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09-03-2013, 11:25 AM
Morning all. Same weather here as everybody seems to be having.
Hope you feel better soon Malka. You probably will when the sun makes an appearance. As we all will.
A lovely story about how such Shnorbitz(sp) came about. You have led an interesting life.
Hope Gorden hears something this next week Lynn. I'm glad we're retired now & don't have all that worry.
Hope you don't have to do too much cleaning at the van Helena.
Good news that somebody is interested in Ash already. I hope they are suitable. It's just as well Cariad only had a small litter this time the trouble you've had with them all
Can't remember what else has happened plus typing on the iPad with one finger takes ages & it enters what it pleases not what I want it to enter.
I'm just having a coffee after cleaning the bathroom. I took my shoes & socks off while I stood in the bath giving the tiles a good clean. I've had to take some tablets this morning for my aching legs - they feel as though they don't belong to me. OH got up at 5 o clock after being awake most of the night coughing - didn't disturb me though - I die once I'm asleep & not much disturbs me.
Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing.
Just noticed your update Tang. Hope your son feels better soon & the sandwichtherapy works its magic.
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09-03-2013, 11:30 AM
Sorry to hear about the achey legs Taffs. I know that feeling - like you want to unscrew them and take them off? Get some 'proper' ones!

I cleaned my bathroom too today! (I do it most days since moving in here - blokes lived here before). Mine was so scaled up I am using a new scraper more than anything else!

You take it easy now.
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09-03-2013, 12:24 PM
Me again - I've got an insane urge to GO OUT AND BUY A NEW PLANT!

I am the Dr Harold Shipman of the plant world. So will try to avoid the expensive ones. I've got a fig and a variegated fig outside at the mo - both started off as 6ft fifty euro specimens - both now only 2 or 3 ft tall
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09-03-2013, 12:45 PM
Afternoon everyone

Jenny, glad you've cracked it with the early morning wake up call there, well done for thinking of that.

Mini, I hope the porridge settles your tum.

Crytsal. That was a lovely tale there, and enjoy your lazy day.

Jen, glad you've popped in to say hello and I know you're still suffering with the aches and pains, I hope you get some relief.

Pat, so glad you've got some more news, and he isn't broken, he's actually been all mended now!! Try not to worry, if they say it is "normal" for some numbness, then it IS! Bless your heart, you must be going through

Grandma, hope you don't have a bad day and can stay awake.

Had a glorious walk, but the fog was very thick up on the top of the cliffs. Tomorrow we are going to walk the other way, which I think has a few cliffhanging moments, so I'd better make sure I put that ball through the lead on Zena, cos if that goes over, so will she!!!

Been to Dunelms again They have these lovely chunky dark wood telephone tables, which are narrow, have one drawer and I wanted it for the new hallway. We're going to give it a trial run next to Dave's chair in the lounge, and if he likes it, he can keep it, I will match up with the other lounge furniture when it comes to it, and get another one of these for the hallway. My poor credit card is going into meltdown since that Dunelms moved here

Been to Sainsburys. I wanted to get a big bouquet of flowers for my old mum (who is no longer with me I know that!!) just because I wanted to thank her for what she got me here and she knows she did, and I know she did. I looked at all the prices on the buckets, and I saw this nice bunch which had some pink roses in which I wanted, and they were £5 so I thought they would do and popped them in my trolley. There were so many blooming flowers there today and people milling about, it wasn't until I got to the self service checkout, and put them through that they came up as £20!!!!! Chrrrrrrrrrist £20 No way!! I called the nice yung mannnnn over and told him I didn't want them and could he delete them which he did, and I plonked them back in the bucket marked £5 on my way out!!! Imagine all those people getting conned who don't bother to actually look on the paper and not even noticing when they get to the till!

Talking of flowers, please remember, if you're buying big bouquets for your mums tomorrow, please avoid the big lilies if she has animals, because some poor woman has lost her 3 cats yesterday (it was on the news ) as the pollen in the middle of these lilies is toxic to animals Please be aware!

Steak and chips with salad for lunch, but I'm having a jacket spud with mine with lots of butter and salt and pepper, mmmmmmmmm

I totally wore Zena out this morning, we walked a lot further than normal cos they had a big crane at the coastguard's house putting up a new big pole, and two men were climbing up it, so we had to go round that way to take a lookey. That's how we got to find out about this other track that takes you all along the cliff edge the other side of the coastguard, so that'll be exciting for tomorrow, unless it's foggy, cos I won't do a cliffedge walk in thick fog when I don't know where I'm going Not ideal is it!!!

Off to check on Dave now cos he's been busy doing the scotias that he never did in the bootroom for the laminate.

My van guests haven't left yet, so I couldn't get up there. They're having such a fab time they're sticking it out till the end, no matter what the weather, which is nice! I told them they are very brave!!
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09-03-2013, 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Just put the phone down - yes - he just called! Oh I feel all sort of wobbly now.

