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21-01-2013, 10:19 AM
Morning all.
Thick snow here as well. It had started thawing yesterday & had nearly all gone till it started again about 10pm. It's a lot milder out though. Quite a pleasant walk in the local park. It looked by picturesque anyway. Some kids going passed with sledges going to the big park. There was about 300 there on Saturday all having a good time.
I think it's going to be a quiet one for us again today.
Hope Dave can get back to wok tomorrow & that all poorly dogs are feeling better.
It's my granddaughters 18 th birthday today. Won't see her though cause they live in Newcastle so I can't get there.
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21-01-2013, 10:20 AM
Morning all the snow is above ankle deep on my walk with Sal this morning. This morning I dug the car out cleared a path to the car and the path so Mom could get to the car as she has hospital this morning....just finished the hospital rang and said "dont come no operations" Oh well the car is clear so I will put the cover on it......I should have done that yesterday I just never expected the snow to carry on falling.

My twin niece and nephew are 19 today.....where does time go.

Going to get over to Sainsburys and stock up a bit as back at work tomorrow night and don't fancy having to fight my way through after a nights work. Although saying that it shows rain for the end of the week which will be good. I like the snow though.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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21-01-2013, 11:48 AM
Sasha woke me up at just gone 6am, and there was a dreadful smell then she woke the others up and I got up and they all had an early brekkie. The smell was something she had done on the sheets (thank goodness I have been doing this) it was a sort of solid cow pat picked it up in kitchen roll and put it on the fire, the others have had a more or less 'firm' night as well. Made a cup of tea, washed their dishes and went back to sleep for a while and she woke me again at 10am, so they've all had some more to eat and are settled again, girlies had their brekkies a bit later than usual though!! I'm having my brekkie now and then will crack on as Sasha got her vets appointment today at just gone 1pm and got lpg to go for first. Also got to get the back of the car sorted for the crate, plastic sheeting etc. Glad Hannah Honda is 4 wheel drive, although its been snowing here it doesn't seem too bad though, not deep or anything, just a lght covering. I need more chicken and fish for Sasha, and I think I will start introducing some tripe in a separate dish for her and see how she goes on that. You can 'cold turkey' onto raw, but in the circumstances I am seeing what effect the tripe has, with the enzymes in it it can be good for delicate tummies, and then will progress from there if I can.
I used cling film on my leg when I had a snake bite and also when I broke my wrist and it is excellent to keep the damp off, although obviously you can't go for full immersion in the bath or shower (I used to wrap a bin liner round my arm over the cling film when I had a broken wrist to go in the shower)
Hope you get your Sainsbury's delivery Helena, you did well to get a home delivery slot at such short notice because I bet loads of other people have the same idea.

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21-01-2013, 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Morning Lynn,Morning all

Cold here, and icy.
Had an hour watching the tennis before I start on the chores,& running around after O/H.
Again he had a rough night last night.

Nothing much planned for today apart from the usual,

Have a good day all x
Morning Sal I hope you enjoyed the tennis.
Sorry to hear Oh had another rough night.

Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Morning everyone

And what a snowy morning it is! I had a lovely walk with Loki this morning - he will miss the snow when it eventually goes (there may be more coming though!). He has somehow scratched his head during the night and there is a nasty looking raw patch under the fur.

We were finally told the school is closed early this morning. I feel for people who work and who only found out at the last minute that they needed a day off or find child care. I rang one of the families this morning to let them know it was closed and they have no possibility of alternative child care. Imagine how many parents are having to take a spontaneous day off work today!

The main roads are really good - and quiet - so Steve is going to work on his motorbike. It's just the side roads that are nasty - our neighbour had to dig a path out this morning.

I hope everyone stays safe and warm today.
Morning Linda Glad to hear you had a nice walk with Loki. Wonder what he knocked his head on silly boy.
The snow has affected a lot of people work wise I think.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post
Morning Lynn, morning all

I managed another sleep after Pereg's pill again today and had just opened the door to let her out when the bin men arrived - a day late as sometimes happens, and I got the usual waves and big smiles from all the guys and a toot on the horn from the driver! Good thing I had not only put my dressing gown on but it was fully buttoned up!

Today is the 3rd anniversary of my Little One leaving me so I am feeling a bit teary. I miss her every day but sometimes it hits hard.

Anyhow, I am going to buzz across the road now before Xanadu's batteries run out as I need courgettes and pumpkin, and then I will put him on charge, so I will be back later to catch up on everything.

Keep warm and if you really have to go out, keep safe.
Morning Malka (((hugs))) for today it is always hard on anniversaries.

Originally Posted by youngstevie View Post
Good Morning Everyone xxx

Loads of snow here, the weather knocked the Sky TV signal off last night so that turned Pat's life support machine off
(bad mood or what)

Well I have managed to get it up and running using the Skyweb site just can not get 101 102 103 & 104 as yet.

