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22-05-2013, 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Good news Moyra. Dialysis would be a bit of a booger so I'm glad you don't have to go down that route.
Hoping to hear good news from Gorden later Lynn.
Freedom over now Norma? Never mind I'm sure you can get rid of him again soon.
Hope your friends have turned up now H. I bet they are all suitably impressed with the house. Have a lovely day with them.
Nice bargain there with the sewing machine Pat. I've got one I've had must be nearly 40 years now. I used to make most of our clothes - the kids & mine when I couldn't afford to buy new but it's only used for alterations occasionally now.

Not a bad day weather wise here, bits of blue sky but a bit windy. Just nipped to town for a couple of birthday cards for my daughter & son in law, both this weekend so they are going to a nice hotel in Cumbria for the weekend.
Nothing else planned apart from walkies
Have a good day all of you.
Taffs I used to make the kids clothes too and all my own curtains and soft furnishings. For a while when the kids were little and pre school I used it to make money doing repairs and alterations at home.

I had an old Frissiter Rossman workhorse of a sewing machine, weighed a ton but never let me down. When I stopped using it for 'working' with I treated myself to a more modern lightweight 'Brother' fancy function one - but it was never as good or dependable as the old Frissiter. I was sorry I gave it away!

This one will do me fine for all the sewing jobs that have built up around here and who knows I might get a little bit creative again and knock up a few simple sundresses. Gawd they charge enough for them and they are so simple. Just looked at the pics he sent and it does actually have quite a few 'features'.

Talking to you has reminded me how we used to get the instruction manual for the Brother/Alba out and read it for a laugh (translated from Japanese) it had some real GEMS in there such as ....

"for the more enjoyment of the sewing of the hard places" lol!
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22-05-2013, 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning. The home are not allowed to hook her up the oxygen if she needed it that's why there was question mark over her possibly not going back there.
The hospital are saying she doesn't need it and are happy for her to return there.
Oh I see sounds a bit mean of them, but i guess health n safety would be blamed x
It's just I know when I suffered with breathing problems as a kid, it always helped to have my inhaler with me and I would be fine, but the panic of finding I had forgotten it used to bring on an attack Hope she settles back in ok once she realises she really does not need it x
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22-05-2013, 12:55 PM
Quite overcast today but feels warm, have had both lots of girlies out and done a bit of training as well as playing with squeaky balls on the field. Although I like to get Mabs and Keshi out together because they play endlessly and have loads of energy for each other, I am wondering now if it is a good thing to do it every day, reason being that Mabs is way too busy watching over Keshi to give me a 2nd glance, she is always looking at Keshi to make sure she hasn't vanished in a puff of smoke or whatever. Thinking of going back to a bit of mix and match so they get to be with different ones every day, that way I may make some headway with Mabs, we're going nowhere fast at the moment.
Am off on the chicken run in a bit, decided to put off going till after the bone run so I knew how much space I had in the freezers, bones weren't over plentiful yesterday so I have room, which is good because I am on my last bag of chicken wings, have no breasts left (chicken I mean ) and need to get pet mince from the butchers today.
Have been sending Lucky Vibes over to Gordon all day Lynn, it won't be for lack of thoughts for him if it doesn't go his way today, I really hope that this job is The One For Him.
Helena will now more than likely be having a good laugh and giggle with her friends that have come over to see her today, hope the sun is out for her and she is enjoying herself and it takes all the gloom and doom from her.
So glad there is no dialysis for you Moira, that must the biggest relief there ever was for you.
Gellygoo, what a success at the dentist, it is usually a bit like taking the car for an MOT, there is always something, well done for getting away with nothing to have done.
Pat gotta laugh at the 'sewing hard places' be careful where you put that needle
Lynn glad to hear your mum is being discharged back to the home and not having to go in a nursing home, I hope she stays stable now for a long time to come.
EmmiS have a lovely time down at the stables and meeting the new horse, I so envy you. You'll get a decent run tomorrow, so why worry.
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22-05-2013, 01:02 PM
Afternoon all,

