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26-11-2012, 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
we have a big hill behind us down into the back garden, and to one side, it still carries on up, but covered in woodland, which is not good
Well I'm no expert and certainly not a civil engineer but I always thought that the roots from all the trees was a big help in preventing landslides 'cos they form a kind of underground 'mesh' which holds the soil together. On the Stansted Airport slip road (Off the M11) they have planted hundreds of saplings on the embankments 'cos when it was opened there was nothing and they did have a minor landslide (My bus used to go past every Monday morning and Friday night and I watched the trees grow, sad ain't I )
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Azz is offline  
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26-11-2012, 05:04 PM
Hi everyone hope you're all ok

I've been out shopping! Had some vouchers to use so went into town, saw a stunning Shar Pei, and ended up chatting to my friends in the health food shop for ages then I went to Waitrose and ended up ages there - shopping is the highlight of my week

Hope you're all well - and have been good
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26-11-2012, 05:05 PM
Afternoon folks,

Sorry to hear about Gary, hope he recovers soon. Lynn, Dillon sounds fun, he could always come north for his holidays

I'm a wee bit snottery, think I have the start of a cold going on. Grrrrr! But at least my tender behind is not quite as bad as yesterday.

Plan is to get busy tonight with a bit of ironing, then a load of study. Way behind in my reading. Just been so hectic lately.

Ooh where's all the choccies, I want the purple ones before they all get nicked.
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26-11-2012, 05:37 PM
Purple choccies? Will these do?

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26-11-2012, 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
I'll be lucky to get a nap in stopped for a cup of tea and a pasty and am lying down on my bed for a bit.
Got Cariad out for a walk and it had just begun to rain, took her a walk round the little park, then home. By the time we got home it was really coming down. By then Lona and Mabs had seen me in my doggie clothes so were up at the back door. Took them out along the canal, kept a strict eye on Mabs going too near it, so a nice walk, came back over the bridge into the village and the river is really really high, nowwhere near the top because it is quite steep, but the bit where I go to when I take the girls to the waterfall is quite low so wouldn't be surprised if it is over the banks at that particular bit, is running very fast as well.
Sooo get back, clean up, Cariad had a major major strop when I took Lona and Mabs out and she was scrabbling at the back door, coupled with Lona and Mabs scrabbling at the outside, I doubt my poor door has much wood left in it!!!
To show her displeasure at my Cruel Uncaring Ways she has poo'd in the utility, but on the puppy pads, so not all bad. Cleared all that up and did outside and kennels, took bag to the bins, came back, and there is another poo in the utility, this time it is Mabs who thought she may as well seeing as the pads were there anyway Started a new rubbish bag. Mopped kitchen floor and put washer on. Everyone has bones, Cariad in the utility with hers, although it is raining it is quite warm here today and it is cooler in there for her. My little break is almost done, into the shower now and onto the wood run and Beyond
Yes June, get up, get up woman, you've no time to lie about I bet you had all of 10 mins on that bed huh? Off you go then...... Sooooo funny

Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Afternoon all. I'm having a lazy afternoon today. I've sent hubby out with Taff. He's not taken him for months & he keeps complaining he's not getting any exercise
Mind you after him sending me up into the junk room looking for something for him that he expects to be in the same place he left it about 3 years ago ( in the living room) & I had to go through every box in the place it's the least I could do by sending him out in the rain

Just going to have a nanny nap now while its quiet.

Stay safe everyone affected by the flooding.
Afternoon Taffsmum I hope you found whatever it was he lost before you had that nanny nap. Why is it that men think we have some form of superior vision and are able to find what they cannot find I can never fathom that one out, and also, it's always OUR fault that it's gone missing isn't it??

Originally Posted by Malka View Post
I have just had a telephone call from the Shopping Channel about my couch, which I bought through their website. Now I have no problems with them and bought my previous couch through them - no problem. Ditto my lovely bedroom suite. Both turned up when I was told they would.

But, the couch I ordered on 31 July which was supposed to be here in what - two weeks? Three weeks? Turned out to be twelve weeks and when the suppliers phoned me the morning of the delivery [28 October] having phoned me three days earlier, to ask what colour I wanted delivered and then said sorry, we do not have it in brown so what colour shall we deliver - I was bdooly furious as the order was for a brown one...

So I cancelled that order [and my money was refunded from the Shopping Channel quite quickly] and at the same time as cancelling the order I placed another order for this one. Definitely 10 [working] days delivery and definitely brown, only it turned out that the 10 days delivery was between Hadera and Gedera only and I live south of Gedera, so delivery would be 21 days.

OK, so I have to wait a bit longer, but the 21 days were up yesterday and no couch, supposedly delayed because of the situation.

I have just had another telephone call from the Shopping Channel asking if my couch has arrived safely.

No, but a set of cordless telephones [one base and one extension] ordered from the Shopping Channel last Wednesday was delivered by courier this morning even though the delivery given was 10 days.

Oh you're right grandma, what a bdooly (loving that ) saga with that friggin couch and head and brick wall is the most fitting icon for that one. Nothing you can do now but wait.....and wait again......let's hope it's not too long a wait though, or you'll get sooo used to all that space in the salon you might not even want it when it arrives, and then you'll have the saga of sending it back!!! Oh I do hope not, let's just hope that it comes and soon, cos there's no reason whatsoever now is there.

