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18-02-2013, 11:18 AM
Oh dear, poor Loki and poor you Linda. I think that many people cannot understand that it is more the post-ictal [after sz] behaviour that is worse than the actual sz itself. I also have nowhere to put Pereg safe as I have no interior doors, but my nearest neighbour has never complained about her barking at any times, and him the other side is that far away that he could not hear her even if he wanted to.

But then I do not leave her for long and am luckily able to stay with her whenever necessary.

I am not sure how I would cope with a larger dog like Loki - my 17kg Pereg is difficult enough, but as you know at the moment she is stable and I do not also have young children to cope with as you do. And no, the epis cannot help it, can they.

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18-02-2013, 11:51 AM
Morning all. Hope your hair appointment goes well H. It does make you feel so much better in yourself when your hair is looking good. Mind you mine just goes back to its old style?? As soon as I wash it myself. I could do with having something proper done to it.
Hope Gorden's trip goes off ok Lynn. Any chance of him taking my OH with him when he goes for the 9 weeks??
Glad you've got the Silver Monster sorted Malka. Enjoy your walk later.
Poor Loki having more fits. I'm epileptic as well but it's been controlled for quite a while now. Just have to carry on taking the tablets.
Can't remember what else is going on with everyone but if the sun is shining where you are - enjoy it.
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18-02-2013, 01:22 PM
Good afternoon all.

Just back from our lovely walk. Very sunny, but a crisp east wind today.

I think spring must be coming in early as we saw our first butterfly today. Rosie thought it was lovely to jump and chase it around

The kids are off for half-term so the town is busy. I don't mind the tots - in fact I quite enjoy watching the -, but some of the teenagers are a pain in the backside - shouting and bawling and f'ing and blinding ever other word. Bring back the days of bobbies on the beat

The neighbours are starting to emerge out of their winter hibernation with some washing cars and others tidying the garden. It's like a whole new World after the last few weeks of horrible winter. Let's hope it lasts

Bit of tidying and a bit of reading me thinks this afternoon - just chillin' really.

Have a good 'un all xx
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18-02-2013, 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Malka is jumping up with joy [well in her mind she is] 'cos Nir popped by with new padlock for The Shack - took a look at the glued stuck one, said "that is not superglue it is just [something?] that the ganavim shoved in when they could not get The Shack open".

Apparently because they could not open it they shoved something??? into the lock etc to make it look as if it was superglued, and pushed the long U loop of the padlock and the mahoosive lock wotsit itself down so it was well wedged.

Nir gave the whole padlock, loop and wotsit, a bit of a pull to unwedge it, squirted some compressed air to clear the lock - and the key opened it! Just means that instead of putting the long U loop through thisaway I now have to put it thataway so it cannot get wedged under the two wotsits it goes through.

So - he had just called in on his way from home to somewhere - picking up a new padlock on the way - did not need the new padlock so he will take it back and get refunded, and did not cost me anything for him as he was passing through in any case!

The Silver Monster is now on charge and as soon as the green light comes on Pereg and I will be off out. If the tractor paths look dry enough maybe we will go see what is going on in the fields!

And do not forget what day it is today...

It's Monday so it's STEAM MOP day!
Afternoon grandma Well you're all sorted now then, so enjoy getting out and about again on the Silver Monster with Pereg happilly trotting alongside, I bet she loves it!

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning H and all

Lol at Zena full of the joys of spring. I hope your back is feeling better and that the haircut works out well.

Glad you had a good walk yesterday Bev, shame about the fog. Greyhounds always seem a calm breed to me, I might end up with one one day when all the B's are gone.

That's what I should do Pat, I have so much stuff, I forget sometimes that I have bought things!

We had a busy day yesterday at work, the place hadn't been cleaned and was a right state. it took ages to sort out, luckily two of us had turned up, it's difficult being a one man band sometimes! I was worn out by the end of the day.

We had a bit of a lay in this morning, mind you Rufus and Kia kept jumping up and down on me as they wanted their dinner! We ended up having a game on the bed much to Fiji's disgust, she doesn't like being disturbed. Fiji gets to lay in every day and doesn't go out for a pee until after she is fed, she is a bit of a diva.

Have a good day all.
Afternoon Gerry Sounds like you had 2 mad doglets full of the joys there too. I hope you can have a nice relaxing day after all that hard work yesterday.

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, lovely morning here , just got back from Millies check up, her gums are healing well so thats good to know.

