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tawneywolf is offline  
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13-01-2013, 01:44 PM
We're all besieged by cow pats
Sasha very quiet and is in the big crate in the kitchen now I have cleaned up and babies outside with mummy and Lona and Mabs. Cariad knew she was in here and was desperate to get to her, but I am worried it would be WRONG, and more pulled faces from the vets. She is still having bits of the sh!te stuff, this morning we had a little cow pat and she was a bit sick, but not a lot. I think she is happier when the others come in because she really did want to go out with them, she seems to have accepted it now, but seems pretty down with the fact she has to stay in.
I have to go out for a bit, so really hope she is OK here, I will be as quick as I can, have realised the lpg place closes at 1pm, so missed them, will have to go up mid morning when everywhere isn't so busy.
Fish out and defrosting for a bit of something for tea for her, and the others will have chicken drumsticks when they come in and then a late supper. I found another AB tablet on the kitchen floor last night, I am pretty sure now it is Ash, as gave them their last ones this morning, and I caught him with it down the side of his little jowls, finally (I hope) got it down him, so he could well be the one doing the cowpats as he is short on AB's.
Hope everyone's alright, and I too think you should take that spider bite to A&E, it could get worse and then you will be in a fine fix, there on your own on a Sunday!!!
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13-01-2013, 02:11 PM
Oh my lord, everyone seems to be in trouble this morning, what with sore throats for you Chris, grandma's not well and gone awol, Jenny with Flash and Rucksack not well (loving that pic of the Stool Bus )Mini with the possbility of Norovirus and Tangutica with some kind of weird spider bite on your hand To top it all, June, so sorry to hear you're still surrounded by cow pats, and poor little Sasha wanting to be out with mummy and siblings, it's so unfair on her, but you have to stick to your vet's advice. Good luck with leaving them alone whilst you nip out then.

Well, we went down the beach, Zena's carpal pads were a lot better this morning, all dried up nicely and she wasn't bothered by them, so I slapped on a thick layer of Sudocreme before going out and left them to the air, knowing we were walking on a dry footpath. I never threw her ball once, unless just for her to catch it, so I know she couldn't scrape them again. I took her down the steps where the sea was right up to get her into the sea, cos sea water is brilliant for healing this type of thing, but although we got on a few stones, waiting for the waves to wash up over the big rocks, I was the one who ended up getting soaking wet, whilst she quickly hopped up onto a big rock to stay dry!!!! I had to walk home in soaking wet, feet, socks and shoes, which squelched and in the car I wanted to take them off, but I thought about driving home with bare, cold feet and decided leaving them on was a better option. Anyway, what on earth would I have said should I have had the misfortune of being stopped by a policeman lol!

Went up to finish shutting down the van, dropped Dave off there, whilst I nipped to sainsburys in case we get snowed in, then went back to pick him up. I'd left the bdooly oven on 160 instead of 120 with the roast lamb and potatoes in it, so they were actually ready, but my yorkshire hadn't gone in, which meant burning the rest to a cinder whilst they cooked, and on top of it all, I had to unpack shopping in lightening speed, cos Dave was bringing all the bedding, quilts, bed covers, pillows up from the car for winter storage!!! That's life for me, all or nothing!!! Talk about multi tasking, but I managed it and by the time we'd finished, the yorkshires had hit the roof, and the potatoes were crisped up along with the lamb Bad timing that was, I should never have told him to load all the bedding into that car really, but sometimes I just don't think, but then again, I thought I'd left that oven on low didn't I!

No wonder I need a bdooly nanny nap in the afternoons!

The good news is when we got back from the walk, I dunked Zena's carpal bads into a big bowl of warm salt water, then dried them off (which hurt her I think ) no blood (that's good!), then I used the anti-bacterial powder and I will do the Sodocreme for when she zonks out in a minute and hopefully, in a couple of days we'll be fine with them.

I hope things are improving for some of you with illnesses and injuries, along with our poor doglets, Rucksack, Flash, poor Kyiro and all our little babies.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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13-01-2013, 03:17 PM
I think Sasha has been good whilst I was out, no poos or anything anywhere, nor piles of sick. It was quiet when I walked up the path, so fingers crossed she hasn't been screaming the place down, because the people on one side of me aren't that pleasant, never have been, and of course they are home on Sunday, rest of the week they seem to be gone by early doors, and say what you want about the babes, once they have their heads down, that is it till at least 8 am these days.
Sasha very pleased to see me, I think she is settled a bit now, and is thankful to be home, like Kyiro she will think she is being abandoned again when we go for the check up tomorrow.
Have bought some frozen cooked chicken strips from Asda, £2 a bag, so around the same as buying the fillets, and have put some out in her pink dish do defrost for later, her fish is almost defrosted now. Another spoonful of the sh!te and that is one can finished off.
Glad to hear Zena's OK with her pads, the sea would have done her the world of good, typical isn't it, the minute you want her to go in, she won't!!!
No idea what I'm going to eat, all I'm doing is worrying about Sasha and what SHE is going to eat. I will have to have a look, egg on toast sounds enticing, simple and easy
Lynn, forgot to say, re the weaning, I am not sure anything was actually wrong till last weekend when Mabs was sick in the car and then the babies ill the day after, all downhill after that. Cariad is very very motherly, she took Lona's babies under her wing and helped deliver them, I just think she wanted to keep them babies for a very long time, she is still feeding them in the mornings even now!!!
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13-01-2013, 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Very funny!

