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Emma-836592 is offline  
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03-03-2005, 04:26 PM
calling people ignorant Jess, is nothing short of insulting ! your 'views' are one sided and you dont seem to be prepared to listen to anyone else UNTIL you do get 'told' to back off !!
i for one will not be staying in dogweb while there are people like you pushing their opinions on others and insulting them when they dont agree with you !
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03-03-2005, 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Archaeopath
I don't feed myself a balanced diet, I wouldn't trust me to construct a healthy diet for my dogs

I feed a complete food, plus 'natural' foods like cheese, meats and lots of veggies. Satch's favourite snack is half a cucumber. He also gets lots of raw bones.

it looks to me like your doing your best becs, and i laughed about the cucumber (i think mine would give me the two fingered paw!)
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Julie is offline  
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03-03-2005, 04:33 PM
Feeding raw is nothing to do with love Jess we all feed our dogs what we consider is best for them. My dogs have always done very well on a little tinned food and some complete they have lovely coats and no health problems that could be caused by diet. I would defend your right to feed your dogs as you wish but please don't assume you are always right !
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03-03-2005, 04:40 PM
i certainly know i am not always right, but some people take things too personally.

i think it has alot to do with love. if loves means you will try to keep them out of danger, by doing the best you can. i just want people to have knowledge to make their own desicions.
and the point before, was for me to know why people dont choose raw. not to change their minds, just to know. but i didnt think space was a vaild reason, but that doesnt mean i want her to change. i just wanted a good reason!!
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03-03-2005, 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by jess
emma perhaps you should take things more lightly. you seem to get wound up very easy about my opinions. perhaps i come across as too dominant or aggressive for you?
Call it what you want Jess. Youre still both making other people feel bad and sad. And for no reason.

You want reasons for not feeding raw? IŽll be happy to debate with you. PM me and IŽll give you my msn adress. WeŽll take the deabte there.

And yes IŽll be just as rude and childish as you are here

i am full of info
IŽll tell you what youŽre full of :smt075
eRaze is offline  
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03-03-2005, 05:29 PM
Jess - I have asked you this before and if you do not listen to my advice this time, I will have no choice but to put a restriction on your account that will mean your posts have to be checked by a member of the admin team before they are made 'live'.

Please read and re-read your posts before hitting the submit button. Many of your threads and post are getting peoples backs up - I think you aware that this is happening but not aware WHY it is happening!

I'll use this thread as an example.

Originally Posted by jess
Its never too late to feed right.
People may understandbly think HOW DARE YOU say that your way is right and there's is wrong? - you could of just said, 'Its never too late to feed raw.'

Originally Posted by jess
however i would hope that people who LOVE their dogs would research into feeding (and other things) and not just go with a colourful advert, or what is the conventional norm. and if they are researching, then they would be carefully considering their options, as there are alot of mind changing facts to consider..
Again people would be extremely annoyed with you for suggesting that because they don't agree with your feeding methods they somehow do not love their dogs. And thats coming from someone who wanted to wipe out (kill) an entire breed!

Originally Posted by jess
vets know virtually nothing about nutrition
How on earth can you generalise like that Jess? While I think I know what you mean (that vets just know what they have bee taught by med school which is sometimes 'sponsered' by 'companies') you didn't go about explaing it properly or remembering the golden rule of re-reading your posts before clicking on submit!

Originally Posted by jess
sorry, but i didnt find that a good enough reason. if you love your dogs, which i hope yo do, you should do everything within your power to give them the best.
Jess just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't mean that what they say is wrong and what you say is 'right'. What they believe may be the BEST for them and what you believe may be the BEST for you - you'll (as seen here) get peoples backs up by insuinuating your method is best and if people don't follow it they somehow don't love their dogs (which is off course utter nonsense!).

Originally Posted by jess
you got me wrong. my question wasnt to annoy people, i genuinly wanted to know reasons.
Why do you think that is? Is it perhaps because of what you posted? If you wanted peoples 'reasons' then why didnt yo usimply ask for them instead of making absurd statements that feeding raw is 'right' and all other ways are wrong and implying people dont love their dogs if they dont?

Jess, had you approached this thread in a different manner, you would have got a different response. And perhaps some answers to your queries.

Maybe one of those responses would have been that the reason some people don't feed raw is because of the health risks associated with it - not just for dogs but also for humans (where would the food be stored and prepared? The kitchen?) You have to consider whether or not you have young children or elderly people sharing the same residence. And what about the risks to your dog? Could you live with yourself if your beloved pet developed some form of CJD or similar? Or perhaps some people dont feed raw because they have no faith in the the 'farming' of animals for even human consumption as these days one could argue it is so screwed up that the meat really does need to be cooked to make it as safe as possible.? I suppose you didn't know that farm animals are given Steroids and growth hormones to make them bigger, so they fetch more money - In addition they are given routine antibiotics to 'prevent' them from getting ill (which is passed down the food chain). Some of the pet food manufactureres stipulate that there foods contain NO gm, and that the livestock used is not given steroids or other growth hormones or routine antibiotics, or indeed any other chemicals, in fact some go to say that all the food used is completey natural. So can you see why some people don't agree with you and may actually feel what you're doing is wrong?

So you see Jess there are many reasons, but unfourtunatelt you didn't get to hear any because people felt they had to defend themselves against your accusations that they don't love their pets because they don't agree with you.

Any more contentious posts from yourself and the restrictions I mentioned above will be put in place on your account.
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