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tawneywolf is offline  
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04-03-2013, 10:26 AM
Looks like you've got the sun this morning Sal, because it has certainly left us and us very cold and windy this morning and was glad to rush out with brekkies and run back in again. Babies did their usual sprint into the kitchen, ate brekkies and were back out again looking as though they had never been fed, and I had just put dishes down and had picked up the shovel for poo patrol. They even manage to do the Dash before Lona has finished eating and she is the original gannet and inhales food rather than eat it. Mabs is fairly fast, Cariad is quite leisurely and takes her time, the babies, however, are the fastest on 4 legs
Malka I hope you are bit better in yourself this morning, I was worrying about you all night. Like everyone else has said, you help your neighbour with all sorts of stuff, yet surely she could help you at least change your bed. I hope you get your meds sorted as well and wish there was something that could be done helpwise to make your life easier, although if you have been looking for a cleaner/helper for all this time things look bleak on that front. Surely someone would welcome the extra money, can you put a notice in the store maybe because someone new may well have moved on that is looking for part time work.
Sounds like tomorrow is going to be the best day up this end with warm sunshine forecast, they are saying the dreaded rain will be back on Wednesday, so will scatter some grass seed on my patchy front grass when it does, then it has to immediately depart for another country where they need the rain, because we sure as heck don't. Everyone comes in with muddy paws after a walk still so we need lots more dry weather in my book!!!
I have tried photobucket again, they have moved me onto the new one, and I had started a new album prior to that. There doesn't seem to be separate albums anymore, and it is saying I have used up my allowed space, which I hadn't on the old site, so have gone back to the postimage site I was using to download some of the Che piccies I was sent, so here he is, gone a lot darker and is looking very Grown Up, I think he looks very much like cousin Taran myself

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04-03-2013, 04:56 PM
Afternoon all nice and sunny here just back from a nice timeout with Gill. We had a nice lunch a good laugh and managed to get mum a pot some plants which Gill is going to plant up for Mothers day and take too her.
Gorden has survived the Dillon sitting.

Lovely picture of Che June.
Malka have you managed to sort your meds problem out I do hope you have.
Helena is very quiet she hasn't got lost going to pick up the hire car with Dave has she ? Or she is very busy or having a marathon nanny nap after her stressful time lately.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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04-03-2013, 05:19 PM
Had a nice walk out with Cariad and babies, although Keshi is already showing signs of being a Madam. Keshi and Ash were playing in some mowings by the side of the field and I carried on walking with Cariad, who was a bit twitchy about it and kept looking back, in the end she lay down to wait for them, Ash got the message and came running up to us - Keshi not a chance. She carried on playing in the mowings, so we all carried on walking, Ash keeping close to us, Keshi, by then the distance of the football field between us, totally ignoring us. Now that is a good distance for a 16 week old little girl to be from her family, did she bother.... we got to the end of the football field, still no Keshi...carried on walking and we got halfway back along the other side when she made a move, just into some rough ground mind you, a train went past, she never bothered and walked slowly having a sniff, she got to about half way along so she was more or less facing us, and looked up (super casual mind you ) and I called her and she came running up all full of the joys of spring without a care in the world and started playing with Ash, things are going to be Oh So Interesting as she grows up aren't they
Not sure whether to laugh or cry, but I think I'll laugh because otherwise I WILL cry!!!
Maybe Helena's Window Man has appeared and she is pointing out The Error Of His Ways!!
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04-03-2013, 05:22 PM
Afternoon all

Sorry, never had a chance to get back on here, had a bit of a morning. All good, but still a bit of a morning Now the thread has got far too long for me to pick you all up I'm afraid, but I have spent half an hour reading through it all, and the lovely pictures of Che We really want some Sasha pics don't we June or is that a bit of a sore subject atm

It's been a really glorious day down here, not a cloud in the sky, it'll be a beautiful sunset tonight I'm sure. Just been out to get the washing in, and there was this really loud birdsong, I looked up, and there was this little coaltit/bluetit sitting on a branch all alone singing his little heart out, whilst the robin sat and watched him from another tree, it's just fantastic when this is the only sound you can hear outside I have longed for days like this for many, many years, cos all I heard at the other house was traffic!

Went down to the beach this morning, Zena had a ball, and some young boxer type dog came racing over to her, it was bigger than her, but I could tell it was young, and he was leaping around in front of her to play, so I let her off and she ignored him He soon got fed up with that and ran off again.

