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13-05-2013, 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Hi Jackie, awww poor Millie yesterday. Does it matter if she stays on those meds though? Look at old Georgie and all the pills he used to take, but he still made it through to 14 happy and mobile and painfree. Have a good chat with the vet, I'm sure none of these meds can be that bad for her and I know how you will do your best to keep her pain free and stable, bless her heart, what with her teeth she's been through the mill the dear old girl hasn't she. Good luck Jackie.xxxx
No H, it does not matter, if that`s what it takes, we needed to know though if she could be without pain relief, but by the looks of it, she may well have to stay on some for the foreseeable future at least.

I think we get to the point with these dogs where their between the devil and a hard place... to much medication can bring on other problems, but the important thing is, quality of life , and if that life is cut short, so be it.

Anyway she is back on them now, will speak to my vet probably tomorrow, and discuss her progress.
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13-05-2013, 11:36 AM
Had one phone call younger brother informing eldest brother after phoning the hospital enquiring how mum is.
She is sitting up in bed drinking a cuppa. So it seems putting the antibiotics in first has solved the problem and she had a chest infection.
Hopefully he will see a Dr to speak to when he visits at 2pm to find out if that is all it is.
Wonder what she has planned for her 94th.
Last year she was being transferred from hospital to rehab this year falling. I am going to be out of the county and incommunicado next year.
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13-05-2013, 11:45 AM
Lynn, the alarm clock is supposed to work but I have never had much luck with them in the past! This is a new one. The idea is that I set it for 6.55am then I do not keep waking at stupid o'clock to check the time, or else I oversleep so Da Booger gets her first pill late. Especially important now that her dosage has been increased.

I did not really mind the binmen either as it was probably about 9am by then, and because of all the mess and wiring [and chucked out old adaptors and stuff, including a collection of non-working telephones etc] I had put a large carton beside the bin last night hoping they would take that as well as the solitary bag in the bin as well. Luckily they were a day late or else the carton would have been hanging around for a few days, and being the nice guys that they are, they took it!

Ram phoned to say the 15mg pills I had ordered were in, and I was horrified to find that whereas the 100mg pills cost 50 shekels for a box of 30, the 15mg ones were only 10 shekels cheaper. A box of 100mg pills lasts 20 days - one of 15mg will only last 15 days.

[I love the comment about German chocolate and Devonshire cider being called "fusion"! ]
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13-05-2013, 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
No H, it does not matter, if that`s what it takes, we needed to know though if she could be without pain relief, but by the looks of it, she may well have to stay on some for the foreseeable future at least.

I think we get to the point with these dogs where their between the devil and a hard place... to much medication can bring on other problems, but the important thing is, quality of life , and if that life is cut short, so be it.

Anyway she is back on them now, will speak to my vet probably tomorrow, and discuss her progress.
Totally agree with you there Jackie, as sadly even Zena at only 4 years old seems to have the possibility now of living on this one metronidazole each day, but like you say, it keeps her digestive system nice and calm, she isn't sick and doesn't have the acid problems that she would have had otherwise. Definitely devil and deep blue Jackie sometimes with these dogs of ours. Good luck with dear Millie.

Lynn, so pleased to hear your mum is sitting up in bed drinking a cuppa, what's she like that woman, she's certainly made of stern stuff isn't she!! It's all those around her who are wilting with all the stress and worry she gives them.

Malka, now that I've had my blood test with the vampire, you must do the same hey?!

Just heard from Dave. That bloke only came into work this morning Not to actually DO any work, but just to give poor Dave an aggressive earful about all these letters he keeps getting. Dave asked him if he's read any of them and he said he hadn't, he thought he'd lost his job anyway. Then the other technician popped into the office to get something, so the off work bod pipes up with "I don't want to work here anymore anyway not with that idiot still here", so then Dave asked him if he could have that in written and he said "yes"!!!! He then rang the FSB who said this is brillilant news, and he now has 48 hours to come back with the letter of resignation and if he doesn't, then he will get another letter from us she says and we can now get rid of him, because Dave had a witness to this conversation in the office.

