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29-12-2013, 12:57 PM
Well so far two piddles in the house. Madam is currently battering Davie He thinks it's hilarious.

I've had a bath and I'm going to go do dishes just now. Not sure about whether I will do ironing just now or wait till I get the massive washing caught up with. We have loads for some reason. Don't feel much better but stuff has to be done.

Supposed to go see Mum but I think I will give it a miss today cause I don't want to give her the cold. I do have to go to the shop, cause we need kale for the boys and some bits and pieces. Have to wait till Brian wakes up though so he can puppysit.
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Lucky Star
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29-12-2013, 01:40 PM
Cath - I'm really sorry to hear about your son. Has anything different happened recently - a bang on the head? Medication? A vaccine? I hope the neurologist can get to the bottom of it.

Moyra - I hope it's not fits! It has been around 4 weeks since the last lot.

Lore - Sorry you are unwell, I hope you improve soon.

We had a lovely walk in the frost and the sun. Loki was a bit mad again but we threw his ring for him and he's settled down since we got back. Michael's doing really well with his walking - he walked for over an hour and he's only 3!

The kids are watching a dvd, Steve has gone to get the shopping and have a look at these things that sit on the windowsill and remove moisture and I'm having an early glass of wine while I make some broccoli soup. Brill!
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29-12-2013, 02:43 PM
I too have had a disastrous morning. Flash didn't want his breakfast this morning but he does that sometimes so simply offer it to him again later. Guess what he's got that ruddy Hemorrhagic Gatroenteritis AGAIN. This is the third time in six months . I didn't realise until we parked up at Mum's nursing home and got the dogs out. Flash immediately had a dreadful upset tum followed by a hemorrhage. I cleaned him up best I could and fortunately he did have a good drink then. I left them in the car with my OH (dogs in their crates) and raced in to give Mum her xmas presents as I've been unable to visit before due to the flooding. My brother arrived and told me to go out to the car as Flash was also being very sick Needless to say I saw Mum for about 5 minutes (thank goodness my brother arrived) and we then set off for home which took us an hour and a half due to the sheer weight of traffic. He'd hemorrhaged again but he's been OK now for nearly 2 hours so hopefully that will be it. Needless to say I have put him straight on to antibiotics Stomorgyl which on the vets advice keep in stock. He's still drinking thank goodness so no worry of dehydration as yet. I'm taking him to the vets at 9.20 tomorrow anyway for his Lorien implant I'll be back to sleeping in the kitchen again tonight I think.

Cath I am so sorry to read about your son and what a dreadful worry .... I'm glad he is clearly feeling a lot better and long may it last. I presume he will now be passed from consultant to consultant until they can work out what happened ..... a strange one isn't it One has to assume it was connected to his injured ankle All the very best to him and ((hugs)) to you, 'cos I'm sure you need them.
Lore You poor thing it does sound like more than a cold but hopefully it won't be that horrible virus going round. Rest up girl and let yourself rest to get better. ((hugs)).
Sounds as though your gorgeous lodger is keeping everyone amused.
Nippy You will have eaten that stew by now and I hope it was as good as you hoped it would be .... I could almost smell if from here Sorry about you aching body ... you obviously really jarred everything when you fell
Moyra For us the bad weather start overnight and in to tomorrow .... batten down the hatches again
Bev I'm sure a lot of us can understand what you mean about having some peace and quiet again. As much as we love our off spring its always nice to really relax and not be on duty for a while Lyla's antics with the hoover made me laugh.
Kazz Wow I hadn't realised you were a carer as well as working full time .... that is harsh. I hope you can reduce your hours a little or get more help in to save you doing everything.
Meg I am sorry to hear that you are still poorly . Think of all the weight you'll lose ... or maybe you are one of the lucky ones and don't need to, in which case think how much you'll be able to indulge when you get better. ((hugs)).
June I hope those little terrors are giving you some peace ... unlikely and you have a successful walk with the big girls.
Lynne Enjoy your peaceful day without the OH A lovely day for a good walk.
LS What a sterling young man you have in Michael walking for an hour .... bless him I know from your posts that you encourage your kids to do lots of exercise (like cycling to school and of course Carys and her swimming) which is fab. We did the same with our sons and both played every sport imaginable including spending hours when they got in to their early teens at an athletic club. It is amazing though how many young kids do no exercise at all I'm glad you had a good walk and Loki was full of beans

No sign of Helena so assume the poor old thing is feeling lousy too.

