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View Poll Results: Is CM improving as a TV trainer & offering more apt advice
Yes 45 52.33%
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CheekyChihuahua is offline  
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04-06-2009, 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Mahooli View Post
If he's so good why this classic mistake. Dog doesn't want to be touched so what does he do? Touch it from behind

ETA here's one involving a chihuahua
dog is clearly terrified but no it's dominant. He pins the dog down with a finger under the collar but says he's not using force he also lifts the dog up with his hand round it's neck and collar. The he says see he's given up, of course he has the poor animal is terrified.

Firstly Becky, I couldn't see the first clip (have lots of trouble with my ISP and I often can't get the clips to work). However, the second one worked fine. All I can say is, if you think the Chi was frigtened, then think again. That Chi (gorgeous though he was and I'd have him in a flash if he was up for grabs ) was way above his station (obviously the owner had let him get to that level, not the dog's fault). The Chi was basically telling CM to back off. CM showed the Chi that he wasn't scared of him. He didn't hurt the Chi. He didn't invade the Chi's space by chasing him or hurting him in any way. The Chi was the aggressor. If he had been afraid, like mine would have been in that situation, he would have backed off, not continually gone back to get to the owner no matter what. Eventually, he gave in and no doubt is still with the owner and having a nice life. Had CM not intervened that dog would no doubt have ended up in Rescue. If you think anything CM did there was "violent" or nasty, then I can see why we disagree on CM so much on Dogsey. I saw a trainer put a little monster in his place and I saw a lovely little dog come out of that. Terrified Chi - not in a million years
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04-06-2009, 10:34 AM
Also, to be fair Shona, you say you don't use CM methods but you probably do to a degree.
Im not sure that I really do, the reason being, Im naturaly calm, I work with horses/cows/bulls/rams/ all sorts every other day, being calm round animals is something I think I was born with,

Its also what makes me good at my job, lets face it I wouldnt be of much use when a battle starts in a nightclub, if I freak out lol

but as said again, the whole calm thing is not CM's nor these training methods have been around far longer than CM has had his tv programe running.
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04-06-2009, 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by CheekyChihuahua View Post
Firstly Becky, I couldn't see the first clip (have lots of trouble with my ISP and I often can't get the clips to work). However, the second one worked fine. All I can say is, if you think the Chi was frigtened, then think again. That Chi (gorgeous though he was and I'd have him in a flash if he was up for grabs ) was way above his station (obviously the owner had let him get to that level, not the dog's fault). The Chi was basically telling CM to back off. CM showed the Chi that he wasn't scared of him. He didn't hurt the Chi. He didn't invade the Chi's space by chasing him or hurting him in any way. The Chi was the aggressor. If he had been afraid, like mine would have been in that situation, he would have backed off, not continually gone back to get to the owner no matter what. Eventually, he gave in and no doubt is still with the owner and having a nice life. Had CM not intervened that dog would no doubt have ended up in Rescue. If you think anything CM did there was "violent" or nasty, then I can see why we disagree on CM so much on Dogsey. I saw a trainer put a little monster in his place and I saw a lovely little dog come out of that. Terrified Chi - not in a million years
I am stunned you cannot read this dogs body language, ears back, tail under, hunched up is NOT the sign of an 'aggressor'. Again if you think frightened dogs just run away think again, not all of them do.
You claim CM was not invading the dogs personal space, er hello he pinned the dog down how is that not invading an animals personal space.
If you think this dog is a little 'monster' then I pity your lot. You have a very low opinion of dogs in general based on this post.
Oh and he didn't come out a lovely little dog, he just learnt not to show how firghtened he was of fear of the consequences!
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04-06-2009, 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by Shona View Post
Im not sure that I really do, the reason being, Im naturaly calm, I work with horses/cows/bulls/rams/ all sorts every other day, being calm round animals is something I think I was born with,

Its also what makes me good at my job, lets face it I wouldnt be of much use when a battle starts in a nightclub, if I freak out lol

but as said again, the whole calm thing is not CM's nor these training methods have been around far longer than CM has had his tv programe running.

Precisely, that what I was trying to say (maybe I'm not all that clear today, tbh I should be getting on with much needed housework but, as usual Dogsey is keeping me from it - naughty Dogsey )

Maybe it sounded like I was saying the "calm" "positive" "assertive" was what you had taken from CM. No way was I saying that. I was just saying that the stuff CM educates on, many of us do naturally. Some don't though They see their dog doing something disagreeable and they get nervous, start shouting, whatever, but calm assertive is probably the way most people go without thinking, as do you and I

Have to say though, don't think I'd be calm assertive in a nightclub with a lippy drunk. My "calm" only really lasts with kids and animals. Grown-ups should know better, so no calm assertive for them, I'm afraid Would be quite happy to get them in a "stringing up" position - but that's another thread
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04-06-2009, 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by CheekyChihuahua View Post
Firstly Becky, I couldn't see the first clip (have lots of trouble with my ISP and I often can't get the clips to work). However, the second one worked fine. All I can say is, if you think the Chi was frigtened, then think again. That Chi (gorgeous though he was and I'd have him in a flash if he was up for grabs ) was way above his station (obviously the owner had let him get to that level, not the dog's fault). The Chi was basically telling CM to back off. CM showed the Chi that he wasn't scared of him. He didn't hurt the Chi. He didn't invade the Chi's space by chasing him or hurting him in any way. The Chi was the aggressor. If he had been afraid, like mine would have been in that situation, he would have backed off, not continually gone back to get to the owner no matter what. Eventually, he gave in and no doubt is still with the owner and having a nice life. Had CM not intervened that dog would no doubt have ended up in Rescue. If you think anything CM did there was "violent" or nasty, then I can see why we disagree on CM so much on Dogsey. I saw a trainer put a little monster in his place and I saw a lovely little dog come out of that. Terrified Chi - not in a million years
I couldn't get the NuNu clip to run ! But I remember NuNu so well because 1) he was the most odious little **** at the start, and 2) it was one of the very first CM's I had ever watched.

