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11-12-2012, 10:54 AM
'morning Helena and everyone above

We had a little more snow last night but we ain't going anywhere today so it's not really a problem, often the temperature rises a bit when we get snow (The clouds above act as a blanket) and it is +1 C outside now.

Have a good day all of you out there

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
it's getting too near for my liking now, I didn't realise just how close it was until last night
I was thinking the same last night, still have a few cards to send and won't be able to post them until Friday and was wondering if they would get there in time
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11-12-2012, 11:13 AM
Morning Harvey I'm sure your cards will get there on time, they do their utmost in that post office to get all the cards delivered before the big day, or so I've been told Be careful out there in the snow won't you H!
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11-12-2012, 11:27 AM
Morning Helena and all ,

I did pop in last night, but those that were here were drunk or high on something I did nick a few chocs and leave hastily. Guns!!!!! Maybe it'll he a cannon tonight I expect a few of you may have a thick head this morning

I did log on around 8 this morning and was half way through reading the first 4 posts when I had a phone call from a neighbour so had to leave and pop out. I have to admit I have only just come back on and it would take me ages to read all the posts (which I will do later). Just wanted to say 'good morning' to you all. Helena for goodness sake be careful!!!

When I woke up my OH mentioned that he'd sorted the dogs during the night I was very impressed Apparently Flash was crying because Rucksack had been sick in the bed. (due to eating too many twigs yesterday ). He came in to the kitchen to find Rucksack upside down in the small bed and Flash leaning against the wall to get as far away from the sick as possible. He pulled the 'throw' out and they both snuggled back in together on the vet bed (which is on top of the cushion). Well, when I came in this morning all the bedding was out of the big bed and Flash looked decidedly dejected having not been able to get into the little bed with his brother!

All sorted now. Actually they've been really naughty having ripped apart the bed we keep in the lounge yesterday. It took me an hour or more yesterday afternoon to sew a thick piece of material on that bed. Also their recall was dire when out yesterday as they were totally focussed on eating piles of deer poo That probably was partly why one of them was sick. They are having an on lead walk soon as I'm not prepared to stand in the field like yesterday while they ignore me and play 'silly boogers'

I hope you all have a nice day and avoid the icy patches!

See you later.
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11-12-2012, 12:49 PM
Lovely walk with Lona and Mabs this morning, all crisp and frosty, Mabs had a wonderful time doing wheelies in the leaves and her and mum went off to chase a few squirrels, although how they expect the squirrels to come down and 'play' by staring fixidly at them I have no idea, more likely to put them off I think
Took Cariad out beforehand and we had a wander round, she too is sniffing everything in sight and out of sight as well
Eldest Son came down to see to the car this morning, first I knew of it was when my mobile suddenly connected to the hands free, so I knew he was outside, but it was very cold and he seemed to be doing fine jump starting it from his van, so left him and stayed put where it was warm. He rang to say he was on his way back and it had a new battery in as I was out with Cariad, so excellent service
Cariad has AGAIN fed the babies so of course they didn't really want lunch, will have to cut her food down a bit more, I feel dead cruel I really do, but those babies need to eat solids and despite her best efforts they will
All out in their little Puppy Palace under 2 heat lamps with their toys. Cariad has stolen Mabs's bone, so had to give Mabs another one, blood curdling growls coming from Cariad if anyone enters the Puppy Palace, Lona has given up and is staying in the other kennel, Mabs still wants to see the babies, found the brush to the dustpan set, in the bedding as I thought, handle well chewed but brush part is surprisingly intact. Have put a higher board on the sleeping compartment doorway to the corridor the partition has created, so maybe Ash will be deterred from his Escape Activities, another Nortie in the making here. I have emailed his new daddy and told him what he has been up to, no reply yet, so wonder if he has decided to emigrate instead Off in the shower and then the bone run and then hopefully a wood run and a tripe run, maybe even find time to do a food shop for ME
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11-12-2012, 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Helena and all ,

I did pop in last night, but those that were here were drunk or high on something I did nick a few chocs and leave hastily. Guns!!!!! Maybe it'll he a cannon tonight I expect a few of you may have a thick head this morning

I did log on around 8 this morning and was half way through reading the first 4 posts when I had a phone call from a neighbour so had to leave and pop out. I have to admit I have only just come back on and it would take me ages to read all the posts (which I will do later). Just wanted to say 'good morning' to you all. Helena for goodness sake be careful!!!

