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17-04-2014, 01:26 PM
What a lovely early walk we had and we only came across two other dogs. One was old and very waggy tailed and friendly and the other was the new lab (bitch) who moved on to the estate last Monday. Flash went and said hello very politely and I kept Rucksack back a little but he too was wagging his tail .... so high hopes of a new friend for them. We also saw 14 young deer who had decided to sun bathe in on of our field ... thank goodness the boys were on leads. I'll pop some photos up because I actually remembered my camera this morning (after seeing Lynn's lovely photos of her local walk) . Since I've been back I've done a weekend food shop, three loads of washing which is out on the line and cut the grass. I've got cooking a chilli for later.

I intend to do nothing this afternoon other than another short walk around 3 and then hopefully a nap

Elaine I hope Kacie is OK and you hear shortly that it was a routine spay.
Nippy I hope the funeral went OK and I hope the surgery can get to the bottom of Brian's blood problem as it must be a worry for you both.
Helena Your beach walk sounded lovely in spite of the dodgy sand which could have caused you to disappear for ever If you get a spare few hours my oven is desperate for a clean and as you have the new gel and all the things necessary, it would be a shame for me to do it. Sorry about your hair colour ... hopefully she can rectify it easily.
Lynn Your post made me smile .... visions of your two 'boys' pulling the tree trunk out and doing manual work together Hopefully Dillon's food order arrived.
Lore I hope your new routine helps stop your RLS and allows you to sleep well. Great news that you are OK to go back to work ..... just take it easy .
Griff I hope that window has got sorted and you didn't have to step in and help ... just provide the refreshments
Tang I hope you pop back in to tell us about your hair do .... and the hunky hair dresser Not long now 'til Martin will be with you and you'll have a ball of a time together
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17-04-2014, 01:52 PM
Left at 8.30am to go shopping with youngest She had to be back for 3,sleep over birthday party While I'm on my Todd am off out to do a little gardening Got some lovely stuff,all summery things Well chuffed,love spending time with the girls,don't see much of oldest though Workaholic that one
Anyhoo,will catch up clue what's happening but hope everyone is well
ELAINE..Hope Kacie is recovering well(( hugs))
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DaisyD0g is offline  
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17-04-2014, 01:53 PM
Morning all... Oh My you lot have been so busy, its exhausting coming in here in the morning!!

Hoping Kacies spay goes ok *hugs* x

Well off to work in a mo.. tackle the nightmare journey of the hallway and negotiate my **** into the chair!! I am gutted though - woke up this morning and REALLY REALLY thought it was Friday, then realized it was still only Thursday!!! bugg*r! oh well, soon be Saturday, we don't get a long weekend for Easter, wish we did, envious of the UK!

Hope Mart arrives safe and sound Tang how long is he coming for? you will have so much fun, and great that you are in your new place!

Have read everything else and can't remember nuffink, HI to you all, hope all poorlies feel better soon and Happy Thursday!!

PS: Tilly's lump is still there, not got any bigger, maybe got a teeeeeeeeniest bit smaller - not sure.. so I will continue to watch it like a hawk!
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17-04-2014, 01:59 PM
Mart here just over Easter DD. 6 Days

I really cannot take 'selfies'. I hold the camera up and look towards it and my eyes come out looking all shifty and sideways lol! My version of a selfie is to look in the mirror and hold the camera (facing right way) above my head and just click! lol!

Here's the much shorter hairdo. Much straighter too. Forgot to take off my specs I only wear them for reading.

Keep shaking my head as I can't 'feel my hair' lol! I could feel it hanging there before! This is after I gave it a good brush out mind you. Can't be doing with backcombing .... oh no!
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17-04-2014, 02:06 PM
Pat, you never said that dishy hairdresser was going to take it all off! It looks lovely, really suits you.

We are back from the funeral, very sad really there were only 6 neighbours there. The old boy had no friends or relatives

Time for a cuppa then out to the surgery and to do the shopping. I'm hoping there won't be so many people around at the end of the day.
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17-04-2014, 02:37 PM
Tang I LOVE it!!!! you look gorgeous!! well worth letting the hairdresser lose and taking it all off

6 days - brilliant!!!

