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tawneywolf is offline  
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14-06-2013, 09:11 AM
Sun was out here but gone very hazy now, feels tons better than it did yesterday though. I need it not to rain for a couple of days, because stupid me put the old dog sheets that I had washed onto my friend's washing line, and there they have remained for a few days now as it keeps raining on them. I need them to dry!!!
Hope the dentist goes OK for you Nippy and the scans are done on time and you are out of there relatively early.
Last time I had AB's from the vets they were ones that tasted nice, and mine crunched them up like they were treats and looked for more
Glad to hear the caravan got done MM and you made it home, all you've got to do now is put the gate back, any handy farmers etc knocking about that you could ask.
Lynn, those estate agents were just the scrapings of the barrel, they don't seem to be even semi conscious and have any idea of what they have put you through by their constant inattention to you as their client. I was really hoping that you would be able to go after that gorgeous little house and you would all live happily ever after. Things happen when they are meant to happen, and I am sure it will all turn out right in the long term, its just waiting for it to happen isn't it.
I bet you'll feel a weight has lifted once all these painters and joiners disappear from your house Jenny, its only every blue moon though isn't it, and once its all done you'll breath a sigh of relief and enjoy it all nice and newly painted etc.
Have a good day at the van Helena, are you planting those 15m flamingo's today, remember to take a piccie won't you.
Fingers crossed for your results today EmmiS, when do you actually leave the house, is it today.
Pat I think you would be best coming over to England for a couple of months because it sounds as though most of England is getting ready to descend on you
Sun has now disappeared but hoping it comes out in about an hour when I will get Mabs and Keshi out then I will take Cariad and Lona out onto the river again. Really is a pleasant day here - so far.......
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14-06-2013, 09:15 AM
Thanks for all you good luck it did the trick and she passed her MOT, not bad for an oldie V Reg. She is a lovely car though and has been looked after. She belonged previously to my cousin who died recently. So she is special to me. Thanks everyone. Moyra
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14-06-2013, 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Sun was out here but gone very hazy now, feels tons better than it did yesterday though. I need it not to rain for a couple of days, because stupid me put the old dog sheets that I had washed onto my friend's washing line, and there they have remained for a few days now as it keeps raining on them. I need them to dry!!!
Hope the dentist goes OK for you Nippy and the scans are done on time and you are out of there relatively early.
Last time I had AB's from the vets they were ones that tasted nice, and mine crunched them up like they were treats and looked for more
Glad to hear the caravan got done MM and you made it home, all you've got to do now is put the gate back, any handy farmers etc knocking about that you could ask.
Lynn, those estate agents were just the scrapings of the barrel, they don't seem to be even semi conscious and have any idea of what they have put you through by their constant inattention to you as their client. I was really hoping that you would be able to go after that gorgeous little house and you would all live happily ever after. Things happen when they are meant to happen, and I am sure it will all turn out right in the long term, its just waiting for it to happen isn't it.
I bet you'll feel a weight has lifted once all these painters and joiners disappear from your house Jenny, its only every blue moon though isn't it, and once its all done you'll breath a sigh of relief and enjoy it all nice and newly painted etc.
Have a good day at the van Helena, are you planting those 15m flamingo's today, remember to take a piccie won't you.
Fingers crossed for your results today EmmiS, when do you actually leave the house, is it today.
Pat I think you would be best coming over to England for a couple of months because it sounds as though most of England is getting ready to descend on you
Sun has now disappeared but hoping it comes out in about an hour when I will get Mabs and Keshi out then I will take Cariad and Lona out onto the river again. Really is a pleasant day here - so far.......
Morning June hope the rain stays away so the sheets get dry.
I have washing to go out soon and we have had some spots of rain but it seems mostly like a dry day so fingers crossed.A little disappointed about the little flint cottage but as Gorden pointed out there's always something about and I am slowly convincing myself this must all be for a good reason that we are staying put for now.
My next door but one neighbour is over the moon.
Enjoy your walks today.

Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Thanks for all you good luck it did the trick and she passed her MOT, not bad for an oldie V Reg. She is a lovely car though and has been looked after. She belonged previously to my cousin who died recently. So she is special to me. Thanks everyone. Moyra
Hello again Moyra lovely the car passed.
Gorden had his mums little escort after she died and that like your car was special to us and some stupid woman run into the side of him and wrote it off when he was returning from work with a friend. The days before seat belts were compulsory lucky him and his friend weren't written off it hit the kerb bounced and rolled completely over. We were very upset about losing the car.
I'm soppy about all my cars.
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14-06-2013, 11:12 AM
Lucky to have sun.. solid hard heavy rain here and spot flood warnings out.. safe here as the house is on a rise... I had been half thinking to be out trading today but the combination of the bad forecast, tiredness and the awareness that next week with visitors is going to b e off the scale and that stock is a little low...It was the right decision.

