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04-02-2013, 04:47 PM
Afternoon everyone.
Chris good news about Rosie's tests lets hope it was as you thought last week anal glands after all.
Well done with the invoice Helena.
Mini and the bookcase.
Sorry the curtain trip to Dunelms wasn't fruitful Linda. Good boy Loki.
Bev sorry you didn't get anywhere with the Dr.
Good news about Sasha June shame you have to wait till Monday before you get back into your own bed.

Well we have had some good news but it was a shock.
Gorden was chasing up his payment from one of the consultant agencies he works for this morning.
They have asked him to go to wait for it to Nigeria for 4 days possibly this weekend the man who was meant to be doing it has been taken ill and is now in hospital. He already has the flight ticket but they are now trying to change the name on the visa if they can get it changed in time it will be this weekend if not they may have to change it to next weekend.
Excellent money for 4 days work.
He is hoping next week as its half term and he won't lose his 3 days money from the local school.
He has spoken to the lady organising it and she is so grateful he has said he will go as she thought she would have a conference with 50 teachers and no one to train them and its the first one she has organised.

Had some useful information from the finance lady at the home Gill and I visited Friday but it seems Michael is not going to take the advice as I thought he wouldn't so on his head be it.
He has found another place even closer to him and he is off to see it tomorrow and if he likes it he will arrange to take mum to see it. He sounded her out Saturday and she said she would live in a shed at the bottom of his garden to get out. I hope she understands she is not going to actually move in with him.

So I have done all the research nothing more to research or any other advice to get and give so I have signed off from it now.
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04-02-2013, 05:11 PM
Great News Lynn the light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter by the minute, sooo pleased for you. Obviously would be better if Gordon didn't have to go to Nigeria, but you can't have everything can you
Sorry to hear Michael isn't taking proper advice, like you say on his head be it, and if it is nearer him then he will have more of the donkey work to do, just like you were doing for so very long.
Glad you are leaving him to it as well.
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04-02-2013, 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
We're all baffled as to where to go from here if things kick off again.

Bloods initially showed one elevated pancreatic marker, but that had disappeared on a second blood test. X-ray showed nothing, stool sample - nothing.

I suppose endoscope would be the next step, but I'm hoping and praying the change of diet has worked - if not, it's more sleepless nights and hair tearing out sessions to come, but I really hope not for her sake
At a guess then Chris, it would seem to be down to diet, maybe the old food had too much fat, consequently setting off the pancreas perhaps? Let's keep everything crossed then that now you've changed her food everything will settle down for her and you won't have to worry again. I would still keep that log as you've been doing, so that if anything happens, something in that log will show up what might have caused it. All the best with her Chris, I really hope she's going to be just fine now.

Originally Posted by DaisyD0g View Post
Morning all - YAY back at Dogsey..

all good here, had a good weekend got all my custom orders made up and ready to send off. 5 bracelets, 1 necklace and 2 pin brooches.. So happy with how busy it is, my order book is nearly full for February too.

Also got lots of REAL work to do, I am so pleased my boss decided the week I fly to England to pile a tonne of work onto me - *note this is dripping with sarcasm* hey ho if it doesn't get done it doesn't get done.

Daisy and Tilly are fine, Daisy was 4 last week so yesterday we took them to the beach where she proceeded to eat EVERYTHING she could find, got home and it made a re-appearance on my living room carpet bladdy dog, thing don't get better as they get older!! then she wouldn't touch dinner, but by the time last bedtime snacks came around she was much better and wolfing them down, she will be hungry this morning!

And there endeth my weekend tales.

Happy Monday peeps xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Debbie Fantastic news about the jewellery taking off like it has, long may it continue! Oh that norty Daisy eating all that wood and muck down on the beach again, no wonder she was sick, but glad to hear it was so short lived. Happy Monday to you, we've just finished ours, well almost xxxxxxxxxx

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Afternoon all

Good result H regarding the invoice. Lol at the floor choice, poor Dave.