Nippy that is sad re. the turnout for the funeral, but at least he wasn't alone, good luck with the shopping!
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17-04-2014, 02:40 PM
Love the hairdo PAT. Enjoy your week with Martin. I'm sure you will & he'll be impressed with your new home.
Sounds like a good walk JENNY. I've never seen Deer in the wild. Never get anything like that round here
It is sad when the old folks have no relatives NIPPY. Good for all the neighbours going though. Hope OH is ok at the docs later.
You lot darn sarf have stolen our sun again It's perishing here. Dark clouds & cold wind. I had to put my winter coat on again & was still froze. Ever the eternal optimist though I bought some crops & a summer shirt this morning - just hope I get some wear out of them I had a walk up to my daughters while we were out. Makes a change being able to go during the week. Other than that it's been a nothing day again.
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17-04-2014, 03:04 PM
Lynne is oh so right!!! Took Mabs and Keshi onto the river, there was a man and woman there with these rucksacks on, then he took a ladder out of one of the rucksacks and it turned into a big ladder, climbed up a tree, I was trying not to stare, but was mesmerized by this time lol. and then I saw him take a block box off which had been fixed high up to the tree, never noticed it before. So they were in confab about its contents, I'm thinking they were looking at the birds, too high up for anything else. At that moment youngest son rang to say he was on his way over, so back home to meet him there. He said he was just checking I was OK, made the mistake of telling him my rib was fine now and then had to tell him what I did, so got a lecture then about how I could have been face down dead in the Irwell floating through Salford and off out to sea, and how it wasn't normal for old women to do these sorts of things.
Lecture over, he had a cup of tea and went. Then got Cariad and Lona onto the river, it had got even colder by then, the wind was up, big coat on and woolly hat job.
Went really black a bit ago, but has lightened up now. Like winter again, have put a pair of warm trakkie bottoms on
Like the haircut Pat, bit scary when you lose loads of it isn't it, because you are never sure if its going to grow again lol
I've got that oven stuff Helena, is it in an orange box, never used it, keep meaning to, but I only really use the top oven nowadays. I have to be in the right mood to do ovens, and its been a while to say the least lol. Hope the hair gets sorted out, I'm sure it will.
Malka, hope Pereg is now recovered and life is a bit quieter for you. Buy 2 pairs of slippers in case she does it again!!
Not seen your piccies yet Jenny, but not really had a look through yet have seen that Eileen has been shopping though.
Have you heard anything about Kacie yet Elaine, I remember when Cariad was done I picked her up around this time, so maybe you're on the way there as we speak
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17-04-2014, 03:10 PM
Thanks ladies. Jen's verdict was 'but you don't have straight hair' - I said 'well I do today' lol!

I don't get too exercised about what I look like. Martin will notice the difference, they are all used to my hair being a lot longer and sort of 'unruly'. Ain't changed the style for about 40 years!

Anyway when I get a nice frock on, a bit of lipstick and some earrings, I'm sure it will look alright.

I've just walked muttley. I really thought that traipsing her around with me everywhere today would wear her out (she's coming to the airport later) but she wouldn't shuttup grunting and squeaking. So off we went. Visited the Russian Dog (his mum gave Bella treats - they are in my bag - people never believe my dog won't eat treats when she is out even if she hasn't eaten all day. She might take it off you but will drop it immediately. Never ever eats it. Even if it's something she enjoys at home.

That's why I don't think treat based training would work on her - she wouldn't be interested in the treats anyway. And I'm not used to doing that and would probably booger it all up. So heaps of praise it is for her.

She has to be lifted onto the wall to see Max (he is only 4 months old but can reach her by standing up!) Big giant of a pup. Then a quick silent run round with a nice grey cat when we got back to ours. Ended when the cat went under a car. She is now sleeping.

*and all that work I was sent through has now filtered through from Sage to my Content Editor. No excuse not to try to knock it off now. Don't really feel like it but it will pass the time.
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madmare is offline  
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17-04-2014, 03:11 PM
I have come home from work to one very sad and upset dog. He has literally blanked me and is laying on Charlys shoe pressed up against the front door listening intently for any sound of them.
They left about 11 this morning to go to the wedding and won't be home before midnight, so he has a very long wait.
I put his lead on and took him out into the garden for a wee. I wouldn't just let him out as I knew he would just leap the fences or gate and go off in search of them, but then he was straight back to lay on Charly shoe at the front door. I think he will be so relieved to see them back tonight and know he hasn't been abandoned here..
Its very sad to watch him like this poor boy, he loves his mummy and daddy so much.

Pat I am loving your hair it really suits you. Have a lovely time with Mart.

Jenny I am exhausted just reading all you have done today.

Ok who has just pinched the sun, its been really hot and sunny all morning at work, now I am home its disappeared and I feel chilly. Think I will go and put a jumper on.
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