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27-06-2013, 08:39 AM
Oh my goodness my poor brain cannot cope.

Walked the field with Dillon as usual then we strolled up the lane to his favourite puddle and I thought we would turn round go back the way we came and possibly see some of his doggy friends for a play on the field on the way home.
No Dillon decides he wants to keep walking and take the road way home. So we did. Coming down the hill saw my neighbour who lives on the end in her jeep coming up the hill she stops and gets out.

Her son and DIL are interested in buying the house they know its off the market but were wondering if we would be interested in selling still. The two sets of parents are getting the deposit together for them and they are hoping to see their bank manager on Saturday if they can get an appointment they both work so we will take it from there.
The DIL is pregnant so Anne will be in her element if they are just up the path and they are paying a whopping £900 a month rent at the moment so could easily afford the repayments.
I said as we said to Natalie if no EA's involved we can automatically knock £2000 off.

We bought the pond on Monday to start the garden revamp over the weekend and Gorden when he got home from work yesterday started lifting the crazy paving.
I have also just sourced a raw feed supplier 5 minutes away.
Oh help we will now have to think about Gorden possibly working away from home 4 nights a week but on the other hand if the contract isn't renewed next September we will not have a mortgage to worry about.

Gorden is working so we cannot sit and discuss this and my brain is aching with trepidation and excitement.
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27-06-2013, 08:47 AM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Morning all. Thinking of you today Losos.

It's been a long day already for me. Owner's cousin here before 6.30am to sign the lease. I'd set my alarm for 6am just in case as she wanted to 'meet me downstairs' (after I tidied the whole bleedin' place up lol! Was my intention to get up, meet her and go straight off to the lake with Bella.

Anyway I was awake at 5 and thought it was stupid to try go back to sleep for less than an hour so I got us ready and took Bella and my phone with me (she was calling me when almost here).

I felt a bit sorry for Bella as we were doing sort of figures of 8 around the local blocks so's not to get too far off in case she was early. But I think today proved that it is us humans who love the 'nicer places' to walk and the muttleys don't really care - interesting smells everywhere! So she isn't going to the lake today. She's asleep on the sofa.

My forced early start has done nothing to improve efficiency I feel like I'm in a trance right now! Got some scanning in to do and have decided that I am DEFINITELY going to archive a lot more paperwork rubbish (having had to wade through so much last night). I do try not to keep anything older than 6 months but it seems to pile up so fast.

I might as well have gone swimming early for all I've not got done! However I am now starving so ....

Have a lovely day everyone and hope all 2 leggeds and 4 leggeds with ills and problems see some light soon.
Morning Pat, why you get up at 5 then Get some blackout blinds woman and lie in till at least 6, it's a respectable hour, whereas 5 o'clock isn't Yes, strange how we try and think of all these fantastic walks for our dogs and yet they're quite happy just wandering up the road sniffing everything in sight. As long as it's somewhere different now and then, they really don't care do they. I love sorting out paperwork and binning the old stuff, especially insurance companies, they seem to send us reams of unnecessary c*ap don't they, i love to bin all that! Enjoy the rest of your day chilling by the pool.

Originally Posted by Rosebud77 View Post
Kind lady! But reading some of the posts today ... makes solitude seem fine as relationships can be so hard. Caring always costs.. All in thoughts and prayers today here ..

Age can be disappointing though....adapting is the key...I am at present a little out of my depth with this so must learn to swim again.. doggy paddle!

Coffee calls! Maybe toast as I have a wonderful selection of free bread this week...Back later!
Oh so very true Rose, and yes, we have to learn to adapt as we get older, it's a pity our brains don't slow down along with our bodies, it makes us think we can do things we just can't anymore.

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Helena, Lynn, Lore, Rosebud and fellow members,

Just as well more people haven't already been in A dull start to the day and oh boy is it warm and clammy. Hopefully we'll actually have some rain today as everything is so so dry but I fear tomorrow will be wet (day of the wedding).

Polly coming here this morning for a dog walk and then all I have to do is a large food shop and an afternoon of doing my nails etc (pigs might fly).

Helena - Enjoy your walk with Zena and I hope you manage to sort out a plasterer and someone to hang your doors ... hopefully the work can be done on a day when Dave isn't there so there won't be any stress if they don't do it quite the way he would have done.

Lynn - I am sorry about Michael .... do we ever stop worrying about our children ... I think not. I hope he picks himself up quickly ((hugs)).

