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01-07-2013, 09:01 AM
Oooh ladies that other dress I liked is in the M&S sale now.
I'm tempted to get it anyway - waddya think of it? It did look nice on and looked more flared than this on me - coz I've got a fatter posterior!

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01-07-2013, 09:19 AM
Eating tinned prunes....The blurb with the antibiotics warned that a common side effect was the dire horrors. Trust me to be the opposite.

Not had prunes for years and now I remember why....
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01-07-2013, 09:30 AM
Get it NOW Pat!!!! Otherwise it will be gone and you'll always regret it. That's the sort of dress that will be suitable for so many different things depending on how you accessorise it. Glad you found that number Pat, because I looked high and low for it when I was looking for the VWD results
Gloomy dull morning here, rain is forecast for later, then sunny after that. Not sure how to arrange my day actually, so having brekkie, watching Jeremy Kyle (strangely addictive). Felt quite warm when I went out with brekkies and to skip out.
MoetsMum are you off on holiday in the caravan, or are you getting it ready to go to shows in.
Helena Your tongue must be bitten through by now, there is only so much blame anyone can have loaded on them, and you are so good, he has no idea what a nightmare it could REALLY be if he was married to someone else.
LINDA Sorry to hear Loki had another fit, like you say it is good there was 24 hours between them, I can remember it used to go on for a couple of days with hardly a break. I bet those houses are tiny inside, I can't believe the prices they want for new property when there are so many older more spacious houses out there for less money. Look at the ones that Lynn has found at less than £130k.
LYNN Lona's done that a couple of times to her front dew claw. The first time was gone 7 at night when I saw it and my then vets was closed by then. The next morning it was back in place The next time she did it it was during the winter and they were inside late afternoon in front of the fire and I noticed she was chewing her paw and there was blood, had a look at what she was doing and her dew claw was knocked sideways again and she was putting it back in place. Sat and watched as she did it, and by tea time the dew claw was back where it belonged.
Jenny Wonder if it was that fox that was 're-homed' yesterday try to get back to where it was yesterday that disturbed the dogs.
Mini Hope you're OK mowing all those lawns and it drys out quickly and Hannah doesn't get wet feet

Can't remember anything else, so will get off and do something rather than sit in front of the telly because if I start watching This Morning that'll be me done nothing at all till girlie walks, and it will probably be raining or something!!!
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01-07-2013, 09:41 AM
Dull & dreary here as well.
Poor Dillon. Hope the vet can sort him out.
Oh dear Helena. It's hard putting up with someone whose on a downer isn't it? Get your strength back this week before it all starts again on Friday.Relax at the hairdressers today.
I like that dress Pat. You can put different things with it so you get loads of wear out of it.
Just finished cleaning the cupboard under the sink. You know the one - that's filled with miracle cleaners that aren't so never get finished.
It's trying to rain here now.
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01-07-2013, 09:44 AM
Nechda - sorry to hear that Dave still has the unhappies.

Lynn - good luck at the vet with Dillon.xx

Linda - poor Loki and poor you. It really sounds like he was copying Da Booga as hers last week were just 23 hours apart. She was extremely restless during the night and I kept thinking, as no doubt you do, oh no, not again. She sends her "cousin" Loki lots of tailwags and polite snuffly kisses, and hope he is not too bad post-ictal. xx

As for the bites - the mozzies cotched me in the hollow of my right collar bone - must have come in through the open door as all windows have screens on them.

Pat - BUY IT - it is lovely! Oh, and I am so glad that you found that wotsit code!
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01-07-2013, 10:51 AM
Hi all back from the vet. They didn't want to sedate today due to him being fed. It has snapped backwards but isn't loose its firm so they are thinking of removing it but under sedation which will be tomorrow. He is going in at 8.30 and he can stay for the day while we are in Norfolk house hunting.
He has got some oral anti flamm/painkiller which he has just had and is now settled. He has had a nibble and clean round it and funny thing June it is looking straighter.
The receptionist said he might chew it off himself yet but they would still need to see him.
Claim form on its way.

Sorry to hear about Loki Linda
Love the dress Pat
Hope everyone else is well.
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01-07-2013, 11:40 AM
Well all clean and scrubbed and tidy again except for the lawns to do. All the washing, sheets etc out on the line just hope everything dries ok. two doggie blankets in the wash now get them done and I am almost finished. Better go and get on with the grass so that I can say it is all done. phew. At least it made me forget my back but I just took Amber for another mooch round the green and my legs were fit to give out. Must take my rollator later when I go again so I can let her loose and sit down and watch her. Hope Dillon's claw will be ok.
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01-07-2013, 12:01 PM
Afternoon all,

Helena, sorry you are having a hard time with Dave, I hope things get better, it's so hard when they are down.

