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22-04-2014, 09:37 AM
Forgot to say
Great to hear Kacie is doing well ELAINE
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22-04-2014, 10:12 AM

Mandy - sorry to hear you had a bad night and that the doctor cannot give you anything to help you. I hope the virus goes away quickly and that you feel better soon.

Moyra - good that you are feeling perky but not good that your heel tendon is still sore. It is also good to read that Amber is back to form now so fingers crossed that she has lost some weight when you go to the vet tomorrow. I am dreading Da Booga getting on the scales next week as I have a nasty feeling she has gained a bit of weight when she is supposed to be losing some.

Linda - poor Michael falling over twice, but there is no answer as to why children fall over so much. I think it got to the state that when I turned up at the hospital with my two I was met with the question "which one is it this time"! And only my daughter could fracture her collar-bone by rolling on the carpet

I hope Loki's stomach and bottom problem is nothing too bad and that it does not cause The Monster to come calling. Five weeks is pretty good though - Pereg is on Day 6 now and I want her to stay sz-free for at least another week so she can have the next blood tests and her shots as they were due this week but will have to be postponed due to last week's episodes.

Elaine - glad that Kacie is feeling much better now.

Helena, Lynn, Nippy, Eileen, anyone else I have missed, I hope you are all keeping well.

- I think the schools have gone back after Passover although if they have I would like to know why there was a tribe of the nuisances messing around on the corner by the macolet at gone midnight last night. The noise was really disturbing Da Booga and she kept barking, and when I went out to see what on earth they were doing they demonstrated their new "toy" by flashing a red laser beam at me. Not a very pleasant experience. I just wish I knew which families they belong to but even Avner does not know.

Still they were hardly around during Passover so that is something to be really grateful for.

Talking of the macolet I hope Avner has gotten some fresh f&v delivered as my refrigerator is looking decidedly lacking in that respect. Luckily I just had enough to last me the week he was closed!

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22-04-2014, 10:15 AM
Oh Mandy, if we cannot have a moan to each other who else is there? I hope you feel better soon.

I have a friend decided she is coming to see me to cheer me up and I have s*d all in the fridge after weekend except some bread baps, loaf of bread, tinned salmon, corned beef and a pack of ham and there is always Cheddar cheese. So I guess she could have some sandwiches or a funny sort of ploughman's with pickle/pickle onions and what they fancy. They are coming at one o'clock. What do you think, it is short notice but I said to her phone me up first see if I am ok to socialise well of course I do feel brighter but it doesn't give me much time to prepare for visitors especially to have lunch. Never mind, nobody ever leaves my house hungry!
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22-04-2014, 10:28 AM
Morning all. Sorry to hear there are so many poorlies this morning, even if one is self inflicted Hope you all feel better soon.
Where has the summer gone again Tshirt weather yesterday & it's back to waterproofs today & cold with it.
Just been to town for my hair done. It always decides to rain when I decide to have that done. I feel better for it now anyway. Nothing else done yet so I'd better get moving.
See you later.
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22-04-2014, 10:30 AM
That sounds lovely Moyra, and I'll pop round as well for some as I could do with a bit of tlc today myself.
There isn't a part of me (I don't think) that doesn't hurt. Oh yes, I DON'T have a hangover (stares severely at Pat )
Despite taking co codemol and more or less passing out, I was up within a few hours in horrendous pain, in the bathroom slathering the gel the doc gave me, even had to rub it into my hands like hand cream lol. More painkillers, then I went back to sleep for a while and it was light when I woke up next. Managed to get upright, sorted girlies out and tidied up, and have come back to bed for more painkillers/gel and eaten brekkie. Persisting down still today, and I am staying where I am till I stop hurting, well until at least some of me stops hurting. Submerging myself into the Healing Waters may well be an answer, and I'll despatch a tanker of it over to you Moyra and maybe you can decant it into a handy paddling pool or something hey at least the yard is organised and girlies got more space, I won't be sawing in the too near future, its raining anyhow.
Glad to hear Kacie was fine after her op and she's come through it. Yes the time until she has her stitiches out is going to be a nightmare Elaine, I was so relieved once Cariad had hers out and she could go with the others, because I was ready to strangle her.
Eileen, who are these people you're mixing with once you've logged out of D.A.D , I think maybe you should stay with people you know and who understand you and your little foibles, and not go off consorting with the types you are doing in the dead of night. Glad Lacie is fine today, and you are obviously on good form. You are the one with the sun today as well, can't blame you, because its usually those bladdy Sarferners taking it, but today they've got wet washing etc. so they now know How It Feels don't they
Mandy you get yourself back to bed and look after yourself, you need to get back on your feet and trying to do other stuff is not going to help.
Malka those laser torches are a big problem apparently, I've read about them being used on helicopter pilots and also planes when landing, I think they may be illegal over here, but of course that never stops people getting them does it.
Hope Avner has lots of fresh stuff for you when you get over there.
Linda, kids fall over all the time, especially the boys and more especially in school holidays, I think mine had their own designated chairs in Casualty in the end, par for the course, and he'll come home with worse once he's at school and playing football, cricket etc. they always do.
Short week for you both Lynn and Helena, you've only got 4 days to please yourselves, so make the most of it, but then again you do don't you.
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22-04-2014, 10:51 AM
Oh that's lovely that your friend is coming to give you a bit of company Moyra. She will not be expecting you to dance attendance on her. Just enjoy her visit.