Lore - Lots of (((hugs))) for you this morning. It must be so hard when your OH is on a bender ..... it really isn't fair for you Presumably its better that he doesn't come back on nights like that and you don't see him until he's sobered up. I do hope he apologises ((hugs)).

Rosebud - I can't believe how stupid your four-legged 'visitors' are to enter a house with more cats and dogs Also how very very rude not to come and introduce themselves Enjoy your day and I hope you can get your aches and pains under control. ((hugs)).

Harvey - Thinking of you this morning ((hugs)).

Bev - I hope you are still coping with you hectic daily agenda ((hugs)) and good luck with today and I hope you are managing to get a breather during the day.

See you all later.
Morning Jenny, LOL I kept saying that about my toenails and they just got longer and loooooonger until my trainers had holes punched in the top Hope you do get them done this afternoon, and enjoy your walk with Polly and the doglets.

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Morning all
Beautiful day again.
Hope you are okay Harvey xx
I have an awful lot to be doing today. I have to shop for Brians party on Saturday and clean through so that tomorrow I can concentrate on baking and preparing etc.
The show must go on, even though I haven't slept and feel literally sick
I hope you are all well, have a good day.
Morning Jen, yes, I bet you feel awful this morning, it's all so unfair sometimes isn't it Try and get through your busy day as best you

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H and all,
Bit late for me but I have walked Lily, had my shower, done 2 lots of washing, been to tesco and been and bought all bed linen, pillows, and matress protector for Ash and Charly's wedding present. now sitting down to have my breakfast before heading off to the elderly lady.
Afternoon evening work is hectic with out the young lad there and trying to cover him.

I managed to snatch an hour between work yesterday and took charly to the local florist. We ordered a small posy (very basic) for her and 8 basic buttonholes. I nearly died when the price came to £87 and thats with me picking them up .

Harvey thinking of you this morning.
Jenny so sorry to hear about your friend, you are in my thoughts.
Hope Micheal perks up Lynn.
Lorraine I hope Brian turns up soon, I used to have a hubby that done that, so know how you feel.
H, I think you are doing the right thing getting workman in as its obviously doing you and dave good having quality time together and not just work work work.
Hope everyone else is ok on this beautiful day.
Morning Bev, expensive time for you with that wedding fast approaching, but I know you will make her day as special as everyone else's even though it won't cost a fortune. No point telling you to slow down cos you just won't, but hopefully that young lad will be back soon and take some of the load off you.

Originally Posted by Norma808 View Post
Morning Helena morning all
Massssive hugs today for those going through such a rotten time at the moment
Dull here today
Freedom starts today oh only just gone (day later than expected )
Last night at work tonight conned into 2 extra
Don't know how some folk can sit down too a 5 course meal at 9 pm I'd be up all night with belly ache
3disgruntled muppets ,only got to see the jeep getting packed and they go into work mode not this time guys
Emergencys cropped up so having the munsters tomorrow for another week
Think I'm going to start to say No ,apart from that same old same old
Do hope all poorly peeps and doglets are on the mend or get better soon
Everyone enjoys the day what ever their up to ,above all take care stay safe
Second coffee me thinks it may just enjuice some enthusiasm ,energy this morning
Sorry if I've missed anyone brain so not in gear
Morning Norma, glad to hear you're on another freedom ride from today, enjoy it while it lasts Yes, you must learn to say no sometimes, now repeat after me.... "I'm very sorry, but I just can't, I would if I could, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to say NO - sorry" You can do it Norma Dave's like you!!!

Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Good morning everyone, not feeling too great this morning but when I read of others troubles mine melt to inconsequence. Commiseration must go to Harvey and to Jenny and for her friends family, so very sad.
Lynn Sorry to hear about Michael hope things improve.
Helena Enjoy some fun time with Dave and forget the bits that need doing indoors for now as you say get some workmen in.
Bev You are going to have to slow down sooner or later you cannot keep this pace up without it telling on you. Please come up for air!
Nippy Sorry you are not feeling so good either do hope you feel better as the day goes on.
Tang glad I am not on your hit list re Tina White just keep your chocklit safe.
Malka, hope you and Pereg had a good night.
Rose Sorry to hear you had such a bad night, bed is best place for you for the time being, hope you feel better soon.
Norma You're another one for taking on all this extra work. Enjoy your free time.

Now I don't know if I have forgotten anyone but if I have it was not intentional. Do try and have a lovely day everyone, God Bless.
Morning Moyra, sorry to hear you're still feeling a bit low, but like you say, there are always others worse off when we look around. Hope the day gets better for you.x

Walk in the woods, lufferley, apart from I was later than usual and had a few numpties around, so had to turn back at one point and take another route purely for Zena's safely, I can't be doing with any stress from loose dogs who don't listen to their owners.