Now my reckoning is, this bod went to the quack and couldn't get another sick note from the 18th April to cover himself. I also think Dave made a big mistake by not doing a letter there and then for this bod to sign, handing in his notice, but Dave said he was so taken aback he never thought about it. Now he has time to go home and think about what he's just said hasn't he, which isn't good, he might change his mind and without the resignation in writing I honestly don't think it holds much sway? Could be wrong on that though. A*sy wasn't the word Dave said, he had such an attitude, not him at all, and he thinks he might have doped himself up with something to give him the courage to come in and face Dave. How Dave didn't lump him one I'll never know, but he said he got restrained by the other chap in the office, otherwise he might have floored him lol!

We've been out for a 2nd walk in the woods, and my oh my oh myyyyyy, what did I see?? Not only is there a new little foal in the big field with it's mum, it's only a couple of days old, BUT, to avoid going near it cos it was having a kip on the ground next to it's mum right by my gate, we took a path that we've never been on before and according to a friend of mine, nobody knows about, cos it takes you into a really old part of the woods, so in we went. WELL, you wouldn't believe the beauty I saw in those bluebulles!!! They gave a blue hue half way up all the trees, talk about a blue carpet, and tomorrow, I have promised myself, we will venture in there again with the camera just to share this with you all, it was an absolute jaw dropping moment for me Zena liked it in there too, she was whizzing around everywhere sniffing, it's really ancient in there, and very overgrown, no set paths cos nobody walks it, and I wouldn't be surprised if we see what's 'is name in there, bigfoot!!!!!

Off to cook a load of onions now, don't ask!!! I cook them in big batches and then I freeze them in small containers for casseroles, it saves having to keep frying onions off each time. There's a little tip for the day for ya!
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13-05-2013, 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Yes Jenny the Germans are here for a week haha we had such fun last night playing cards eating German chocolate and drinking Devonshire cider.
That sounded great fun ..... especially the chocolate and cream ....Mmmmm. Enjoy the rest of the week with them, you certainly all sound as though you are having a laugh.

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Hi again, I know I keep appearing and disappearing but.....has anyone heard from Azz? I feel quite worried about him he has not been here for days.
I had a 'chat' with him at the end of last month and he is really busy with Bredia, is still awaiting a hospital appointment and looking out for his Dad (I think it was Dad). I know its quiet with out him .... we all miss him and wish him well.

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all

Very breezy and on and off sunny here. It rained heavily during the night so I hope all the sky leak has stopped now.

Lynn, I'm so sorry to hear about your mum and know your feelings as it's just so sad to see them struggle on every day with more and more pain xx

Hugs for Charlie too Bev. I hope she manages to get her head together for her all-important exams and that Ash has a safe two years xx

Lore, let that 'tap' leak. Sometimes we just need a good cry to clear out all the cobwebs so that we can face the world again xx

Gary is just on the same roller-coaster he's been on since the accident, Lynn. Thankfully, he was much happier yesterday. I think the excitement of going over to see family was a bit too much for him. It's not a big event, but as he is at the moment, it was for him and it tilted his emotions for a couple of days. Hopefully, he'll still be on the up today and it'll be another 'easy' day.

Same old for us again today - heaven - although I would like the weather to take a turn for the better so that we can go for a second walk on our own in peace. We need that second walk every few days just to unwind and not be constantly on pins trying to make sure we don't do or say anything that will tip Gary back onto a downward spiral.

Got to 'phone the dentist in half an hour because the filling they did for Gary has fallen out and he's feeling pain when he has anything too hot or cold again. The wind isn't helping as that in itself is making it ache. Hopefully, they'll be able to get him in fairly quickly.

My youngest lad and my two grandkids are coming over for a few days at the end of the month so we're really looking forward to that. We love to get them out and about and spoil 'em rotten for two or three days.

The plumber should be here this afternoon sometime as the timer has gone kapput on the hot water. Suspicions were aroused when the electricity bill came in at £880 <ouch>. The damned thing has stuck on. It was only changed last year so we're going to make sure that the plumber checks out the whole kit and caboodle from the emmersion heater to the wiring etc as well as putting in the new timer.

Anyways, that's my day for today.

Hope everyone else has as much of a good 'un as they can xx
OMG the size of that bill is horrendous. I don't suppose you can claim any of it back?

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
A lovely day here, had a relapse with Millie yesterday, it was the second day without any medication, and I knew something was not right late morning, ended up giving her some pain relief and diazepam , So I think I need to speak to the vet in the next day or two.....
I am so sorry to hear about Millie. Hopefully once she is back on meds she will be OK again . I'm sure your son will cope with giving them to her ... won't he .... while you are away?

