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20-05-2013, 09:54 AM
Morning everyone......this is one of my rare daytime visits, but I had to check something in my emails and then decided to have a quick look in here (it will save a bit of time tonight if I have read a couple of pages already )

H, my dear old bean - all I can say is that I have huge sympathy, and empathy, for you. When my OH was going through a very difficult worrying time he was so wearing and depressing to be around, but be around him I had to be to give that endless support and ever open ear. There is only so long you can go on when they are like Dave, without being affected yourself and I can remember the massive lift of mood when he went off for the day. I would feel guilty for feeling like that though and would resolve to be extra helpful and cheerful when he returned; it does really take it out of you though doesn't it. A huge cuddle for you from me, and a tiny one (because he is rather small) from the Jimster.

Another set of cuddles for you Nippy because you definitely need some comforting right now.

Ooops, have to go........see anyone who is here at my usual time later.
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20-05-2013, 09:56 AM
Morning all.
Sorry you're feeling so down Helena. Living with someone depressed does affect everyone around them. At least you've only got to put up with it for 2 days at a time. Hope Dave isn't as bad if he sells the business that will be hard having him home all the time. You never know though he might have a new lease of life when he's not got all these worries ((( hugs))).
Fingers crossed for Gorden on Wednesday.xxxx
Norma enjoy your last day of freedom - mine is over again.
Looking forward to hearing what the plods are up to Malka.
Bev good luck to Charly for her exam.
Lynn hope you manage to get in early to see your Mum & hope she is feeling better

I can't remember who else has posted what now Oh shouted me over to admire his photos half an hour ago so had to leave this & then make a cuppa.
Have a good day everyone.
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20-05-2013, 10:02 AM
Oh Kazz, I know I mentioned my late ex husband earlier but Steve suffering with his back too is my son and he is 50 on Wednesday so he is nearly as old as me Lol. I had him when I was 18! so we are not very far apart. Ha ha. Thanks anyway.
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20-05-2013, 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Oh Kazz, I know I mentioned my late ex husband earlier but Steve suffering with his back too is my son and he is 50 on Wednesday so he is nearly as old as me Lol. I had him when I was 18! so we are not very far apart. Ha ha. Thanks anyway.
Oops sorry but the same good wishes.
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20-05-2013, 11:51 AM
No problem Kazz
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20-05-2013, 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
Morning all thought I would post before it go too big to cope with.
The boiler men are here replacing the boiler (of course they are the boiler men) I have a coffee, white with no sugar man; and a tea,milk and one sugar man. Start as you mean to go on.

Hope everyone has a good day I will update as things move on Mom has gone off on her hols picked up at 8.30am door to door service they collect and drop back.
Dad is doing a crossword in the living room will Sal and I am in the kitchen chatting to you.

Have fun all.
Afternoon Kazz, and glad to hear your mum has now left on her jolly's, I'm sure it will do her the world of good to get away, sometimes it's a real tonic for the soul isn't it, hmmm, maybe that's what I need to do. Hope the new boiler fitting goes well and you'd better keep that kettle on the go to keep them alert on the job.

Originally Posted by EmmiS View Post
Morning everyOne, damn my phone posted that early!!
Malka I gr so nosey with things like that. Loads of police and two arrests when I last had to get the train!

I'm off for a two mile run in a bit them will go for a walk round town and do some food shopping!
Afternoon Emma, your run should be good, it's not too hot today, so enjoy that, and your little trip down town.

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post

Oh dear Helena, I hope things perk up for you, we are not used to hearing you this down

Lynn good luck in the Basildon rush hour, one thing I don't miss about driving,

Bev, good luck at the dentist, not a good way to spend a Monday morning! Good luck to Charly too.

Norma please keep the rain your end of the country, I've just put the washing out

Jenny hope you find Mum well , hugs to you

Malka, hands orf the plod, he is too young

LS, hope Loki will be alright. It's awful when you recognise signs and then have to wait and see what happens.

Moyra take care of your back, hope it feels better soon.