I sympathise re the tourists n Cyprus and Killarney etc is manic also..All my favourite quiet places so crowded and noisy....but we all desperately need the money they bring in so just endure and look forward to quieter days in winter .. I must admit I love chatting with them eg at Ross castle

OK; need to sort and label jams and marmalades; I make them to sell too...The dog stew is cooking nicely and smells so good.. chicken, carrots and cabbage.. might have some myself..

Blessings and peace
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14-06-2013, 11:55 AM
Just had a heavy shower. Hope it keeps off for a while when we go walkies soon. Still not done upstairs - or anything else either, we were late coming back from shopping as OH wanted to go to a couple of places while we were out.
When we were on the way in the fella in the garage at the back of us asked which dog training class we'd taken Taffy to when he was a pup. I said I wouldn't recommend that one - I didn't know any different at the time. Apparently his new neighbour has just moved here from Japan with his 3 rescue dogs who are rather un socialised. & he was asking Paul about training classes. I had a look on Google & found 4 fairly local that sound ok so have given him the details. I've told him to let me know if he picks any of them & what he thinks of them. It's always handy to know.

You are busy Rosebud doing Jams & Marmalade as well as your knitting. - a proper cottage industry you've got going there.
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14-06-2013, 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning Emmis . Good luck with moving out and the degree results.

Morning Jackie have you mixed feelings today ? I bet you can't wait to get back to see Millie but are loath to leave the relaxed lifestyle and lovely weather. Assuming you had nice weather of course.
Safe journey home and I bet Millie will be beside herself
No Lynn, I am ready for home now, always am at this stage of the holiday...

Isn't technology great, just done my waitrose shop online to be delivered tomorrow evening

PS , yes weather has been fab, to much good food and drink, but can't wait to see my little Millie x
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14-06-2013, 12:13 PM
Commiserations to those of you being pelted with rain.

Congratulations on the MoT pass!

Just had a quite surreal experience - am home now and responding to emails. Knock at the door - there stands Sabby holding his (my) big telly in his arms to tell me it isn't working properly. HE DIDN'T HAVE TO BRING IT WITH HIM lol! He lives 2 doors up on same landing!

Geez I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was however clutching his rent in his fingers so I was very nice and told him to just take the one out of my bedroom for now and I will sort it or I won't - one or the other! Am beginning to feel like a sort of Larnaka branch of the Samaritans for Romanians and non EU 3rd party nationals. Could be worse tho' - I could be one of them! They don't have it easy here.

Whoever suggested M&S to me after failed traipse round Debenhams. Thank you very much. I bought a dress! Was reduced from 80 to 40 as well. So if I decicde not to go with it - it won't have been a financial disaster.

They don't sell hats tho - none at all apart from a few straw sunhats in with the swimming cozzies.

Dress has 3/4 sleeves so I don't need to buy a jacket.

Developer's Office? Best I don't go there right now with how that turned out lol! They call me Mrs Pat (Cypriots do that with married wimmin - mrs plus the first name) and it was all yes mrs pat no mrs pat and they will of course do NOTHING!

I remembered what I forgot but it will have to wait until after next Tues. now. I did not return to the aftokínito klimatismoú (car aircon) place - it came back to me when I got back into my little yellow Nissan OVEN after leaving it outside M&S in the sun for a couple of hours! Phew!

I've just chucked the last bit of gooey choklit cake in the bin - mentally slapped my wrist for buying so much cake yesterday (have eaten all the others!)

I need a strong young man to go to my car and bring up all the packs of water and canned kawfee for me.
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14-06-2013, 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Well the day starts badly before getting going. Dillon's insurance didn't go through the other day it missed some of Gorden's money going in by a day but they called for it again today and it went out so that was good news. But they charged us £20 for late payment.
Then BT took their money earlier than usual making us overdrawn again and taking my housekeeping money which I had just got back and they haven't included the free phone calls we always get. This is due to this new infinity broadband I expect the whole package has changed and confused them.
Gorden is going to ring them when he gets home and try to get the charges now incurred through them back.
I am sorry for wishing the Summer away but I will be glad when the end of September comes a regular wage and everything paid and no overdraft fees and bank charges and just knowing where we are with everything one wage one pay day.
At least we have enough to eat and Dillon has food in his freezer.
Oh well could be worse I suppose.
Oh Lynn what a blooming pain regarding the money I know you are so careful budgeting and then you get a late payment in and and early one out Hopefully if Gorden phones them they will be decent about it and drop the charges. We've done that before with success so good luck. I love your description of Dillon having a canter - I know exactly what you mean and besides he is the size of small pony I hope your afternoon improves.((hugs)).