More detail later - he is waiting to see doc (weekend in UK hospital - don't hold your breath waiting for docs). And said he is waiting for 2 other things -

The Physiotherapist and ... the sandwichotherapist!

He is starving.

Has portions of his foot and leg he 'can't feel' at the mo but has been told that is not unusual.

My daughter will update me better - he sounded VERY woozy.

Oh my baby is broken!
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Lynn - on the subject of fresh air. Last year we had some unusually cold weather here with a North wind blowing (that's unusual too) I was walking Bella against the wind and my eyes started streaming down my face.

And you know I had COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN that that could happen! After just 6 yrs here. When I went out later, although it was gloomy, I wore my big sunglasses!

Same as the first time the windscreens iced up while over in UK before Xmas. I'd forgotten about that particular little pleasurable job associated with life in the UK too!
Good that your son is wanting a sandwich Pat. I know you must feel he is broken but hopefully now he will be on the mend he seems very bright for someone who has just gone through a big op so that's a bonus too.
Weekend and Dr's wouln't hold his breath on that one.
The wind does that to me but I hadn't thought of sunglasses.
Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Morning all. Same weather here as everybody seems to be having.
Hope you feel better soon Malka. You probably will when the sun makes an appearance. As we all will.
A lovely story about how such Shnorbitz(sp) came about. You have led an interesting life.
Hope Gorden hears something this next week Lynn. I'm glad we're retired now & don't have all that worry.
Hope you don't have to do too much cleaning at the van Helena.
Good news that somebody is interested in Ash already. I hope they are suitable. It's just as well Cariad only had a small litter this time the trouble you've had with them all
Can't remember what else has happened plus typing on the iPad with one finger takes ages & it enters what it pleases not what I want it to enter.
I'm just having a coffee after cleaning the bathroom. I took my shoes & socks off while I stood in the bath giving the tiles a good clean. I've had to take some tablets this morning for my aching legs - they feel as though they don't belong to me. OH got up at 5 o clock after being awake most of the night coughing - didn't disturb me though - I die once I'm asleep & not much disturbs me.
Have a good day everyone whatever you are doing.
Just noticed your update Tang. Hope your son feels better soon & the sandwichtherapy works its magic.
Afternoon TM sorry to hear about your achey legs.
Hope they ease soon the marathon bathroom clean probably didn't help.

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Afternoon everyone

Jenny, glad you've cracked it with the early morning wake up call there, well done for thinking of that.

Mini, I hope the porridge settles your tum.

Crytsal. That was a lovely tale there, and enjoy your lazy day.

Jen, glad you've popped in to say hello and I know you're still suffering with the aches and pains, I hope you get some relief.

Pat, so glad you've got some more news, and he isn't broken, he's actually been all mended now!! Try not to worry, if they say it is "normal" for some numbness, then it IS! Bless your heart, you must be going through

Grandma, hope you don't have a bad day and can stay awake.

Had a glorious walk, but the fog was very thick up on the top of the cliffs. Tomorrow we are going to walk the other way, which I think has a few cliffhanging moments, so I'd better make sure I put that ball through the lead on Zena, cos if that goes over, so will she!!!

Been to Dunelms again They have these lovely chunky dark wood telephone tables, which are narrow, have one drawer and I wanted it for the new hallway. We're going to give it a trial run next to Dave's chair in the lounge, and if he likes it, he can keep it, I will match up with the other lounge furniture when it comes to it, and get another one of these for the hallway. My poor credit card is going into meltdown since that Dunelms moved here

Been to Sainsburys. I wanted to get a big bouquet of flowers for my old mum (who is no longer with me I know that!!) just because I wanted to thank her for what she got me here and she knows she did, and I know she did. I looked at all the prices on the buckets, and I saw this nice bunch which had some pink roses in which I wanted, and they were £5 so I thought they would do and popped them in my trolley. There were so many blooming flowers there today and people milling about, it wasn't until I got to the self service checkout, and put them through that they came up as £20!!!!! Chrrrrrrrrrist £20 No way!! I called the nice yung mannnnn over and told him I didn't want them and could he delete them which he did, and I plonked them back in the bucket marked £5 on my way out!!! Imagine all those people getting conned who don't bother to actually look on the paper and not even noticing when they get to the till!

Talking of flowers, please remember, if you're buying big bouquets for your mums tomorrow, please avoid the big lilies if she has animals, because some poor woman has lost her 3 cats yesterday (it was on the news ) as the pollen in the middle of these lilies is toxic to animals Please be aware!

Steak and chips with salad for lunch, but I'm having a jacket spud with mine with lots of butter and salt and pepper, mmmmmmmmm

I totally wore Zena out this morning, we walked a lot further than normal cos they had a big crane at the coastguard's house putting up a new big pole, and two men were climbing up it, so we had to go round that way to take a lookey. That's how we got to find out about this other track that takes you all along the cliff edge the other side of the coastguard, so that'll be exciting for tomorrow, unless it's foggy, cos I won't do a cliffedge walk in thick fog when I don't know where I'm going Not ideal is it!!!