People are digging their cars out here, upto now two of them have taken over half an hour and the cars are still stuck...personally I'd give up

Had to dig the rabbit & guineapigs cage out this morning (second morning running) thankfully they are well covered over. Schools are shut so later we will be off walking the dogs somewhere. Not sure how things are going for Pat he has gone into work but the buses were stopped Saturday and Yesterday midday. However Birmingham airport has re-open and the odd plane is taking off

Take care folks and keep safe and warm xxxx
Morning Steph thank goodness you got the tele up and running for Pat.
I bet that was chilly digging the furries out.
Enjoy your walk.

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post

I just cannot believe these snow stories We are such a small country, comparatively, and yet other that just a few flakes in the wind on Thurs we have had nothing here
It is still below freezing, see my pic in "other pets"
Stay safe everyone
Morning Jenny lets hope you miss the snow this year.

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members cold and grey again here.

My TV went off yesterday , a message said 'no signal' so I pulled out the aerial from the recorder and water ran out which was a bit scary . I think my 40 year old aerial cable may need replacing so am waiting for 'a man' to ring.

I am now heartily sick of the snow as is Chloe. Thank goodness I stocked up well with provisions so have lots of food and the milkman still gets through in his little lorry.
I haven't seen a postman delivering since Thursday and when I posted a letter yesterday in the box by the church there had been no collection since Thursday either.

Roll on spring. I think I will go and make some bread to cheer things up .

Stay safe everyone.
Morning Mini we are heartily sick of the snow too well I am. Dillon and Gorden are enjoying it.
Our post is getting through mainly bills. I hope the aerial is quickly sorted sounds a bit scarey.
Originally Posted by Norma808 View Post
Morning all
Hope everyone had a good night and all poorly dogies are feeling.better
Snowing thick and fast here with a wind behind it so lots of drifts
Got woken up a 4am by cats skirling in the garden Gemma going daft with the noise
Afraid to say got up and let her out they soon scarpered (I'm a nasty person ,sorry anyone that's got cats )
Back to bed didn't surface till nearly 9
Boring housework to day mite try to venture out later
Stay safe driving or dog walking everyone

Big hugs winging their way to you from us here xxxxx
Morning Norma. I hope the snow doesn't get any worse.
Glad you caught up on yours sleep.

Originally Posted by Gellygoo View Post
Morning everyone

It's an age since I was on here early enough to join in this thread and may be another age till the next one .

lots of snow here and still falling fast. Was very worried earlier about daughter who is a physio at the hospital in Harrogate (terrible journey from here to there with snow in the mix) but she's texted to say she has arrived. Mobiles really come into their own at times like this
Sooo, hope everyone has a safe day and that it's a good one.
Morning. Glad your daughter has arrived safely.
We look forward to seeing you again soon.

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning Lynn, morning all

Horrible here, just about had enough of this snow, its not good is it

Hope all those who are poorly and have poorly dogs soon feel better.

If you have to go out, be careful and stay safe xx
Morning Jackie I think a lot of people have had enough now.
I think it is beginning to thaw here hopefully.

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning Lynn, Bev, H, Brierley, Jenny G and all

Enjoy your walk this morning Lynn, I hope you manage to post your card, we aren't likely to see our post lady for some time yet.

Poor Kyiro, the snow came at the wrong time for him with his bandages. I would postpone the vet if it all is going ok.

Enjoy your snowy walk H, I hope your shopping arrives in one piece!

Glad to hear Rosie is better this morning.

Good news that you got to lie in today Jenny G, make the most of it.

We are still snowed in here, I might try out my snow chains today to see if I can get the car to the top of our track (about 1/2 mile) the school here is open today, they have gritted and salted the south drive, but the north drive is closed as it is treacherous (hair pin bend with steep drop) it can be scary! There is a revised timetable for when they can come and go but they fail to make it accessible to us residents who actually live here!

I am only taking the dogs out for short walks at the moment as they don't like the cold although Pip was shoving his head into the snowy banks as he was sure he could hear a mouse.

I hope everyone has a good day today, stay safe.
Morning Gerri have fun playing with the snow chains.
We get the road to the crem cleared which helps a bit till you turn onto our estate then its every man for himself.
Your hair pin bend sounds treacherous.

Originally Posted by majuka View Post
Morning Lynn, Morning All

We have got a lot of snow here today. I only have one client's dog scheduled for a walk today but her owner has cancelled as she cannot get to work today so I will only be going out with Max and he loves the snow We only had a bit of snow last year in the February and he missed out on playing in that because it was when he had torn his claw off at the time so he is really making up for it this time. The chickens however are not enjoying it and have not left their run in days

Have a good day all and stay safe if you have to venture out
Morning enjoy your walk with Max.
Don't blame the chickens I would stay put as well if able too.

Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Morning all.
Thick snow here as well. It had started thawing yesterday & had nearly all gone till it started again about 10pm. It's a lot milder out though. Quite a pleasant walk in the local park. It looked by picturesque anyway. Some kids going passed with sledges going to the big park. There was about 300 there on Saturday all having a good time.
I think it's going to be a quiet one for us again today.
Hope Dave can get back to wok tomorrow & that all poorly dogs are feeling better.
It's my granddaughters 18 th birthday today. Won't see her though cause they live in Newcastle so I can't get there.
Morning TM sorry you can't get to visit your Granddaughter. Happy birthday to her.
300 that's a lot of people I was surprised how quiet the field was outside our house at the weekend .