When I woke up my OH mentioned that he'd sorted the dogs during the night I was very impressed Apparently Flash was crying because Rucksack had been sick in the bed. (due to eating too many twigs yesterday ). He came in to the kitchen to find Rucksack upside down in the small bed and Flash leaning against the wall to get as far away from the sick as possible. He pulled the 'throw' out and they both snuggled back in together on the vet bed (which is on top of the cushion). Well, when I came in this morning all the bedding was out of the big bed and Flash looked decidedly dejected having not been able to get into the little bed with his brother!

All sorted now. Actually they've been really naughty having ripped apart the bed we keep in the lounge yesterday. It took me an hour or more yesterday afternoon to sew a thick piece of material on that bed. Also their recall was dire when out yesterday as they were totally focussed on eating piles of deer poo That probably was partly why one of them was sick. They are having an on lead walk soon as I'm not prepared to stand in the field like yesterday while they ignore me and play 'silly boogers'

I hope you all have a nice day and avoid the icy patches!

See you later.
Afternoon Jenny I know, last night, they were getting outrageous in here weren't they Hopefully, Sally is working hard in her chemistry lab today, swatting up on a new concoction for that magic bottle of hers, it was getting far too potent, they must have been hallucinating with this place turned into some kind of jungle Far too strong, and I worry for poor grandma at her tender age If things carry on like this, I'll be having to send for that van!

Sorry to hear your Rucksack has been sick too, I wonder what's going on with our dogs at the moment, but when I read on, and deer poop was mentioned, that would explain yours! As for the nortiness, we have a lot of that going on in here too, must be this weather, they seem to love it so much don't they, Zena loves scooting about in the leaves sending them flying up in the air Maybe a nice nanny nap is in order for this afternoon Jenny

Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Lovely walk with Lona and Mabs this morning, all crisp and frosty, Mabs had a wonderful time doing wheelies in the leaves and her and mum went off to chase a few squirrels, although how they expect the squirrels to come down and 'play' by staring fixidly at them I have no idea, more likely to put them off I think
Took Cariad out beforehand and we had a wander round, she too is sniffing everything in sight and out of sight as well
Eldest Son came down to see to the car this morning, first I knew of it was when my mobile suddenly connected to the hands free, so I knew he was outside, but it was very cold and he seemed to be doing fine jump starting it from his van, so left him and stayed put where it was warm. He rang to say he was on his way back and it had a new battery in as I was out with Cariad, so excellent service
Cariad has AGAIN fed the babies so of course they didn't really want lunch, will have to cut her food down a bit more, I feel dead cruel I really do, but those babies need to eat solids and despite her best efforts they will
All out in their little Puppy Palace under 2 heat lamps with their toys. Cariad has stolen Mabs's bone, so had to give Mabs another one, blood curdling growls coming from Cariad if anyone enters the Puppy Palace, Lona has given up and is staying in the other kennel, Mabs still wants to see the babies, found the brush to the dustpan set, in the bedding as I thought, handle well chewed but brush part is surprisingly intact. Have put a higher board on the sleeping compartment doorway to the corridor the partition has created, so maybe Ash will be deterred from his Escape Activities, another Nortie in the making here. I have emailed his new daddy and told him what he has been up to, no reply yet, so wonder if he has decided to emigrate instead Off in the shower and then the bone run and then hopefully a wood run and a tripe run, maybe even find time to do a food shop for ME
Afternoon June Glad you had such a lovely walk, it was even still frosty out there on my 2nd walk, and Zena managed to get her ball right in the middle of what I can only think is an underground stream coming up through the grass, coz all this ice was lying on top of the grass, and I had to get to the middle to retrieve it for her That was a bit hairy, seeing as how things are going for me at the moment

Glad your son has sorted out the car for you, you'll be ok now with a new battery, just be careful on the side roads, it's very iffy out there.

