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16-04-2013, 03:09 PM
Hows it going now Malka? hope you have been able to get things cleared up.
Jenny it takes more than one Swallow to make a summer but I guess one means that it is on it's way
Tang, how lovely to see Flamingos I would love to see them.

Well I have been to the doctor re my shoulder and he reckons I have torn the muscle that goes over the top of the shoulder joint.
I have had a steroid injection in it, so fingers crossed it works
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16-04-2013, 03:25 PM
Just got back from my 5 hour assessment centre. So hard to gauge how they went. Loads of weird tasks like building a balloon tower (?!) I think I did ok? Knackerrred though!
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16-04-2013, 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
You are surprising yourself on the patience side of things?

Well I'm not - I just ran out of it altogether! I was cheesed off about something else and got to thinking about ALL the stuff that was cheesing me off (and the fact that I have to do a lot of work today and not looking fwd to that) and decided that I would make a start on TOUGHENING UP MY STANCE as a landlady!

So I marched down to Sabby's flat and banged on the door (I've done this 3 times in the last 2 days and even when I was sure he was in he didn't answer)

No response. I then took the little metal torch I keep on my keyring and banged on the door VERY VERY loudly with that! (Had the result of making 2 other people open their doors lol!) gave up and walked off and had almost got inside my flat when he opened his door.

He had obviously just woken up - tousled hair, glazed look (it's 10 to 4 here) what is it with these people who are supposed to be looking for work? Both him and Moneth are out of work and in desperate straits financially and both of them staying in bed and sleeping until after lunch? In her case she is taking her 3yr old to a nursery at about 7.30am and coming back and going back to bed!

I know unemployment is depressing and depression makes you tired but how the hell are they going to find any jobs lying in bed all day?

Rant over. I informed him he was now 15 days late paying his rent, that I had paid his electricity bill for him and generously asked him for just 50 euros towards it because of his circumstances and he said he'd pay on the 5th?

He said his bank say he has to wait 6 or 7 days for a transfer to go through. Fair enough but his cheque went in 2 weeks ago! I pointed this out and he said he would go there tomorrow.

As for Moneth - no strength to hear her next excuse today. If I want to listen to a good 'fairy story' I can tune the box into the childrens' channel!

I will tackle her tomorrow. Last excuse was that the person she saw at the Welfare office had gone on holiday. Yeah right - like they only have 1 employee? We've got the most overstaffed public sector workforce in the civilised world (half the reason why the country is going skint!)

Off my soapbox now - the most reasonable and friendly landlady in Larnaca is going on the turn! If things don't improve soon I will be suggesting that these two find a very cheap flat and move in together as sharers!

I've actually got 2 prospectives lined up if either one becomes available any time soon. Someone who wants one for a month and someone else who wants one for 4 months after that.

Way things are going - these two still won't have paid and it will by then be too late to get the new ones. Both of whom are thoroughly dependable and known to me.
I suppose your patience running out was bound to happen sooner rather than later. Things that go wrong financially do get you down but you have to get up and carry on goodness if Gorden had behaved that way we would be on the streets. I know I am finding it hard to find any part time work to help out but I am there and do help support him and get up and try to carry on. Plus the dog wasn't let me lie-in anyway.

I hope the injection helps the shoulder Jenny.
I tore the muscles under my ribs when I broke them and it was painful so you have my sympathy.

Popped the key into the agent and they had had a lady on from New Holland (Clacton) wanting to move into Harlow so she is looking at a property tomorrow and was asking if there were any others so they told her about ours and directed her to the web site. So now we wait to see if she is going to want to come and view ours also. She has already sold.

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Hows it going now Malka? hope you have been able to get things cleared up.
Jenny it takes more than one Swallow to make a summer but I guess one means that it is on it's way
Tang, how lovely to see Flamingos I would love to see them.

Well I have been to the doctor re my shoulder and he reckons I have torn the muscle that goes over the top of the shoulder joint.
I have had a steroid injection in it, so fingers crossed it works
Originally Posted by EmmiS View Post
Just got back from my 5 hour assessment centre. So hard to gauge how they went. Loads of weird tasks like building a balloon tower (?!) I think I did ok? Knackerrred though!
I hope you hear soon and its positive. Not sure what line of work this is for but are you going to need to know how to build a balloon tower. I know I know its all about team work.
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16-04-2013, 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Hows it going now Malka? hope you have been able to get things cleared up.
Jenny it takes more than one Swallow to make a summer but I guess one means that it is on it's way
Tang, how lovely to see Flamingos I would love to see them.