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
I haven't been around all week-end cos we've finally got everything in place here, and poor Dave told me last night that he's totally exhausted now, both mentally and physically, so we're now going to leave everything else until he recharges his batteries.
Oh I did have a shock when i got home just now, cos there was all this water gushing down my side steps from the back garden The things that went through my mind as I hurriedly opened the front door, I imagined a big flood, then as I ran through the hall I imagined it was the washing machine in the rear utility but nope, still no water (thank God!). Opened the back door and saw that I had left the hose running in Zena's paddling pool on the concrete patio - PHEW!!! Note to self, must be more careful. I swear I've got this demential thing starting cos I do such stupid things sometimes Hey ho, nobody died!
A warning to you both if ever there was one!! Forget about any other jobs for a while and both enjoy your weekends (I know you have to do the van change-over) but what with Dave working full time he needs weekends to recharge his batteries too. Maybe you could always try and leave Sundays free to go for a walk and a pub lunch, catch up with friends or just chill in your lovely new lounge. It sounds as though you need someone to strap you both down at weekends and remind you how to relax and enjoy life again

Malka - I lost the plot a little reading your post about the alarm clock and the binmen - but hopefully it is all sorted now. What a rip-off about the tablets .... but nothing surprises me with animal meds

Pat - Poor little Bella on her diet ... I hope you're not teasin her with what you are eating.

There have been two police cars outside a house two doors down from us and I've been trying to work out what its all about. A really sweet lady (widow) lives there on her own and I think I am the only neighbour she chats too as she's quite shy. I was in her garden yesterday and we were discussing 'the wedding' etc. I called out to one of the policemen this morning 'Is ...... OK?' and they said 'yes, she has her family with her now' My son said he could see her standing up by her house. Really strange because now nearly 4 hours later there are still two police cars there. Sherlock Holmes here will try and find out what is going on and will report back later.
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13-05-2013, 01:13 PM
Hi guys,

Thanks for the support.

I've been signed off for a week, which is great. I can chill a little. Having a day of not doing much except getting myself back together. Going to do a little study just to keep me occupied.

Brian has a throat infection but refuses to go to the doc so he has an antiseptic spray and is in bed. Leaving him there cause he's in a foul mood as well.
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13-05-2013, 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Malka - I lost the plot a little reading your post about the alarm clock and the binmen - but hopefully it is all sorted now.
The [new] alarm clock does what I want. It works and wakes me, which means I can sleep until 6.55am and still get up in time for Da Boogers first meds. And it can be seen in the dark and the big snooze button on the top also makes it light up if pressed. And the binmen did not wake me, Da Booger did when she heard their truck way down the road and did jumpy jumpies on me to tell me that they were coming!

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
What a rip-off about the tablets .... but nothing surprises me with animal meds
But they are not animal meds at all. They are normal Phenobarbitone for humans as Epiphen [the animal version] is not available here.

They are on the Ministry of Health approved "basket of supplies" list for humans, so are very cheap if prescribed by a GP for a human. I have to buy them privately.

The rip-off is the fact that a pack of 30 x 15mg tablets costs very little less than a pack of 30 x 100mg ones when there is such a great difference in the strength of them.
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13-05-2013, 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
OMG the size of that bill is horrendous. I don't suppose you can claim any of it back?
I wish!! Bang goes the majority of my meager wage for this year.

Plumber is a one man band operation and is reasonably priced. OH showed him why the timers are going wrong (cheap rubbish and a design fault on the switches) so he'll fit a different type this time. He did come today to do it but needs to put in a back box so he can lengthen the wires which, of course, he didn't have with him <sigh>

If the damned thing goes again, we'll get the electrician in to do the job because he did Gary's when his went and it's still going strong.

Did I mention, I hate having workmen come to the house? At least with this one I can shut me and Rosie in the living room and leave Dave to sort him out
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13-05-2013, 02:06 PM
The job i got interviewed for rung me back......

guess i better start looking for my first proper non-family non-student house!! I got it!!!
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13-05-2013, 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by EmmiS View Post
The job i got interviewed for rung me back......

guess i better start looking for my first proper non-family non-student house!! I got it!!!
FANTASTIC! Congratulations to you! Oh how exciting for you!
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