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20-06-2013, 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Oh I do miss a good rummage round the UK Charity Shops Taffsmum! We have a few here but they are quite dismal really.

Wouldn't KILL your library for them to keep a stock of used carrier bags in would it? It's in their own interest to make sure books stay DRY when people take them and it's raining. Maybe it's an ecology thing?

I'd have put them into 4 black doggy bags and carried them like that lol!
I would have used doggy bags but with having a small handbag on me there was none in it. I've got them everywhere else.
Since I lost weight & have had to buy loads of new clothes I'm getting to be quite a charity shop junkie. My Mum would be proud of me now - she used to get most of her clothes from them & couldn't understand why I wouldn't
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20-06-2013, 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
I would have used doggy bags but with having a small handbag on me there was none in it. I've got them everywhere else.
Since I lost weight & have had to buy loads of new clothes I'm getting to be quite a charity shop junkie. My Mum would be proud of me now - she used to get most of her clothes from them & couldn't understand why I wouldn't
My daughter occasionally now proudly boasts of a CS find! When she lived at home with me she'd grasp my elbow and steer me firmly past any CS we could see! And I'd never managed to get her to accompany me to a car boot sale either!

I love a rummage and REALLY missed them when I first moved here. I thought being an 'ancient land' it would be full of 'antique shops' and curio emporiums. Not so. They like their new shiny stuff. Most Cypriots wouldn't be seen dead in a CS - seeming to think there is some 'shame' attached. And as for second hand shops. We have just a couple - one on the British Base (where returning military families dump their stuff for selling) and a large Thrift Shop - like the Aladdin's Cave of dusty junk! But I've found a few bits in there (you need a shower as soon as you emerge!)
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20-06-2013, 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Glad your Tele is working now Helena.
I popped into town for a loaf this morning & came home with 4 bags of stuff. went to the library first - first time in a couple of years. I'd downloaded a free book I'd enjoyed & wanted some more by the same author but all the others you had to pay for so got 4 from the library. I didn't have a carrier bag for them & the library had stopped doing them (cost cutting ) so I had to go into the £ shop & got some tripe sticks just so I could get a bag.
Went into a charity shop & they had a sale on for women's pants. All £1. So ended up with 3 pairs of them - mainly for dog walking - one pair of cropped ones & two ordinary ones so they are washed, dried & ironed now.
Got ready to take Taff out & it started raining so had to put a waterproof jacket on. 5 minutes later it stopped & ended up lovely again. When I got home I thought I'd better get the ironing done before I stiffen up again so that me done for the day - well till tea time anyway.
That's my exciting day anyway.
Afternoon Lynne sounds like an exciting and busy day except for the dirty word which I shall whisper Ironing

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Afternoon Lynn and all,

Very later on parade for me today - this is the first chance I've had to read through all the posts. Apart from walking the dogs, I also did a big food shop, washing, removed some fencing that we no longer need to keep the dogs out of an area in the garden and clothes shopping for the wedding a week tomorrow. Well I went and visited all the boutiques in my local town and tried so many dresses on. I've now well and truly ruled out a dress - they hate me . I did buy a lovely blouse at huge expense to wear with jeans or trousers but not suitable as wedding attire. So off down to Guildford on Monday to search again. Still no rain here but apparently it is chucking it down in Watford (Hertofdshire). I wish it would rain it is so humid

Lynn - I hope you've managed to catch up on some sleep today after your exhausting night. Your dog walk sounded successful this morning and I'm having to check by dogs ears and feet after every walk now 'cos of the grass seeds

Bev - OMG only 3 weeks before the wedding. Good luck finding an outfit. I usually find clothes I like when I'm not specifically looking ... I hate being under pressure to find an outfit. Everything crossed that Lily remains side-effect free on the abs.

Pat - That poor puppy racing around in the heat as well. Enjoy your swim, but will you float after 'stuffing-your-face

Helena - Hopefully Zena was slowing on your walk this morning due to the humidity and of course wearing a really thick fur coat. I do have porridge every morning, soup and ryvita at lunch time and fish or chicken and veggies at night but carbs. It's what I eat in between which is the problem . Well done to Dave though for losing all that weight. You mentioning you threw your microwave outside yesterday reminds me of years ago when we were moored up outside Hampton Court Palace on our boat. Lots of Chinese tourists were walking past and my OH lobbed the toaster out of the window in front of them..... it was on death row anyway and it burnt the toast on the lowest setting. Two of them took photos of the mad-english man disposing of his toaster

Taffsmum - Sorry your suffering from sciatica which I know is really painful. I hope it eases off as you can't not sit down.