Kazz good luck with all the coffees it sounds like you will be making today

Son still poorly and severely worrying me now. He is soooo depressed
Hope I haven't missed anyone, I bet thousands have crept in!!
Have a good day all.
Afternoon Jen, I know, I can't seem to shake myself out of it today, but as the week goes on, my normal self might reappear, otherwise it could be lost forever, now that he's buried me this deep Looks like you might be in the same boat as me with your son, you have to tread on eggshells the whole time Jen, and think before opening gob, but hopefully, his might be short lived and if you can get him to talk to somebody all the better. I do remember when Dave got some happy pills from the doc's wow, what a difference in him, but sadly she took him off them after only a couple of months He didn't go to his therapy either cos he said it was a waste of time and boring. What can yer do? Hopefully, you might do better than I did with your persuasive powers. All the best Jen, I know it's a worry for you, whereas for me, it's just getting so monotonous I might want a way out

Originally Posted by Gellygoo View Post
morning all

very dull here today, but quite warm. Put washing out anyway, fingers crossed.

Been cleaning and have dentist check up at 12.20. Hate going!

Have a good one everybody.
Afternoon Gill, oh dear, another when destined for that dentist's chair today, don't envy you Gill, not a pleasant experience is it. In fact, you're probably stuck in that chair whilst I'm sitting here typing this, so hope it wasn't too painful.

Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
Helena you sound a little bit fed up/down in the dumps maybe you should see if there is a club or something you have an interest in and get out other than with Zena. Find a laughing partner. I suspect Dave is a "action man" my Dad is a bit like that - even now he can't just sit he has to have something to do even a crossword.
Lynn fingers crossed for Wednesday - when will he hear following that? and good vibes for your Mom hope you get some sort of information.
Madmare.....Ouch the abcess 4 weeks is a long time hope you get it sorted bet you get antibiotics.
Norma - Hope the rain moves on with the black cloud.
JennyG Hope you find your Mom is okay.
Malka A dishy policeman lucky you. Maybe one of your neighbours is a master criminal so he will be back
Lucky Star Hope its not a turn for the worst with Loki I am sure it won't be. Roll on 5 weeks clear.
Moyra Best of luck with the back doctor hope your hubby gets some results.
Hi again Kazz, yes, Dave is definitely a "do-er" but I wouldn't exactly call him action man lol! He's a slow, steady pace, quiet do-er! Wheras I am bull in a china shop do-er. Chalk and cheese we are, it's a wonder we've made it this far if I'm honest.

Originally Posted by Bitkin View Post
Morning everyone......this is one of my rare daytime visits, but I had to check something in my emails and then decided to have a quick look in here (it will save a bit of time tonight if I have read a couple of pages already )

H, my dear old bean - all I can say is that I have huge sympathy, and empathy, for you. When my OH was going through a very difficult worrying time he was so wearing and depressing to be around, but be around him I had to be to give that endless support and ever open ear. There is only so long you can go on when they are like Dave, without being affected yourself and I can remember the massive lift of mood when he went off for the day. I would feel guilty for feeling like that though and would resolve to be extra helpful and cheerful when he returned; it does really take it out of you though doesn't it. A huge cuddle for you from me, and a tiny one (because he is rather small) from the Jimster.

Another set of cuddles for you Nippy because you definitely need some comforting right now.

Ooops, have to go........see anyone who is here at my usual time later.
Hi old bean, lovely to see you popping in before lunch today, and thankyou for the sympathy and cuddles, especially the tiny one from the Jimster, that's made me feel all better already. It's been such an ongoing thaing, I wonder just how much more I can take old bean, especially when there really IS nothing much to worry about atm, cos the twerp is all sorted, and now he might be selling this week when he meets up with that prospective purchaser, he should be on the up, but sadly, he's still diving downhill.