Bev you need to take care of yourself, the dogs rely on you to stay well.

I have spent most of the day fiddling around in the lounge, sorted my cd's dusted and hoovered and cleaned all of the glass shades on the lights.

We had a spot of craziness when the dogs all came in and raced around for a while and when Fiji heard the cd's she wanted to join in and show off her moves. Fiji hasn't forgotten any of her dancing skills and was weaving, twirling and running through my legs as if she had been doing it yesterday, she just lights up as she enjoys it so much. The boys just thought we were mad!

I hope everyone has had a good day today.
Hi Gerry, I seem to have got you started on those lights of yours, and I too, will be washing the glass on that bedroom one until I get round to choosing something else to go in there, but it's not as important for me as getting that wood down in the hall. I'm having a fight over it now, cos he's just come back from Wickes and seen some nice wooden laminate which he says he wants to put down The whole reason I wanted my carpet men to do it was the fact that it'll be done in 2 hours or so, not go on for weeks and bladdy weeks like everything else does here Hey ho, we'll see who wins Awwww, how lovely that little Fijii remembered her dancing moves there, bless

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Hi folks,

Chris - great news that Rosie's results were all OK and everything crossed that she remains well and it was down to her food.

Nippy - Don't forget to Show&Tell after your Dunelm Mills trip

Mini - Was the bookcase massacre to give you wood to keep warm?

June - I hope Sasha's visit to the vet went well.

LS - Shame about the curtains. Fortunately only 3 sets of curtains here have to be dry-cleaned and the rest I can wash. I'm glad you enjoyed your walk and you have every reason to be proud of Loki - watching and waiting

Bev - Hopefully once you start sleeping again you will feel so much better. Lack of sleep is torturous Are you taking a multi-vit each day or vit C as you have had so much on your plate recently. ((hugs)). Good luck with the chest x-ray.

JackBox - What a good friend you are supporting your friend before her op. I hope it all goes well for her tomorrow.

Helena - Well done - what a result with the carpet man. As you say you probably got such a good result because you didn't scream/hit him. .... although I know you probably felt like it.

Moet, Malka and DaisyD - - I hope I haven't missed any one out. Apologies if I have.

Well I posted a couple of photo of my walk with the greyhounds this morning. It was fantastic and all of the dogs behaved impeccably. In fact I think my dogs were in awe of them as they were quite big and I think they were all so surprised as being walked together. We stopped for a coffee with them at the end of the walk and they all settled down together and Rucksack definitely took a shining to Twiggy one of my friends bitches as they lay down touching. So that walk with them will now become a regular event.

They are both flat out now shattered.
Hi Jenny Seee, we told you it'd be ok, but even better by the sounds of it. I wish I had a friend to walk Zena with I'm Billy no Mate down the beach, whereas she had all her gsd friends in the woods, but we'll soon be back in there and she does have one or two friends down on the beach, just that I don't walk with them, although one of them, being a nice young mannnnn, I wouldn't mind if I did lol!

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Weather gone into overdrive here, we have strong winds, hail, rain and snow is forecast Sasha has had her final vax and the all clear from Alex, and he can't believe how she has grown, he says she is enormous, weighed her and she was 7.3kg - last time she was 6.5kg - so not the massive gain she had initially, but a steady gain of around 500g per week, so all good. He was holding her saying how well she was and cuddled her and said he was going to miss her and planted a kiss on her forehead. Of course Sasha has that look on her face that says Oh I am So Mistreated, Please Love Me Back into reception for the nurses to cuddle and love her, pay for her vax and off we go home. Have made arrangements to get Cariad spayed as soon as I get the balance of Sasha's money in. Called in at the wholesalers, and got chicken and tripe, beef and chicken free flow minces and some shavings. Rang to tell Sasha's new family she was cleared to go on Friday, no reply. Then he rang me back to say they were going to have to go out on Saturday and they really didn't want to leave her alone - so could they pick her up Monday Soooo all you Sasha fans, excellent news for you another week till I see my bed I think and I was sooo looking forward to that sleep I was going to have on Friday night and the lazy weekend I was going to have .......
Hi June, Yayyyy, we've got Sash for another week then!!! So glad she's passed the vet's scrutiny, let's hope she stays the little bundle of mischief, oooooops, I mean, the little healthy puppy that she is now until she goes on Monday next week. That is going to be a very, very sad day for all of us along with yourself June, I'm sure you and Sasha have a very special bond now. Sorry about the sleep though, or rather the lack of it for yet another week!!!!

Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
So, do dry-clean only curtains survive the washing machine?

Great news that Rosie's results are clear.

Well done Helena for getting your free carpet! Respect!

A busy weekend then DaisyDog!

Yay, we have Sasha a bit longer.
Hi Linda Well I've always washed all my curtains, without even checking the labels. The only mishap I ever had in the washing machine, was with one of those cheap, furry throws I got from Dunelms I think? It was super soft silky and furry, but once it was in the machine, it disintegrated to thousands of bits of wet tissue paper which Dave had to get out by tipping the machine over backwards and taking half the innerds away to do so I got told off for that I must check labels now he tells me. Can't you wet a corner of one and see how it fairs??? I didn't tell you to do that though!!!

Originally Posted by Sal View Post
We have had another dry day here,sunny at times but the wind has strengthened now and it's gone cold.

Sent Lizzie and her b/f to Tesco for me,while I got on with other stuff.

Had a nosey on the housing exchange site and neighbours have posted on there now so looks like there serious about moving,Good,hurry up and B***** Off She's only asking for a 3 bed though so that's all they must be entitled to,they have two kids under 7 which are not counted,neither will the newborn when it arrives,they could always move into a private rental but the landlord would sure have a nightmare and probably no house left either

Doing egg and chips for tea for the boys,Lizzie is having sausage and wedges and I am going to have curry and chips yum!
Hi again Sal, curry and chips sound yum. So glad to hear those neighbours are on the move, you'll be celebrating big time once they've gone won't you, and it can't come soon enough I'm sure.

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
I know she will probably lose a couple , one is broken, so I know that will have to go, and probably a couple more, but its got to be better than it is now, I have just put it off for so long, at her age I done want to put her through an GA, but I cant see it not having to be done.
Awwwww, well, this friend's dog was 10, and don't forget old Georgie had a GA in his state for his ear flushing at 11, and then my other dog with pyo at 13, they all breezed through it Jackie. I think the GA nowadays is very, very safe, but it's the pre-med (I think!!) that is the dubious one, so if Millie is a good girl, you cold ask the vet if she actually needed the pre-med? Have a chat with him, I'm sure he will put your mind at rest over it.

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Afternoon everyone.
Chris good news about Rosie's tests lets hope it was as you thought last week anal glands after all.
Well done with the invoice Helena.
Mini and the bookcase.
Sorry the curtain trip to Dunelms wasn't fruitful Linda. Good boy Loki.
Bev sorry you didn't get anywhere with the Dr.
Good news about Sasha June shame you have to wait till Monday before you get back into your own bed.

Well we have had some good news but it was a shock.
Gorden was chasing up his payment from one of the consultant agencies he works for this morning.
They have asked him to go to wait for it to Nigeria for 4 days possibly this weekend the man who was meant to be doing it has been taken ill and is now in hospital. He already has the flight ticket but they are now trying to change the name on the visa if they can get it changed in time it will be this weekend if not they may have to change it to next weekend.
Excellent money for 4 days work.
He is hoping next week as its half term and he won't lose his 3 days money from the local school.
He has spoken to the lady organising it and she is so grateful he has said he will go as she thought she would have a conference with 50 teachers and no one to train them and its the first one she has organised.

Had some useful information from the finance lady at the home Gill and I visited Friday but it seems Michael is not going to take the advice as I thought he wouldn't so on his head be it.
He has found another place even closer to him and he is off to see it tomorrow and if he likes it he will arrange to take mum to see it. He sounded her out Saturday and she said she would live in a shed at the bottom of his garden to get out. I hope she understands she is not going to actually move in with him.

