obviously not.

Originally Posted by Helena54
, so I got to thinking exactly WHY this poor young boistrous puppy is showing the signs that he is, eating the walls to escape his imprisonment
He was gnawing due to stress and boredom, an issue we have now resolved as were innocently not doing enough of the right type of mental with him.

Originally Posted by Helena54
, and biting his owners out of sheer frustration
No, he has food aggression and does not like being told what to do. Please read my posts properly before concluded I am such a bad person.

Originally Posted by Helena54
that he's not being listened to
Totally taking my posts out of context now and exaggerating them to add drama.

Originally Posted by Helena54
THEN, when I see a post stating that A TRAINER, HER TRAINER, has suggested tying this poor little mite up to a radiator to try and calm him down, then that just took the biscuit for me, and do you know something else??? I had to Google that, because I couldn't quite get my head around it, and do you know where the ONLY place I found it was??? ON THE R.S.P.C.A. WEBSITE! YES, the RSPCA website, so it would seem that my fears are well founded!!
What? I was given this advice by the man who trained Gwen Bailey, Tony Orchard. Please feel free to research him. He was not telling me to tie him up and leave him there, it was a method to encourage him to settle on his bed, in small doses, strictly supervised. It's a lot gentler than say kneeing your dog in the chest to get them to stop jumping up, for example.

Originally Posted by Helena54
We won't go into the fact that this little puppy is also not allowed to do his business out in the garden,no, he has to use a designated 2sq foot of litter tray out there, and wo betide him if he fancies a pee anywhere else, even though in his mind he is doing it right, because he's actually outside
Again, what? What on earth is wrong with this? People have pet toilets all the time. It's difficult for us Helen as we cannot afford a great big garden like you so the small one we have we would like to keep as mess free as possible for our own enjoyment. what is the problem with this?

Originally Posted by Helena54
Would you consider shutting your 16yr. old teenager in his room for 3 SOLID DAYS??? I think not! Woody is the equivalent of a 16 yr. at approaching one year old, so yes, it would be the same as doing this. I don't think you'd have much of a house left afterwards do you??
A dog is not a person and he is not locked up for 3 days, get your facts straight. He has free run of the house for the four hours I'm at work, four days a week! We can't all afford to not work Helen.

Originally Posted by Helena54
No, something definitely doesn't add up for me here I'm afraid, so once again, I shall be hitting my "ignore" button and "poof" she's gone, but that won't stop me thinking or worrying about the welfare of a poor, misunderstood little springer guy!
Oh please. You have never met him so cannot possibly know how ''miserable'' he is. Why don't you listen to the people that have or look through my numerous threads of him grinning from ear to ear. He could not be more loved or more happy.

Originally Posted by Helena54
I only do support when it's appreciated, not when it's thrown back in yer face coz you just so happened to misunderstand a few words that were written, when in all honestly, night is night to me, so if she meant during the evening,she should have typed that in the first place!

And another thing whilst I'm on a roll! I don't for one minute think ANY behaviourist worth their salt would recommend tying a young puppy up to a radiator, NO, I think this was HER idea, so she thought she'd say that, just to get some feedback on whether or not she should do that, so he could be out of her way, out of her hair, and she could enjoy her evening with her new husband - in which case, why get a dog in the first place then
Absolute crap and again taken out of all context just to put forward a false case against me! For goodness sake. I came on Dogsey asking for help and advice, mostly I got that but this is just plain nasty.

Originally Posted by Helena54
Why not get a middle aged rescue dog which would more than suit their current situation, he'd be well behaved, out of the way laying down in the evenings, be able to cope with being crated or left alone in the house all day? No, she wanted this springer spaniel coz it would look good with the Hunter wellies hanging out the back of the 4x4 living in Oxford and gallavanting around farmer's new crops of green wheat (notice the pics????)
This is personal, nasty and total rubbish. How dare you say things like this about me and get this personal! You do not know me. You have almost fantasised about my situation and jumped to all the wrong conclusions. It's a little freaky actually and quite laughable. Would that I could afford Hunter wellies!! I have a pair from a garden centre that were £12, I do hope the village don't notice!!.

Originally Posted by Helena54
Now I've said it all, it's all off my chest, and I'm hitting that button, to get back my sanity!!!!
Now I've had a chance to respond to your vile attack I shall continue posting as normal on Dogsey. It's a great forum and I've made some great friends. I've also found most poster's advice invaluable. This kind of irrational, personal, nasty post is quite appalling.the worst thing about it is that you are attacking someone who was clearly upset and desperate for support.
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