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28-05-2011, 02:40 PM
Claire I'm so sorry to hear this honey, I didnt see your orignal post, please stay strong and positive, she could very easily be the 10 - 20 people out of every 100 that this works for, we will be thinking of you xx
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28-05-2011, 02:48 PM
Oh I am so sorry that your family are having to go through this. Keep strong, stay positive and as has already been said, remember that cancer can be beat. Thinking of you and sending you positive vibes. Take care.
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28-05-2011, 03:16 PM
I'm also so very sorry to be reading this Claire.

I'm afraid I have no words of wisdom, but wish you sister all the very best and hope and pray that she is able to beat this.

Thinking of you all xxx
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28-05-2011, 04:19 PM
Oh Claire, this is just heartbreaking for you and your mum.... Poor Sarah....

However....... you are right, someone has to be in the 10-20% - why not Sarah?

Sending mega-positive vibes for a good outcome to all this and huge hugs for you all.....

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28-05-2011, 04:44 PM
Sending lots of positive vibes for your sister from here too. xx
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28-05-2011, 06:59 PM
So sorry to hear this, Claire. Obviously so hard for you and your family. Keep strong for your sister. Keeping everything crossed for her that this new lot of chemo works. Take care. xx
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29-05-2011, 07:38 AM
Originally Posted by krlyr View Post
Sorry to hear this news. Someone has to make up that 10-20% though! My stepdad had a cancer scare last year and it was about a 4% chance of it not being nasty, but we kept saying someone has to be that 4% and he was very lucky that the results came back clear.
Fingers crossed for your sister's treatment, I really hope it works.
Stories like this are what I'm hanging on too! Thank you for that and I'm so glad your stepdad was ok. xxx

Originally Posted by Tassle View Post
Oh Claire I am so sorry.

My Uncle was diagnosed with a very nasty rare form of leukaemia several years back, in the same way, he has always been healthy, not a smoker or heavy drinker. He was one of the ones in that small percentage who came through it. I truly hope your sister is the same.

Huge hugs to you and your family
And again, this is what I am hoping for. So happy for your Uncle! Thank you so much xxxxx

Originally Posted by Lou View Post
Bless ya! *Hugs*

I hope with all my heart this new treatment works for your sister.....

I am thinking of you all, and I'll keep everything crossed for some good news xx
Thank you Lou. If kindness and concern could heal her I know she'd already be free of this hideous monster. xxxxxx

Originally Posted by smokeybear View Post
How terribly sad, I will hope for the best for you.
Thank you xxx

Originally Posted by Ollies mum View Post
Really sad to hear your news-it must be awful for all of you

Sending some BIG HUGS and lots of Dogsey vibes for your sister,who has been so brave
Thank you Maureen xxxxx
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29-05-2011, 07:53 AM
Originally Posted by Hevvur View Post
Hi Claire,
I know how hard it is being told chemo hasn't worked, and more tumours have grown.
I had a trial last year which only had a small percent chance of working, and it worked partially (which was good enough for me!)
Then the transplant I had in January only has a 30% chance of working (obviously it's early days yet, so fingers crossed).

I have my fingers crossed for your sister, you and your family, and I truely hope this new treatment works. As you said, some people are in that 10-20%, otherwise they wouldn't offer it!

It's also worth asking about clinical trials if you already haven't - just as 'another option' - even if you have to be referred to another hospital and travel (My trial was down in London).

I know it's hard, but try and stay as positive as possible (I know bad days are frequent), but I really think a positive attitude helps - I know it helps me to feel stronger like I can beat this damn disease.

If you ever want to PM me to to talk/ask any questions, I really don't mind. I am very open about my cancer, and will answer anything - or just talk if you want to.

If you already haven't, you might find it beneficial to join the forums on the Macmillan website, or the website/forms for the specific cancer - if only just for some more 'support', and talk to people going through the same type of cancer/treatments.
I have made some good friends from there, and even met up with some of them at hospital!

Again, you are in my thoughts xxx
Massive hugs to you Heather. Thank you so much for your support and advice, I'm seeing Sarah later today and will mention the trials. These percentages are just so awful cos really you focus on the negative which is not good. I completely agree with you about being positive and believe me, I do have this little piece of hope that is helping keep me together. There is so much I want to ask/say/rant about and I will certainly join the Macmillian forums, thank you for that. We were so sure it was going to be good news and I've kept my cheerful, positive attitude going on with Sarah even when I could see she was having doubts. It hits you like a ton of bricks to be told different and to be given the facts in such a stark manner. I don't mean the doctors or nurses, they are just wonderful, just the facts themselves.

