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02-12-2009, 01:57 AM
Originally Posted by buzzie View Post
I know what you said and I think you're are out of your mind.
If you know what I said that please don't misrepresent it.

If you think I am wrong then please explain my error. Why is it better to destroy the evidence before it can be examined?
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02-12-2009, 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by fluffybunnyfeet View Post

I stand by my comment I would have clubbed the dog to death, because quite simply I don't have a gun.
Can I ask a question, why do you have dogs at all in the first place then?....I'm sorry I just don't agree with that.

If I did I would have shot it there and then, but if it was attacking and savaging me or someone then I would have killed it with whatever came to hand, I'd terminate it with a spoon, might take a while but hey, whatever, and as for assess the dog ... is your world really that insular?
Hang on this dog is gnawing my child face off, does it have behavioural issues? Obviously the owners fault, whoah, its just clamped its jaws on my throat, think I'd better hot foot it down to the vets and have it assesed and possibly have it PTS, Get real people, you would have killed it there and then if you could.
No-one knows what they would do in the heat of the moment - I find your comments ridiculous and insulting to genuine dog lovers.

There is a problem with Bull breeds and one that needs to be addressed, believe me when I say this because it no amount of dodging the issue will alter the stats, and crossed bull breeds even worse We have a male collie/staff in the village, not big and lovely with people but lethal to my Full male Dobe because it has the attack gene firmly hard wired to its brain. Cue more whimpering and whinging.
What problem is this exactly?! - Other than more than a few are owned by complete morons that shouldn't be in charge of wiping their own their noses.......Let alone own any animal.

Feel free to carry on with your middle of the road namby pamby liberal approach that sits on the fence and doesn't acheive anything.

Stand up and be counted, do something about it, don't just try and plug the gaps because the Bull breed ship is sinking fast, its only a matter of time, and unfortunately when the ship eventually does go down the resulting backwash will take a few other breeds with it, probably my Dobes as well even though statistically your more likely to get mauled by a Labrador.
I own a Doberman - they have also had a frightening reputation in the past and still do, I also owned Bull Breeds for a long, long time and the only ships I see sinking fast is from those who can't see past their noses - I'm suprised to see these kind of comments coming from a Doberman owner, how shocking.

Wheres the Ostrich head in the sand Gif/smily when you need it?

A young lad has died, very sad and tragic, I cannot even start to contemplate how it would be to die like this, horrific doesn't seem enough. How anyone can try and defend this dogs action (saying its humanising whats that about?)

The Dogs a dog, it killed, its what these and many dogs can do, granted it may have been in the wrong hands, but do you buy a Bengal Tiger and then sob because it ate your Granny?
Yes its sad and tragic this poor boy has died - may it have been due to the dog, but who put the child and the dog in this situation?!.......The numpty owners, you cannot blame the dog for that.

Originally Posted by weestumpy View Post
Shot the dog, i would have had great pleasure in going at it with a large knife
Really, how very grown up of you. I'm amazed at some of these comments on a dog lovers forum, how shocking
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02-12-2009, 05:44 AM
I have read through 18 pages then felt sick literally, you are debating things that are not even relevant, do you know why A 4YR OLD GOT KILLED.
I don't care if it was a bull breed or not I don't care if it was a maltese or not, the fact remains a life has been extinguished far to early in such an horrific way and you want to debate the ins and outs????
Why the dog did it I have no idea and anything other than that is speculative and insenstive and a waste of bladdy time.
I am sure the police took no joy in shooting this animal, nor of what the scene would have looked like.
Of the grandparents and parents guilt I have no doubt they will feel it for a long time to come.
On the out cry to come it is a raw nerve as some people have 4yr olds tonight laying in their beds soundly and wonder of the 'what if it was my child'
So can you all stop now as it has gone on long enough, remember a 4 YR OLD DIED
if you want to debate something start a new thread. I have read about post mortems on the dog, behavioural assessment for the dog, dog laws, dog owners, what some would have done to the dog, what some are disgusted about in the situation, even inanimate objects such as cars, WHO CARES ABOUT A 4YR OLD THAT DIED.
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02-12-2009, 07:00 AM
Some of the stuff I'm reading here is absolutely ridiculous.