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post

Piddling down here
I'm going to the dentist in a while then taking Paul for more scans.
Hope you all have a good day.
Jenny good luck on both accounts.

Moet - well done coping with towing the caravan back last night what with the mud and other vehicles You did well and I certainly wouldn't have like to have done it - it was really windy too. Your van sounds in excellent order and I'm sure they were built to last longer a while back than the very flimsy ones today. I hope work goes OK this afternoon.

EmmiS - Good luck with your results - talking about drawing the stress out. Let us know when you do

Jackbox - However nice a holiday has been when it comes to the last day I am always desperate to get home to see the dogs. Your little girl will be so pleased to see you.
Have a safe journey.

Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Thanks for all you good luck it did the trick and she passed her MOT, not bad for an oldie V Reg. She is a lovely car though and has been looked after. She belonged previously to my cousin who died recently. So she is special to me. Thanks everyone. Moyra
Congratulations to your little car - especially as she is so special to you.

Rosebud - You are always so busy and for such a great cause Good luck with the labelling and try and refrain from the eating the dogs casserole - you may decided its so yummy and not be able to stop.

June - I hope the sun shines down on you .... for 'you' and for drying those blankets. I hope you have a good day and dog walks.

We (my brother, son and I) had a lovely walk along the River Wey towpath and didn't meet any other dogs which made is much more less stressful. My brother has now gone back to Hertfordshire, my OH has gone to a lunch meeting so just my younger son to go off to work around 2.00 and peace will reign here again I still have one of the decorators here but the carpenter hasn't turned up yet
It looks like the decorator is coming to do more outside painting tomorrow as apparently the forecast for Monday is dire.

I can now see an end to all this work and thank goodness the house will then be done for another 7 years or so ..... but I can then at least crack on with the inside as there is still so much dust being generated.

I hope you all enjoy your afternoon which for us in the south looks like being wall to wall sun so hopefully Helenaand Dave will get the good weather they need.

See you all later.
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14-06-2013, 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Just had a heavy shower. Hope it keeps off for a while when we go walkies soon. Still not done upstairs - or anything else either, we were late coming back from shopping as OH wanted to go to a couple of places while we were out.
When we were on the way in the fella in the garage at the back of us asked which dog training class we'd taken Taffy to when he was a pup. I said I wouldn't recommend that one - I didn't know any different at the time. Apparently his new neighbour has just moved here from Japan with his 3 rescue dogs who are rather un socialised. & he was asking Paul about training classes. I had a look on Google & found 4 fairly local that sound ok so have given him the details. I've told him to let me know if he picks any of them & what he thinks of them. It's always handy to know.

You are busy Rosebud doing Jams & Marmalade as well as your knitting. - a proper cottage industry you've got going there.

Add rosaries, cards, my own books, a little baking in summer, some jewelry...If it sells, I try to make it,, Better to wear out than rust away

But it is the knitting that sells best and earns most, and I love it so that is great.

The wide "half hat" hairbands are selling well; I do them in bainin with cables and also many other colours, with huge crocheted flowers, or buttons.
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14-06-2013, 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Just had a quite surreal experience - am home now and responding to emails. Knock at the door - there stands Sabby holding his (my) big telly in his arms to tell me it isn't working properly. HE DIDN'T HAVE TO BRING IT WITH HIM lol! He lives 2 doors up on same landing!

Geez I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was however clutching his rent in his fingers so I was very nice and told him to just take the one out of my bedroom for now and I will sort it or I won't - one or the other! Am beginning to feel like a sort of Larnaka branch of the Samaritans for Romanians and non EU 3rd party nationals. Could be worse tho' - I could be one of them! They don't have it easy here.
Pat - OMG that really made me laugh out loud. There is you making a lovely home for yourself in your new flat and now you have a s*dding great broken TV to store. Sounds like a cope out - couldn't you have got him to get rid of it What does he expect you to do ...... take it apart and fix it. At least he had his rent for you which is some consolation. My older son often pops in and I can tell you how many times I've noticed he's left a bag or black sack etc when he's gone. When I've phoned him the answer is invariably .... I don't want it/them you can get rid of it ............. so I strap all his rubbish on my back and trek the 6 miles dragging myself along on my elbows to the tip, dump it and trek back again .. only kidding but we have enough trash of our own and our house is at bursting point.
Pat maybe you could take it out onto your balcony when it gets dark and just chuck it over .... blame the tourists.
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