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14-12-2010, 09:03 PM
Originally Posted by Pilgrim View Post
Yep sounds like my kinda plan We are really looking foward to having our latest new breed when Ludi arrives. Mind you having seen all DD's cresties I can see how we might end up with more than one of them in the future
oh you will end up with more than one!! i only ever said i would have one, and now have two, one of each i do really want a try with another breed next though although also if bred daphni i wuold keep a pup, so thats a 3rd crested..... never just the one
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14-12-2010, 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by DevilDogz View Post
LOL - Thanks

CC's just stole my heart from pretty much day one. I must say that if mum had not got involved with the breed they certainly wouldnt be a breed I would have gone for. But I love everything about them, their so different in all ways, from their looks, to tempermants, to the variety within the breed, their history ect - you just never stop learning about them! I also find them so misunderstood, it takes a special person to truely appreciate the breed most just look, and shiver with the snide 'eww' comments.

I dont know if others feel this about the breed their passionate about - but of course I care about all dogs - but when CCs are the dogs being ill-treated, being bred by prats and dumped like rubbish it hurts alot more, and seems a whole lot worse.

I am just a pure sucker for the breed, always will be - and I am proud to be a naked butt lover.
see i couldnt say i was a naked butt lover because i didnt have a naked butt but i do love them lots, and will always have one, however you know how many other breeds i like!!!!! have to listen to me babble on about them often enough

and i know what you mean about the "ewwww" comments.... some one at the school when i picked my brother up and took asbo went "what an ugly looking dog!!!" could have smacked her but instead i calmy said "well your kid isnt that good looking either but you dont hear me calling him ugly" she soon shut up couldnt help myself!
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15-12-2010, 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by DevilDogz View Post
LOL - Thanks

CC's just stole my heart from pretty much day one. I must say that if mum had not got involved with the breed they certainly wouldnt be a breed I would have gone for. But I love everything about them, their so different in all ways, from their looks, to tempermants, to the variety within the breed, their history ect - you just never stop learning about them! I also find them so misunderstood, it takes a special person to truely appreciate the breed most just look, and shiver with the snide 'eww' comments.

I dont know if others feel this about the breed their passionate about - but of course I care about all dogs - but when CCs are the dogs being ill-treated, being bred by prats and dumped like rubbish it hurts alot more, and seems a whole lot worse.

I am just a pure sucker for the breed, always will be - and I am proud to be a naked butt lover.
I must say DD, because of you I have learnt so much about the Cresties... I had seen them in books etc, but knew nothing about them, but after seeing you and your Mum's fab bunch on here, hey I may even add a CC to Baubee Towers one day in the future, I reckon they could handle the daft setters!!
You really are a credit to your breed hun x
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15-12-2010, 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by settagirl View Post
I must say DD, because of you I have learnt so much about the Cresties... I had seen them in books etc, but knew nothing about them, but after seeing you and your Mum's fab bunch on here, hey I may even add a CC to Baubee Towers one day in the future, I reckon they could handle the daft setters!!
You really are a credit to your breed hun x
aw thank you thats is a very kind thing to say! Its nice to know people feel they have learnt more about the breed from my posts, it makes the rambling worth while. I still have so much to learn and understand about them but I do hope when mum has passed I will be able to take over the affix, and do her and the breed just as proud, as I still have years of knowledge to gain before I could take on breeding ethically by myself.
(and for what its worth I have become a massive fan of the english setter, have never seen one down here before!)
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15-12-2010, 07:57 PM
Well for me its BC's I love my collies and literally couldn't live without one, I think at one point I may venture out and get another breed but will probably always have at least one collie!

The reason I am like this is because I have only ever had collies and of the 3 not one of them has had behavioural issues *touch wood* and they have just been great so I think its simply that I have had no experiences to put me off them as such? Also my mum loves border collies and in total she has had 6 dogs all of which were border collies/border collie mixes (one was a BCxLab and the other was a BCxGSD) so I think she has instilled the love of border collies into my brain haha
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15-12-2010, 09:10 PM
I grew up with dogs, and did some training with one of my family's crossbreeds, where I met GSDs and BCs, and in fact one of the club members had obedience Class C BCs who were amazing to watch working. So I grew up knowing that when I could have a dog of my own, I wanted a breed I could do things with... so either a BC or GSD.