That dog is a classic example of a dog being "rewarded" by his owner for aggressive and dominant behaviour, a dog who feels he has had to take over because the owner is weak, in his eyes. He ends up a well balanced, happy little soul, still with his confidence intact, his spirit has not been broken, he is still "NuNu - and don't you forget it" type body language !
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04-06-2009, 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by Hevvur View Post
"Your hand becomes a mouth, and your fingers the teeth. Look, i'm biting"

Why is it ok for CM to bite, but not the terrified little dog, who is being held down by a giant (compared to him)?

Because CM's "bite" inflicts no pain or injury whatsoever. Whereas the real bite with teeth from a bitch to her pup very definitely causes pain, although thankfully rarely injury. My GSP was an excellent mother, but a real disciplinarian. She never drew blood, but gosh her puppies would squeak when she nipped an ear !
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04-06-2009, 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Gnasher View Post
My dog is my WHOLE life virtually ! My whole day when I am not going out to work temping, centres around Tai. And when I am out working, OH's day centres around Tai. Very cruel, me !

I personally agree with you CC, that there is far too much drama and exaggeration surrounding CM. You make a good point about the shock collars. I personally would never, never use one except if I had a life or death situation, such as was the case with Daddy and the rattlesnake.
I have and always will be the first one to criticise CM if IMO it is deserved. I don't like those nasty Illusion collars, I don't like the use of choke or prong collars (even though CM to be fair doesn't use them himself, he just continues to use them on those of his Clients' dogs who are already using them - I personally think he should tell them to throw them away, they don't work and they can cause intense pain and injury) and I was less than happy at CM's attempts to "tame" Shadow, the wolf cross.

I have never seen him "string up" a dog, or choke a dog, as far as I have seen thus far, and I have to admit to not having satellite, so I only see old back episodes, most of which I have seen already. If and when I do, then I will add this to my list of "hates".
There was no life or death situation with Daddy, he used him as an example, there was no need at all whatsoever for the dog to be subjected to that collar as he was never going to come in contact witrh Snakes.
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04-06-2009, 11:41 AM
Just googled "rattlesnake attacks on dogs in USA" and got this up:

* * * * (name deleted deliberately) has called in Hollywood's DOG WHISPERER to train her pets to avoid rattlesnakes on the family's Malibu, California ranch.
The actress was devastated when her beloved pooch Rocco died after a rattlesnake attack and she now feels compelled to make sure her other dogs stay away from danger.
She says, "I'm willing to do what's necessary to make sure I don't have this same event happen again."
Pinkett Smith called in reality TV star Cesar Millan, who filmed his bid to train the dogs for his Dog Whisperer show.
Millan used real rattlesnakes to teach the dogs to be aware of their sound and danger.
During the shooting of the show, he told Pinkett Smith that more than 150,000 dogs and cats are left dead or seriously injured after venomous snake attacks every year.


I personally think this is pretty serious, don't you?
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04-06-2009, 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by CheekyChihuahua View Post
How does any of CMs threads make the owner lead a life of "prison warden"! To be a prison warden, you have to take away freedom from your dog! How can that be so when all the CM people I know walk their dogs regularly and their dogs are a big part of their family life

CM uses certain techniques that are contraversial (i.e. shock collars). What needs to be remembered is that he only uses such devices when the owners already have said device. At least he is showing them how to use it in the correct way it was designed to be used
My biggest problem with this...If you use (for wahtever reason) you endorse it as a viable method to train a dog.

People need to be made aware of better/safer methods not continue with methods that are harmful.

Originally Posted by CheekyChihuahua View Post
Obviously the tv shows air some of the "worst" cases so I am sure that some of these dogs are very extreme in their behaviour. I wouldn't like to be the owner of many of those dogs. CM does what he can to help the owner turn the dog into a family friendly pet that can be enjoyed and in turn see that the dog has a good life, rather than ending up in Rescue. There's too much drama surrounding CM with claims of violence and so on. He uses the methods that is required by the particular dog he is asked to train/help. Not all the dogs in his show are alpha rolled and such. Some are; some are not! You have to be fair in your findings of CM in a debate otherwise people will stop listening, seeing you as narrowminded
And here in lies the problem....what he obviously sees as 'acceptable' or 'suitable' methods for those dogs other people see as an excessive use of force and physical domination.

Some people do not have a problem with dogs been treated like that....others do.

It does not matter that he will not use these methods on all the dogs he sees....he uses them on a few...which in many peoples minds is a few to many with the other methods we are aware of in these more enlightened days.
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04-06-2009, 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Hevvur View Post
"Your hand becomes a mouth, and your fingers the teeth. Look, i'm biting"

Why is it ok for CM to bite, but not the terrified little dog, who is being held down by a giant (compared to him)?
Becasue we are people....and with the best will in the world a dog will not see us as another dog.

Its a great way of making a dog hand shy!
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