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03-08-2013, 11:04 AM
Ooh lovely stories! I always like hearing how people got their dogs

We got george when I was 13 from a family who'd had puppies by accident. In retrospect a very bad idea as we had no idea about dogs and George grew up probably being hit a lot and never being outside the tiny flat they had.
So when we got him he was so difficult and my mum didn't know what to do, he bit her in the face and drew blood so she brought him back to them. I still feel guilty about that

Lasqa and Musette were the puppies of our neighbour's dog who'd mated with the local parson russell. I wanted Lasqa and my sister Musette, so we ended up with both!

Wassily was my mum's dog, she chose the breed and breeder and the puppy, because she wanted a big fluffy dog.

Ella is my first adult rehomed dog. Her owner had to give her away because she got pregnant at 43 and being a single mum already it was too much. So, when me and my boyfriend decided to get our own flat together, it all kind of fell into place at the same time and we took her in.
And although it's difficult at times and I'm still discovering stuff about her, she's my little sunshine girl and I love her with all my heart.
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03-08-2013, 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
I'll put up the pic I just took in the daily thread for you in a mo - she looks quite pathetic.

Wouldn't mind but, it was a VET who wrote that breed name in!

I am loving this thread - so here it comes up to the top again!
Well Dobermans (or Dobermen??) are essentially really big pinschers so he wasn't far off
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03-08-2013, 11:09 AM
Am loving this thread too Success and love in abundance!!
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03-08-2013, 11:24 AM
Certainly the older folk around where I live seem to be very responsible and dedicated owners irrespective of how they come into possession of their dogs. I would much rather see a more mature person with a dog than someone young - who might be at work all day, in an unstable relationship, be out every evening etc...

I bet just like Baxter, your Bella gets down on her knees and thanks you daily for "rescuing" her (even if it was a pet-shop it still sounds like a rescue to me). I said to my husband the other day that I bet Baxter thinks to himself "I wonder if I could have done better than those two if they'd just left me for a while longer in those kennels", he certainly acts like he's doing us a favour by agreeing to live in our house.

I also think our next dog will be a little westie or a jack Russell - something easy .................. or maybe an elderly staffie.

Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Interesting reading what you say about the oldies taking on the dogs of their youngsters Baxter. There was a thread on here back whenever more or less saying it was 'irresponsible' for quite old people to get a dog. I disagreed strongly with it at the time. Research shows, as I recall, one of the top 'reasons' given for dogs handed into shelters is 'divorce' and that's mainly younger folk not crumblies!

My current muttley is the first one I've ever bought from a pet shop. Something I vowed I'd never do and entreated everyone else not to do all my life.

However, I'd been two years without a dog and refusing all offers of dogs and refusing also to look in the shelters - all of which I am familiar with here - because I just knew I'd end up with the dog I felt most sorry for and not the type of dog I had more or less decided would best suit my current circumstances and lifestyle.

My daughter came in one day wailing 'oh mum there are these two tiny dogs in a cage in a new petshop behind Lazarus Church you gotta come and see them'. I held out until one day when we were walking round there. As soon as I saw these two minpin pups together in a small cage stacked on top of other cages I was done for.

And, naturally, I took the one that looked a bit sadder, smaller and had bite marks on its ears from where the other bigger pup had been having a go at it.

It ended up staying in the vets for 4 days less than 12 hours after purchase. Long story but cost me more for the vets than the 500 for the dawg. I had misgivings for a long time for buying from a petshop and I couldn't walk that way for ages afterwards coz people kept telling me the other one was still there.

But now I see it like this. My Bella would not still be alive if I hadn't bought her. So, to me, she was just as worthy a cause of my goodwill as any dog in a shelter. I doubt if me not buying just ONE dog from a petshop would have closed down any puppy farms.

Most here (happy to say) just rescue street dogs - Cyprus Poodles mainly and discarded hunting dogs.

I was over 60 and had owned a variety of breeds in my time and thought I deserved to have the type of breed of dog with the temperament, size, health reputation etc. that I thought would ideally suit me and it worked out very well.

My previous dog - a CKCS - was chosen with just as much thought in the UK. I had a 10 yr old daughter 'desperate' for a dog. We wanted one she would be safe with and able to handle and take out from the start and a dog people wouldn't be 'afraid' of. A dog that would be a delight for her to walk with everyone ooohing and aaahing and asking how old it was and can they stroke it and blah blah blah!
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03-08-2013, 11:26 AM
It's wonderful thread isn't it? I think people really enjoy telling others how they came into possession of their dog - I know I love to tell. I also just like to add just how far he's come along to people who are willing to listen.

Originally Posted by Eileen Duffy View Post
Am loving this thread too Success and love in abundance!!
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03-08-2013, 11:30 AM
Lovely story about the little Oike! Fantastic names you have for your dogs.

Thank goodness for people like yourself.

