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14-04-2013, 04:35 PM
Helena, Thank you, I'll remember that Canural for Ambers ears I will try and get some. thanks again. Time for me to say Goodnight so I will just pop next door. Cheers everyone.
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14-04-2013, 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Afternoon all. Can't remember who's doing/done what but hope you all have a good day. Quite a nice day here a bit breezy but a warm wind & quite pleasant.
We went to the kennels that Taff Is booked into today to pay the deposit & have a look round. We ended up paying the full lot so that's done with. It looks a nice place - they take the dogs out singly to their own paddock twice a day for a Play or those that don't want to play they take out round the country park on extending leads. When I mentioned it to a friend she said she has booked her 3 in as well in August as her son is getting married. She said she had looked at buying the house there a few years ago when it was up for sale. It's a lovely big bungalow with loads of grounds.
I've got sciatica today so am limping round like a cripple.
Am going to the hairdressers tomorrow (Tony & Guy)- see what they can do with my mop I bet it will be raining & windy after I've been though & by the time I've done the walk I'll look as though I've been dragged through a hedge again.
Going to have a quick nanny nap - see you all later.
That kennel sounds lovely - nothing like that near to me. and unfortunately your neck of the woods is a little far. I too have suffered from sciatica which is horrible - painkillers and some rest. Hopefully it won't last long (see a physio if it does as they should be able to stop the pain immediately) and by tomorrow after your hair appointment you'll be feeling fab.

Originally Posted by EmmiS View Post
thanks for the good luck guys, just wondering, what the hell is an assessment centre, and how is it different from a normal interview? Already done psychometric testing and a written assignment as part of my application.
waah i hate being a grown up!
I too was going to say (like Helena) that an assessment centre (a comparatively new 'thing' and they do vary) can be where you will meet the other applicants and will be asked to perform some tasks (some in teams) or simply doing tasks on your own and of which you are being watched and asked questions about . A friends daughter was being group assessed and was surprised to find one of the 'company' was actually posing as an applicant - so beware. She only found out as she got the job and met the girl who had been 'planted' at the assessment. You will be judged on team leadership etc etc. Good luck and I'm not half glad that in my day you went for a 'normal' interview and either got the job or didn't.

Helena - I very rarely go into any shop and come out with just what I've gone in for .... I'm a real impulse buyer where as my OH looks but doesn't buy until he's checked out other shops and researched on-line

Malka - I bet you were over the moon to be so rudely woken up to be handed your junk mail.

Lynn - We too have had lots of sun today but this afternoon it has been really windy - I've managed to get 3 loads of washing dry and ironed.

June - She is now officially Grown Up if she can be a Pain in The A$$, so tomorrow she will be on a proper collar and training lead and that is her puppy days over!!!
...... ooooh a not so happy 'mummy' today Poor Keshi and she was having such fun showing all the other pups how clever she was. I could have gone mad in TK Maxx but to be honest until I've shed some blooming weight I really don't want to get anything else. I'm also hoping we don't suddenly have a heat-wave as I'm not wearing skimpy clothes .... I'll just have to get hot.