The sooner people learn that the dogs are a creation of the scum that own then and that they are to blame for the behaviour of the dog, the better.

If you're not in that mindset then, IMO, you're not fit to own any type of dog.

Shame on you who would stab or club a dog to death after it had attacked. What good would that do? Can't be right in the head if you feel that way.

I'm no expert, but I'm sure dogs don't think the way humans do, they don't have that logical understanding humans are meant to have.

Humans do a lot worse to fellow humans and animals every day. Most of them knowingly as they are just plain evil.

And if you were to even consider attacking a dog after it attacked, then you as well are plain evil. Shame on you.

Is it any wonder so many people, including myself, prefer dogs to humans.

It is tragic and so desperately sad that a 4 year old was killed by a dog, and this happened because of the scum who owned it. Human failure.
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cally is offline  
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02-12-2009, 08:02 AM
I don't have kids never wanted them,
and I thank god that I have'nt,sure it's
shocking what happened but as I said
before no child should be left alone with
a dog,and the bottom line is that humans are
to blame,but the dog pays the ultimate price.
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02-12-2009, 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by johnderondon View Post
If a person is killed by physical trauma then the scene will be horrific beyond the experience of most people. The true tragedy of this case was that a young girl never got to grow up, never got to live her life and realise the potential she possesed and left a family blighted by grief. That is the loss. That is the terrible consequence. That is what is important. How gory the scene was in the aftermath is of no consequence except to raise emotions. I expect that was the purpose in whoever showed you such images. i don't imagine it felt good and I don't believe it has helped your judgement.

Do you believe that Ellie would have been perfectly safe if only Kiel Simpson had owned a Rottweiler or a GSD or a Malinois or a Mastiff or Ridgeback, etc, etc? You would be foolish if you did because what lay behind that attack (and behind every other fatal dog attack) is bad ownership. Textbook bad ownership.

Ellie's killer, Reuben, died as this dog yesterday has died and as all dogs who seriously attack must - because they cannot continue to live in a human world if they kill humans - but if you blind yourself to the part played by the owners then you doom us to repeat the same pattern. You may horrify readers with gruesome snippets and gory details but in focusing your blame on the animal you are actually making another Ellie or another John-Paul more likely not less.

I am not an apologist for dangerous dogs. Dangerous dogs have no place in our society. Death is the only option. Nobody on this thread, as far as I've seen, has said otherwise although some have expressed their sorrow at the events that produced this calamity - both the enviroment or breeding that produced a potentially dangerous dog and the lack of management that permitted that potential to be realised - and some, without drawing equivalence, have lamented that two lives were lost.

Some perhaps echo your view. Perhaps they feel that the dog was evil, "demented" one poster said, and deserving of death. Perhaps they think the dog's death was a good thing but that is non-sensical for it would have been better of course if the dog's death had never been necessary. Better that this attack never happened. Better that the 'evil' dog had never existed. But, if that's how you feel, you should consider - this 'evil' dog, by breeding or enviroment, is a product of humans. The behaviour of this dog at that time of this attack would have been hazardous in any breed. If you want to stop it, if you want to stop such disasters in the future, you must either try to remove all dogs (you can't even say bigger dogs unless you think babies deserve less protection than older children) or try to remove this behaviour in all dogs. And you'll never achieve the later by ignoring the contribution of the dog's owners and enviroment.
Originally Posted by Westie_N View Post
Some of the stuff I'm reading here is absolutely ridiculous.

The sooner people learn that the dogs are a creation of the scum that own then and that they are to blame for the behaviour of the dog, the better.

If you're not in that mindset then, IMO, you're not fit to own any type of dog.

Shame on you who would stab or club a dog to death after it had attacked. What good would that do? Can't be right in the head if you feel that way.