Originally Posted by Trouble View Post
Well Syd, Rio, Tucson and Phoenix all came from highly reputable breeders.
Frankie was up for rehoming by a member on here as he was being bullied by the resident dog. He didn't belong to the other forum member but to her brother. I was missing having a terrier presence in the house so off we went on a 300 mile round trip and brought the little Oike home.
Diesel belonged to my eldest Son and his then girlfriend, she decided at 13 weeks old she'd had enough of him and I took him on temporarily. The fall out from that split them up permanently eventually. That was 5 years ago.
Milan was another private rehome, I think we're her 5 home and she was 8 months when we took her in. She'd been bought along with her litter brother, rehomed on the advice of their trainer and passed on a couple more times until found wandering on the streets, filthy, starving and a massive lump on her back where she'd been shot with an airgun. She was picked up by Battersea dogs home, scanned and tracked back to her original owner. They took her back but couldn't keep her as they were about to relocate to Dubai. She came here around 5 years ago and here she'll stay.
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03-08-2013, 11:31 AM
I'd second that - definitely have better lifes than they did previously. Good for you.

Originally Posted by kat14778 View Post
I was asked to take Ty on at 18 months old by a lady who i work with as her niece gets puppies and after so long gets rid as soon as i saw him i knew i couldnt leave him so home with me he came. Cassie was a usual advert on the net cant cope with toddler and puppy again i fell for her and couldnt leave her at 6 months she had never been out the garden and didnt even have a lead.Both now have certain issues due to there early lack of socialization but def have better lifes than they had previously
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03-08-2013, 11:33 AM
What a gorgeous posting. What lucky dogs - and boy they do look happy.

Originally Posted by Jessiesdad View Post
Last November I moved down to Cornwall to look after my Mum who has Dementia. I had already decided that I would get a dog. Firstly for me to get me out and about and get a bit fitter and also for my Mum as it is good for elderly people to have a pet to interact with.
I was sure that I wanted a rescue dog so I could help a poor sad dog out and give it a good home.
I decided that I would wait until the New Year as I figured that there would be a glut of poor puppies that the shine had worn off and were now unwanted. I wanted a Springer Spaniel, as I looked after a friends for 7 months while he worked abroad and Bealesy was a brilliant dog.
So at the start of January I started checking out the local rescue sites. I couldn't see to many Springers but I rang a couple of places to see if there were any coming in.
I explained what I was looking for and why. One not too far from me said they didn't have a Springer but that they did have a lovely Lurcher called Jessie who they thought would be ideal for us and that they had put a video of her up on Youtube. I took a look at it and for sure she seemed like a lovely girl with a nice temperament. I did a bit of research on Lurchers online since I had only ever met one and he was a working dog that belonged to a very dodgy mate of mine from years back. So anyway after my bit of research I found that my assumptions about Lurchers were pretty much off the mark and so arranged to go and see her the next day with Mum.
She was brought down to meet us and arrived very calmy before jumping up to give me tons of licks and kisses. Then she met Mum for more of the same. Took her out for a walk for about half an hour and was already in love with her by the time we got back. After a good long chat with the staff and owner of the rescue centre they said that it was obvious that she was going to get a very good home and a lot of love. So after buying all the bits and bobs she needed to begin with and making our donation, she came home with us that day. She rode beautifully in the car and when she got home she had a little explore arounf downstairs and after an hour she was spark out asleep on her bed. So a happy girl from the get go.

This her after being home for just an hour.

She has been the best girl ever and so good with all the carers and everyone that comes to visit Mum.

As you can see here she is a very happy girl.

A few months later I was looking though a Lurcher forum I am on and there was a message saying that another girl Lurcher needed rehoming urgently due to an alleged incident with a Lamb. It was never proven that it was her but the farmer had decided it was and told the owners who are also farmers that either they get her put down or he would shoot her.
So i got in touch with them and we arrange to meet the following day in a park local to me to see how the two girls got along. Well all was well there and so we arranged for Lexi to come and stay with us for a week to see if they could get along over a period of time at home. I am happy to say she's still here with us.
I was looking for a companion for Jess and again was looking for a Springer and again took another Lurcher.

This is Lexi.

Jess and Lexi together.

I like to think they have a good life here with us. They're both very loved and get to out and about all over the place with me. Up Kit Hill, to the beach, nature reserves, woodland walks.

Bit of a long post but you did ask.
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03-08-2013, 01:08 PM
Pepe the poodle is the first dog I've actually paid money for for very many years!

Bogie the cocker spaniel was sold by his breeder to a young family - when they took him to their vet for a check up he found tiny juvenile cataracts, so they returned him to the breeder, who was very shocked and upset as she always does all the normal health checks. She appealed for a home for him and I was lucky enough to get him - he's nearly 9 now with no sight problems at all.

Witty the terrier belonged to a family my son knew - bought for the boys, who were not the slightest bit interested in him and he was kept in the garden, day and night. The father was a violent man - been inside loads of times - and I knew that challenging him would be no good, and I couldn't be sure if the RSPCA would take action. In the end I made a real nuisance of myself, by repeatedly saying how gorgeous he was and if ever they wanted to rehome him let me know, and in the end he got so sick of me he grabbed the dog and plonked him in my arms and said 'Take him.'

Previously, Gertie the lurcher had been abandoned and I offered her a home. Previous to that Jessie the cocker spaniel belonged to a family who lost interest in her - my son used to take her for walks and they called round one day and asked if we would like her.

The dogs I had before that - border collies and poodes - were bought by me as puppies.
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03-08-2013, 01:30 PM
I would never do this if i had kids, but my parents got her for my 10th birthday.
Makes me shudder that they did it but luckily i've loved her since the day i got her and have always done my best for her.

I'm 21 now and is still going strong
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