Good luck at the hairdressers H, fingers crossed xx

Hope all doggies are well today and everyone is fine, have a good one folks xx
Afternoon Jackie So pleased to hear Millie's gums are healing nicely, and I hope she's now settled down again for you. Maybe they were aggravating her as they were healing, bless her heart.

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Wow another day of sunshine

Helene I think that when you have had a hair disaster it will take a good hairdresser a couple of cuts to get it back to how it should be. Good luck anyway

Glad you lock wasn't as bad as you thought it was going to be Malka, that saved some money.

Well you all sound very energetic so enjoy the sun. My second lot of washing is ready to go out now, see you later.
Afternoon Jen I had 3 disasters in total since last May, so that'll equate to 6 haircuts now then!!! He actually said the very same thing to me this morning, I need to grow it another inch for him to really get to grips with putting back the style. I like a bit of style Jen!!!

Originally Posted by crystalgirl View Post
Hi Goodmorning I am also having trouble finding a good hairdresser,since my move here,thoughsome of the wigs out there are stunning,I'm not sure who I would like to be crystal
Afternoon crystal It's a minefield out there for a good hairdresser isn't it, but maybe you'll get lucky soon

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning Helena and everyone.
Good luck at the Hairdressers Helena.
Glad you enjoyed the walk yesterday Bev.
Glad to hear the padlock was not superglued after all Malka and the silver monster is now charging.
Pleased Millie is doing well Jackie.
Linda I hope Loki is ok this morning.
Another good walk for us up the filed and Dillon had a good run around and rolling session in some quite deep puddles.
I am going to ring the home in a bit to see how mum is Gill called at 8pm last night to say Michael had a call from the the home they called the Dr out she went downhill after breakfast yesterday. He did say she had a busy week with them. Seems she has some type of flu thing and is now on AB's.
Gorden is off to get his visa this afternoon for Nigeria and flies out tomorrow tea time.
I am now getting jittery as when he comes back he will be off again for the dreaded 8 weeks.
Weather a bit dull now the sun has disappeared. I am hoping it makes an appearance later.

Enjoy your Monday all.
Afternoon Lynn, and sorry to hear about your dear old mum and I hope this doesn't mean you'll have 2 things to worry about when Gorden goes, it's so unfair on you. I'm sure the ab's will sort her out. Good luck to Gorden with that visa.

Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Morning everyone

Good luck at the hairdressers Helen. I hope it goes well.

I'm sorry Gorden is off so soon. Does he have to have a bunch of jabs for this trip?

Thanks for all your kind wishes about Loki. He had another one but is fine. I wish I could say the same here - you all probably know that he gets upsets and barks hysterically if he's left at times like this. I often have to bring him with me in the car because the neighbours are disturbed. Unfortunately, in this little doll's house there's hardly anywhere to put him where he won't disturb anyone, except the living room or my bedroom perhaps, but there's the risk he will damage stuff.

It's especially hard because it's half-term and the children need to get out and play and Carys wants to see her friend and have her play here. I'm sure we'll sort something out but I do get fed up feeling like a prisoner here and it's not fair on the children.

Ho hum, sorry for my little rant. It isn't Loki's fault, poor dog.

I hope everyone has a super day.
Afternoon Linda, awwww poor Loki, he doesn't mean to cause you all these problems during half term as you know, and I hope you can sort something out so that everyone is happy, even if you aren't, cos I'm sure you come last like the rest of us ladies! All the best with him Linda.xxxx

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Frosty morning here, babies fed, girlies fed and Cariad walked and fed. Those babies are like little mountain goats, they do make me laugh the way they fly in, eat whatever is on offer, then race round looking for more, then it is the Meerkat Walk whilst they double check there is nothing within reach, then I open the door and they race out again to see if Lona and Mabs have left them anything.
I want to get them both out for a run on the field today to get rid of some of their bounce and take some piccies.
Am having my brekkie then got my jobs to do, I have been ignoring things for a few days now whilst I catch up on my sleep and stop feeling so bone tired, but I need to get my act together now and sort the house out.
Hope the hair goes well Helena, are we going to have Show and Tell if it is a Success
Lynn calm down dear, think of the full shopping trolley and maybe even a trip to Dunelm will be on the cards, those 8 weeks will fly by with all the time out you'll be having in order to shop away the proceeds of the 8 weeks
Cariad still doing well, she showed me her wound properly last night, she's been a bit shy about it up till now. Very neat embroidery job he's done.
When the babies come in she retires into the puppy pen out of their way, so she's not daft is she
Afternoon June Lol at Cariad there not wanting to let you see her scar, and then disappearing into the puppy pen for a bit of peace bless her! Yep, hair is ok, although a tad too short, but he did explain all and did his best with what he had thanks!