Nippy - Hello to you and I hope you are having a good day.

Moyra - Ingenius way of drying your clothes .... under a gazeba

Mini - I hope you are enjoying your sewing .... is it sewing for pleasure or mending something?

L.S. - Well done to Carys for getting two more badges. You know if you can't face sewing them on you can always use copydex. I can imagine Loki does get hot under all that hair ...... my two hate the heat and love the cold.

Sal - Very busy time for you and you have children after my own heart both wanting to work with animals. Lizzie did sooooo well

Off to make a cup of coffee now. See you folk later.
Afternoon jenny some successful bits to your day but not others.
What about a nice trouser suit for the wedding ?

Didn't rain for long here and still a bit muggy.

Gill loves boot sales and she finds some real bargains clothes and shoe wise when she goes. New shoes usually too. She also buys handbags and usually finds money in them.
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20-06-2013, 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Could be related to Bella - difference is when something really hurts Bella she makes sure you can see her face - in particular all her TEETH leaving you in no doubt about her intention to bite you if you touch it! The only exception is when she has 'burrs' in her feet.

Apart from walk the dog, stuff my face, short visit from neighbour pal I've done sod all today worthy of note.

Oh I have drunk GALLONS of fruit juice, water, anything fluid after having herby fish sauce on my lunch that left me with an unquenchable thirst.

Going down to swim in an hour - I won't feel like such a lazy bint after that but I am STRANGELY TIRED today.
I'm the same, when I've done hardly anything during the day (doesn't happen often of course), I'm more tired than when I've been dashing around.

I wasn't making excuses about having to go into Dunelms for a new micro, I can put up a piccy of the black square inside which caught fire lol!

You talking about Bella this morning in that lift, reminded me of when I picked my mum up from Gatwick one afternoon. I don't like lifts, especially the ones at Gatwick car park, so I shoved her in the lift with her big case (she was 80 mind!) and told her to press "2". I ran up the two flights of stairs so I would be there before the lift, and when it opened, nuffink, it was empty Down I went again, lift opened, nuffink like she had disappeared into thin air WTF I thought? ONLY my mother! I carried on like this getting quite frantic, and then I leaned over the side of the wall (maybe I was thinking she'd fallen off the car park lol!) and there she was stood standing there down in the bdooly coach car park looking all lost Talk about some mother's do 'ave 'em, it should have been some daughters do 'ave 'em!!!

Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Glad your Tele is working now Helena.
I popped into town for a loaf this morning & came home with 4 bags of stuff. went to the library first - first time in a couple of years. I'd downloaded a free book I'd enjoyed & wanted some more by the same author but all the others you had to pay for so got 4 from the library. I didn't have a carrier bag for them & the library had stopped doing them (cost cutting ) so I had to go into the £ shop & got some tripe sticks just so I could get a bag.
Went into a charity shop & they had a sale on for women's pants. All £1. So ended up with 3 pairs of them - mainly for dog walking - one pair of cropped ones & two ordinary ones so they are washed, dried & ironed now.
Got ready to take Taff out & it started raining so had to put a waterproof jacket on. 5 minutes later it stopped & ended up lovely again. When I got home I thought I'd better get the ironing done before I stiffen up again so that me done for the day - well till tea time anyway.
That's my exciting day anyway.
OMG when I first read that and saw the word "pants" I thought you meant "pants" as in men's pants but the women's version, but thank goodness I read further and realised you meant trousers cos you said cut-off's - unless of course, you're into cut off pants TM????? Do you call trousers pants ooop north then TM cos I thought that was the American term for trousers? Anyway, I'm glad you don't get your underwear in CS's Cleared that up then!!!

