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20-04-2013, 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Malka, this is a long shot, but it may be worth ringing Pereg's vet and asking him if he knows anyone who can take her short term while you get yourself together again. There may just be a vet nurse somewhere that is willing to help out in such drastic circumstances.

I do hope that you can find some relief somewhere because at the rate you are going, it's not just Pereg who is in danger, but yourself also - although, I tend to think you've reached that point anyway so something needs sorting and sorting fast.

Know that each and every one of us is thinking of you both and we are all willing you both better xxx
It is Shabbat and not an emergency for me to phone Dr Ram. And there is no way I can explain to anyone her supplements and meals and stuff. Not just as easy as saying give her 50mg Pb 7am 3pm and 11pm - and I can not will not leave her with anyone because she needs me. I know what she has to have and when, and not just that she really does need me to be with her all the time.

There is nobody to help but I can not leave her even if there was, There is not and I can not. Just like I can not get anyone to help me.
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20-04-2013, 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
I hope Helena and Dave are ok haven't seen her yet.
They are either all loved up, or working their little socks off

On the other hand, on a glorious day like today, they may have thought to heck with it and decided on some much need r&r instead out in this lovely sunshine
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20-04-2013, 02:10 PM
I think dogs are like young children - if their 'routine' is changed it takes a long time to re establish the old one. Reading all the posts on here recently about dogs getting their owners up in the night to go out - I feel VERY lucky that that is something I've never had to do with Bella since she got housetrained as a pup. She goes out around 9pm to pee and that's it for 10 or 11 hrs. I used to take her longer, thinking she wouldn't last so long but my stay in the UK proved she could (not wanting to be padding about in other people's houses late at night or crack of dawn!) and she never wakes or wanders around either. Makes up for it when we do get out - pees for Cyprus!

Good luck with the new vet (he sounds terrific) and I hope those cracked pads clear up. I too was surprised when my last dog had to stay in overnight for tooth extraction etc. and the bill was about 250! Yet after her spay I was allowed to collect her a few hours later?

I really do think you should NOT keep putting off getting your persistent headache investigated. You won't be wasting anyone's time - a persistent headache can be a symptom of so many things - let's hope it is just stress or something like that but please get yourself checked out.

Yes - in your place I'd be convincing myself it was a tweety birdie in the loft - rather than admit it was much more likely to be a rodent lol!

Sorry to read about Loki - don't know what to say really. Just that it goes the best that can be hoped for. Nice to read your update about his walk you must be feeling relieved.

Well the Noro virus hit here yesterday, hubby has been in the loo since yesterday afternoon
Thats all we need.
Have you considered that your OH has done this on purpose? lol! Seriously - I had that dagnammed virus in UK last year and wouldn't wish it on ANYONE. I was not only scared to leave the house - I was scared to be more than about 2 yards away from the loo and begging everyone else to use another one 'in case'. And absolutely PARANOID about cleaning it and me up and avoiding ALL contact - shouting 'No! don't touch me!' at my kids! (Well I'd have ended up looking after them too!)

So sorry to read about Millie. Again can't think of anything to say to make you feel better. Not nice to think of her or any animal in pain. Awful for you too.

I hope you got some nice clobber. I am totally hopeless at clothes shopping for myself and try to get someone else to come with me (even my son if he can) as I always seem to end up with stuff I never wear. And am stupid about it too - looking in the mirror at something I am not in love with and saying to myself 'it will be OK with a different bra'. Or, 'it will be OK with a higher heel'. Or, it will look much better if I've got a bit of make up on. Duh!

Whereas my sis can buy clothes for me when she hasn't seen me for a year and bring them over and I love them and they fit and they suit me and I wear them all the time! (She is bringing over loads in 2wks time she said yay!) I am not buying the outfit for my son's wedding in July until I get to the UK and my daughter can come with me. Or it will be one more thing chucked in the wardrobe and then carted to the Charity shop a year later.

My kind of day - lunch with one of my kids. Hope it was a good one.

Yes it seems 'spring has sprung' for some in the UK. I was just sent a lovely photo of my daughter, my DiL and my granddaughter all sitting outside a Berkshire pub in the sunshine for lunch today.]

We've had our share of violent storms too. Luckily my internet is not affected - only thing that seems to suffer is satellite tv. Can't think of anything to say about poor Pereg that I haven't said before or that will help. I think you need help on more than an 'occasional' basis now by your own admission - but am repeating myself there too. I agree with everything Brierley said.

Your walk sounds as if it was ACE.
I can't believe Est. Ags haven't got a board up yet? Blimey they used to erect one almost on their way out of your door years ago - something I've complained about in the past when living in a holiday resort as they attract time wasters. They'd put a board up while I was out and I'd tear it down when I got home!

Oh dear - another sicky dog! And things always seem worse in the middle of the night don't they? Sad to read your prediction that the 'sunshine won't last'?