Well I have been to the doctor re my shoulder and he reckons I have torn the muscle that goes over the top of the shoulder joint.
I have had a steroid injection in it, so fingers crossed it works
I too have had steroid injections before - not very pleasant but hopefully it will help. Poor you but a good excuse not to do any housework

Originally Posted by EmmiS View Post
Just got back from my 5 hour assessment centre. So hard to gauge how they went. Loads of weird tasks like building a balloon tower (?!) I think I did ok? Knackerrred though!
You poor thing having 5 hours of it . Quite ridiculous if you ask me ...... I wonder how often you'll have to build a balloon tower if you get the job I hope you hear soon and you get this dream job

Pat - well done for getting harder with your tenants - a bl**dy nerve isn't it especially as you've been so good to them and given them leeway. I hope the promises of rent does materialise. As you said, how on earth is you tenant going to get a job remaining in bed all day

Lynn - everything crossed that the lady the estate agents mentioned want to take a look at your place too.

I've still got my stonking headache. I FINALLY started a diet yesterday so maybe my poor body is in melt-down with the lack of sugar.
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16-04-2013, 04:31 PM
Very very windy today, not cold really, have just come back in after dropping bones off and getting a few bits and pieces from the shops. Went on the bone run this afternoon and then bagged it all ready for the freezers.
Girlies have got lamb frames for tea tonight, complete with tails, Keshi will have some lamb mince with veg and then a bone afterwards to stop her getting murdered when she has a try to eat someone's tea!!!!
Hope you're having a peaceful day Helena without anything else happening to you and that Dave does go and get proper legal advice and direction as to what to do about the employee in bed with regard to Elf N'Safety.
Am worried about Malka's situation as she sounds to be in a pretty desperate state marooned in the kitchen and unable to get out, get help or get cleaned up.
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16-04-2013, 04:39 PM
Afternoon everyone

I'm not going to gather you all up and reply in turn cos it makes the thread too long for poor Bitkin when she eventually turns up, so I'll do what I normally do when I'm not on duty and try and remember little snippets if ya don't mind, cos I'm having a lazy day anyway, so I'm gonna be lazy with this thread too today

Malka, I hope you've managed to do something with those eggs by now, cos if you leave them, it won't smell very nice in a day or too. What about that neighbour that's always coming round pestering you, can't you pester her for a change and get some help with this? I like Jenny's idea, but then you'll have all the towels to deal with, but I'm sure the washing machine can deal with them? Good luck with it, what a mess!

Jen, so sorry tohear about that shoulder muscle being ripped, but believe it nor not, it's quite a common injury according to a specialist I once saw with mine. I couldn't believe it when he said I'd ripped it off completely or rather Georgie had!!!! He said if he went outside and picked 15 people out of a crowd, one of them would have the same thing, and there's nothing they can do about it, you've just got to go through the pain until it's happy being ripped off the bone! Comforting isn't it!!! Lots of painkillers Jen and freeze spray is your best friend.

Hi Jenny, it's always a good sign seeing the swallows arrive, I remember it well from when we had the horses and how they used to swoop over our heads to nest in the corners of the barn and stables. I have much admiration for those birds with the journey they do. I've taken your advice and had a really lazy day, but then I didn't have much choice with a strange man taking up all of the lounge, I was stuck in here and my bedroom when I wasn't out with Zena.

Lynn, finger's crossed that woman could well be interested and want to view your house, and hope that board is going up soon!

Pat, OMG how do you put up with that kind of thing with those tenants Blooming 'eck, I'd be in there, packing their stuff, chucking it all over the balcony and moving those other tenants in who are on my waiting list It won't get any better by the sounds of it and then where will you be? Are you allowed to chuck 'em out over there, like you can't in the UK? If my bloke in the van doesn't cough up the dosh every Friday morning he won't be in it on the Saturday I can assure you, nor will his stuff, it'll be out in the road! He's got a good job though and I don't think he'll mess with me

Hi Emmis, blimey 5 hours of hell there Finger's crossed now that you didn't say the wrong thing to the wrong person, but I'm absolutely sure you didn't after we primed you for it lol!