See you all later.
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29-12-2013, 02:52 PM
Aw Jenny, poor Flash.

Yes, Iona is keeping us all on our toes. She's currently conked out and taking up most of the couch I've taken the opportunity to do some studying, having a wee break though before I start on the next chapter. Got the TMA printed out so I know what I'm aiming for during the week.

I've done most of the dishes, got a few more to do and got a washing on. Just need to get it out of the machine and hung up round the house, it's too cold to dry outside.
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29-12-2013, 02:56 PM
Finally sat down with a cup of tea and 2 mini pasties I found in the freezer, so microwaved them for lunch.
Babies have sort of exploded, lots of poo everywhere, not bad horrid poo's, but just poo's, took ages to clean up this morning, they'd done it all in the pen on their bedding and the last few days they have waited to go on the pads, so was getting a bit blase I think. 2nd Wash has finished, nowhere at all to put it as we've got bad weather forecast so no point in going over to Jackie's house and hanging it out there.
Got Cariad and Lona out for a walk, then took Keshi, thank goodness I have got her on a line. I bought the babies a new toy yesterday, its like a mini tractor tyre with rope tuggies on either side, and I thought I bet Keshi would like that as well, and bought her one. Took it out with us today and was throwing it for her, noticed some guys come near and putting bikes together, didn't want to risk her deciding chasing them, so put the line on and continued with the game. Then who should appear but the woman with the barking dog that caused me so many problems a week or so ago, she was with someone, the dog was on a lead and they went into the ball park (there's a sign saying no dogs allowed or a £400 fine) and OMG they had a FOOTBALL with them tried to distract Keshi with her new toy, she was having none of it, and somehow she slipped her lead and flew off to where this dog was, wasn't bothered really, Keshi running round and round the fence of the ballpark, the dog was inside barking its head off, called her to me and thank goodness she came, but they both gave me really filthy looks, er excuse me your dog's the one that causes the problems I think!!!! So we went home, as I now know that if there is a football about (this one was bright orange) she will not rest until she can get it
Jenny, poor Flash, how on earth does he keep getting it like he does. I really hope your prompt action has caught it early and it won't develop into a serious attack like it did the first time. Why do things like this happen at the weekend when you can't get over to the vets.
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29-12-2013, 03:33 PM
Aww June another troublesome walk for you then. Keshi does seem football obsessed doesn't she.
Poor Flash (&you) again Jenny Good job you caught it early this time & had some Abs in. I wonder what keeps causing it. Is it some bug that lies dormant & keeps flaring up (((hugs))) for both of you.
I suppose it must be good news for your son Caththat they think it's not serious enough to keep him in but it must be a worry not knowing. Hope he get to see the consultants quickly but going by my daughters experience he won't.

Me & Taff had a lovely 5mile walk. Really enjoyed it we were walking for a good 1&1/2 hours & I burned up over 400 calories so I can have something nice later. Dont know what though cos all the Christmas goodies have gone.
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29-12-2013, 03:46 PM
Such news on here today
CATH,(( hugs)) the poor guy Imagine you must be stressed out with worry...agree with TW though my first thought was trapped nerve...course don't mind me,I'm missing my medical diploma Seriously,keep us updated be good to know how he gets on xx
FLASH,you poor baby OMG,JENNY,something really isn't right there Bless him...can't believe he has it again
Had a bit of a lie in after the night before Great time!!was such a laugh..had to get a chippie on the way home ,was starving
Went out to lunch and had a bit of a shop,really nothing exciting to buy so I was a good girl and didn't
Gonna make a coffee,sit for 10 mins and then do a much needed tidy up....storm forecast for later is already brewing....lovely
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29-12-2013, 03:46 PM
We have a leaking toilet! And it's Sunday so the DIY shops close at 4.
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29-12-2013, 03:48 PM
that's a pain LS,no B & Q near you?
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29-12-2013, 03:50 PM
Sorry you're right it closes at 4
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