Funny, cos when I chat to other blokes here and there, especially the guy who is renting the other van, I see them laughing with me and joking about, and having long conversations, I'm beginning to wonder if Dave isn't quite "normal" if ya know what I mean He doesn't like people he says, he doesn't like going out, he has no compassion except for dogs, he has never got inspired/excited by anything in this entire universe ever, all he wants to do is work on cars or diy, shove paperwork around and be glued to diy/car programmes from America? This isn't normal is it??? He must come from the same planet as that Doctor Spock methinks!!! I think we really do live parallel lives you and me, so do you have an answer to all this old bean??? Stick it out I suppose!!!! xxx

Well, done all the jobs that needed doing today, went into the post office with the 3 jiffy bags of keys, and as I passed them under the counter I noticed one of them was still open and hadn't had the sticky paper removed, so I told her. Then I remembered WHY it was like that That was because I was supposed to have picked the van keys up from the van on Saturday (which I forgot to do) so without them in there I had left it open, so I had to tell her to give it back to me cos I was having yet another one of those senior moments The guy next to me laughed though so maybe he knows all about those too! THEN, when she'd done her bit, she asked for the £4, so I pointed to the tenner in front of her that I'd given her earlier, and told her I'd be leaving now in case she got any worse!

Yesterday we had to have the whole recycling bin out cos I had opened a new packet of my heart pills, but couldn't remember where I'd actually put them afterwards, and because it was the last foil in the box, I had an incling that I might just have put them back in the box and then chucked them into the recycling box. I had!! I tell you, I just can't seem to function properly atm, I'm surprised I don't get into trouble when let out alone the way I'm carrying on. Too much on my mind, and my inner self is desperately trying to get back out of this black hole I seem to have sunk into. Maybe a little nanny nap will sort it out, and when I wake up the sun will be shining and I can get that pressure washer out again and have some more fun in the garden. See you tonight old

Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Morning all.
Sorry you're feeling so down Helena. Living with someone depressed does affect everyone around them. At least you've only got to put up with it for 2 days at a time. Hope Dave isn't as bad if he sells the business that will be hard having him home all the time. You never know though he might have a new lease of life when he's not got all these worries ((( hugs))).
Fingers crossed for Gorden on Wednesday.xxxx
Norma enjoy your last day of freedom - mine is over again.
Looking forward to hearing what the plods are up to Malka.
Bev good luck to Charly for her exam.
Lynn hope you manage to get in early to see your Mum & hope she is feeling better

I can't remember who else has posted what now Oh shouted me over to admire his photos half an hour ago so had to leave this & then make a cuppa.
Have a good day everyone.
Afternoon TM, yes, thanks for that, maybe over the next few days I'll be able to lift myself out of this, but then it'll be the week-end again won't it. I honestly don't know what he will be like when he doesn't have his business, but I've been there before too when he's been jobless, and it wasn't a good place. I see your o/h has returned home, so enjoy looking at all the pics of his exciting week-end away won'tcha!!!!

Just had another booking for the 2nd van for September, so that's cheered me up I'm so glad I have something to keep me occupied, but as you say Kazz, I think I need to look for something, maybe a bit of salsa dancing down the local village hall might do the trick hey?!
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20-05-2013, 12:33 PM
Before I read anything I will explain why I was not online before 3.30pm today!

I had no internet connection - no network access - nothing. Didn't even have any of my networks in my 'list'. I was going to phone Cablenet, my provider, but thought I should take advantage of the chance to do some major furniture shifting about and a clean up of the verandahs.

Then, while I had Henry on the go and no chance of mucking things up on the laptop as it was not connected to the WWW - I thought I'd give the keyboard a real good vacuum out.

While doing this, I noticed that I'd somehow managed to switch the 'wireless connection' slider button on the front edge to the OFF position!

I can't tell you how many times I powered everything down, reset the router, waddever! previously!

It just goes to prove the truth of the slogan on the plaque my neighbour bought me ....

A clean house is the sign of a broken computer.
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20-05-2013, 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
I had no internet connection - no network access - nothing. Didn't even have any of my networks in my 'list'.
I thought it was a bit quiet... [tongue firmly in cheek!]

Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
While doing this, I noticed that I'd somehow managed to switch the 'wireless connection' slider button on the front edge to the OFF position!

I can't tell you how many times I powered everything down, reset the router, waddever! previously!

It just goes to prove the truth of the slogan on the plaque my neighbour bought me ....