April is such an expensive month for me. OH had his 60th on the 1st, our oldest son will be 27 tomorrow (15th) and our youngest son will be 25 in 2 weeks time on the 30th. We also have numerous nieces and nephews who have birthdays this month. Off to have my hair done tomorrow morning for an 8.30 appointment as trying to get my life sorted before my son (chief dog sitter) goes off to USA for a few weeks.
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14-04-2013, 05:05 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
oh you're on your own there, thank goodness when I last did an interview they just grillied you over an open fire without all the psycho babble stuff
Been quite dull and grey here today, took Keshi to puppy class and it started raining almost immediately, very windy as well, but it is not cold. Rain stopped for the rest of the lesson, then it started again on my way home, but had stopped when I got home. Keshi has been a Madam
Yesterday she discovered that if she jerked forward her clip collar popped undone, so she proceeded to demonstrate that to devastating effect in the puppy class and was bounding about quite happily annoying everyone, trouble is everyone couldn't help laughing because she has this massive smile on her face whilst she is being norty.
Took the wind out of her sails by borrowing a proper collar and so she got a bit of a shock when she tried it on and she came off worse, a couple of hurt feeling type yelps later and she desisted and was good for the rest of the class in the main, although her down/stay leaves a lot to be desired, onwards and upwards as they say!!!!
She is now officially Grown Up if she can be a Pain in The A$$, so tomorrow she will be on a proper collar and training lead and that is her puppy days over!!!
I think you and Dave were extremely courageous to brave the tip on a Sunday because everyone goes there on a Sunday and the queue is a mile long, we have one of those new recycling ones where you have to declare everything you want to dispose of and it all goes into different places. We are changing from weekly collections to fortnightly in a week or so, and am a bit worried about disposing of my shavings, not too bad when it is dry, there is hardly any waste really, but get a wet day or night, like we've just had and there are a couple of bagfuls, there are bound to be some rules AGAINST me taking them to the tip on a regular basis aren't there, I mean I just know there will be.
Oh I lurve TKMaxx Jenny, I daren't go in there at the moment, the scan tomorrow will be £60, plus I'll be calling for shavings and frozen pet mince (it is cheaper there than anywhere else) on my way home. I think there should be a virtual TKMaxx where you can 'play' at shopping in there, but not actually buy anything in reality then I would have my 'fix' without it costing anything
Sounds like lots of you have got sunshine, well it'll make up for the snow you had that we didn't, but am still jealous
Afternoon June, and LOL at the officially grown up bit there Yes, our tip is like that now, they stop you and ask and peer into the back of your vehicle before sending you off to the right bay, where you then have to lug the other half of it right up to the other end to put that lot in the right skip! You should be fine with shavings June cos they will come under the chipboard, mdf, but then how would you know whether they were wood or mdf cos these are different bays? I'll leave that problem to you methinks

Originally Posted by Malka View Post
S I G H - you would think that after nearly 12 years in this bungalow my neighbour would realise that if the trissim in all my bedroom windows were closed it meant that I was having a nanny nap, but no, she just had to knock at the door and bring in my mail, all of which was junk. S I G H.

Chris - fingers crossed that Gary's new meds help him.

I have probably missed loads but am having one of those days where I cannot concentrate or even remember anything - old age is such a ...

...oops, I have forgotten the word already!
Oh ~B O O G E R as June has said there!!! Bdooly people, why can't they leave us alone sometimes grandma. Just what you needed wasn't it

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
B - O - O - G - E - R is the word you're looking for Malka

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Afternoon all. Gorden left at around 3ish so I have taken Dillon for a short walk bathed his sore on his paw so no dirt is in there I have ditched the Hibiscrub today and am using warm salt water. The nibbling is getting less and less so you never know by the end of the week we may not have to be alternating nights on the sofa.
I have been eating sherbet dip dabs and watching Dog the bounty hunter sort of.

I just know I won't remember everyone and what's going on so I won't even try.
I will wish Emmis good luck for tomorrow though.

I have been trawling the net looking at houses again today and I still feel North Lincs is the place I would really like to move too if I have to move so far away from friends and family.
You get so much for your money and the views too. We could manage with Gorden on part time work and some consultancy too nowhere else he has looked at jobs grabs me quite like North Lincs.

Sun has been shining all day but it is very windy but a warm wind. Go the washing dry on the line so that's a bonus.
Hi Lynn, now don't go falling in love with anything will you, until you've had that offer - remember me???!!! Anything I liked, just went, just like that, snapped up and gone! No harm in looking though Lynn, just don't let anything take your fancy toooooo much

Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Helena, Thank you, I'll remember that Canural for Ambers ears I will try and get some. thanks again. Time for me to say Goodnight so I will just pop next door. Cheers everyone.
Night night Moyra, and sorry I got that wrong I always call it by the wrong name, it's actually CLEANaural you want, it comes in a big dark silver plastic bottle with green writing, but your vet will know it immediately. Hope you get a good night snuggled up with Amber.