Well what a morning I'v had. I was woken early (6.00) by Rucksack wanting to go out where he did his business and then ate lots of grass. He seemed fine so both back in and I delayed breakfast for an hour to check he wasn't going to be sick. Then went to the shops and by the time I got back Rucksack had brought his breakfast up. Put them both in the garden and Flash had a dreadful upset stomach. When I was bringing him back in from the garden through the lounge as the (back door was locked) to bath his back end he decided to shake himself ...... as a result what was on his back end got shaken all over the carpet and rug Washed him and spent a hour cleaning the carpet etc etc. A few hours later they both seemed fine so took them out for a lead walk and Rucksack promptly had a really bad upset stomach . Either they ate something yesterday (although I don't thing they did) or they have a bug. Lots of water for them both and due to Rucksack having to eat frequently due to his acidic tum I cooked some brown rice, with a little chicken for Flash and soaked Orijen for Rucksack plus half a Canikur tablets each. Needless to say they are only having the run of the kitchen and hall today and not the lounge. So that was my exciting morning. Both dogs are asleep now but I think they are feeling very sorry for themselves. ..... and I'm feeling sorry for me too.

Norma - Your freedom has now gone ... but glad he was in a happy mood when he returned.
Lore - Good luck with the Maths and your assignment.
Malka -What a comparatively peaceful night you had ... good old Pereg I hope you manage to sort the weed slaughtering out.
Pat - What a stressful morning but they installed it pretty quickly didn't they. Your new buy looks great - I couldn't be without mine as I make all my own curtains, cushion covers etc.
Moyra -Great news that your kidney levels haven't got worse and that your back is slowly betting better Lets hope that that lad of yours rest now for his back to heal.
Bev - I wish you well for your dreaded mammogram .... oooh they are horrible.
Jenny - What a massive relief to you that your son appears to be improving - long may it continue.
Chris - You are clearly in need of ((hugs)) with what is going on in your life at the moment. Take care, deep breaths and count to 10.
L.S. - I hope you enjoy your game of squash.
Gellygoo - Lucky you having a clear dental health check Always a relief but rarely happens to me.
Lynn - Still all the worry about your Mum I guess she is just nervous not having the back-up of oxygen at hand. You are good stepping in to Helena's shoes and doing the thread today .... thanks.
Zoe - Hi
EmmiS - Don't beat yourself up over your run - off days are to be expected every now and then. Hopefully as I'm typing this you will have met the new livery at the yard and maybe had a ride out.
Taffsmum -Enjoy your quiet day.
Helena - I bet you are having a wonderful time and life will all seems rosie again as seeing friends is so important.
Rucksack is very quiet so I'm not going to be getting on with much this afternoon as I want to keep an eye on him. See you all later.
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22-05-2013, 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Quite overcast today but feels warm, have had both lots of girlies out and done a bit of training as well as playing with squeaky balls on the field. Although I like to get Mabs and Keshi out together because they play endlessly and have loads of energy for each other, I am wondering now if it is a good thing to do it every day, reason being that Mabs is way too busy watching over Keshi to give me a 2nd glance, she is always looking at Keshi to make sure she hasn't vanished in a puff of smoke or whatever. Thinking of going back to a bit of mix and match so they get to be with different ones every day, that way I may make some headway with Mabs, we're going nowhere fast at the moment.
Am off on the chicken run in a bit, decided to put off going till after the bone run so I knew how much space I had in the freezers, bones weren't over plentiful yesterday so I have room, which is good because I am on my last bag of chicken wings, have no breasts left (chicken I mean ) and need to get pet mince from the butchers today.
Have been sending Lucky Vibes over to Gordon all day Lynn, it won't be for lack of thoughts for him if it doesn't go his way today, I really hope that this job is The One For Him.
Helena will now more than likely be having a good laugh and giggle with her friends that have come over to see her today, hope the sun is out for her and she is enjoying herself and it takes all the gloom and doom from her.
So glad there is no dialysis for you Moira, that must the biggest relief there ever was for you.
Gellygoo, what a success at the dentist, it is usually a bit like taking the car for an MOT, there is always something, well done for getting away with nothing to have done.
Pat gotta laugh at the 'sewing hard places' be careful where you put that needle
Lynn glad to hear your mum is being discharged back to the home and not having to go in a nursing home, I hope she stays stable now for a long time to come.
EmmiS have a lovely time down at the stables and meeting the new horse, I so envy you. You'll get a decent run tomorrow, so why worry.
Hi June - more often than not you seem to post while I am typing ..... strange that Glad you got all the dogs out and it will be interesting to see how, by changing the dogs walking partners, will effect them and if Mabs is more attentive.
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22-05-2013, 03:48 PM
New mare was actually really lovely! I think i had a bit of an "oh my god it's a proper horse not a thoroughbred and it's going to have a normal stride and not be so long it's back legs are in a different county how is this going to work" actually she was lovely! Very babyish only 5 rising 6, but basics all there, three good paces and popped a small jump. Very fun little horse
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22-05-2013, 04:57 PM
Oh she sounds lovely, I'm not really into the ex-racer/TB types so she sounds more my type.
Jennie, I wondered where you were when I was typing actually, thought maybe you were doing some piccies stretched over the Lagonda bonnet, like you do you know
I hope Rucksack has disposed of whatever it was now and you get a peaceful night with him, eugh doesn't sound good at all, especially shaking himself and it going all over the carpet, those are the days when you are scrubbing away thinking, why me, why not someone else, why do I have dogs......
Never got to the chicken place, called in at the butchers for pet mince, got some more bedding plants whilst I was there then thought I would pop into Asda to get some bleach and some other stuff. I used my card and thought to myself I will get some cashback then go get lpg then go to the chicken place (both of them are cash people). Well could I get my pin number right
no I couldn't so after the 3rd try it locked. Soooo then my shopping had to go to customer services whilst I popped outside to the machine to get money out of my building society account (it isn't a debit card) and then come back in and pay for it
I have now remembered the number of course now I am home, I had the right numbers, but kept putting them in the wrong order. Got enough chicken wings for tomorrow, I will REALLY have to sort it tomorrow, lpg has the red light flashing and so will the girlies have their 'empty' lights on if I don't go for their chicken!!!
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22-05-2013, 05:00 PM
Tawneywoolf i love them, and vvv fine tall warmbloods, thats very much my type!.

