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10-07-2014, 01:15 PM
Good news LYNN course be better if he was 100% but at least it's not as bad as some of your fears Well done to Dillion for being so good get some rest,you deserve it
Lovely here today,am catching up on the washing OH will be back tomorrow Happy Days
Oh will know later if the concert is back on meeting @ 5pm apparently,such a disaster
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10-07-2014, 01:57 PM
Great news about Dillon, at least it is treatable and the asthma could have come through being allergic to something or other.
I was going to say to you I think there is something a bit strange going on anyway, and perhaps Dillon has been affected. On Monday all my hands came up in little blisters when I washed my hair after painting. Now I thought I must have had ants or something in the gloves I had had on because I'd left them outside, but I have got weals and all sorts and very sore blistery type of things on the inside of my fingers. I'm making sure I wear rubber gloves to wash up in, those disposable gloves for cleaning outside and I bought 4 pairs of cheap cotton gardening gloves from Asda to wear when I'm walking the girls, looks strange, but my fingers are so sore I can barely hold the leads. Been putting all sorts on, the cream I use when I get this when I have been washing and cleaning to excess with puppies here, germolene and also anti histamine cream, things are getting better slowly, but something or other has attacked me with a vengeance, I get eaten alive in the summer, but never ever had anything like I've got at the moment. Its like what I get when I've been cleaning a lot, but worse and also these small water blisters. Painting the rest of the gate and the other side of the picket fence when I've eaten and then washing my hair, first time I've dared do it since Monday and all this happened, got to be done though!!
Malka, I hope you get a bit of rest this afternoon. You are obviously so tired you are completely out of it if you are putting fresh coffee in the bin, I really hope things calm down a little for you, in fact for both sides really.
Linda, a whole new world is awaiting you once Michael starts school, you will become yourself again between the hours of 9am and 3pm I know its an emotional time, especially when that school uniform goes on and your little baby has disappeared forever, he'll be extremely excited so don't go embarrassing him!
Eileen, fingers crossed the concert(s) are back on and you do go to the ball, or rather the concert.
Happy Anniversary to Helena and Dave. I have no idea how you've done that, you are both a pair of stars, and I hope you have a lovely night out, and wear some of those lovely clothes you treated yourself to the other day. Are you buying each other a gift to commemorate this milestone, I think I'd have a ruddy big plaque made!!!
Moyra, lots of hugs and take care of yourself, just take life a bit slower till you feel better in yourself.
Elaine, I shudder when I think of the things I did and said at 17, he'll grow out of it, going looking for him and arguing isn't going to improve things. Treat him like an adolescent puppy and ignore the bad and reward the good. I'm sure if my parents hadn't been waiting for me behind the front door everytime I came home and launching into me, making me even worse, then I wouldn't have gone to some of the extremes I did do. He's a boy as well, and they've got a lot of hormones racing around in there.
Nippy, enjoy the fish and chips, that car is like a Menu on wheels
Bev, I do hope Charly and Ash have a lovely anniversary surprise. Shame about the weather, its gorgeous here as well.
Spent the last few hours on the river with all 4 of the girls.
Keshi disappeared, I was frantic. One minute they were all playing and I had the rake out doing Lona as she looks like no one cares at the moment, she's gone into a really heavy moult, so was busy with her, looked up, No Kesh
Called her, whistled her, nothing, very unusual for Mabs not to be tailing her and rounding her up. Set off upriver with the other 3 and all of a sudden Keshi appeared at the top of the riverbank and came up. I thought well she's going to get a right telling off now from them, but they didn't, very strange.
Then she kept niipping back to wherever she'd been and I'd have to go back shouting her again. I don't know what was up there, going to take Cariad and Lona on Saturday and see what was so interesting, and see if I can work out why she didn't get flattened and pinned by Mabs and possibly the others as well. In the end she stayed with the others, but I had to really watch her and let her know that I was as well before she stopped trying to sneak away. They all had a fantastic time apart from that though. They really love being together like this. Had a little vest top under my t shirt so just had that on whilst we were on our own and no one could see me and be scared off, so got a bit more colour on the white bits.
When I start doing the back I can put shorts and a little vest on and no one can see me and I'll get some colour on my legs without people needing to run for cover.
Right, well I'm off to do an hours painting now, play nicely children
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10-07-2014, 02:59 PM
They say things come in threes.

[1] was putting a whole box of coffee sachets in the bin instead of the storage box in the kitchen.

[2] was the new Cyan ink cartridge I put in my printer so I could fax through the hospital report and ambulance bill through to my emergency service so they would pay the ambulance bill - I had apparently pressed my button and asked them to send one - did a whoopsie and my white melamine table is now stained blue, as are my hands, as was a brand new first-time worn fine cotton tunic [now in the bin], plus the light grey cropped leggings I was wearing, and my white nikkies.


[3] Pereg has had another Grand Mal seizure.

Great life, innit.
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10-07-2014, 03:05 PM
Afternoon Eileen, June oh dear they sound painful, wonder what that is all about. If you were wearing gloves it can't be the paint can it.
Sorry to read about Pereg Malka.