Just done Dave's written warning letter. Managed to tax the car online, oh the joy of doing it all online, no having to go into the post office and face the Gestapo behind the counter when they don't recognise Dave's special insurance which does cover my car Totally stress free online and my car tax will arrive in a few days.

Sorted lots of paperwork out, I'm all up to date, all bills paid. A tidy desk is a tidy mind in my book, now who's gonna ruin all that for me by tomorrow, I bet somebody will!!!

Off for a shower now, just fed Zena, she's happy with a pilchard kong out in the garden enjoying the sunshine and intermittently having a pop at the staffie who keeps insisting on racing up to the fence barking at her
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14-04-2013, 05:10 PM
Too late Helena a few on my fave list one of them is one I saw before the house was on the market and its still available.
Not the very original one that seems to of been snapped up not surprisingly.

We could buy nearly 4 acres with a small lake for £50,000.
I may ask about mobile homes being put for personal use on there and if you could use the lake for fishing a good business for Mark as he is a keen fisherman and all the children love fishing too. Gorden said would you live in a mobile home. My answer was a big yes if we owned 4 acres outright.
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14-04-2013, 05:12 PM
Guess who has just stumbled in the bathroom? and who grabbed the freshly glossed door to steady herself? and who is now a member of the white hand gang and can't deny it?
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14-04-2013, 05:16 PM
Oh goodness you and Brian are not having a good day are you.
Who had to repaint the door ? I hope you haven't glossed anywhere else with that hand.
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14-04-2013, 05:18 PM
Lol, see, I told you you'd find something already!!!

Don't get me started on the mobile home bit, we went through all of that when we were going to start up a small park on some land. The licence to do it if there are none there is as hard to get as that rocking horse poop. Then if you put one on a bit of land, you can't live in it or stay in it overnight if it's on agricultural land, and they still have to grant you a licence even if it's on other land, and it can only be used as a holiday let (specific months each year), you can't have it as a permanent residence. Then there's the water to consider, oh quite a nightmare we had with that idea.

We did find a fantastic half finished lodge park, but again, the price he wanted with it being half finished, then the cost of putting one for ourselves on the land, it went into the hundreds of thousands which we just didn't have and weren't prepared to borrow either on a whim.

Let's put it this way Lynn, don't think you can buy just a bit of land and stick a static on it, cos they won't let ya! Even a house with the room for one is a lot of red tape to go through and comes with big restrictions on it, so beware.

Why do you want all the land then?? Hard work ya know! Maybe you want to be self sufficient?? Don't get caught out either with those agricultural ties, the property is cheap, but there's always those clauses, you need to pin the agents down if you find something like that and get them to tell you all.

Idid enjoy those searches though, especially up in Scotland the holiday lets with the loch opposite, but in the end, I'm glad we did what we did, I'd probably be even more worn out by now if we had gone for one of those!

Enjoy it, just don't get too carried away with what you see, cos what you see is not always what it is, there's no such thing as a free lunch is there, and if it's that good, then the developers would have got hold of it with their grubby mitts cos they're desperate to invest in property atm.
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14-04-2013, 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Guess who has just stumbled in the bathroom? and who grabbed the freshly glossed door to steady herself? and who is now a member of the white hand gang and can't deny it?
Ooops! Duh!
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14-04-2013, 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Oh goodness you and Brian are not having a good day are you.
Who had to repaint the door ? I hope you haven't glossed anywhere else with that hand.
Lol no it was only a stumble but it is an automatic reaction to grasp whatever is nearest
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14-04-2013, 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Ooops! Duh!
Only me huh?
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