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Dogsey Veteran
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31-05-2014, 12:33 PM
Some of you clearly have no clue as to how much of a Ghetto parts of Tower Hamlets has become. I don't care who put the sign up it's irrelevant. The recent elections in Tower Hamlets were a farce and being investigated due to people who can't even speak English being told who to vote for. I have no issue with Immigrants generally but do feel that not only should they all have a basic knowledge of the language they should also try to integrate with the indigenous population and not try to recreate their homeland.
I find this post, and parts of your other posts hostile. I'd think it was your opinion that the elections were a farce (not everyone would agree with you, I'm sure) and it just sounds like you're holding something against a group of people, despite you saying that you have no problems with them in general. Hard to believe that looking at all your posts TBH.

It seems personal from your standpoint. "They" have ruined the place where you grew up, "they" are different from you, "they" don't speak English well, "they" are abusing their power, "they" hate gays etc., and there is some kind of invisible rift between you. But you are not making any exclusions. Mayhap I'm wrong, but it seems that way.

It's NOT irrelevant who put the sign up, because it could've been someone trying to make all Muslims look bad... when not a soul here is trying to defend their position and everyone is acting as if they had to have put the sign up because they are all malicious people who are trying to change YOUR (not really) country.

It's stuff like that that is bothering me.
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Dogsey Veteran
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31-05-2014, 12:41 PM
trouble; you are right in all you say and sadly many in the uk do not understand what the extremists are aiming at. ie a takeover of the uk. ialarming rate. it is starting to take root here in ireland at a sinister i am not being alarmist. all that trouble says is the thin end of the wedge. care is needed not to confuse tolerance with blind acceptance. the extremists have no intention of living peacefully alongside others. they seek total power . we have seen this in canada where action has been taken. hitler all over again.
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Dogsey Veteran
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31-05-2014, 12:56 PM
I'm wrong but have family members who are Muslims ? Okay, I assume everyone else has attended Mosque and has as much experience with Muslims as me if you are so sure I am wrong ?
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Dogsey Veteran
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31-05-2014, 01:06 PM
Newspapers whipping up trouble, perhaps??

We are a small, island nation who try, as much as possible and more than most, to accommodate different cultures and religions. Unfortunately, I do believe this is starting to be taken advantage of, but I doubt that sign is in any way official
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Dogsey Veteran
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31-05-2014, 01:08 PM
Well Myra how little you know me, it's not my opinion the election was a farce it's being investigated by the police.
As for ruining the area I grew up in, those are your words not mine, that's not even close to what I said. For your information there was nothing to ruin to be honest it was a sh*thole back then, full of derelict buildings and bomb sites left over from the war. Not sure what anyone could have ruined. I said the people have changed, the area couldn't get any worse.
I like people who are different to me, I think Immigration on the whole has enriched this country. So again you are soooo wrong.
They are abusing their power in the council chamber, they are on film, talking in a derogatory manner about gays, women and I can't repeat what they said about Jews.
It is irrelevant who put the sign up because whoever did it is just trying to add fuel to an already volatile situation. The council should lead by example and come out and say we will not tolerate this from whoever did it but they won't because it represents the view of the council.
I'm up for change in this country but we need to take steps forward not back to the dark ages, and nor do I believe for one minute that moderate Muslims would agree with what's going on in Tower Hamlets either but they stand by and say nothing. Jeez the leader of the council was chucked out of the Labour party for his fundamentalist views but I'm the RACIST, hardly.
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Dogsey Veteran
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31-05-2014, 01:24 PM
there is a huge difference between the moderates and the extremists. this is what some here are not seeing. it is good to live alongside others but not good to be dominated by others and this is what trouble is talking about.

same here in ireland in the rift between rc and protestant. lived a while near raphoe where the ordinary folk were fine together but the extremists were for violence

have to be safeguards and for that there needs to be awareness.
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Dogsey Veteran
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31-05-2014, 04:26 PM
Trouble I do not think you are racist. After all, Muslim isn't even a race.
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Dogsey Veteran
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31-05-2014, 04:46 PM
No it's a religion but then again all your assumptions about what I think and how I feel were way off mark and couldn't be further from the truth but don't let that bother you.
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Dogsey Junior
Joined: Jan 2014
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31-05-2014, 04:48 PM
I think this thread is going the wrong way, if you think about it the very fact that this sign would be thought believable shows where we have got to. Myra the patience of tolerant people can be stretched so far and you may not be aware that the UK is reacting far more moderately than for instance France where they have banned the Burka and electing mme le pen on the far right this is quite shocking and I fear if views of the average person are not listened people will become more polarised. I would also add I do not deserve to be abused and looked down on for drinking alcohol at the weekend which I have been.
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Joined: Feb 2006
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Female  Gold Supporter 
31-05-2014, 05:05 PM
You wouldn't believe it if you didn't live in Britain or Europe would you. People out there still refusing to believe the Holocaust was real! I have no problem with immigrants but I have a massive problem with the behaviours exhibited by the radicalized ones, I also have a problem with entire extended families being allowed in and fictional fiances and sham marriages, more extended families coming in on the back of them, all abusing our benefit system and free healthcare.
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