I've decided I'm staying in today and getting that pressure washer out on the front of the house. It needs to be done, all the trees have turned it green in places instead of white, and I love watching it all come off.

I can do what I need to do over the phone anyway, and I've got turkey casserole in the slow cooker for lunch.

Lynn and I have made an executive decision this morning about our Daily Thread here, and we hope it meets with your approval. I know you all appreciate our efforts cos you've told us so, but I'm sure you can appreciate, that when we return from a busy morning doing stuff, log into Dogsey and see 10 pages to read through it sometimes can be quite overwhelming for us to catch up and answer everybody. There is so much chit chat inbetween which we have to read through, cos we don't want to miss anyone's important news and make them feel left out or ignored, and by the time we've read through it, we have little time left to actually say goodmorning to everyone in turn, which we've always liked to do.

Now we hope you will all be in agreement, that this little Daily thread is going to be for regulars and newbies and everyone else who wants to pop in to say hi, goodmorning, how's yer father, and tell us what's happening (cos we're nosey lol!), but we thought it a great idea if us or anyone else who fancies it, also puts up a daily "chit-chat" thread with it? Waddaya think then, cos both Lynn and I really do like to hear about everybody's day, this thread has been going on for Donkeys years as a good morning thread, just that ours lasts all day and evening now because a lot of people don't turn up until after mid-day or evening (mentioning no names lol!

If you feel it's fine as it is, then Lynn and I will put it up like we always do, say hello to anyone who's around, but as it gets longer and longer throughout the day, then we apologise in advance, that we just can't read it all and we will miss a lot of "news" be it good or bad. Hence the reason we feel it should remain a kind of newsy thread, and the chit chatty stuff be separate? Maybe you've got a take on it?

We're going to put up a little chit chat thread today anyway and see how it goes for those who have already said their goodmorning bit and want to chat more ok, and we hope you understand.
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27-06-2013, 08:49 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Oh my goodness my poor brain cannot cope.

Walked the field with Dillon as usual then we strolled up the lane to his favourite puddle and I thought we would turn round go back the way we came and possibly see some of his doggy friends for a play on the field on the way home.
No Dillon decides he wants to keep walking and take the road way home. So we did. Coming down the hill saw my neighbour who lives on the end in her jeep coming up the hill she stops and gets out.

Her son and DIL are interested in buying the house they know its off the market but were wondering if we would be interested in selling still. The two sets of parents are getting the deposit together for them and they are hoping to see their bank manager on Saturday if they can get an appointment they both work so we will take it from there.
The DIL is pregnant so Anne will be in her element if they are just up the path and they are paying a whopping £900 a month rent at the moment so could easily afford the repayments.
I said as we said to Natalie if no EA's involved we can automatically knock £2000 off.

We bought the pond on Monday to start the garden revamp over the weekend and Gorden when he got home from work yesterday started lifting the crazy paving.
I have also just sourced a raw feed supplier 5 minutes away.
Oh help we will now have to think about Gorden possibly working away from home 4 nights a week but on the other hand if the contract isn't renewed next September we will not have a mortgage to worry about.

