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16-10-2013, 08:20 AM
Morning Jenny, Jen, Pat, Bev, Eileen and anyone else who pops in whilst I'm typing this.

Bev, I'm so sorry I hope you can somehow get her standing. When Zena collapsed on me, I put a fleece underneath her as she laid on her side, and managed to carry her like she was in a bag? Can you maybe try something like that to get her to the car. I wonder if your neighbours have relatives nearby who would be willing to pop over and give you a hand. You feel so helpless I know I would, but the sooner you get her to some help the better. I can't believe a vet won't come out to an animal in pain until this afternoon Try another vet maybe and see if they have someone available to send, like NOW. Good luck with her Bev.

Just done my daily ritual in the woods, it's getting more and more busy in there no matter how early I am, I must have seen 4 people with dogs this morning, most unusual, but then that's because they've fenced off those 5 fields up the top and people are looking for alternatives. Well, they can s*d off somewhere else, we don't want them here, especially when they leave their dog c*ap lying on the lovely, clean grass in the meadows I'm giving them all the evil look lol!

Just put my mince and onions in the slow cooker, smells delish, and now I'm off to shower and get myself off to Dunelms for those blinds Dave wants to put up this week-end. I might pop into Asda (if Dunelms lets me, cos I usually waste 2 hours in there) and get the week-end supplies in.
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16-10-2013, 08:44 AM
Morning Eileen how horrible to see the dead dog poor thing especially for the children. I feel for the owners if it had escaped but if they left to its own devices then shame on them.
Morning Jenny.
Morning Moyra. Dillon got a bit fussy with his food recently.
Morning again Helena. Enjoy Dunelms and Asda. As if I have to tell you that.
Bev what situation to find yourself in. I hope you can get her to the car and if you can't the vet comes out to her. The morning is going to be a long one.
Its awful having to wait when you know your dog or child is in pain.

Dillon and I had a nice walk on the field I took some Winalot biscuits cooked turkey and dried treats and threw them around and made him hunt for them. He had some good exercise and used his nose and brain.
Then we strolled up the lane and met the Polish lady and her little boy in the pushchair who Dillon said hello to again and he made the little boy giggle when he sniffed his hands and boots.
We walked along for a little way together trying to get through the language barrier. I worked she used to have a boxer who lived till 13.
When we got to the top I decided not to come the road way home but to turn around and come back down the lane there is a huge there with automatic gates and a young girl was pulling out in her car and asking about Dillon before I knew it he was in their food composting bin dragging out the bag of food. It is now scattered all over the place outside their gates. I warned the other dog walkers I met on their way up there.
Hopefully they will shut the lid on it next time.
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16-10-2013, 08:59 AM
Morning all,

Bev, I feel for you, it must be so horrible for you. I hope poor Lily comes out of this okay.

Helena, hope you get into the van okay.

I'm about to go get breakfast, do some dishes and get lessons organised for tomorrow night. I have lots to do, and should be going through to Dingwall but Brian has decided we should be having a move round of our bedroom with the TV going up on the wall. So going to be busy later.
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16-10-2013, 09:01 AM
I'm just about leave but wanted to say, Bev how sorry I am to read about Lily. Could you go to your local shop and ask a lad to help you lift her to the car or just pull someone off the street? Everything crossed for her and lots of (((hugs))) for you too.
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Lacey10 is offline  
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16-10-2013, 09:11 AM
Not sure how Bev managed it but Lily hopefully is in the vets by now.Fingers crossed she's alright xx
Oh,we have rain
No sign of Malka this morning?