So I have done all the research nothing more to research or any other advice to get and give so I have signed off from it now.
Hi Lynn, Nigeria??!! Is it safe atm out there? Isn't that next to Algeria where all the trouble is then where they are telling all foreigners to leave?? I'm sure I hear that on the news the other day, but maybe Nigeria is a long way away. At least it'll be warmer than Kazahgstan (sp? big time lol!) At least it'll be over quickly and will keep the wolf from the door. Hopefully, you'll finally get some housekeeping unless somebody else grabs it first like they have been Good luck to Gorden, and glad you're washing your hands of the other problems, leave it to Michael now, you've done more than your bit.
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04-02-2013, 05:56 PM
June - another week until you can hit your bed Oh, but we all do so love Sasha and her antics.

Lynn - so Gorden is in demand That will be a boost to his morale . If he does go to Nigeria for 4 days for good money, it will go very quickly for you and him I hope. As you say it would be even better if it can be delayed until half term.

Having been very lucky here in the south east where we've had a glorious sunny day and eleven degrees, the temperature is now suddenly dipping ..... not that I expect any sympathy as I gather from some of you that you've had a cold, wet and windy day.

See you all later.
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04-02-2013, 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post

Hi Linda Well I've always washed all my curtains, without even checking the labels. The only mishap I ever had in the washing machine, was with one of those cheap, furry throws I got from Dunelms I think? It was super soft silky and furry, but once it was in the machine, it disintegrated to thousands of bits of wet tissue paper which Dave had to get out by tipping the machine over backwards and taking half the innerds away to do so I got told off for that I must check labels now he tells me. Can't you wet a corner of one and see how it fairs??? I didn't tell you to do that though!!!
It might look a teeny bit odd if I go in armed with a water pistol. Unless ... I get Michael to 'accidentally' squirt the curtains - he still has the baby license you know.
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04-02-2013, 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Hi Lynn, Nigeria??!! Is it safe atm out there? Isn't that next to Algeria where all the trouble is then where they are telling all foreigners to leave?? I'm sure I hear that on the news the other day, but maybe Nigeria is a long way away. At least it'll be warmer than Kazahgstan (sp? big time lol!) At least it'll be over quickly and will keep the wolf from the door. Hopefully, you'll finally get some housekeeping unless somebody else grabs it first like they have been Good luck to Gorden, and glad you're washing your hands of the other problems, leave it to Michael now, you've done more than your bit.
Just for you Nechda, here is a map of Africa [plus a few other places...]

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04-02-2013, 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post

Morning Jen Oh that's what I like to hear, a nice trip to Dunelms without hubby but with his bit of plastic in your bag, well done Jen, don't forget to pick up a big trolley from outsite first will you!
Lol, well hubby came with me, I had a good time!
I bought a new steamer, face cloths, a timer for the kitchen etc etc! Then ran off to P@H leaving hubby to pay When we next met up he said, thats the last time I come to Dunelm with you!!!
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04-02-2013, 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
So, do dry-clean only curtains survive the washing machine?.P
I've never dry cleaned curtains. Just fold them up & wash on a very cool quick wash. They always come out fine.
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04-02-2013, 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
I've never dry cleaned curtains. Just fold them up & wash on a very cool quick wash. They always come out fine.
Thank you. I might give it a go.
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04-02-2013, 06:18 PM
Hi Helena and anyone else concerned about Gorden's safety it is Northern Nigeria that is the worst and mostly the trouble is in Mali and he is going to the South (Lagos).

He will be in a hotel with its own security and drivers they don't use local taxis and it is within a compound which he won't need to leave as the training is being done in the hotel.
The organisation arranging it and have been doing this for months thinking the other chap was going out are
very professional and more with it than the group who arranged Kazakhstan.

He says he will be not wandering about here like he did there as it is not one of the safest places for foreigners to be wandering around.
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