Couldn't have a dog for many years as it turned out, as I went to live in London but my sister in the meantime had GSDs.

Only 3 years after moving though I met some people who had GSDs and ran a small training club. They invited me to jusdge two novelty classes at their tiny little fun charity dog show and there I met and handled a breed I'd never heard of before, and fell in love - they were Tervuerens, a pair, dog and bitch.

It was hard to find out any information about them pre-internet but I guessed they might be like GSDs (wrong!) although healthier. But every time I looked through dog books or magazines and saw a photo I fell in love all over again, though I was more drawn to the shorthaired version as I don't generally do "fluffy" animals.

That was it really - the more I found out about them the more I knew they were right for me, and I didn't even known how good they are for obedience and agility, for years! I know Merlin's just half Belgian but he takes after his BSD father's side more, and all the Belgian traits he has are the ones I like the best. It's been fun getting to know him and decide which of his little quirks are BC versus Belgian - and I just love the character that Belgians have, they have great personalities.

So I would say that my fate was sealed that day in November 1987 when those serene and elegant Tervs were entered in my class - Dog the Judge Would Most Like To Take Home, even though it was 19 years before I got to take one home for real
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16-12-2010, 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by DevilDogz View Post
aw thank you thats is a very kind thing to say! Its nice to know people feel they have learnt more about the breed from my posts, it makes the rambling worth while. I still have so much to learn and understand about them but I do hope when mum has passed I will be able to take over the affix, and do her and the breed just as proud, as I still have years of knowledge to gain before I could take on breeding ethically by myself.
(and for what its worth I have become a massive fan of the english setter, have never seen one down here before!)
oi dont be stealing my setters you
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16-12-2010, 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by settagirl View Post
I must say DD, because of you I have learnt so much about the Cresties... I had seen them in books etc, but knew nothing about them, but after seeing you and your Mum's fab bunch on here, hey I may even add a CC to Baubee Towers one day in the future, I reckon they could handle the daft setters!!
You really are a credit to your breed hun x
I totally agree I have gone from barely knowing anything about cresties to becoming an owner, all thanks to DD both for her knowledge and love of the breed and for the new pup from her Mum
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16-12-2010, 09:46 PM
Twas my husband's "fault"! I wanted an Airedale and had my name down for a puppy with a famous breeder.

He thought it would be too big for our small garden and was looking through a dog book (he's not a doggy person) and liked the look of the Kerry Blue there and the write up about it.

I remember when we collected our 2 from their previous owner. I was so proud to walk them as they seemed so "flashy" after my Cairns! They were also a heck of a lot bigger than I had thought as I had only seen them in pictures not real-life so thought they were mini-schnauzer size!

I don't know if I would have the same breed again though-I hate to admit it but I am coming to think like my husband-that it would be hard having a different dog of the same breed that you had before as there would always be comparisons and Kerries don't come in different colours like some other dogs.

Does anyone else feel like this?
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16-12-2010, 10:36 PM
Our first dog was a lovely, gentle Old English. She was nearly 13 when we had to have her put down.
I just could get another as i felt I wouldnt feel the same about another OE anyway, we went from one extreme to the other- A Bichon Friese. Billy was a really funny sweet little dog, sadly he got Prostrate cancer at 8 and died suddenly. I was so bereft it took us 10 years before we went down the road to getting another dog. Then last year we got Teddy- i really wanted another Bichon but my husband said we couldn't replace Billy- much like our OE.
So I went for a cross Cavelier King Charles/ Bichon.

Oh what joy! he is the brightest funniest little dog and I must admit very like Billy. We have all fallen madly in love with him. The photo you can see above is him at 8 weeks- adorable.

I am going to get him a little playmate next year as he loves doggy company- and yep, i'll get another just like him
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