A clean house is the sign of a broken computer.
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20-05-2013, 01:39 PM
Helena, I am so sorry you are feeling like this, you are ALWAYS the one that gets everyone feeling better and makes us laugh, and here you are in the Slough Of Despond
Like you say if he sells the business then he has nothing to worry about does he, but he'll find something, he sounds like a boyfriend I used to have, never happy unless he was unhappy. He was a Capricorn, and funnily enough my mum was a Capricorn and she was the same...please no irate Capricornians posting up to tell me they AREN'T like that, it was merely an observation
Then he can go job hunting can't he, that will keep him occupied for a while, then he will get a job, and that will keep him out of the way most days, and you can find things for him to do the rest of the time. If I was you I would be renting out the van he has bought to live in whilst away at the workshop, so with 3 vans on the go there has got to be repair work to be done at the weekend, surely.
Just seen my friend's OH (the one where the company went into administration whilst he was on a long weekend ) he drove up in this massive tail lift truck, I was on the field, and I thought I bet that's Andy. Sure enough as we came off the field Kofie (one of Cariad's daughters from her first litter) poked her head over the gate, so went to say hello. That tail lift truck is for his tools, it is half full he says there isn't enough room in his new job for his tools so they are having a shift round, shift round they'll need to give him a workshop of his own He is a Senior Technician apparently, always wanted to know what his official title was!!! Was wondering about these toolboxes, obviously a status thing isn't it - the bigger yer toolbox etc. etc....
Anyway, I digress......please hang on in there Helena, you've got the life you wanted and dreamed of, I always say everything has its price, which is why I am no longer in any sort of relationship and don't want one either. So you have to decide if the price is too high for you, personally I think you've stuck it out this far and got where you wanted to go, you're so near the top of that mountain you aren't young enough to go back down to the bottom and start again, so you'll have to establish a base camp and sit and work out how you're going to manage the situation.
Finding Something To Do is important, I agree. If you fancy Salsa dancing, then give it a try, worst case scenario is that you can give us all a laugh when you report the goings on
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20-05-2013, 01:54 PM
Afternoon all,

Visited my Mum and she was on pretty good form which was lovely for my brother and I. She joined in our conversations (although nothing she said was relevant .. bless her) and although I still can't get use to seeing her without teeth she seems to have forgotten she ever had any She still looked lovely, very smart, jewellery on, hair done and a little make up and providing she kept her mouth closed I could recognise the 'my-mum'. Fortunately the M25 was kind both there and back which is always a relief. I took the dogs out before I went and then found that my son took them out again before he went off to work

Norma - I hope you can enjoy your day and your OH doesn't really give you a hard time for not phoning him.
Malka - Your visit from the dishy policeman (or whatever he was) sounded exciting and I think I can still hear your heart racing
L.S.- Hope Loki's visit to the vet goes OK and he isn't unsettled due to any pre-seizure episodes.
Moyra - You poor thing - not just a bad back then ((hugs)) - I hope you managed to get to your appointment easily and your son takes heed of your advice and doesn't go straight back to work lifting as soon as he has had his back put back in alignment.
Helena - Your trip to the post office and the key-less jiffy bag made me smile . A number of us can really sympathise with you regarding 'grumpy' OHs. While mine was out this weekend enjoying himself I did so many jobs and just a 'that's good' or 'well done' wouldn't have gone a miss but to be honest I'm use to it now). He apparently sings my praises to other people but never to me. That's why I love dogs so much they love you unconditionally and are always pleased to see you. You have my phone number on my booking email so if you ever fancy a chat give me a call.
Jenny - Can you persuade him to get help with his depression? Does he live alone? Poor you, you must feel so helpless as unfortunately saying 'come on snap out of it' doesn't make any difference. Loads of ((hugs)) to you.
Gellygoo - I hope you got the all-clear at your dental check.
Sally - What a pleasant surprise to see you in here so early. As you say it should shorten your reading-time this evening.
Taffsmum -Hi
Pat - I love that slogan of yours Well at least you found out what it was as you could have been waiting a day or so for someone to turn up and then be charged for it.

I'm sure I have probably forgotten someone, apologies if I have. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon and see you later.
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