Hi Gill, hope you got everything done today.

Hi Moyra, bit late for you, you're probably signing off soon, so have a good night with Amber.

I'm sure I haven't missed anyone, but apologies if I have.

Well, painter now gone, but he'll be back again tomorrow and the lounge is looking, eeerm, white, and very white Might take a pic and put it up in a mo. The smell is getting to me now, just like that plaster did and it's too blooming cold to open up the big patio at the front so we'll have to suffer it until it's dried.

I've spent most of the morning on the phone, phoned CAB not much help, they're more for the worker than the employER, then tried ACAS constantly engaged (might e-mail them), tried my neighbour who knows everything, cos we have a good solicitor living down this road and I think he's the head of our residents association so he might be a good one to ring and chat to if he's willing. Phoned my sil, she told me to get on the case for poor Dave when I could really have done without it, but at least I've made an effort. I'm dreading his phone call tonight though, I really am

Sorted out the guests in the van, rang her up, they are well happy and not cold and I've ordered another gas for the van.

Spent over an hour this morning trying to get some double duvets in the Debenhams sale cos I don't have enough now what with this new van. Jeesus Christ, what a palarva, the first card bounced back at me with I hadn't put the correct number in, no less than 3 times Tried another card, by doing the order all over again cos for some strange reason the drop down didn't give me the UK option it just wasn't there Then found another Debenhams site which had the UK flat on the home page, so did it that way. Again the new card bounced back with something else only did that one twice and resorted to ringing them up. He had the same problem, but with different things, he couldn't let me have 2 of each, so he had to re-do the whole order and I told him, something is definitely wrong with their website! Then my card told him it was an incorrect number I was really losing the will to live by this time, but he tried it again and it worked, this must have taken half an hour again, what a waste of 2 hours!!!

Felt exhausted by this time, so sat on the bed eating a sarnie with Zena watching telly, nodded off, and got woken up with Zena barking cos he wanted to use the loo He's one of those guys who needs the loo every hour or so I'm so glad he's finishing tomorrow lunchtime and I can have my house back

Can't wait for 7pm when I can ring Dave, I hope he's got something to report that can take away this nightmare we're having about his employee. Tonight he's moving into his caravan, hope it's not too cold tonight!

Off to play with Zena and her squeaky now cos she's been such a little star with this painter man again today, so I'll catch you later.
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16-04-2013, 05:07 PM
Doesn't sound like a very relaxing day Helena after all.
I hope Dave's news is better tonight.

Well no news from the agent about this potential viewing tomorrow so maybe she doesn't like the look of our house. Gorden and I got the feeling we would hear by closing time tonight which is 6.30 if she was interested in looking.
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16-04-2013, 05:07 PM
Oh 'eck - June I was not marooned in the kitchen - I was marooned out of the kitchen and that meant I could not get through the kitchen into the rest of the bungalow 'cos it is sorta like an old-fashioned railway carriage thingie where one room leads into the next room and so on and so forth.

But I did end up stark nekkid as I hadda get all my egg-covered clothes off and chucked them on the floor and of course could not get fru de kitchen into my bedroom and so on and so forth.

Is it bedtime yet?
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16-04-2013, 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by Malka View Post
Oh 'eck - June I was not marooned in the kitchen - I was marooned out of the kitchen and that meant I could not get through the kitchen into the rest of the bungalow 'cos it is sorta like an old-fashioned railway carriage thingie where one room leads into the next room and so on and so forth.

But I did end up stark nekkid as I hadda get all my egg-covered clothes off and chucked them on the floor and of course could not get fru de kitchen into my bedroom and so on and so forth.

Is it bedtime yet?
Are you still having to sit nekkid ? I hope not you will get very very cold do you have a throw or anything similar in the room you are marooned in to wrap round yourself ?

If only you lived near one of us or one of us near you and no its not bedtime yet not here anyway.
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16-04-2013, 05:25 PM
She wrapped herself in the throw from the couch, and if she was marooned in the kitchen she wouldn't have been able to do that would she....silly me...sorry Malka.....was thinking the same thing, one of us would have been over there with a mop and bucket to sort it out for her.
Move back to the UK Malka - that's an Order!!!!!!
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