I had spring cleaning fever this morning when we got back, I decided to clean all the windows, including 3 big patio doors, all the conservatory windows, I couldn't stop meself, but with the sun shining through them, that's the day to do it. I'm hoping the window cleaner might come tomorrow so they'll be clean inside and out if he does.

Did the marathon to get Dave's hire car, so stopped off at Tesco (oh how I hate that place ). I only got a few bits, and the checkouts were full, so I thought I'd go through the do it yourself bit. Half way through, she keeps telling me "unexpected item in bagging area, please remove item", so I do, then she's happy, and then she wants it back IN there Drove me nuts, and the guy who was supposed to be helping us out with shutting her up, was busy on the phone. They were walking around in black suits these helpful guys, with these huge phone earpieces stuck to their ear, it was most strange Looked like part of some new uniform or other along with this new technology, but I couldn't be doing with it, so I did no more than gather it all back up, plonk it back in me basket and head towards an empty checkout lol! They can take it outta that I thought

I then had to race home at breakneck speed cos I remembered Dave didn't take any keys, and I'd just dumped him at the car hire place Got home and it was time to get lunch ready and have that, then a nap cos I was all exhausted again, and here I am

It'll be all different tomorrow when Dave's gone, I can be back to normal, aka slobbing!
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04-03-2013, 05:25 PM
Afternoon all,
My son and I had a wonderful walk this morning along the Wey Towpath ......and it was sunny I've had a very productive day and got the worse job of the week done .... washing the kitchen floor. I have to win one of those steamers!! The 10 seater settee is huge but is in a horse-shoe shape (but square). It looks wonderful but what I love is that its in the room that I posted a photo of a few weeks ago that looksed as though it had been burgled. I don't think the dogs have every been in there so they thought it was fantastic.

Lynn - I wish I'd seen Dillon launching himself on to Dave ... sounds like a You've Been Framed moment.

Bev - How exciting planning a holiday. I really hope it all works out and you manage to get Lily booked in. It'll be lovely having something to look forward to.

LS - I remember going to night gigs and parties and not thinking twice about staying up all night ..... I could never do that now Glad you enjoyed to band and hope you managed to get a nap.

Moet - Good luck at Crufts with Taz and Pip ..... how exciting for all of us We'll want to see photos even if they don't get placed .... hopefully they will though but most important that you all enjoy it.

JackB - Another caravan owner Isn't it nice when all the prep is done ready for the season.

Malka - I can't believe your neighbour would turn you down if you asked her to collect your scrip. Try it, she may say yes. I think we all appreciate how daily life is difficult for you, I think you CrystalGirl and Rosebud should all compare notes.

Jenny - I hope you managed to get the quiet 2 hours you were hoping for earlier and your teef aren't aching too much today.

Chris - I think we in the south east probably nicked your weather, but its only fair as today is the first sun we've seen in a week and I believe you have been basking in it for a few days. Mind you a dull day is better than the rain we have forecast on Wednesday.

Pat - I can sort your problem of your children squabbling over Bella ...... I'll have her My boys would love a girlfriend .... although she may not like the temperature back here in the UK. Actually I think the problem in this is that you'll probably out live me.

Mini - I hope your weather did brighten up and you managed to get in the garden.

Losos - Hi I hope you've had a good day .... so far.

Sal - I hope you got your washing dried. I hung mine out earlier and its almost dry ..... just very cold.

June - Wow, Che looks so grown up and what a sweet photo of him lying next to his friend. I didn't realise that PhotoBucket only allows you to store a certain amount of photos

Before my OH and I went to Australia in 2011 we wrote a long list of names and addresses i.e. solicitors, financial people, who to contact to sell the cars etc etc for our sons just in case we didn't survive the trip. We've left the list in the safe for future reference although I'm not sure if they'd remember the code to get into it.