Not out of the woods yet with Dillon gave him his ab just after his lunch which was really his breakfast and he settled down on the floor and we both fell asleep. When I woke up he got up came over for a fuss and started all the licking again in the air and up his nose than asked to go out so he is now laying back in the car. Its pouring out. Maybe I am expecting too much for the medication to work that quick. It has also got very humid again.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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10-07-2014, 03:18 PM
Oh Malka, thinking of you, what a terrible time you're having. I really hope the sirens have a day off so's you can cope with Pereg. Hope she comes out of it quick and you can settle her as well as you can.
Lynn, you'll have to give it 24 hours for the meds to kick in.
Wondering with it being so hot for so long if there's some sort of insect more prevalent or something like seeds. Bloke where I go for lpg was saying his boxers are scratching like mad and been to the vets but they are stumped. I was trying to remember the name of that shampoo for him, is it malaseb or something like that. Just think of the people that are coming on here saying stuff like their dog is scratching, and now Dillon has an allergic reaction, my hands have defiinitely reacted against something, and its only up to my wrists as well
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10-07-2014, 03:42 PM
Think it may be malaseb. I know I'm impatient just want him feeling well again and of course my imagination runs away with me. 2 bad experiences with young dogs doesn't help.
Some lady in the waiting room with a young pug was saying the amount of people who say their dogs are not coping with the humidity. I mentioned to the vet where we lived how hot it was last year lots of tree's and fields and meadows and Dillon was fine and well. She said something in this area disagreeing with him possibly a pollen or a crop spray ingredient. I thought great now my dog has to suffer too for having to move.
I think because it has been so humid everything is lying lower.
I have had mozzie bites before but this year they are especially nasty I know people who are really suffering with them too.
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10-07-2014, 05:29 PM
Lynn, sorry to hear Dillon's still not quite right, but glad you got to see the vet today. Could it be all the anti rat concoctions you've been putting about the house? Maybe that's why he wants to get out of it?? There's the peppermint oil, then there's the Zo Flora, it could well be that perhaps? It's been since then that this all started hasn't it? I don't know but dogs are so sensitive with their smells being so much more sensitive than our own, you might not notice just how strong it is? I do hope he improves

June, Don't know what yours is all about sounds awful though. Maybe you're allergic to the latex gloves you wore underneath the other gloves or the powder they put in them? Good luck with the itchy hands.

Thanks everyone for my good wishes for the anniversary, and I've had such a lovely day on my own! I went and had my pedicure first thing, the nice Chinese salon, the guy did a dremel on the nails, then gel, then I went for the bright orange cos of the dress I am (was!) going to wear Sat night, but now I wish I'd gone for the pink cos I've changed my mind cos I bought some more new clothes today lol. I got 2 pairs of those ali baba pants that everyone seems to be wearing, and jeesus Christ, it's like walking around in your pyjamas all day, love it. So flimsy, and such a beautiful colour with patterns on both of them, but love the dusty pink ones, but then again, I also like the bright red lol.

Then went in and had a hair colour, cut and blow dry, and I had to tell her off when she left me a big "sack" hanging on one side It didn't graduate up like the other side into the back, and I wasn't gonna live with that, so she attacked it again, and started laughing at me and said that I'm "so lovely" LOL I think she meant I'm a right cow lol! Poor girl was shaking then, so I told her my eyes were shut tight and not to worry, I'm sure she would sort it out.

Just hovered up the whole house so that Dave thinks we've kept it clean for the past 3 days which of course, we haven't, but then we don't care.

I'm cooking him his anniversary meal, consisting of bangers and mash, but again, that doesn't matter cos we'll be having a proper meal out on Saturday night along with copious amounts of wine on my part cos I haven't had a drink since I can't remember when, oh yes, Christmas!!!!

Probably won't be around much now what with Dave being home and I really must get to the supermarket tomorrow cos the fridge and freezer is getting very low.

Have a great evening everyone, and Lynn, I do hope you don't have any problems with Dillon, give him a big hug from us, poor boy, I wonder what on earth is going on with him, you must be worried I know.
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10-07-2014, 05:37 PM
Sounds like a lovely day Helena. Enjoy the bangers and mash.
I did wonder at the zoflora and the peppermint oil has been down for about 2 months now not sure it could be that. Vet thinks mold which we don't have so pollen's or crop sprays.
I will give him the week ab's and the months worth of steroids but do not want to be giving him them indefinitely he has 30mg of prednisilone for the next month. Once he is back on his feet I will keep the local honey in the cupboard and make sure it doesn't run out and try to boost his immune system through the year. Can't see him suffer like this every year.
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10-07-2014, 05:47 PM
Sorry I didn't get a chance to nip in before I went out to a fantastic late lunch with my friend. Her electric has been off most of the day, workman doing some sort of rewiring the poles or something But we had cold salmon with some sort of posh creamy sauce, new pots, salad and posh ice cream for afters and a couple glasses of wine...Delish, just what I needed. I also picked up some silkie hatching eggs, so hopefully they will add some more colour to the flock.

I think you are absolutely right there TW, the more she tries to curtail him the more rebellious he is going to be, so I think Linda is trying to play it calm and let it ride out. I think I will still try to chat to him at some point. Wonder what all that is with your hands?? Naughty Keshi, wonder what she's playing at, maybe coming into season

At least now Dillon has been to the vet, you may feel a bit better Lynn, it is such a worry, I know what it's like cos of Winter's allergies. Hope you can get some much needed rest tonight, both you and Dillon. I do wonder if it is something in or around your area Maybe still have a word with the holistic chappy.

Hope all is well and the fish and chips was a success NippyJen, enjoy the evening with Dave, Helena. Had a smile at Micheal having mates at school already, plenty of kleenex on hand I think, stay safe Malka.

I am now off to catch up with eversuffering husband on the phone, he will be home tomorrow have a good night and will see you if not later, in the morning xx
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10-07-2014, 06:22 PM
Congrats on your anniversary!

Hope everyone is well x
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