Off to check on Dave now cos he's been busy doing the scotias that he never did in the bootroom for the laminate.

My van guests haven't left yet, so I couldn't get up there. They're having such a fab time they're sticking it out till the end, no matter what the weather, which is nice! I told them they are very brave!!
Afternoon Helena glad you are not walking that cliff edge in the fog. Iv'e done that before picked something up that has been put back on the wrong shelf mine goes back too. Good tip about the Lily's.
Were the men up the pole fit. Is that why you walked that way.
Your new table sounds very nice Dunelms will be lost when you have enough rugs and tables. They might go bust.
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09-03-2013, 01:35 PM
Haven't long got back,Tom was surprized at the college,how big it was and he said that's the college for him and he definately now wants to do an animal care course and work with animals This is where he will be going hopefully

Horrible drive up and back,it was drizzling and there was alot of surface water around too.

Still no phone and BB working intermittently,heard off bt and they are going to compensate us for the days lost through lack of service.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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09-03-2013, 01:51 PM
Took Cariad, Mabs and babies out near another piece of river, was watching Mabs and the babies were going near a bit that has a steep drop, straight away not only did she chase them away she actually got them, pinned them and gave them a real telling off, they kept away from the edge after that. Then took them to another bit where there is access to the water and she was still rounding them up and they weren't allowed too near, she is going to be one fantastic mum that girlie is
Have had Lona and Cruz on the river by the waterfall and got some piccies of both outings and will download in a while, off for a hot shower as can't feel my feet, and then some soup to warm up.
Have had an email from the peope interested in Ash, they were interested in another puppy that they were told was sold, now it is available so they are going for that one, but how nice they bothered to let me know, I have emailed them thanking them for their trouble and letting me know.
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09-03-2013, 02:16 PM
Afternoon all,
I'm about to take the dogs out again for an off-lead run so will call back once I've got a pen and paper at hand ............ so many posts and I've already forgotten what I read on page 2
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09-03-2013, 03:14 PM
Hi All Good Afternoon I expect a big collective AHHHH
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09-03-2013, 04:15 PM
Afternoon again,

I've walked my dogs and met lots of neighbours with their dogs so a very social walk. It has just taken me 20 minutes to read all the posts so here goes:

Malka - I'm sorry you are still feeling low and life is a struggle for you. So pleased you've got your lovely Pereg for company. I hope you are feeling happier very very soon. ((hugs)).

Sal - I hope BT pull their finger out and get your line fixed. They are pretty good at paying compensation but you'll still need to chase them to get the line sorted. Good luck. I'm glad you son liked the college and the course he has his heart set on sounds wonderful ...... anything to do with animals has to be worthwhile

Crystal - Aaarh, the polar bear is sooooo sweet. You come across as being a glass half-full as opposed to a glass-half empty sort of person in spite of all you problems. Great attitude.

Moet - Hi

Jenny - I hope you mouth is healing well and don't over do it.

Mini - Living alone must have its downside especially if you are unwell (Millie aside), but there must be a lot of good things about it .....

Bev - Sorry about our Mum and I hope she agrees to see a doctor soon. Her tiredness could easily be something very easily rectified ...... deficiency in vitamins, iron, minor infection etc etc. It sounds as though you really have your hands full at the moment. ((hugs))

Pat - So pleased you actually got to speak to your son in person in spite of being groggy still, rather than just messages being passed on about his progress. Hopefully he'll have been visited by the sandwich doctor by now and once the physios have him in their grasp he will come on in leaps and bounds. ((hugs)). Are you enjoying your new flat? Did you go out and buy a new plant after all? Your description of your two figs made me laugh - quite an achievement to make them smaller.

Taffsmum - I hope you 'achy' legs are feeling less 'achy' now. It sounds as though you are in need of a quite afternoon with your feet up.

Helena - For goodness sake woman ----- get shares in Dunelm Actually I'm just jealous the nearest one to me is 30 miles or so away. I just might have to visit your one when I'm down. It makes me sick that all the stores hike up the cost of flowers over this weekend!! You mention about having to go and take a 'lookey' this morning when out walking Zena ...... I assume it was a lookey at the young men or were you just fascinated with the crane.

June - I'm sorry that enquiry over Ash has come to nothing but as you say at least they had the courtesy to come back and tell you. Mabs is some motherly dog you have there ..... very maternal instinct to keep the babies away from the river. Just think how fit you are getting walking all these dogs ..... you can then put your feet up and have something yummy without feeling guilty. Just as well I too walk a lot, if only I didn't 'treat' myself after I'd be wonderfully slim.

Lynn - I hope Gorden hears soon either way about the job. By the sounds of it moving house can only be a good thing and once done will lessen the stress levels for you both. As you say this weather doesn't really lift one's spirits, does it. Maybe, just maybe the weather will improve after the expected cold snap ....... it is the sun that cheers me up and not the heat. ((hugs)).

I'm going to post this now before anyone else posts I apologise if I've missed anyone ..... don't take it personally, just blame my grey matter .... or lack of it.
See you all later.
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