Its just starting to get really chilly now the sun has gone in ..... but it was FANTASTIC sharing my day with the sun.
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tawneywolf is offline  
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04-03-2013, 05:27 PM
Was hoping for some word on Sasha as I had promised her new family a telephone number, which I duly emailed over to them early last week, together with a little bit of a chatty catch up.
They haven't used the number, because I have asked, and I haven't heard anything.
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Jenny is offline  
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04-03-2013, 05:38 PM
June - Keshi clearly 'aint bovered'!!! Good luck and keep laughing You have to love her though, she is such a pretty girl

Helena - Tesco is the nearest food store to me so I am a frequent visitor there. However, their new ear-pieces drive me mad too - the wearers of these high-tech aids are very important people don't you know, the only trouble is they are so busy talking on them and cupping their hands over their ears and mouths that they don't seem to notice any of the shoppers requiring help/

See you all later.
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04-03-2013, 05:40 PM
June - why don't you actually phone them and say you couldn't hold your breath any longer and was yearning for news on Sasha? Go on ........ we all want to know how she's getting on.
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04-03-2013, 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by Malka View Post

First of all apologies for having the grumps yesterday - I sometimes just get so frustrated with my limitations that I sorta snap and take it out on everyone.

OK - chronic meds are those ordered by the GP and sent once a month from the main Health Fund pharmacy in town - each person's lot in separate little bags delivered to the little clinic here on the Moshav. The cost for the meds is paid by direct debit together with the monthly Health Fund fees so you just go to the clinic to collect your little bag of meds.

So - my little plastic bag is supposed to contain all the chronic meds but sometimes one [or two] are missing so that involves either Orli [nurse] making a note for the GP to leave a 'scrip for the missing meds and then going back after a GP day, or, if it is a GP day and she is there, the 'scrip will be printed out and handed straight over. But someone then has to go into town to a main pharmacy to get the 'scrip filled.

No free 'scrips for us ancients but meds that are classed as "chronic" are reduced by the Health Fund, and being registered as both physically and medically disabled, I get another slight reduction. Mind you I have to pay a bit extra on top of my regular monthly Health Fund fees to entitle me to any reduction.

And no, I had not checked the bag immediately as I still had, I thought, a spare pack of everything.

Basically what it all boils down to is the fact that I am not really physically capable of doing much. I need a helper to come in once a day to help me with personal things, but cannot find one. I have been trying for years to get a cleaner with no luck, and getting a personal helper/carer is even more impossible. Mostly it is because either people want to work "on the black", which is illegal for me to employ someone like that, but also because nobody wants to work here because of Pereg.

If I had the money, which I do not, and if I had a spare room, which I do not, I could apply for a live-in Filipinit carer. But I do not have the money, do not have a spare room, and the thought of someone living in 24 hours/day is horrifying. And it is highly unlikely that a Filipinit would agree to live/work in a house with a dog. And Pereg means far more to me than having help and a clean house, so I should not have moaned yesterday. Please forgive me for my grumps.
Hi Dont know if you can see, but I have tried all sorts,as my mobility gets worse.I had a morning carer,but her list only allowed 15-20 mins,then I got a dog walker/helper,but she wasnt reliable.

So I met this very nice man while walking my dog,and my dog became unwell,and couldnt carry him with 2 crutches,and as we were up in the hills,not a soul,was going to ditch my crutches,and crawl back home,he appeared,and though we had exchanged good mornings,never really had a conversation,it wasnt a good meeting,as I had just left a violent relationship,and was very wary,I think he sensed this and concentrated on the dog,gradually over a period of time we came friends and he started helping me,though I found it very difficult,because I wanted him to see me not as a disabled person but a vibrant woman. I was getting worse and he told me he just wanted to care for me,but as I am terminal,didnt want any thing permanent,and was worried about his family reaction,there reaction was negative,and y OH decided it would be best to move and make a new life.

So what I am trying to say Malka,you never know what is around the corner,and I feel that Im extremely lucky to have met someone and be given a second chance especially as I was off men.

From your posts you are intelligent warm and have a sense of humour,so there is probably someone out there for you,just keep your mind and eyes open, because I know now,despite me being an absolute b**tch sometimes I do need someone,someone who isnt paid,but wants to be with me because he cares warts and all crystalgirl
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madmare is offline  
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04-03-2013, 08:07 PM
I feel rather excited now. I have booked 2 weeks off work in August and Lily is booked into the greyhound kennels for 10 of those days, so for the first time in 18 years I can have a proper holiday.
We have planned to go to north Devon for a week but I thought if the weather is good and we are having fun we may decide to stay a couple more days, so just in case, I thought I would make sure I didn't have to panic that the kennels couldn't keep Lily any longer.

Now all I have to do is slim down so I don't look like Mr blobby in a swimsuit.

Roll on August I can't wait.
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