Glad you've sorted everything out in the new Puppy Palace, you can't risk that norty little Ash trying to escape and getting himself into trouble anywhere, and I'd keep quiet about his antics to that new owner if I were you lol!

Hopefully, you'll get everything done by tea-time again and can sit by the fire and put your feet up with your cuppa and biccies, nothing nicer is there. Pity you can't have a nanny nap too, but you seem to be far too busy with these babies, and you're going to wonder how you did it all when it's all over.
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11-12-2012, 02:33 PM
Only me!

No thick head here. I must, must, MUST do Christmas cards later. I say it every day and I have still only sent ONE!

Where has this day gone? I can't believe it's time to get ready to go to school already.

Is it going to snow on Thursday? I'm sort of double booked - I promised Carys I'd attend the Advent Mass at 9.30 am because she's reading a little prayer but remembered it's Michael's music club Christmas party at 10.45 am. Can I get from school to the music place in time? Maybe, but not if it snows!

Glad to hear you have not tripped, fallen or sprained anything since this morning Helen.

June oh my, what a lovely lovely face. Does Cariad do this sniffing thing? Loki sniffs and sniffs obsessively and it's worse pre-fit, I've discovered. Sniffs and licks, is what he does.
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11-12-2012, 02:35 PM
Helena, as per normal your post made me laugh about the magic bottle, jungle etc etc

I noticed a thread where one could post to say that their Secret Santa pressie had arrived (not that mine has yet) - I can't find it now I thought it was in the 'chat' section, but my eye keeps being drawn to Azz's 'sexy secret santa' thread
Maybe I'm going blind as well as stupid Do you know which section its in?

Yes my two furries have been very norty lately. I do think its the weather. The second their feet his the frozen grass it's 'game-on' ..... I have to put them on leads if there is any hope of them calming down enough to do a wee I'm sure it was the deer poo and twigs that Rucksack is partial to eating that made him sick He'd definitely not ill.

See you later.
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11-12-2012, 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Helena, as per normal your post made me laugh about the magic bottle, jungle etc etc

I noticed a thread where one could post to say that their Secret Santa pressie had arrived (not that mine has yet) - I can't find it now I thought it was in the 'chat' section, but my eye keeps being drawn to Azz's 'sexy secret santa' thread
Maybe I'm going blind as well as stupid Do you know which section its in?

Yes my two furries have been very norty lately. I do think its the weather. The second their feet his the frozen grass it's 'game-on' ..... I have to put them on leads if there is any hope of them calming down enough to do a wee I'm sure it was the deer poo and twigs that Rucksack is partial to eating that made him sick He'd definitely not ill.

See you later.
Jenny - it's in General Dog Chat.
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11-12-2012, 02:43 PM
Good morning all, pleased to hear all the doglets sound like they are full of beans, please send some frosty weather here, or even some snow, it is just raining here!!

Tilly slept well last night, she started off breathing very hard and fast and then settled through the night, i think it must be throbbing where they lanced the abcess, poor Tilly, it is always bottom issues she has, a ver expensive rear end she has got!!

Today I have to catch up on some work, and also want to do some buttoning stuff, and I will be a good girl and call my Mum and Dad in a bit!!

H - take it easy, and everyone else! don't want any injuries in here, I can't do all the ironing myself!!!
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11-12-2012, 03:07 PM
Afternoon all. I'm perfectly sober I didn't partake of the magic bottle last night Bitter cold here but bright sunshine. I got the train to Wigan this morning for a change - haven't been for ages. I only stuck it for an hour I was tooooo cold to walk round much & only ended up buying stuff I could have got in town anyway. Got home had a quick bite to eat & a coffee to thaw me out just in time to take Taffy out.
Last night I was bringing some washing in off the line when the clothes prop slipped & bashed me on the head. got a lovely lump there now & it's sore Don't suppose it's knocked any sense into me though.
I'm another one that has to write the cards today, these ones are some that OH takes to a meeting he goes to & they will be giving theirs out tomorrow. I'll have to wait till he comes home later to see who he wants me to write them to. why he can't do them himself I don't know - I mean I've nothing else to do have I
Keep warm & safe everyone.
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