Have just seen her!! Xx
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16-10-2013, 09:12 AM
Bev I hope you get something sorted out with Lily and find someone who can help you with her. I know you moved there to be nearer your immediate family, is there anyone that can come out to you at all. She can't stay how she is all day till the vet decides to come out, I would have thought in an emergency like this a vet would have come out. Many's the time I've waited whilst the vet dealt with an emergency and I've been happy to do it, because it could be me one day.
Helena, we may not see you the rest of the day if you are going to Dunelms and then onto Asda, I remember you like their jim jams and there'll be new ones in now the weather has gone colder. You did really well in all that darkness and driving down strange lanes last night. I hate getting lost in strange places, I always find myself driving in the wrong direction and keep going till I find a signpost with a name on I recognise, head for that, until I see another signpost with a name I recognise and keep doing that till I'm somehere I know, meanwhile a few hours have passed and I have no fuel left hardly to get home!!!
Thats a shame they've fenced off all those fields all of a sudden Helena, I hate it when things happen like that, because it doesn't half muck your life up and dog walks doesn't it
Moyra, hate to say it but Dentastix and Bakers are Not Good. Lots of additives in both, and you'll get horrid End Products.
Can't remember what the conclusion of the 2 questions were Lynn, did they get answered to your satisfaction or is there still a question mark over the access. I hope that you can get it sorted pretty soon as its holding everything up.
Oooh Jenny you did well last night, and how lovely of you to give the winnings to the student, he is probably so appreciative of that. Hope the visit to your mum goes well today and no hold ups on the M25 today.
So we won't see you on here tonight then Eileen if hubby's home, if its only for the one night
Will let you know how it goes today, I did sleep last night, which I didn't expect to. Heavy rain forecast for today, but not materialised as yet. Will be getting girls out in a while and hoping it holds off till later on - much later on (like tomorrow)
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Lucky Star
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16-10-2013, 09:17 AM
Morning all

Bev - I'm so sorry to hear about Lily. I hope you manage to get her to the vets. I understand how hard it is - I've had similar with Loki and it is scary. I hope she will be okay.

Lynn - Poor Mark - I hope the dentist visit goes well.

June - Looking forward to the scan news.

Helena - Great minds - I am about to look on the Dunelm site and see if there are any curtains I fancy. After all this time we still never got any.

Jenny - That was very sweet of you to give the student the money.

Nippy Jenny - I hope it isn't too tough today with Pepsi refusing to go out.

Eileen - How awful for everyone to see that poor dog.

Malka - I hope things are improving for you and Pereg now.

Moyra - I hope you can get Amber to eat something.

Morning to anyone I've missed.

Michael is having his last anti biotics today but his tooth is still hurting him, although perhaps not as much? I'll have to watch carefully.

He trod in something disgusting in the school grounds yesterday and even after cleaning, his shoes stink . I think it might be fox poo - any suggestions of how to get rid of the smell?

We had a phone call from the school this morning to say Carys had a bump on the head in PE so I will stay in for a bit in case they ring again. A wet paper towel usually cures most things for the children.

The estate agent rang to see what we thought of the house so I was honest. He tried a wee bit to persuade me that extending is a possibility but it would be major extending and when the house already costs 80K more than this one, it's not really. But we had a beautiful sunrise this morning and I could just imagine what it was like over the water meadow. (Dreaming icon .)

OH just rang to say he forgot his lunch so I have to get it to him for lunchtime. Just as well we live close to his place of work.

Three phone calls in an hour - I've never been so popular!

Hugs to all poorly dogs and owners and I hope you all have a good day.
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16-10-2013, 09:19 AM
Hey Nanny Tina
Will defo be on when the news is announced,that's a given
Hubby will go to bed early,has to get up at 5 so I'll be popping in and out tonight.Whatever we need to catch up on will must likely take about 10 mins
Pleasssssse let us know as soon as you can,I'll be dying here Wishing you both the very best of luck xx
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tawneywolf is offline  
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16-10-2013, 09:23 AM
She was first in the queue for brekkie this morning, usually its a jostling match between Lona and Keshi, in fact Mabs nearly got Lona's brekkie she was so keen. Keshi had to fight her way through to get to hers in the utility, then Lona has hers, then Mabs and then Cariad has hers in bed virtually Thats the order they've sorted out for themselves, but today it was a battle to make sure everyone got the right dish because they'd changed the order they queue in!!!! Wish they'd let me know about these things
All of 10 minutes Eileen, you'll have time to read that book then
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16-10-2013, 09:23 AM
LS,everything comes in 3's
Hope Cary's and Michael are ok(( hugs))
Yeah,unfortunately the dog was not a pretty sight,he was big.Reckon he must have been thrown up in the air and landed close to the kerb,going by the look of his head injuries
Right,need to make a start
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