I'm no expert, but I'm sure dogs don't think the way humans do, they don't have that logical understanding humans are meant to have.

Humans do a lot worse to fellow humans and animals every day. Most of them knowingly as they are just plain evil.

And if you were to even consider attacking a dog after it attacked, then you as well are plain evil. Shame on you.

Is it any wonder so many people, including myself, prefer dogs to humans.

It is tragic and so desperately sad that a 4 year old was killed by a dog, and this happened because of the scum who owned it. Human failure.
Excellent Posts
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02-12-2009, 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by tabsmagic View Post
Your husband killing the dog would do good only in as much as making him feel better or avenged.
The right course of action would be to make sure the dog never killed another child by trying to rehabilitate it, and as a last resort HUMANLY destroying it!
Are you kidding me? 'rehabilitating' a dog that has killed a person? yes, because I'm sure people would be queuing up to rescue that dog.

As for some of the 'other' comments on this thread, yes they are over the top and poorly worded. But really, NO ONE knows how they would react in such a situation. Think about it. Your dog has just killed your child. Are you going to calmly remove the dog, put it in another room, and then take it calmly in the car to be euthanized? or are you going to see red and be totally blinded with anger/upset/total devastation? again, the odds of any dog owner being being in this situation is slim to none, but NO ONE can predict how they would react. When put on the spot in dangerous situations we always THINK we are going act one way, but when push comes to shove we often act in the total opposite. It is all very good and well saying, "Well, I would do this..." but we have NO idea!!
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02-12-2009, 09:03 AM
Speaking from experience,
When your dog is attacking your child you don't have time to think or access the situation,you act on instinct.

When my son was attacked Hubby managed pull the dog off,got our son up off the floor and positioned himself between the dog and our son until I got to the dog to push him outside.

The last thing you think about is the dog or the state of mind it's in,after our son had been treated in hospital we spoke to our vet and put a muzzle on the dog and drove him to be pts.

We also spoke to breeders and rescue,this dog had not killed but had inflicted serious inury,this dog would not be rehomed if he went to rescue,the kindest course of action was pts.

Now that was a dog that had bitten,not killed so I can't imagine anyone taking on a dog that has killed a child or for a reptuable rescue to even take a chance in rehoming a dog that has killed,could you imagine the backlash and repercussions if history repeated itself and the dog did it again.
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02-12-2009, 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by tabsmagic View Post
The right course of action would be to make sure the dog never killed another child by trying to rehabilitate it, and as a last resort HUMANLY destroying it!

Sorry disagree ,there are some things that cant be fixed, and a dog that kills a child or adult for that matter in such situations , there is no other option but to have the dog pts....humanly ,there are worse things that can happen to a dog that being euthanised.

Originally Posted by johnderondon View Post
Since you've practically quoted me, I would appreciate it if my position were not misrepresented (again).

What I said was don't kill the dog before its temperament and reactivity had been assessed.

Substantially different.
Maybe so, but the outcome will be the same so , what benifit would it do the dog , to instead of shooting it while it was in a frenzied state, (instantly) or being caught traumatised /muzzled/ locked in a cage, then evaluated (muzzled) resulting in the same . the dog being euthanised. personally if you know the outcome, better to be swift and instant, than prolonged stress for the dog.

Originally Posted by MerlinsMum View Post
did you see these pics or not?

That's very interesting , for someone who is not in the police or forensics , and living so far away, gets hold of the photographic evidence of a crime.

Either someone has grossly abused their position of work, which is unforgivable, I wonder if Mersey side police should take a look at weestumpy`s claims, as a internal investigation is surely warranted.

OR.........weestumpy is embroidering his story for shock effect
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annspot80 is offline  
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02-12-2009, 09:33 AM
it is very sad, as this dog was a pet.
Im sure, in the paper where i live, they said it was a (pit bull type)
It was also terrible how they shot it in the garden because there was no vet available.
Really sad, and not long before christmas aswell.
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