Thank you so much for this, I know you are on a rollercoaster of your own and I just want to see the day you and my sister beat this. Sending you tons of healing and positive vibes xxxxxxx

Originally Posted by Velvetboxers View Post
Im really sad for you. My brother - strong sensible one has prostate cancer, he is waiting treatment. He decided against surgery as there was a chance he would be incontinent after it. All he lived for were his family & now grandchildren. My mum Is 89 & not handling it too well. We lost dad last year suddenly. So yes, i can understand your dismay regarding your mum. You just want to wrap your arms round them & tell them it will be okay but inside its breaking you up.

Massive hugs for Sarah & healing vibes. Take care of yourself too. xx
My heart goes out to your family, I truly hope your brother gets through this. I know many men do. It is just awful, my Mum is 77 and she has and is still nursing my Dad after he had an operation to remove a cancerous tumour. I hate seeing her so stressed but trying so hard not to let it show. I take Sarah to all her appointments, here and in London mainly cos I want to be with her but also to take the strain off Mum. She should be enjoying her old age, not worrying herself sick about her daughter. Tons of healing vibes to your brother and positive ones for your Mum. Hugs to you too, it's just so shocking how many people are affected by cancer. xxxxxxxxxxx

Originally Posted by Emma View Post
SLB's quote is brilliant.
Statistics on things suck at times (especially in health matters), you can have a 99% chance but still be in the 1% is still going to be there and if you end up in that category it won't matter the number. So please don't focus on that. Your sister has hope and she has her family to support her.
In no way is it going to be an easy time for any one. I just want you to know how many people are behind you and shedding tears with this news.
Hugs Emma. You are helping me sooooooo much and I know you don't realise just how much! Thank you, you know just how my mind works and what I worry about. I need you and your sensible mind to sort my irrational one out!! xxxxxxxxx

Originally Posted by Tupacs2legs View Post
oh hunni {{{hugs}}}... you have to have hope,u cant loose hope xxx
Thank you Layla, you are so right xxxxxxx

Originally Posted by SibeVibe View Post
I'm so sorry Claire.

You know we were in the same position a year ago with Robert brother. Kevin is still here after aggressive chemo therapy. I hope and pray that the results of further treatment are the same for Sarah. It is devastating time for the family, I know.

My thoughts are with you all. Take good care of yourself. {{{{{{{HUG}}}}} to you all from me and mine.

I hold on to these hopeful and optimistic stories! I'm so glad he is still here and send him tons of healing and positive vibes for his future. Thank you Seoniad, you are such a kind soul xxxxxxx
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29-05-2011, 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Claire please do not give up all hope yet.

A couple of years ago I was in a very similar place with my sister. Things really were not looking good. Must admit though she did not have the blood clot problems etc., but she did have to have a big big operation which they weren't even convinced they wanted to give her they felt her chances of recovery we so low but she opted for it and she is now looking healthier than she ever has done.

She is not out of the woods but she is living her life again she always has in the back of her mind the problems she has but she lives day by day. Helping get your mum through it all will be tough but please remember you are her sister and feeling a great sadness too and must make time for yourself to deal with this also.

I am always here on the end of a pm if you ever need a chat or to unload.

Massive (((hugs))) and love to you all. Xx
Oh Lynn that is so amazing!!!! How wonderful and I'm delighted for your sister, you and your family. It must be the best feeling ever to beat this disgusting disease or at least be stronger than it is. I hope she continues to make good progress and send healing, positive vibes to her.

Thank you so much. Hope is an amazing thing and it's easy to let it slip away when fear of the unknown is smacking you in the face. Your support means so much xxxxxxxxxx

Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Oh Claire, I'm so very sorry to be reading all this, and I wish I could give you a big hug in person, but you're far too involved for us to meet up again yet I know that, but please believe me when I say, my thoughts are with you, I was thinking of you most of the day Tuesday and what you were having to go through with your poor sister, and just like Gerri, I'm always here, just a phone call away you know that.

I can't begin to imagine how you felt when you told your mum, and bless her heart, for staying strong for the pair of you, with what she's already going through at hers with your dad, it's all so very sad, so very unfair, especially when it falls on somebody as nice and genuine as you and your family.