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Afternoon Lynn and all,

Very later on parade for me today - this is the first chance I've had to read through all the posts. Apart from walking the dogs, I also did a big food shop, washing, removed some fencing that we no longer need to keep the dogs out of an area in the garden and clothes shopping for the wedding a week tomorrow. Well I went and visited all the boutiques in my local town and tried so many dresses on. I've now well and truly ruled out a dress - they hate me . I did buy a lovely blouse at huge expense to wear with jeans or trousers but not suitable as wedding attire. So off down to Guildford on Monday to search again. Still no rain here but apparently it is chucking it down in Watford (Hertofdshire). I wish it would rain it is so humid

Lynn - I hope you've managed to catch up on some sleep today after your exhausting night. Your dog walk sounded successful this morning and I'm having to check by dogs ears and feet after every walk now 'cos of the grass seeds

Bev - OMG only 3 weeks before the wedding. Good luck finding an outfit. I usually find clothes I like when I'm not specifically looking ... I hate being under pressure to find an outfit. Everything crossed that Lily remains side-effect free on the abs.

Pat - That poor puppy racing around in the heat as well. Enjoy your swim, but will you float after 'stuffing-your-face

Helena - Hopefully Zena was slowing on your walk this morning due to the humidity and of course wearing a really thick fur coat. I do have porridge every morning, soup and ryvita at lunch time and fish or chicken and veggies at night but carbs. It's what I eat in between which is the problem . Well done to Dave though for losing all that weight. You mentioning you threw your microwave outside yesterday reminds me of years ago when we were moored up outside Hampton Court Palace on our boat. Lots of Chinese tourists were walking past and my OH lobbed the toaster out of the window in front of them..... it was on death row anyway and it burnt the toast on the lowest setting. Two of them took photos of the mad-english man disposing of his toaster

Taffsmum - Sorry your suffering from sciatica which I know is really painful. I hope it eases off as you can't not sit down.

Nippy - Hello to you and I hope you are having a good day.

Moyra - Ingenius way of drying your clothes .... under a gazeba

Mini - I hope you are enjoying your sewing .... is it sewing for pleasure or mending something?

L.S. - Well done to Carys for getting two more badges. You know if you can't face sewing them on you can always use copydex. I can imagine Loki does get hot under all that hair ...... my two hate the heat and love the cold.

Sal - Very busy time for you and you have children after my own heart both wanting to work with animals. Lizzie did sooooo well

Off to make a cup of coffee now. See you folk later.
Hi Jenny, oh pants, no dress for the wedding then I'm the same, but then there's always that ONE dress that looks and feels really good on, maybe you just haven't found it. What about Debenhams or Coast they do some fab wedding dresses? Well, not wedding dresses as such, you don't want to be outdoing the bridge, but dresses to go to weddings in So all in all, you've ended up doing what Pat started us all off doing, i.e. going out for something and coming home with something totally different, cos I did it today, TM did it just to get a bag for her books, and Pat's always doing it, but then that's mainly cos she's forgotten what she went out for in the first place lol!

Sun has decided to show its face, but I wish we'd had some rain, we've had about 2 mins of drizzle and that was it this morning, just hot and humid and now sunny, hot and humid, it's quite bizzaire this weather isn't it.

The accountant rang just as I sat down to my lunch of course, so I ignored it and rang him back, cos that's so rude, nothing interrupts my lunch. He's coming round Saturday morning, but I told him not to come if he's going to end up depressing Dave for the rest of the week-end, so he promised he wouldn't.

This accountant is also the guy who is the treasurer of our resident's association, and the one with the 5 gsd's, and he's stitched me up like a kipper now with that blooming neighbourhood watch scheme I thought I'd got myself nicely out of doing that, but as the agm is coming up on the 10th July, he said he'd put the wheels in motion with the police and we can do it all togevver and I just obliged *sigh*. As if I haven't got enough to do without worrying about other people down this road getting broken into, they need to get themselves a clone of Zena, cos we wouldn't have any burglaries then! Hmmm, now there's a thought.....I could suggest they get a nice rescue gsd couldn't I.

It'll be nice to be pally with the old bill around here though, cos I think we have to make a weekly phone call or e-mail or summat to them, and it also might help my case living here home alone during the week if ever I have a problem, I might get a car sent round if ever I'm scared cos they'll know me locally won't they, so I s'pose it does have its perks. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking!!

