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07-02-2013, 02:59 PM
The trouble with not coming on to this section fequently is that there are so many posts to read My apologies if I have missed anything very important ..... yes, I know you are all important.

LS -Good luck with Loki's blood test and results, in case I forget to mention it tomorrow. I hope you are feeling better. You can't be unwell when you have children, you still have to struggle on. ((hugs)).

Sal - I hope the news on your Nan is better. OMG another 12 weeks in plaster. He well and truly bug*ered his leg. Poor man, but also lots of ((hugs)) to you as you're going to have him around for so long and his frustration levels are bound to get shorter.

June - What a darling Ash is, he looks as though he has the thickest coat ever. I hope his 2nd VAX goes OK.

Chris - I do hope the owner of that dog found turns up safe. It isn't looking good though is it.

June - Your walk sounded fantastic.

I did go and have coffee with a friend around lunchtime which was lovely, but before that I had a call from another friend who wanted me to drop in for a coffee as well. (such demand ) I tied walking the dogs and visiting my friend in one. It worked out really well as my two get on fantastically with her two dogs and they spent the time racing around her garden while we put the world to rights. Consequently the dogs were more than happy to crash out while I raced over to visit this other friend just for an hour.

Home now and its almost time to take the dogs out again. Unfortunately the sun has now gone in, but a quick walk and then hopefully a little nap as I've been up so long already.

Take care all, and see you later.
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07-02-2013, 03:13 PM
Back from the vets, and Ash weighs in at 11.5kg I thought he must be touching 12kg because I was more or less staggering under the weight of him when I walked into the vets
He is fine, Gordon very pleased with him. Have got Milbemax wormer for them all as I want something very very gentle, but they should have been wormed at 12 weeks and with their tummy probs I didn't want to risk it.
So....Keshi to go now, I dread to think what she must weigh, they are long now as well, and little Sasha looks like an elf next to them, she gets stuck in there though!!!
Zena is perhaps growing up a little and beginning to suss out those she should bark at and those that really don't need to be barked at. Mine tend to take it from me really, if I stand chatting to someone then they sit or lie down quietly, but some people they don't like and I take a cue from them on this and don't have much to do with them.
Funny you should call into Dunelm, well it would be rude not to, what with it being over the road from Mr S's their profits are probably showing a dip already because it must be a few hours now since you were last in. Good luck with the 21k, it does happen because it leaves their account and then it is held up on the way to yours, that is because then they can make a few quid on it, imagine all the money that should go in and that is in cyberspace for a few hours, well it must pay the kids school fees mustn't it
Hope the man with the dog is found, that is very very scary indeed.
Well off on the wood run, just got to clear the crate and stuff from the car. Ash has been a bit sick, not a lot because there wasn't much in there to start with.
Am going to change the time I give the chicken wing/drumstick and see if I get Repercussions at a different time. They are having minced chicken as part of their food and they are fine with that.
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07-02-2013, 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Was woken up at 3.20am by this rattling sound, next minute Ash and Keshi were in racing round and round jumping all over me, was fighting them off trying to get my trakkie bottoms on, managed it and heaved them back over the gate, saw the time, and thought well you've got to be kidding, luckily I had my spare emergency little bones, gave them out, pushed the crate across the gate to keep them from escaping again and went back to sleep. Woke up at 8.30am and it was very very quiet, gave it half an hour, by then I was wondering if they had escaped outside or something, so got up and the minute I did Ash barked, poo's of varying consistencies on and near the pads. Gave them their half brekkies, won't be giving them anymore because Ash at the vets for his 2nd vax and he is a little car sick and was expecting to have fed all by 8.30am the latest. Keshi and Sasha will have a bone at lunch when Ash goes in the car. I am thinking of getting some bran when I go for shavings on the way home and putting it in their food, they are not having a lot at all now, they had white fish with a bit of tuna for tea last night, chicken mince for supper and then a chicken wing to go to bed with. I can't space it out any different really and am being really mean with the quantities.
Got a piccie of Ash last night with one ear up, I can't usually catch him like that, by the time I've got the camera it has flopped back, but last night it stayed up a bit longer. so that will go on photobucket today so's you can see it
Here is todays Fix and it is Ash

Hope the carpet man survives Zena, and it is a good idea about the bathroom, I really hope they manage to do it in the set time and don't decide to put the job back a couple of days, because builders always do that sort of thing for some strange reason. You end up having jobs done at times when you really didn't want them done, but by then you are so fed up of the whole process you will say yes to anything, so desperate is the situation becoming
Nice to hear Dillon is being a quiet good boy today, the better days are beginning to become more frequent I think, and you now have some money to look forward to as well, think back to last week and you were ready to jump, and this week you have a major turnaround.
Hope the cheque appears soon for you for Kyiro, can you chase it up
This tummy business is becoming a bit of a nightmare, you are getting the sicky one though rather than the rear end one from the sound of it
Afternoon June. Oh those naughty babies.
I hope Ash's vet trip went well still have to catch up with your last post.
Love the pic of Ash he is a handsome chap.
Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Morning everyone

Beautiful sunny day here. Loki seemed a bit 'down' on his walk for some reason. He has a blood test booked for tomorrow to look at the drug levels and liver function.