I hope you are okay Mini, and haven't come down with Norovirus.
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13-01-2013, 05:15 PM
Pleased to hear Zena's pad were ok on her walk and that Sasha did not leave you any cow pats June. I hope you manage to find out who is doing them.

Hope you feel better soon Mini.

Dillon is now finding the up and down stairs very good fun trouble is if we shut the bedrooms off he barks. When I went up to make the bed he was on and off and I was having a tourette's moment. He does get kind of manic when he is like that and if the vet had seen him this afternoon he would of said he has severe mental issues.
He has now crashed on the sofa and I am off for a bath I wonder if he will follow me up.
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13-01-2013, 05:27 PM
June - hopefully things have turned the corner now No new cowpats has got to be a good thing. Bless Sasha being such a good girl when you were out. As for the little terror Ash and his abs - hopefully he too will settle now.

I was so relieved to see that you'd posted earlier as I was getting concerned. Do remember to eat as well - you of all of us need to keep your strength up. I really hope you have an uneventful evening and night with them.

Helena - I'm delighted that Zena's pads are looking OK and what a very sensible girlie to let you test the water temperature first - I guess your reaction was enough for her to decide it was just toooooo cold. Your feet must have been freezing by the time you got home.
The last thing you needed was all the bedding to sort, but at least its done now. I hope you have a lovely quiet evening too.

My two seem to be fine, but they haven't been showing signs of feeling unwell anyway. I only gave them half of their evening meal and will give them the other half before I go to bed tonight. I've made sure that they haven't eaten anything off the ground today (on leads on both walks) and I washed their feet after both walks in case there are still traces of sewage around ..... ugh!!

I've just had a call from a lovely lady that I've met a dozen or so times through my OH's racing. She has two greyhounds who she says aren't very friendly with other dogs but wanted to know if she could walk them with me and mine next Friday at Painshill Park. Dogs have to be kept on leads there and she will muzzle her two. It could be interesting but if its a success, which I really hope it is, we'll make it a regular thing. I just hope my two little darlings don't embarrass me!

I've got a beef stew with lots of pearl barley in for tonight for me and OH which has been cooking on low for about 5 hours now. We love it and its really comforting food when its cold outside.

NO SIGN OF SNOW ..... I reckon all the scaremongering by the weathermen is just to cover every eventuality.

I'm hoping my two will be fine now as I really don't want to cancel their groomers appointment in the morning as my lady only works on Mondays.

I hope Kyiro is still doing OK and all of he poorly people are feeling better.

I'll drop in later to see how everyone and their dogs are.
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13-01-2013, 05:29 PM
Lynn - I missed your post as I was typing at the time. Dillon's antics do make me smile Enjoy your bath and make sure you close the door or you could have a very large dog sharing it with you.
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13-01-2013, 05:31 PM
Oh, LS I missed yours as well! Thanks for the comment on the photo, it did make me laugh too. I hope you are feeling OK.
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13-01-2013, 05:39 PM
Helena - re: Zena's carpal pads, I know the agility people strap their dogs pads up with what they call a Skid Boot so it might be worth keeping a couple in for future use?

TW, sorry to hear the pups have been poorly, I haven't read all the posts, did the vets give you a definite diagnosis or was it just a virus? I haven't (yet) had a whole litter go down with the symptoms you've experienced but I wondered if a Canikur tablet would help bind up their loose poos & keep them on fish and mash potato for a few days? (Maybe you've already tried it) they are a worry aren't they?
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tawneywolf is offline  
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13-01-2013, 05:45 PM
Can I give Canikur to puppies, I thought it was dogs 6 months and older, will have a look and see what it says. Have been so worried about little Sasha that I have completely lost sight of common sense.
Everyone asleep, or having the odd play. Have found a squirty bottle of CIF bleach and a cloth in the babies crate, how the b.....y h...l have they got them? Maybe they have decided to start a cleaning round
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