Originally Posted by crystalgirl View Post
Hi All,Being a newbie,getting myself in a state,re the boards scared that I may offend,like been following dangerous dogs,and I feel very strongly aboutthis subject,I mentioned about all these breeders at home breeding 1st crosses,who dont Know anything about the breeds they are mixing up,diluting the gene pool,just making money,I know a lady up the village,who's trying to teach me crochet,she has just spent £1,300 pounds on a pug cross with a french bulldog,forgot what she called it,she has no papers,it hasnt been vaccined or microchipped,and she takes it every where and is over the moon,as she has been waiting for this particular combination or something similar,I think she has seen the mother,but its madness, oh yes she ordered a designer dog bag from the states,that was about £275 its just so daft,but at least at the moment she loves it to bits.Do any of you remember,when say a pedigree bitch got pregnant by a local dog, and to the owner it was as if the end of the world had happened,sometimes the pups would mysteriosly disappear especiallyin rural Ireland where i went to school.Oh well I may never get a gold star,even at School at Easter depending on how you had behaved,you were given rocksin varying sizes to carry up to the Cross only 5 miles away,every year I always got the biggest (its supposed to represent your burden of sin that you carry). Love having a window into all your goings on,don't feel so alone now.crystalgirl
I'm sure you could never offend Crystal, we always speak our minds on certain threads, and the beauty of Dogsey is, you are allowed to do this. We don't have anybody on here who likes to pick a fight or slam you down, we're a very understanding bunch on Dogsey along with friendly, nobody takes anything personally, if you feel strongly enough about something, then feel free to speak up where appropriate I'm sure nobody minds.

Originally Posted by crystalgirl View Post
Hi Sorry about your mum,my late mum got very confused,when all the things about war in the middle east was going on,hadnt realised that my mum thought she was back in the 2nd world war,until I got a call from the police station,she had been knocking all the neighbours up as she couldnt find a shelter,when she didnt get a reply,she went back home to find a pot of paint (red) and when she didnt get a reply she marked every door witha tick.I was sound asleep,and thought she was too.It is so difficult to deal with and spent many days in tears because she became jeckyl and hyde,and had promised dad I would always look out for her,in the end had to let her go to a home,because she started wondering and was becoming a danger to herself.So I really feel for you crystalgirl
So sorry to hear about how your mum got so very confused. I had the same with my dear old mum, and we had no option but to put her into a nice care home where we knew she would get the best care. Sometimes, we have to be cruel to be kind, it's in their best interests.

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
LS - sorry about Loki and hopefully he'll settle today and his fits will subside - poor lad. I remember feeling 'trapped' when my two sons were young and wanted to go and do lots of things and I had my last little dog. The trouble is I think its even harder for parents nowadays as children expect so much. There is so much media hype etc etc. I hope you manage to get out and Loki is fine.

Malka - great news that the lock has been sorted and I hope and Pereg have a lovely walk over the fields.

Lynn - I'm sure you are feeling very apprehensive about Gorgen's next trip albeit short, but knowing it'll be back to back with his longer one. 9 weeks is a long time but hopefully it will pass quickly and you get yourself stuck in to a project or something while he is away. ((hugs)). Dillon sounded as though he enjoyed his walk.

Crystalgirl - it is unbelievable how much the 'designer' breeds can command. There are very mixed feeling here on Dogsey about them. So pleased you found this forum and it's lovely for us to get to know you too. You're never alone here.

I'm off to Painshill Park now with the dogs, the OH and son. Really looking forward to it as it looks like today may have the best weather this week. See you all later.
Afternoon Jenny Have a great walk in Painshill Park. LOL I like the way you put "the dogs" first there!!!! Jenny, I will take a lookey in my account today for your holiday ok, sorry I haven't had the time

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning busy people brrr it is very cold here today but at least the sun is shining

I am making cheesy herby bread sticks for the children and it is so cold the dough won't rise.

Off to the shops soon to buy some birthday cards .
Enjoy your day everyone
Afternoon Mini It's not cold here, we have the doors open today! I hope you manage to keep warm and get that dough rising.

Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Morning all. Hope your hair appointment goes well H. It does make you feel so much better in yourself when your hair is looking good. Mind you mine just goes back to its old style?? As soon as I wash it myself. I could do with having something proper done to it.
Hope Gorden's trip goes off ok Lynn. Any chance of him taking my OH with him when he goes for the 9 weeks??
Glad you've got the Silver Monster sorted Malka. Enjoy your walk later.
Poor Loki having more fits. I'm epileptic as well but it's been controlled for quite a while now. Just have to carry on taking the tablets.
Can't remember what else is going on with everyone but if the sun is shining where you are - enjoy it.
Afternoon Taffsmum Hair went well thanks, although a bit too short, but what could he do when there was little to play with. I find with a good cut, my hair behaves itself and it makes life much easier for me, I'm a wash and go girl probably like you are, so maybe treat yourself to a good cut if you can find a good hairdresser of course! They're as rare as that rocking horse poop around here!

Well, Dave finished the painting of the hallway, it looks good, you can't see that it was a touch up job at all, although he did end up painting 3 walls completely, but he had finished by the time I got home and hoovered and cleared up.

My hair......hmmmm, when I walked into this little oldey woldey shop in the old town of Hastings, he was cutting somebody's hair "out the back" kind of thing, and it didn't look too good (but I gave her the benefit of the doubt, she might have asked for that style ) It was sooooo small and narrow, had those old brown curved back chairs, in the waiting area, and I thought to meself, I'm getting bad vibes here. I told him I was very early cos it was difficult to know where to park and to find the place, so I went away again telling him I could find something to do for 20 mins (like RETHINK!!! ). I could have stayed away, but I couldn't face that lank, ratstail hair any longer, and I remembered what he had said on the website, that he had worked with Nikki Clarke and Trevour Sorbet in London for 30 years, so I thought, oh what the heck, I'm really past caring now. So back I went!

I made him laugh when I told him of my woes. I took a print out of an angled bob sketch, showing the shape I HAD in my previous life before moving to Hastings, and wanted again. He said it would take another cut to get it right cos she had cut the layers the "wrong way" which had given me the gaps I had here and there where there shouldn't be any. He took mountains off the back at the bottom and behind my ears really cut it into the nape of my neck, BUT, although he cut the sides shorter than I'd like, I know that it will wash and fall nicely and be easy to keep and in another month should look fab! That'll be the time when I shall go back for a 2nd cut and end up with another disaster then!!!

Whilst I was out, Dave said he let Zena come down to the garage with him as nobody was about out the front. Big mistake. As he turned to go into the garage......there in front of them was......the black cat Now Zena has been after this particular cat ever since we moved here, it's had two very close shaves in our garden as she's chased it at a rate of knotts up to the very top level at the back, which included her scaling a 4ft wall a nano second before it managed to leap the 8ft fence and cling on for dear life with its claws as she tried to get to its tail Needless to say, to have it cornered like this in her garage was like a gift from the Gods to her! Dave wasn't quick enough, she flew for it, it managed to leap onto his workbenches and then take a flying leap over Zena and out through the front. She proceeded to chase it across the front lawn, across the neighbour's driveway and across their front lawn, until it had a lucky escape by once again making a life saving leap up and over their side gate! She was then happy to recall to Dave as he stood there screaming at her!!!! No animal was injured in these traumatic few minutes thank goodness, but somehow, I don't think he'll be hinding in our garage in the future. It even gets into my car on the drive if I've left the back window a few inches open One day I'm gonna shut that window before it jumps out, and just drive...... My neighbour says it's a lunatic along with having a death wish. Even the plumber drove off with it the other day as unbeknown to him, it had snuck into the back where he keeps his tools, but it jumped out half way up the road he said!!! It's a nightmare, but, it lives another day.

What a glorious, sunny day, hope you've got the same
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18-02-2013, 01:54 PM
Thanks guys.

Yes Malka, that's exactly it. The post-ictal behaviour is awful and it goes on for days even after the fits.
The other thing is it's happening every few weeks. He managed 6 weeks this time so the extra 30 mg bought us 2 weeks. Poor boy.

It must be very hard for you with nowhere at all to keep Pereg, I do feel for you Malka. Loki is sometimes worse when he has more space to wander around. Hugs xxx. We've tried all sorts but the only place he's happy for a while is in the car, it seems to soothe him for a bit just being in there, so I take him everywhere but then I worry about leaving him places in the car when I can't see him but I have to go to school, do shopping and take the children places, etc. ARGH! Can't win.

Steve is taking tomorrow off so that we can sort out Carys meeting up with her friend at the park and for her swimming lesson and he can stay with Loki, so that will be a help.

I just had a lovely walk with Loki - he had another fit at 11 am but he's still up for a ramble. He even had a grumble at the trees when he lifted his leg .