I had an awful night last night but I have to take Michael to his music class and do the shopping so I have had two cups of coffee this morning. We have a Virgin man coming to see to our new TiVo box, which seems to be playing up even though it's new. The house is a tip so I'd better do some tidying later but I'm too tired to care really.

Carys went to Beavers last night - she loves Beavers but said she doesn't want to go up to cubs when she's older because she won't have the same Leader. I hope she does continue with it.

They are doing a Geography week at school this week and tomorrow they can go in dressed in a national costume or colours of a flag. She's going as the Irish flag, with a green skirt, white top and gold cardigan.

I hope Gill gets some positive news.
I shall have to do the same with Loki, Helena, when the Virgin man comes.

Ah well, I'd best get on. Have a super day everyone.
Afternoon Linda sorry to hear yo had a bad night hope you are feeling better now and that Loki has cheered up.
Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members brrr it is cold here and dull.

I was in Waitrose by 8,30 so that is the shopping out of the way.

Lots of ironing and sewing to do this morning. Thursday already, where do the weeks go .

Enjoy your day everyone .
Afternoon Mini an early bird again.
Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Afternoon all. it started off a lovely morning here for a change & I thought Ooh I think I will go for a lovely walk somewhere different this afternoon & then abt 11 o clock it started raining.
Helena! You've started something with Dunelm Mill. I went this morning for a mooch. It's a few weeks since I've been. Didn't buy much though - just a few kitchen bits that were reduced. Then went into Aldi for a couple of bits. It was when I'd come out of Aldi it had started raining & I had to wait ages in the rain for a bus. Why are they always late when the weather is bad ?? I'm sure they do it on purpose.

I tried on a dress that I have hanging in the wardrobe ( my one & only dress ) that my Mum crocheted for my Grandmother who died in 1976. I've always liked it & only kept it really for sentimental reasons. I think Mum made it in the late 60's. anyway it's always been too small for me - Mum & grandma were always very slim. When I tried it on yayyyy it fits. I would need some pullee in pants under it but otherwise it looks lovely. Just need an occasion to wear it now. I gave it a quick wash just to freshen it up before it goes back in the wardrobe.

Can't remember who's doing what today but either good luck or enjoy yourself.
Afternoon TM typical you decide to go for a nice walk and the weather turns up rubbish.
Well done with the weight and the dress. You need to get OH to take you out for Valentines day.

Sal sorry to hear the OH's knee is that bad.
Helena I hope Dave's money turns up. Not another worry he needs nor you.
Glad Zena behaved herself maybe she is growing up.
Waiting for text from Gill her appointment wasn't till 3ish.
What a sad story about the missing man Chris I hope he is found safe and well not like the man who went missing near here at christmas unfortunately he was found in the marina a week or so ago.
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07-02-2013, 03:36 PM
Life won't be the same without the daily 'poo reports' from tawney lol!

Helena the account of your walk lifted my heart up! Lovely.

You know how some people want to start dieting but instead go out and keep buying slimming mags and DVDs? Well that's what I'm doing regarding NOT getting on with packing up my possessions. Every time my heart sinks looking at it all - I nip out and buy some more nice flat pack storage boxes and solutions. And there they sit, still packaged up, just adding to the clutter duh!

Must try harder.
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07-02-2013, 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
TaffsMum, I well remember the crocheted dresses, I had one in turquoise and one in pink, my dad had a pink fit when I appeared dressed to go out in it!!!
This one was quite decent though. It's lined. I found a photo of my g/mother wearing it. It's turquoise with a darker turquoise lining.

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07-02-2013, 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by Lynn;
Well done with the weight and the dress. You need to get OH to take you out for Valentines
You're having a laugh aren't you Lynn He won't go out for a meal unless its a bacon butty from his favourite greasy spoon caff when he's out on the Mersey with his mates.
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07-02-2013, 04:02 PM
Taffsmum, what a lovely photo, makes me want to have a go making one

What a day..... as you can tell by the time of day I have arrived here!
First thing Pepsi ran away See my thread in dog chat!
Secondly, I went to Curry's to collect my "set up" laptop from Currys, "Knowhow" dept. I was told it would be ready last night but I left it til this morning. It wasn't ready, it had only just gone to the technicians so after a blazing row with the floor manager, I told then where they could stick the laptop and that I wanted my money back. Knowhow, HAA!
Then I went to the dentist to be told I have to have 4 teeth out
Fed up and broke doesn't even cover it
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07-02-2013, 04:35 PM
Oh Nippy! Poor you! Sending good vibes your way. I sympathise I have to have a root canal filling done any day soon. Was postponed while I got over the spider bite but I can't put it off much longer the temp filling is disappearing.
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07-02-2013, 04:36 PM
Urrggh Tang I would rather have teeth out than that spider bite you had
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07-02-2013, 04:48 PM
Lovely photo TM.
(((Hugs))) Jen.

Not the best news for Gill the thing they are keeping an eye on has grown and is now about an inch and half and it is between her bladder and her back passage.
The consultant said he is referring it to Barts to see if they can operate as he wants to leave chemo as long as possible as she can only have two lots and this will be her second round. I was going to my friend/neighbours funeral service tomorrow but not sure I can face it now. I did say to Gill I would meet her but she has her son and
his family descending on her tomorrow for the weekend.
Something she could do without I think.
The consultant told her he is buying her as much time as he can.
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