Anyone heard about this knife attack in woolwich?!
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22-05-2013, 05:21 PM
Evening all

Thanks for doing the honours Lynn, and I just wanted to pop in to say a quick hi before I get into that chair cos I've been sitting on the floor for the past 3 hours whilst my friends had their feet up in the recliners and took up all the chairs! That's the trouble when you go minimalist I s'pose

See, I can type today, which means I didn't overdo it on the old vino like Christmas. We had a fab lunch. The pub was a bit iffy when we first walked in, but when I saw all the tables taken up I knew the food must be good and it was. We all had fish and chips and I can honestly say it was the best fish and chips I've ever had, even the chips were crispy and really dry, the batter was golden and crispy and the fish wasn't frozen, it was freshly caught and freshly cooked, absolutely fab!

Zena was a little star, she fell in love with Ann, who is frightened of her, and she even climbed up onto the side of the chair to smother her in kisses, as if to say, don't be scared of me, it's only a big front when I bark at you like that when you first arrive She even went upside down on the rug and started showing off twizzling about and slapping her tail! Lovely, bless her for not being an embarrassment.

They arrived at 11 and have only just gone, and we've had a really good chat and best of all, a really good laugh, just what I needed today.

I was chatting with my neighbour whilst I was out there waiting for them, and we are taking ourselves off to Rye together for a nosey around and a nice lunch one day next week, cos she's lonely too she said, and I do get on well with her. I'm also going to pop in one evening next week (in my jim jams ) to show her how to get her pictures up on the puter cos she doesn't know how.

Looks like things might be looking up for me then, I might have a new friend to get out and about with, and don't forget, she's lived here all her life, so she'll know where's best to go, especially for lunch.

Oh I am tired though........doubt I'll be on later, so Hi to all of you I've missed and those who haven't arrived yet (such as you Sally!), and I think I'm going to zonk out in that chair now in front of telly, so might not be on later.Night night all.xxxxx
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22-05-2013, 05:44 PM
Evening folks,

It's been a good day. I emailed the boss and suggested that putting me in with a maths class is not the best of ideas cause my maths is so bad and I'm really not in the best position to support the kids if I can't do the ruddy work myself. He threatened to put me into a Higher Maths class next year Git

I had a nice time at PE, javelin and shot putt...although giving a sharp pointy throwy thing to a child with behavioural issues is not my idea of a good thing to be doing! Having said that, said child can't half throw!

I have just done another 100 words of assignment but I'm about to start on dinner...assuming we aren't getting pizza cause the dominos truck is in Alness.
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