Apparently the vets didn't have our new number (I know they were given it it because I remember Steve coming home after collecting Loki's meds and telling me he'd given it to them) so they never told us if Loki's blood tests were okay. We've only managed to speak to a receptionist today who said they're "fine" but couldn't give us any facts or figures and the vet hasn't rung back yet - again! I want to talk drugs!

I've got a headache now now but no drugs but I'm taking the children to my mum and dad's (Loki in the car, as per) and I'll borrow a couple of hers.
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18-02-2013, 02:08 PM
Afternoon all Loki must be such a worry Linda.
Glad he enjoyed his walk.
Dillon has just settled he had a very busy walk today running about sniffing but his hormones seem to be raging once again he has been in and out the garden even when Gorden was upstairs he was pacing and then when Gorden came down he was after his leg.
Gorden has now left to go to get his visa and Dillon has come indoors and settled and is now asleep. Later I will have Gorden and Michael home oh joy.
Those furry plums have to come off when we have the money which hopefully will be sooner than we were thinking for his peace of mind as well as mine.
It must be horrible for him.

Rung the home mum ok in bed and not wanting to be bothered so they are leaving her be for now . They will ring one of us if they feel it is needed. Michael did say they think they wore her out while she was there taking her to see these new homes and they feel she is frailer than she was at christmas.
So off duty DR. thinks its some sort of flu virus and thinks the AB's will clear it up.
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18-02-2013, 03:25 PM
Beautiful day here, very sunny, still cold but nice. My friend who I have Cruz and Midnight with has been over and we've had a girlie chat over coffee and plain choc digestives.
I left Cariad in the puppy pen in the kitchen, with the stairs barricaded off when I went out for an hour to the wholesalers, came back, and my bedroom window was wide open so Cariad up to her old tricks again and had got through all barricades, been into my bedroom, up behind the TV onto the bench and nets were pushed aside, at least she didn't rake them to shreds, and thank goodness she hadn't tried to get out of the window and fallen. She is lay at my feet now without a care in the world, she is her own worst enemy, she really is. There is no way she can go outside with the others until her stitches are out and she is not quite so vulnerable, so instead she is trying to kill herself in other ways
Really very sorry to hear about Loki, I was hoping that he would be fit free for a lot longer. Big hugs to you Linda, it is hard work anyway having young children, and it is hard work having an epileptic dog, having the 2 together over half term is your worst nightmare
Glad to hear the hair went OK'ish and I'm sure if you stick with him he will produce the goods.
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18-02-2013, 04:50 PM
Afternoon all

I've had a very busy day,helped O/H this morning,cut his hair and washed it,changed all his bedding,helped him have a wash,did my floors,washing,sorted my kitchen which looked like a bomb had gone off in there and popped to Tesco.

By this time it was lunchtime,so did that and had a coffee,then O/H said he really needed to go back to hospital and had a panic attack So I went to pick up Tom from school as there would have been no one here when he got back and then drove up to hospital,they have changed the plaster and it was too tight

Off to get my washing in,sort the dogs and do some tea in a minute and then I am not moving all night
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18-02-2013, 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Now Zena has been after this particular cat ever since we moved here, it's had two very close shaves in our garden as she's chased it at a rate of knotts up to the very top level at the back, which included her scaling a 4ft wall a nano second before it managed to leap the 8ft fence and cling on for dear life with its claws as she tried to get to its tail Needless to say, to have it cornered like this in her garage was like a gift from the Gods to her! Dave wasn't quick enough, she flew for it, it managed to leap onto his workbenches and then take a flying leap over Zena and out through the front. She proceeded to chase it across the front lawn, across the neighbour's driveway and across their front lawn, until it had a lucky escape by once again making a life saving leap up and over their side gate!
Helena, oh how that had me laughing, sorry maybe I shouldn't but it so reminded me of our Bara when she was younger, she was just like Zena, faster than greased lightening, but always the cat was a tad quicker. I always remember one day Bara came across the cat in a field, chased it across to the side where there was a tree which of course the cat shot up like rocket and Bara managed to get all four legs about ten foot up the tree trunk, but that was it, she couldn't 'cling on' like the cat so couldn't get to the height of the pesky cat, and like yours it lived another day
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18-02-2013, 05:22 PM
Good news about the lock Malka. Just popping in with chest puffed up with pride to say ....

I have actually packed half of a cardboard box! Howzabout that then?

Don't think I've actually cleared any space because before I packed it I went off out shopping and bought lots of lovely shiny new stainless bowls, strainers and all sorts for the new flat lol!

More things now for the charity shop - unfortunately the charity shop lady next door is off to the UK for a month.
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