Just going to get another kawfeee and gaze at my lovely palm tree a bit more! Bella has boogered off to bed so the feeling is now coming back into my bum (she was jammed behind my back cushion on this armchair!)
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20-04-2013, 03:14 PM
Dillon loved it lots of new smells and although we didn't let him have a flat out run Gorden held on to his long line he did manage some cantering along and the odd spurt and Gorden following like he was holding an out of control kite.
That image really made me laugh Lynn I do hope he'll be tired enough to give you and Gorden a peaceful night.

Taffsmum - I hope poor Taff gets over his bug soon ((hugs))

Bev - What a great result with the new vet. Sounds as though you are on to a winner with him

Originally Posted by Malka View Post
It is Shabbat and not an emergency for me to phone Dr Ram. And there is no way I can explain to anyone her supplements and meals and stuff. Not just as easy as saying give her 50mg Pb 7am 3pm and 11pm - and I can not will not leave her with anyone because she needs me. I know what she has to have and when, and not just that she really does need me to be with her all the time.

There is nobody to help but I can not leave her even if there was, There is not and I can not. Just like I can not get anyone to help me.
There must be someone who could help and take Pereg off you for a few days. I thought you were going to write a list of all her meds in case you were ever taken ill or had to be rushed in to hospital yourself. What would happen to Pereg then? As you say yourself you are not coping so who is going to look after her at the moment? I think this is an emergency and you should phone your vet!! You clearly have got to get yourself sorted out and get some rest or if as you say you have concussion again call an ambulance. I hope you can sort something out.

I had a lovely walk with my boys this morning and on the sheltered side of the house it is gloriously warm - not on the other side though Uninterrupted blue skies which is a first this year - lovely
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20-04-2013, 03:33 PM
Absolutely beautiful day here, sun been out most of the day, there has been a bit of a cool wind every so often, but have enjoyed 2 lovely walks.First of all took Mabs and Keshi into the woods and walked along by the railway line and they loved it, I ended up sat on a fallen tree whilst first Keshi, and then Mabs, dug a hole, it was pretty deep with both of them going at it. I think Mabs is going to be a Teflon dog because she came away immaculate, all her white bits were white, no dirt anywhere. Keshi where do I start, even her tongue was dirty bit of dead grass and soil dangling from her ears, her tail covered in all sorts, happy as Larry, with a big grin on her face. Took them back home and then Cariad and Lona went on the same walk, didn't see a soul, birds singing their hearts out, saw 2 magpies this time, all the trees are now in bud and the grass is growing.
Sorry to hear about Dillon Lynn, it is a total nightmare when they start this, as you may remember I had 4 puppies doing it to me every 2 hours, how I survived without committing pupslaughter I will never know. There could be another girlie in season near to you as like you say his hormones won't settle for a while yet, I think the wisest thing for you to do is to remove all sharp items and blunt instruments from the immediate vicinity. The only thing you end up doing is feeding them to keep them quiet and that also develops a life of its own and you are caught in this sort of never ending cycle. I was able to break the cycle by getting them off to their new families, and none of them have reported them behaving like that, so must have been me with MUG stamped on my forehead In fact it is very rare for Keshi to say anything, apart from when I loop her lead over the fence to do some training with Mabs then you get squeals and squeaks from her, but otherwise she is virtually silent, and long may it continue as well
Nippy I hope that you don't catch the awful bug, I thought it had gone now and here you are saying it has hit your OH, just keep him at arms length that's all!!!
Malka I really don't know what to say to you, I know you have been looking for help in the house for a very long time now, but it is getting to the stage where it is really necessary, can the Social Services organise something, I remember you saying you had managed to get in touch with the Boss Man. I mean what would happen to Pereg if you had another fall and stayed knocked out and no one found you?
Eldest Son still here but says he is off this afternoon, it is 4.30pm already.........I have walked the girls, been out shopping and he is still here.......
Lore hope you have had a great day shopping and really pushed the boat out and treated not only the family but yourself.
Lovely palm Pat, but will it survive your tender 'care' that's what I want to know
Hope Loki is fine now Linda and that it was just the one fit he had and that is it for a very long time now, you have been saying he has been acting oddly as well.
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20-04-2013, 03:47 PM
Afternoon June. Your walks sound lovely.
Make the most of keshi being quiet long may it continue Dillon was the same then one day found his voice and now can't shut up.
Funny thing is he is mostly quiet during the day it seems the early hours is when he starts their senses must be heightened I reckon. Hopefully a quiet night tonight we are taking him for another longish walk soon.
All sharp implements hidden and I have found the Valerian I was frantically looking for in the early hours in the place it always is. I thought I had moved it.

I reckon Helena and Dave have fallen asleep on the sun loungers in the garden.
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20-04-2013, 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Malka View Post
It is Shabbat and not an emergency for me to phone Dr Ram. And there is no way I can explain to anyone her supplements and meals and stuff. Not just as easy as saying give her 50mg Pb 7am 3pm and 11pm - and I can not will not leave her with anyone because she needs me. I know what she has to have and when, and not just that she really does need me to be with her all the time.

