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madmare is offline  
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26-05-2009, 03:32 PM
I'm back but without Milo
I had to leave my little man there so they can do bloods, scan and a few other tests today like sedating him and looking down his throat, oh and checking out his heart further as he found he had a heart murmer today.
Then depending on them they may give him a general anesthetic tomorrow and give him an endoscopy to check out his stomach for ulcers or tumours etc.
While I was in there although Milo doesn't look aenimic today and looked quite well the vet noticed he kept doing this gulping thing which he said could be his throat or caused by the acid problem he has in his stomach, which is why he also wants to explore that too.
He is going to ring me hopefully by 6pm this evening to let me know how the tests went today and if they will scope him tomorrow.
I will update again when I know more.
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26-05-2009, 03:36 PM
Aww, it must be strange to be home without him, but it is good that they are going to be so thorough on the testing.

Fingers crossed they find something that can be relatively easily cured xx
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26-05-2009, 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Hali View Post
Aww, it must be strange to be home without him, but it is good that they are going to be so thorough on the testing.

Fingers crossed they find something that can be relatively easily cured xx
I cried when I came out of there. He is just so far away from me its awful but hopefully for the best.
Think Shady likes all the extra attention though.
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26-05-2009, 03:40 PM
Hi Bev I wondered how you were getting on today.

You must be feeling very lost without Milo (hugxx) hopefully the vets at the centre will be able to do something to help him and all this waiting and worrying will be worth while.

I will check back here later for news, keep busy and the time will pass....
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26-05-2009, 03:48 PM
Aww Bless ya! {{{Hugs}}} I'm sure Milo is in the best place now, hopefully you'll get to know the answers to his recent problems, as well as the vet making him better. Poor Milo.

My old Boy had a Heart Murmur, we didn't find out until he was 7 and he lived until he was 16

Good Luck Hun...Keep us updated x
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26-05-2009, 03:52 PM
Awww...bless him. Will check back later for an update. xx
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madmare is offline  
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26-05-2009, 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Hi Bev I wondered how you were getting on today.

You must be feeling very lost without Milo (hugxx) hopefully the vets at the centre will be able to do something to help him and all this waiting and worrying will be worth while.

I will check back here later for news, keep busy and the time will pass....
Originally Posted by Lou View Post
Aww Bless ya! {{{Hugs}}} I'm sure Milo is in the best place now, hopefully you'll get to know the answers to his recent problems, as well as the vet making him better. Poor Milo.

My old Boy had a Heart Murmur, we didn't find out until he was 7 and he lived until he was 16

Good Luck Hun...Keep us updated x
Originally Posted by wufflehoond View Post
Awww...bless him. Will check back later for an update. xx
Thanks will update as soon as the vet rings me. Just hope I can remember all he says as my memory is awful and I always forget things.
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26-05-2009, 04:08 PM
Have been thinking about you as well. It sounds like they are going to do a thorough check over, so hopefully they can find out what is happening with the wee guy.
Keep busy hun and he will be home soon x
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26-05-2009, 04:24 PM

Vet has just rung. He hasn't got as far with the tests as he has hoped. But his blood tests shows there is or has been bleeding somewhere which he suspects is in the stomach. He is still aenimic (sp) even though he has pinked up and he says if his gums were as white as I told him last week he must have been around 20 on his PCV (think thats what he called it) reading last week as he is up to about 30 today.
His platelet count was high which again says bleeding somewhere.
Tomorrow they are going to do his heart scan in the morning as he can't be sedated for that, then they will sedate him and do a scan on his abdomen to see if that shows anything up. Then depending on the results of that they will give him a general in the afternoon and do and endoscopey and he hopes they will be able to pinpoint the cause of bleeding at the end of it all, although he said he obviously can't promise.
Although I am worried sick about my lad, I am relieved they are getting some results showing there is a definete problem as I was beginning to think my vet and maybe these today because he looked so well on the outside would think I was some sort of hypochondriac for my dog.
He is going to ring me tomorrow to let me know how things go with the scans and if he needs the endoscopy and as to whether he can come home tomorrow or Thursday.
I will update again tomorrow when I hear more.
Please send lots of your wonderful positive dogsey vibes to my lad that it will not be anything serious and he can be easily fixed.
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26-05-2009, 04:29 PM
Loads of positive vibes for Milo and (((Hugs))) for you both. Xx
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