I might go up the van and plant that poor little plant properly, might take Zena with me cos she will behave in the garden, I don't want her in the van cos it's all clean and ready for the guests, but it's one job out of the way for tomorrow.
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20-06-2013, 05:37 PM
The sun is out here now and I hardly dare say it but we do need just a weeny bit of rain to water the plants. I've removed the room divider in our kitchen which the dogs sleep behind at night for the second time now. Last time it was a nightmare and the dogs screamed and threw a complete hissy fit as apparently I'd removed their security 'fence'. It could stay there but to be honest I want my kitchen back to how it was pre-these two. Last time my son put the 'fence' back up (which forms a large corner of the room with their beds in) at about 3 o'clock in the morning as they just wouldn't shut up. The second it went back up they fell in to their beds and silence reigned once again. We never shut the door to the room divider but they have just got use to having it there. Anyway I'm expecting the worse tonight, but hoping for the best.

Lynn - I'm definitely a trouser person (long legs and a short body ) and I have lots of really nice pairs so I just need to find a classy feminine top. I do have loads but the problem is a lot of the people at the wedding we are going to have seen them all. We probably go to about 10 'do's a year with the same crowd.

Helena - I'll try Debenhams and will see where our nearest Coast is. I've also looked at Zara on-line and they seem to have quite a few nice floaty tops. My mission continues. I hope you get that plant bedded up - it should do well with the warmth and promised (ha, ha) rain. You sound like me at finding it difficult to say no to things .... neighbourhood watch - never again!!

Forgot to mention that a fire-engine came down the road with blue lights this morning when I was out and I naturally thought there was a fire somewhere and was concerned as we know everyone here. It turned out to be our neighbours-but-one's little Shih Tzu 'Buddy' got his head stuck through the railings of their gate for over 20 minutes. Apparently they had tried everything and all it took was for one of the firemen to pick the dog up by its back legs and Buddy's little head was immediately released ..... or maybe it was the sight of all those hunky fireman bearing down on him. The dog was fine apparently and hopefully they'll be putting some netting across the railing to prevent it happening again.
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20-06-2013, 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post

OMG when I first read that and saw the word "pants" I thought you meant "pants" as in men's pants but the women's version, but thank goodness I read further and realised you meant trousers cos you said cut-off's - unless of course, you're into cut off pants TM????? Do you call trousers pants ooop north then TM cos I thought that was the American term for trousers? Anyway, I'm glad you don't get your underwear in CS's Cleared that up then!!!

I think it must be a northern thing Ive always used it & never been pulled up about it before - except on another forum once a couple of years ago when nobody knew what i was talking about. It might be just me though
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20-06-2013, 06:17 PM
[QUOTE=Taffsmum;2707288]I think it must be a northern thing Ive always used it & never been pulled up about it before - except on another forum once a couple of years ago when nobody knew what i was talking about. It might be just me though [/QUOTE]

Knickers are knickers and underpants are underpants.. But I am from the north of the Uk and and we always said trousers .I always see pants as American
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20-06-2013, 06:20 PM
Forgot to mention that a fire-engine came down the road with blue lights this morning when I was out and I naturally thought there was a fire somewhere and was concerned as we know everyone here. It turned out to be our neighbours-but-one's little Shih Tzu 'Buddy' got his head stuck through the railings of their gate for over 20 minutes. Apparently they had tried everything and all it took was for one of the firemen to pick the dog up by its back legs and Buddy's little head was immediately released ..... or maybe it was the sight of all those hunky fireman bearing down on him. The dog was fine apparently and hopefully they'll be putting some netting across the railing to prevent it happening again.[/QUOTE]

So funny.. My goat used to do that in the square mesh Squire fencing. She got her head in but her horns acted like barbs,,,But the fire brigade is a bit too much
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20-06-2013, 06:34 PM
Helena there may be as you say a upside to being part of neighborhood watch.
I hope you managed to get your Fuschia planted up.
Jenny I hope the boys don't give you grief tonight.
It shouldn't be too hard hopefully to find a nice top to go with trousers. I hope not anyway.
I have a vision in my head now of all those hunky firemen and one little Shitz zu (sp).
Reminds me once when Michael who was 11 he got his ring caught on a door handle and the gold was soft and twisted we had to have the fire brigade out. We thought a van maybe and one fireman but they sent the engine out and a whole crew. with their bolt cutters and told him they would have to take his finger off.
Lynne whether pants, knickers, trousers or whatever they sound a bargain.
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20-06-2013, 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
I think it must be a northern thing Ive always used it & never been pulled up about it before - except on another forum once a couple of years ago when nobody knew what i was talking about. It might be just me though
Originally Posted by Rosebud77 View Post
Knickers are knickers and underpants are underpants.. But I am from the north of the Uk and and we always said trousers .I always see pants as American
Pants - in the US = trousers
In the UK = knickers for men!
But also now seems to be a popular slang word for saying something was awful. "It was pants".

