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31-10-2010, 07:59 PM
I would - especially Sadie, she's been my best friend for 9 years, I would do anything for her. She doesnt go in the water very far though so I dont have to worry about anything like that happening.

When I used to sail there was a black lab swim out into about 60-90ft of water to get a water boye it then got stuck in the water and couldnt swim back to shore - it got a lift to the jetty.
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31-10-2010, 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by astle9 View Post
no i would not, i have a partner and child who need me in their life, as much as i love my dogs they come first.
That is what my head is saying anyway.
I think this would be my answer too. Unless I could safely wade out to help then to be honest I don't see the point in me trying to swim anyway. I have negative bouyancy so sink like a stone so would be totally unable to help even if I did jump in!

But it is one of those situations that you pray will never happen and if it does who knows what you would you do.......
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airedaleowner is offline  
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31-10-2010, 08:54 PM
definatly an in the moment thing.

you will never know until you are in that position (which hopefully will never happen)

i think i know what i would do but depends on the situation really!!!
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31-10-2010, 09:49 PM
My family have been in this situation a couple of times.

The first was Bobby the PRT who slipped down a big plastic sided pit near a quarry. The water at the bottom had frozen and he fell through. My Mam, Brother and Sister had to stand and call his name for several minutes watching him go under and come back up several times before he disappeared under the ice never to reappear. I can't imagine how heart breaking that must've been, but jumping in would almost certainly have left me and my siblings without a Mother.....

The second was on Autumn day when I'd taken Woody and Pickles out for a walk along the River Swale. Woody being a Lab loved to swim so without thinking I lobbed his ball into the river, only to realise after I'd thrown it the river was a torrent after recent heavy rain.

Once I'd thrown it, it was already too late - there's no stopping a Lab, his ball and a river! Woody was struggling to stay afloat, so I ran briefly down the river to a narrower part. When I turned back to call his name he was gone. For what felt like hours I screamed his name hoping to God he would resurface, all the while imagining what it was going to be like returning home with just one dog instead of two.

Then I looked down over the ledge I was standing on to see a very happy, sopping wet Labrador, complete with ball! God I've never been so relieved!

So no I don't think I would jump in. I'm too much of a coward and more to the point I can't swim.
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31-10-2010, 11:15 PM
wow!!! that must have been awful but yes would have been a very bad idea to go in after him!

thats the main reason i wouldnt jump in as they seem to most of the time get out themselves, and Woody complete with ball Arthur isnt brave enough yet to go in deeper than his knees.
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31-10-2010, 11:22 PM
No. More often than not the dog survives & gets out and the person does not.
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01-11-2010, 01:44 AM
I can't swim and float like a brick but if monty was in trouble - i'd have to go and try. He's an extremely strong swimmer and he loves the water but i couldn't watch him struggle.

I hope i'm never in that position - it will be monty who ends up rescuing me.
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01-11-2010, 02:10 AM
Oh instincts scream, Hell yes I'd jump in, but I can't swim, so I would be totally useless. I don't think we'll ever have to worry about it though since I'm not a water lover, so Luke and I aren't in situations where this could happen. His first time in the water this summer he didn't go over his head, didn't really swim actually just kinda ran through the water, that was fine by me. Now, if you were asking me, would I risk my life to save his in general, OH YES! Luke is my world...I don't even want to think of living without him, and I know that I couldn't, if I had to go on with the knowlege that I could have atleast tried to help him and didn' yeah, I'd probably be one of those "idiots" who runs into a burning building and gets herself killed trying to carry out a dog that outweighs her. Wouldn't do it for anyone else but him lol.
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01-11-2010, 02:48 AM
Not sure, I would like to say yes, but after reading some situations that a dog may need help, I would have to say it depends on the situation and my ability to stay safe as well, if it is in the river I would say yes, but somewhere, where I could end up drowning I would have to say no.
If it was Jed I would have to say no as well, as when dogs are in water if they are panicking they will claw and push you under (being the size that he is I would have no chance).
My OH had to jump in a dam to save our old Bull Arab, he was only 6months so he wasn't that big and first time in, only to find out he can't swim, he just kept going under, he was in water about 4ft deep, so he was able to safely get him.
I would not like to have to watch it happen and not be able to do anything about it, but circumstances dictate what is possible and what is not.
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01-11-2010, 04:35 AM
I would most likly go in after my dog,as one poster said I would never put my dogs into the position where they would jump into dangerous water. I agree and Im very much the same
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