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Oh Malka, you'll have to continue sitting on orange boxes then, oh but at least you'll be able to phone them to complain on your new phone. I wonder how the conversation went when they asked about your new couch......
Just had the breeder of the Norties on our Breed Forum, she has put piccies up of the flood they are having, being in Wales.
They have lost all their hay, the freezers have blown up and some emergency dry dog food stored in bins has also gone their ducks and geese are loving it, I am so worried about her, there is a lot of money tied up in the food that has all gone and things aren't wonderful for her at the moment without this.
Am in the library downloading some absolute CUTE Piccies
That's really terrible for them Wales is getting it pretty bad at the moment, let's hope they all stay safe themselves. Oooooh more pics for tonight then

Originally Posted by Losos View Post
Well I'm no expert and certainly not a civil engineer but I always thought that the roots from all the trees was a big help in preventing landslides 'cos they form a kind of underground 'mesh' which holds the soil together. On the Stansted Airport slip road (Off the M11) they have planted hundreds of saplings on the embankments 'cos when it was opened there was nothing and they did have a minor landslide (My bus used to go past every Monday morning and Friday night and I watched the trees grow, sad ain't I )
Thanks for that confidence boost there Harvey, and I guess you're right, it makes sense doesn't it, but then I have seen big trees floating down torrents of water in landslides across the world on the tv. Just gotta hope and pray. It's the fact that there has been soooo much rain this past year, almost double for every single month, which of course, loosens those roots along with loosening the soil I'll stop there cos I'm worrying meself now

Originally Posted by Azz View Post
Hi everyone hope you're all ok

I've been out shopping! Had some vouchers to use so went into town, saw a stunning Shar Pei, and ended up chatting to my friends in the health food shop for ages then I went to Waitrose and ended up ages there - shopping is the highlight of my week

Hope you're all well - and have been good
Afternoon Azz , glad you enjoyed a little shopping trip and a chat with friends, can't beat it I wish I had a Waitrose here I used to love my Waitrose We're all well I think, and as for the behaving ourselves, we've been impeccable so far, but it's bound to go downhill after Malka's watershed at 6pm when the magic bottle arrives and the person holding it!!!

Originally Posted by lore View Post
Afternoon folks,

Sorry to hear about Gary, hope he recovers soon. Lynn, Dillon sounds fun, he could always come north for his holidays

I'm a wee bit snottery, think I have the start of a cold going on. Grrrrr! But at least my tender behind is not quite as bad as yesterday.

Plan is to get busy tonight with a bit of ironing, then a load of study. Way behind in my reading. Just been so hectic lately.

Ooh where's all the choccies, I want the purple ones before they all get nicked.
Afternoon Lorraine I expect you got that cold from that cold and wet day out yesterday (or was it Saturday?). Very wise, take 'em while you can, but I have a sneaking suspiscion somebody has been at the tin and *doctored* some of the unpopular ones and wrapped them in some of the discarded purple wrappers. Don't ask me who, cos I wouldn't have a clue....well, I do, but I'm no snitch, but her name begins with S or maybe J
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26-11-2012, 05:40 PM
Cariad has been VERY NORTY
Went off on the wood run, then went to get exhaust checked out, I need a new back bit, so that will be in tomorrow, went shopping, mainly doggie shopping as well I may add. Went to the library to download piccies. Came home and there was a plastic dish, the sort of thing I defrost things in, on the kitchen floor and an empty bag. Cariad looking a bit guilty and all over me like a rash..... I realise she has eaten 2 massive pieces of ox heart. Now she had a pile of lamb for her lunch and I left her with a big bone, she is by no means underweight, she came back from her tryst weighing 15kg more than when she went, so spent most of her pregnancy keeping the weight off her, as she only has 4 puppies and they are like Hunny Monsters I am still working on keeping the weight down, so mainly she is getting chicken and fish, with the odd dish of lamb mince. That is the last of the ox heart and I took both pieces out as I thought well they will see the 3 of them till the end of the week, NOT TRUE, they lasted Cariad probably less than 10 seconds.... I don't get my works pension till Friday, so NO ONE will have any ox heart with their brekkie now....Greedy Cariad
As for the Purple Ones, you're Staking Your Claim early then
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26-11-2012, 05:41 PM
Yaaaay! Do they have nuts in em? I'm a sucker for a sweety with nuts in it.

Oh and while you are at it, can someone find me a mechanic who can change the main lightbulb in my car. There's a socking great pipe right over the place where you can get in to change the bulb that I'm frightened to touch in case I break something vital.
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26-11-2012, 05:43 PM
Norty girl Caria

See! I told ya!! Her nickname still sticks!!!!
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26-11-2012, 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by lore View Post
Yaaaay! Do they have nuts in em? I'm a sucker for a sweety with nuts in it.

Oh and while you are at it, can someone find me a mechanic who can change the main lightbulb in my car. There's a socking great pipe right over the place where you can get in to change the bulb that I'm frightened to touch in case I break something vital.
Tell me the make and model and I'll ask Dave for you, who's sitting here beside me recouperating from a migraine, but I'm sure he'll oblige! You might have to forfeit all the purple ones though before I tell you his answer
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tawneywolf is offline  
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26-11-2012, 05:50 PM
I have heard chocolate brings on migraines, or would it be Someone Nearby To Him who wants the Purple Ones
Cariad is looking like butter wouldn't melt and is Upset because I am eating a triple chocolate muffin and she is not having any, she is in DISGRACE
Lynn, you're going to have to blindfold Dillon and tell him its still nightime and get some Quality Time with Gordon
oooh Malka, they look sooooo tempting, runs away and puts box behind the couch with the empties nobody has tidied up since the Saturday Party
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