Sorry you feel dodgy too Mandy.

My morning after the night before is subsiding. Have got the pics off Martin's camera but cannot see how to get them into my albums from the new lappy.

Me and Mart on Makenzy beach

Strangest thing this week - both me and mart had a bad dream on the same night? His was worse than mine - he dreamed doc told him he had terminal brain cancer!! Mine was me blaming him for something regarding Jenny but Jen was a little baby in the dream and Mart was the age he is now?
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tawneywolf is offline  
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22-04-2014, 10:53 AM
Lovely piccie Pat, your hair looks lovely, have you had the straighteners on it after you complained it was all over the place.
No good at dream interpretation, can understand Marts a little, but not yours. Weather looks glorious there, you lucky things
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22-04-2014, 11:07 AM
I only took my boys for a quick half hour walk this morning as the forecast said it would be heavy rain from 10 'til 1. They lied and its still dry. So I'll take them out again shortly. I did have them in the garden with me while I was re-seeding some poor areas on the lawn and decided that it wasn't a good idea as they kept rolling in it Maybe they'll both grow a lovely thatch of grass

I've re-stocked my food cupboards, have the washing on and made a dental appointment for Friday morning.

Madmare It's called 's*d's Law' Bev. As you rightly say though we do actually need a little rain. I hope you get a nap later
Nippy I think we are all feeling shattered after busy weekends ... whether it be entertaining or dodging kids on bikes or loose dogs Tomorrow sounds as though it should be fun .... no doubt you'll be cooking some little cakes or something yummy ........ DONT'T FORGET US TOO!!
Tang OMG Martin goes tomorrow .... his visit has gone so quickly I hope you self-induced headache eases Enjoy watching your son windsurfing or will you be doing it too
Moyra I'm glad you are feeling better than your were. I'll have to read back on last night's DAD because I'm now curious about you being baptized in the river Good luck at the vet tomorrow and I hope Amber has lost a little weight.
Mandy You poor thing at least you know it is only a virus and you haven't got some awful chest infection. I'm still coughing (especially when I lie down at night) since I had my virus about 6 weeks ago. I hope you feel better very very soon.
LS It sounds as though you've had a very busy Easter break and Carys and Michael have had a great one. I have two sons and they were always injuring themselves when they were little from going too fast, too high, being too careless, etc etc. Sorry he had to bash that troublesome tooth though . I hope Loki is better soon.
Elaine Good luck keeping Kacie quiet until her stitches come out Great news that she is doing well now though.
Lacey Reading your posts exhaust me .... you never stop bouncing I hope your sun does appear so that you can get out in the garden .... very very dull and drizzly here.
Lynne I bet you are looking lovely with your hair all done. Enjoy the rest of your day .... at least you'll look nice even if you don't get everything done

I've just received a text from my dog groomer lady to tell me that (her 4th child) baby Ralfie was born yesterday in the ambulance on the way to hospital Everything is fine though.

See you all later.
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22-04-2014, 11:10 AM
June I meant to say I hope you stop hurting soon .
Tang Fantastic photo of you and Mart. The backdrop looks so idyllic it looks like you are sitting in front of a poster Enjoy the rest of your day.
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22-04-2014, 11:16 AM
Yes, that is a lovely picture, I still think your hair looks good. I think I may have mine chopped off. Mart is a handsome young man like my Steve keeps hair to a minimum and show off the man. Brilliant.
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