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
The sun is out here now and I hardly dare say it but we do need just a weeny bit of rain to water the plants. I've removed the room divider in our kitchen which the dogs sleep behind at night for the second time now. Last time it was a nightmare and the dogs screamed and threw a complete hissy fit as apparently I'd removed their security 'fence'. It could stay there but to be honest I want my kitchen back to how it was pre-these two. Last time my son put the 'fence' back up (which forms a large corner of the room with their beds in) at about 3 o'clock in the morning as they just wouldn't shut up. The second it went back up they fell in to their beds and silence reigned once again. We never shut the door to the room divider but they have just got use to having it there. Anyway I'm expecting the worse tonight, but hoping for the best.
Sorry but I am laughing about the dogs screaming for their screen back up!

I am the opposite shape to you - long body and quite short legs and top one size bigger than bottom. I ALWAYS find it easier to buy separates (or dresses that only fit round your titties and then hang or flare) and am so chuffed I found that dress in M&S.

I did exactly what you've done when I went to Nicosia. Went in to look at dresses - spent a LOT of money on a really nice TOP instead but it isn't suitable for the wedding - only looks good with trousers. I saw some lovely trouser suits but I'd definitely never wear those again. At least I can cut the sleeves off the dress afterwards and wear it over here.

As for any committees or associations. I now have such a morbid fear of those things I'm almost ALLERGIC to them. After many years of being on them for Schools, Cubs, Scouts, resident associations. No way no more never.

How odd that the trapped dog was released so easily. Didn't they try to get him out?

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
I'm the same, when I've done hardly anything during the day (doesn't happen often of course), I'm more tired than when I've been dashing around.

I wasn't making excuses about having to go into Dunelms for a new micro, I can put up a piccy of the black square inside which caught fire lol!

You talking about Bella this morning in that lift, reminded me of when I picked my mum up from Gatwick one afternoon. I don't like lifts, especially the ones at Gatwick car park, so I shoved her in the lift with her big case (she was 80 mind!) and told her to press "2". I ran up the two flights of stairs so I would be there before the lift, and when it opened, nuffink, it was empty Down I went again, lift opened, nuffink like she had disappeared into thin air WTF I thought? ONLY my mother! I carried on like this getting quite frantic, and then I leaned over the side of the wall (maybe I was thinking she'd fallen off the car park lol!) and there she was stood standing there down in the bdooly coach car park looking all lost Talk about some mother's do 'ave 'em, it should have been some daughters do 'ave 'em!!!

The accountant rang just as I sat down to my lunch of course, so I ignored it and rang him back, cos that's so rude, nothing interrupts my lunch. He's coming round Saturday morning, but I told him not to come if he's going to end up depressing Dave for the rest of the week-end, so he promised he wouldn't.

I might go up the van and plant that poor little plant properly, might take Zena with me cos she will behave in the garden, I don't want her in the van cos it's all clean and ready for the guests, but it's one job out of the way for tomorrow.
Hmmm this offering to provide PROOF that you really did need to go to Dunelms ... just reinforces my thinking you have a bit of an addiction going on there

I think it's a tad more serious to lose your MATER in a lift than your dog lol! That made me laugh - where's my mother! She was there a minute ago!

Also laughing about you telling finance bod not to go depressing your old man for the weekend lol!

I am now ENERGISED! Hour in the pool - then walked Bella while still damp(ish) we didn't go far but a couple of people made a fuss of her so she counts that as a 'good walk'. Am doing the hour in pool every evening now and will start to do an hour in the morning too when me and muttley have worked out the best time for it.

Bought a bottle of coke at the new Kiosk while out - if I am still wide awake at 1am I intend to pour a v. lge Whiskey with Coke, down that and go to bed!

Son Martin has commented that he is suprised I am so 'fraidy' of the people complaining about me taking Bella in the sea. Have told him it is not the people that worry me it is the 500 EURO FINE!
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