Gorden is working so we cannot sit and discuss this and my brain is aching with trepidation and excitement.
Your brain may be aching Lynn, but it's a good ache isn't it!!! Yayyyy, finger's crossed then, cos I know you really would love to move
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27-06-2013, 08:51 AM
Grey and overcast here, felt some spots of rain on me when I was outside doing brekkies and skipping out, not too cold though. Glad I did the river yesterday with everyone as if the rain that is forecast comes over then I won't be able to go on there today, just hoping it bypasses us and turns up elsewhere, although London and South East won't get it till a lot later in the day apparently, because we can't have Wimbledon getting rained on
Quiet morning today and am having brekkie watching Jeremy Kyle, can't believe how horrid some of the people are to each other, eugh.
Thinking of you this morning Harvey and you must be feeling so drained emotionally after yesterday. She is at peace now and you have put her in the place she chose to pass away. Will be waiting to see the piccies of the wall with the plaque etc when you finish it all. Lots of love and hugs from us all here, and Keshi would like to send Puppy Love to you because we all know that is extra speshul.
You must have had a terrible night Nippy, your poor friend, it will be going over and over in your mind and reliving the good times together. Nothing I can say to you to make it better or even bearable. Dreadful awful thing to have happened, as Helena says, they were trying to help and made things about as bad as it could be.
So pleased to see you had a decent nights sleep with Pereg and no recurrence of her seizs so far. Big hugs and cuddles, wish I were nearer, or you were, because at least I could pop round and make you a cup of tea and a sandwich, maybe help clean up whilst you get some much needed rest. At least your marbles have been found and are safe back where they belong eh
Lynn, its one thing after another, you get peace of mind at long last because Gordon has got a job and the contract is through and signed, then Michael starts. Any idea what started it all off and any way it can be turned around before he gets too bad and difficult.
Sounds like a lovely day in the Sarf East Helena, we've apparently got monsoon conditions brewing up here, as Eileen says, it is in Ireland at the moment, but on its way over to this side as we speak.
I've got a couple of things to do this afternoon and really really hope the bad weather holds off for a while, I don't fancy the drive in pouring rain, but if it has to be done, then I will have to do it, much as I hate driving unless it is a nice dry day, preferably sunny.
You'll be needing a nanny nap by now Pat I expect, are you on the daybed already by any chance, and is there room for Bella
Oh Jenny if you are going to do nails, please will you have a go at mine, after all we know you have all day and not a lot to do....if only......
How long is OH away for Norma, sorry the muppets were disappointed this time, are they sulking or have they got over it already as they have friends visiting.
Can't believe the price of the flowers Bev, that is astronomical, You're doing well though, outfit bought and flowers sorted, despite all the boulders in your rucksack and round your neck
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27-06-2013, 08:55 AM
Fantastic news Lynn typical though isn't it, you've decided to stay and now someone wants to buy it, aaaaggghhhh.
Helena, me no understand...isn't this a chit chat thread already, why start another
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27-06-2013, 09:23 AM
I finally heard from OH, he is at his friends, fell asleep. Stoopid ass, I had to take time off work cause of that. Nobody to put Davie to school. So not a happy bunny.

He'd better not be up there for a week like he has done before. I will be furious if he does that.

I'm currently having a coffee before getting started. Not even got out of bed yet. Got up long enough to let Dougal out and put Davie to school but that's it. Got stuff to do today now.
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27-06-2013, 09:26 AM
Still waiting to get away!!! Why do daughters need to get dolled up every time they leave the house, iron a outfit, full make- up the works!!!! I can be ready to go anywhere in 5 mins,all glam to trawl round a shopping centre???
Anyway, Lynn just wanted to say I feel for you with Michael.My brother suffers from S.A.D so I know the effect Michael being down can have on the whole family.Really hope he gets help from DR.
Oh at last, ready to go......later xx
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27-06-2013, 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Malka View Post

I really have not taken in much of what I have been trying to read for the last couple of days, so please forgive me for missing anyone/anything important.

Thinking of Harvey and Alena - and also your friend and her family Jenny.

Not sure if I can remember anything else but hopefully I will soon be able to say

I hope the sun shines on you all today.
The words re marbles reminds me of the wife of a market trader years ago; lovely educated lady but an alcoholic who was a sore trial to her husband.

You never knew what she was going to do or say next. One day she came up to me, pressed three marbles into my hand" There you are! No one can say now that you have lost your marbles,,,"
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27-06-2013, 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Malka View Post
I vividly remember being asked at one of my appeals for disability allowance how much alcohol I drank each week - I think they were trying to imply that it was booze rather than an unseen ice-cream wrapper that had caused me to fall down those bdooly stone stairs.

They were most put out when I not only said I was teetotal but produced a doctor's letter stating it as well! [I had previously been warned that I would be asked that question by my doctor, who hand-wrote the all important information!]

Good luck.
Are they not really something else!

I once had a medical assessment at a posh new building. The taxi driver seemed to have no idea how to drop me at the main door so we went round the back and to my horror there was a loooooooooooooooog corridor to negotiate, on 2 crutches ... office staff kept emerging with glasses of water, as apparently this happened all the time.

I lost that appeal; "She walked from the entrance along several hundred yards of corridor." Often wondered if the taxi driver was in on it!

The next time I made sure they came to my house and I won it back
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27-06-2013, 10:26 AM
Originally Posted by lore View Post
I finally heard from OH, he is at his friends, fell asleep. Stoopid ass, I had to take time off work cause of that. Nobody to put Davie to school. So not a happy bunny.

He'd better not be up there for a week like he has done before. I will be furious if he does that.

I'm currently having a coffee before getting started. Not even got out of bed yet. Got up long enough to let Dougal out and put Davie to school but that's it. Got stuff to do today now.
Bad man! I would change the locks! Enjoy your day off even through it was not planned
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