I've started packing up for camp, got the dresses sorted out, and other . Just need to get my kits ironed and packed away. Going to have to go out for shopping too, we need bread.

Hope you all have a nice afternoon.
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Rosebud77 is offline  
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01-07-2013, 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by lore View Post
Afternoon all,

Helena, sorry you are having a hard time with Dave, I hope things get better, it's so hard when they are down.

I've started packing up for camp, got the dresses sorted out, and other . Just need to get my kits ironed and packed away. Going to have to go out for shopping too, we need bread.

Hope you all have a nice afternoon.
What happened re the suitcase? Was going to suggest a thrift shop as V de P here always have dozens going very cheap
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01-07-2013, 12:38 PM
Afternoon all, and thanks for the sympathies, I sure need it, there's a limit to just how much you can take isn't there, and considering I'm the only one he ever talks to, seems I'm the one constantly taking the brunt, along with the blame. He said he can't talk to me about it, cos I'm too much of a "pull your socks up" person, which I am (although of course I do support him, but when you're constantly being ground down, one day I'm just gonna spring back up with avengeance aren't I). Quite honestly, I'm getting a bit bored with it now, it's the "me, me, me" thing, almost as if it doesn't matter what happens here at home with me and Zena, that's not important is itThat's also probably because he knows how well I would cope in any given situation, I've never been one of those wimmin who has to phone husband to sort something out, cos I can probably sort it better than he could anyway and usually do. I told him he's ill and needs to go to the doctor. I also told him it's not the end of the world he's got locked out of his business account, his wife hasn't got cancer has she like some poor beggers have to cope with. Oh it makes my blood boil sometimes, he needs to start looking around him at what he HAS got instead of what he HASN'T. Oh woe is me, it's the same old chestnut, and if he had nothing to get depressed about, then I'm darn sure he'd find something Rant over, I'm gonna forget it all now and enjoy my life during the week-days. A little caravan on Beauport is looking more and more inviting everytime I go through this c*ap!

Had a c*ap haircut too (not my day is it!) I told him I don't like the bits going up at the sides on the short back before it comes down again in the graduated bob (but I forgot my bdooly picture didn't I). He agreed with me, but then what does he do? Then it looked like a bob, and I told him of my discontent (I was in the mood lol), and he then lifted the sides further back so you can see it graduates from the front view instead of just the side. He has just come back from holiday, but when he started cutting again, I could see he was back on form and it looked good then. I've decided to have a colour with him next week, I'm having the purple, but it's not the bright one, just a sort of mid range one but he said he wouldn't have to bleach it if I went for the darker, so next Tuesday, he's gonna slap that on for me.

Got half way round my dog walk this morning and the mobile went, it was the couple in Van 2, they had no hot water It didn't surprise me at all because everytime I looked at that boiler pilot light, I could see there was a big bit of crud sitting on it and I didn't like to blow it off in case I blew out the pilot and I don't really know that boiler yet. The guy who had been in it for weeks told me it had always been there and was never a problem, seems like it is now though. I rang my plumber and he's going up there somewhen today to fix it, so I rang her back and told her. They're as happy as Larry in there, they have stayed in our smaller van, but love this one to bits especially the layout she said, it's all so fab! It is of course!

Pat - loving that dress, it's a must have, I love the neckline shape. Thanks for the sympathy of what I'm going through here too.

Linda, so sorry to hear about Loki and another night's lack of sleep for you. ((((hugs))))

Lynn, sorry to hear what Dillon has done to his dewclaw. Cassie did that once, she screamed when I took her to the vet, it was poking out sideways, she had caught it on her half choke collar chasing the ball The vet decided not to operate cos he said the aftercare can be a nightmare, so he knocked her out, cut it half off and then quarterised it and strapped it to her leg for a while, and it never grew back long again and never gave her a problem. Good luck with it.

Moyra, don't overdo it with that mowing you'll be doing your back in again. You need to find a nice young man who can do it for you. Sadly, I don't have one to lend you!

Rosebud, prunes, yuk, but hope they work!

Jenny, sorry to hear you've had a disturbed night with the foxes, and I hope the long walk wears them out a treat, and you'll be needing a nanny nap won'tcha

June, yes, I couldn't keep that tongue still last night There's only so far you can bend over backwards, only so long you can tread on eggshells, before you have to come out with a few home truths isn't there Well I do! He knows that though and has now decided he can't talk to me about work problems anymore cos I "don't understand" or it ends in an argument and he doesn't want us to argue. Sometimes people need a wake up call don't they, and I might be giving him one soon if things don't improve I can tell ya

I'm sitting here thinking about all that ironing I've got for tonight, oh joy! It'll be lovely when I can see it all on the worktop in a nice, neat pile, but it's the getting there that's depressing me

Hi Jen, Malka, Lorraine, Norma, Mini and anyone else I've forgotten, and I'll catch you all later.
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