Originally Posted by Kazz View Post
Morning all the snow is above ankle deep on my walk with Sal this morning. This morning I dug the car out cleared a path to the car and the path so Mom could get to the car as she has hospital this morning....just finished the hospital rang and said "dont come no operations" Oh well the car is clear so I will put the cover on it......I should have done that yesterday I just never expected the snow to carry on falling.

My twin niece and nephew are 19 today.....where does time go.

Going to get over to Sainsburys and stock up a bit as back at work tomorrow night and don't fancy having to fight my way through after a nights work. Although saying that it shows rain for the end of the week which will be good. I like the snow though.
Morning Kazz. Happy birthday to your niece and nephew.
Oh dear all that hard work and then not needed still at least it is done for another day now.
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21-01-2013, 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Sasha woke me up at just gone 6am, and there was a dreadful smell then she woke the others up and I got up and they all had an early brekkie. The smell was something she had done on the sheets (thank goodness I have been doing this) it was a sort of solid cow pat picked it up in kitchen roll and put it on the fire, the others have had a more or less 'firm' night as well. Made a cup of tea, washed their dishes and went back to sleep for a while and she woke me again at 10am, so they've all had some more to eat and are settled again, girlies had their brekkies a bit later than usual though!! I'm having my brekkie now and then will crack on as Sasha got her vets appointment today at just gone 1pm and got lpg to go for first. Also got to get the back of the car sorted for the crate, plastic sheeting etc. Glad Hannah Honda is 4 wheel drive, although its been snowing here it doesn't seem too bad though, not deep or anything, just a lght covering. I need more chicken and fish for Sasha, and I think I will start introducing some tripe in a separate dish for her and see how she goes on that. You can 'cold turkey' onto raw, but in the circumstances I am seeing what effect the tripe has, with the enzymes in it it can be good for delicate tummies, and then will progress from there if I can.
I used cling film on my leg when I had a snake bite and also when I broke my wrist and it is excellent to keep the damp off, although obviously you can't go for full immersion in the bath or shower (I used to wrap a bin liner round my arm over the cling film when I had a broken wrist to go in the shower)
Hope you get your Sainsbury's delivery Helena, you did well to get a home delivery slot at such short notice because I bet loads of other people have the same idea.

Morning June lovely picture of Sasha.
Sounds like you have a busy day ahead good luck at the vets.
Good luck also with introducing the tripe.
We will eagerly await and update.
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21-01-2013, 12:47 PM
Good luck at the vets June I loved the puppy-fix of Sasha

I am so pleased we are not due for any more snow at the moment - I'm thoroughly naffed off with it now. Sorry for all of you up North who are now getting 'dumped' upon

My son and I took the boys for a lovely walk up to the top fields. They loved it but we did have to stop every few hundred yards and brush the snowballs off their legs and feet as their legs were being forced apart. I took a teazle brush with me which worked fairly well. Anyway they had a half decent walk for the first time since Thursday.

The estate I live on is still lethal and the road is just compacted snow/ice so we all had walk on the verges, hence all the snowballs. A couple of photos to give you an idea of what it's been like, but these were taken before the last lot of snow yesterday.

This is the road that was so flooded a few weeks ago just outside my house:

Some of the bushes in our garden very laden down.

Since I've been typing this the sun has come out - wonderful and long may it last.

I'm off to see my Mum tomorrow as my brother and I want to go together and the lanes around Chipperfield are still lethal.

Take care all and see you later.
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21-01-2013, 02:04 PM
Oh what beautiful eyes Sasha has.

Gorgeous photos of your home Jenny (jealous icon ).
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21-01-2013, 03:09 PM
Thanks LS It looks a lot nicer when its not flooding or snowbound

Malka - ((((hugs)))) to you today on the 3rd anniversary of losing your Little One. It still hurts doesn't it.

The sun has now been out for a couple of hours and apart from looking wonderful, the snow is melting The road is still solid but I live in hope.

I was hoping there would be news of our little Sasha pup - I'll drop by again a little later.
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21-01-2013, 03:37 PM
Eldest Son announced he would take us to the vets as it was snowing and looking like it would I let him....


that is in the space of exactly 1 week. I knew she had grown because she is expertly negotiating the baby gate every time now, was still unsure if she had put much weight on.
She has also had her first vax today as she has done so well.
Ash and Che are booked in for their vax on Thursday as they finish their AB's tonight and are doing more or less firm poos every time.
He wants to give Keshini a course of AB's again now to make sure they are double clear as it has been so infectious and so difficult to clear up, so she has some AB's to start tonight and then will have her vax next week.
Thank you thank you for all the support and everyone logging on to see what news of my brave little girl. She has beaten the odds, as they were stacked against her, I knew that but I felt she deserved the chance and didn't give up on her, but thank you everyone for not giving up on ME and just being there for me when all seemed hopeless
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21-01-2013, 04:02 PM
Way to go Sasha - excellent news
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