There is nobody to help but I can not leave her even if there was, There is not and I can not. Just like I can not get anyone to help me.
Hi Malka I know you are not a fan of me,but noone can be that alone,What about your Rabbi,even if it is a holy day,the Rabbi I have known,when David Kossof got ill in his bookshop as he wouldnt go home because he had just lost his son,Dads boss called the Rabbi,who within a few hours,had sorted it all out.You need to put Pereg first I understand that,but what good is that,if under all this pressure you become ill,forget pride,there is a saying pride before a fall.So ring your Rabbi crystalgirl
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20-04-2013, 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Absolutely beautiful day here, sun been out most of the day, there has been a bit of a cool wind every so often, but have enjoyed 2 lovely walks.First of all took Mabs and Keshi into the woods and walked along by the railway line and they loved it, I ended up sat on a fallen tree whilst first Keshi, and then Mabs, dug a hole, it was pretty deep with both of them going at it. I think Mabs is going to be a Teflon dog because she came away immaculate, all her white bits were white, no dirt anywhere. Keshi where do I start, even her tongue was dirty bit of dead grass and soil dangling from her ears, her tail covered in all sorts, happy as Larry, with a big grin on her face. Took them back home and then Cariad and Lona went on the same walk, didn't see a soul, birds singing their hearts out, saw 2 magpies this time, all the trees are now in bud and the grass is growing.
Sorry to hear about Dillon Lynn, it is a total nightmare when they start this, as you may remember I had 4 puppies doing it to me every 2 hours, how I survived without committing pupslaughter I will never know. There could be another girlie in season near to you as like you say his hormones won't settle for a while yet, I think the wisest thing for you to do is to remove all sharp items and blunt instruments from the immediate vicinity. The only thing you end up doing is feeding them to keep them quiet and that also develops a life of its own and you are caught in this sort of never ending cycle. I was able to break the cycle by getting them off to their new families, and none of them have reported them behaving like that, so must have been me with MUG stamped on my forehead In fact it is very rare for Keshi to say anything, apart from when I loop her lead over the fence to do some training with Mabs then you get squeals and squeaks from her, but otherwise she is virtually silent, and long may it continue as well
Nippy I hope that you don't catch the awful bug, I thought it had gone now and here you are saying it has hit your OH, just keep him at arms length that's all!!!
Malka I really don't know what to say to you, I know you have been looking for help in the house for a very long time now, but it is getting to the stage where it is really necessary, can the Social Services organise something, I remember you saying you had managed to get in touch with the Boss Man. I mean what would happen to Pereg if you had another fall and stayed knocked out and no one found you?
Eldest Son still here but says he is off this afternoon, it is 4.30pm already.........I have walked the girls, been out shopping and he is still here.......
Lore hope you have had a great day shopping and really pushed the boat out and treated not only the family but yourself.
Lovely palm Pat, but will it survive your tender 'care' that's what I want to know
Hope Loki is fine now Linda and that it was just the one fit he had and that is it for a very long time now, you have been saying he has been acting oddly as well.
Hi TW have sent a message to Malka,I know she is not a fan of me,but her best bet is to get to contact her Rabbi,I know from previous experience that the Rabbi is very hands on.
Anyway Im glad you have had a lovely walk,sat out in the garden until I felt dizzy,but tomorrow forecast is Rain in Wales
Going back to lying down just popping in,it evidently takesa while for what they extracted to return to level.pop in again later.You know the awards the funnies there was a little chap howling,it looked like one of yours.crystalgirl
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20-04-2013, 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by crystalgirl View Post
Hi Malka I know you are not a fan of me,but noone can be that alone,What about your Rabbi,even if it is a holy day,the Rabbi I have known,when David Kossof got ill in his bookshop as he wouldnt go home because he had just lost his son,Dads boss called the Rabbi,who within a few hours,had sorted it all out.You need to put Pereg first I understand that,but what good is that,if under all this pressure you become ill,forget pride,there is a saying pride before a fall.So ring your Rabbi crystalgirl
This is the Sabbath -NO Rabbi will answer a phone. In fact nobody on this Orthodox Moshav will answer their phone, let alone any of the Rabbis here.

Pereg is my problem, not yours, and as you do not have the slightest idea about my religion or where I live, please do not tell me to phone anyone. OK?
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20-04-2013, 04:11 PM
I took Taffy out for a quick walk. Just let him wander about with no running. Still had dire rear about 6 times. But I couldn't pick it up it was so runny Just hope no one was watching me ignore it. Had to wash his trousers when we came home as it had stuck all over him. He's fine in himself but I'll have to try & starve him tonight or just give him a bit of mashed potato as I don't think he'll be very pleased if he has nothing.
Malka - I don't know what to suggest apart from what everybody else has said. Take care of yourself. ((( hugs)))
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