I'm totally lost for words for once Claire , what can I say to put your mind at rest, or help you through it, or, what can I DO to help you GET through it. If you think of anything, no matter how big or how small, then let me know, coz I'll do anything I can to make this nightmare end in the nicest possible way. I know the very best medicine for you at the moment are those beautiful furbabies back at home, not forgetting the real true friendship you have with Gerri, she's an absolute star, but then so are you! My heart goes out to your dear sister, but cling to that hope with all your heart, that she is going to be one of those percentages to reap the benefit of the new treatment. All you can do, is exactly what you are doing, be there for them all, they need you more than ever now, but then you've got a big enough heart to share it with them all, that much I do know!

This is a long, hard, road you find yourself on now Claire, but you will get to the end of it, even with all these pitfalls, just keep going, keep up your inner strength, pour your heart out on here and to Gerri, and show them how strong you really are - you're a better woman than me, I would have gone to pieces by now, and most of all, stay positive, keep that chin up, and hold them all up when you see them falling. My poor little friend I'm in tears here for you.xxxxxxxxxxxxx Zena is now licking my face profusely, so she's obviously sending some of her very special kisses your way.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Bah Helen!!! You made me cry!!!! I don't feel strong and I said to Gerri yesterday that I just wanted to curl up in a ball rather than tell my Mum such horrific news. But the thing about this is it isn't about me, my sister is the most important person here and it is all about her. I've told her that when she is better it can be about me again, but until then, she is my priority. Please give Zena and massive hug from me, these dogs just know there is something wrong. Tilly was so sweet yesterday, she normally jumps all over me but she hung back, just waited and watched. It was only when I called her that she gave me her usual mad welcome. I said to Gerri, she knew. She knew something was wrong and she acted accordingly. You're so right, my babies have brought me so much comfort and distraction. Even my big old meat head Alfie, he looks at me with such sweetness in his eyes. For all his goofiness, he knows his mum is sad and he tries to make it better.

We will meet up Helen. I feel so bad that we haven't for ages and it would be lovely to see you, Zena and my gorgeous Georgie again. xxxxxxxxx

Originally Posted by Sara'n'Scout View Post
Oh Claire, I'm sooo sorry Sarah's not doing well. We went through a similar scare with my grandmother a number of years ago. She developed Lung Cancer and we were told that she'd have 6 months without Chemo and radiation, and possibly a year with... She opted to give the treatment a go, and 11 years later, she's still alive. Not doing well, but it's not cancer that's got her now, but Alzheimers.

I'm not great with words in this situation but I truly truly hope your sister beats the odds. I'll be praying for her, you and your family.
That is so bittersweet Sara. To beat one demon only to be taken over by another. I'm so sorry, it must be very hard for you and your family and your poor Grandmother. Hugs to you all and thank you so much for your support. xxxxxxxx

Originally Posted by Lovesgsds View Post
Claire I'm so sorry to hear this honey, I didnt see your orignal post, please stay strong and positive, she could very easily be the 10 - 20 people out of every 100 that this works for, we will be thinking of you xx
Thank you. She could couldn't she. Thank you so much for caring xxxxxxxx
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29-05-2011, 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by Manyana13 View Post
Oh I am so sorry that your family are having to go through this. Keep strong, stay positive and as has already been said, remember that cancer can be beat. Thinking of you and sending you positive vibes. Take care.
Bless you, thank you so much xxxxxxx

Originally Posted by scorpio View Post
I'm also so very sorry to be reading this Claire.

I'm afraid I have no words of wisdom, but wish you sister all the very best and hope and pray that she is able to beat this.

Thinking of you all xxx
Thank you so much, your kindness means alot to me xxxxxxx

Originally Posted by Vicki View Post
Oh Claire, this is just heartbreaking for you and your mum.... Poor Sarah....

However....... you are right, someone has to be in the 10-20% - why not Sarah?

Sending mega-positive vibes for a good outcome to all this and huge hugs for you all.....

Thank you Vicki, I'm grabbing each and every one of those vibes and giving them to Sarah. xxxxxxxxxxx

Originally Posted by grommit View Post
Sending lots of positive vibes for your sister from here too. xx
Thank you xxxxxxx

Originally Posted by Westie_N View Post
So sorry to hear this, Claire. Obviously so hard for you and your family. Keep strong for your sister. Keeping everything crossed for her that this new lot of chemo works. Take care. xx
I will Nicola, I have too. She needs me and I will not let her down. Thank you so much xxxxxxx
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