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30-03-2013, 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Well I certainly havn't had my restful day. My dad has had another fall while out with mum and an ambulance had to be called. I have just got back from the hospital. He is a right mess.
Because he is on blood thinners and his skin is like tissue paper it has ripped right open on both hands and round his wrist, he also has a big gash to his head and a massive black eye where he cracked his head on the pavement. His jacket doesn't have a spare inch that is not soaked in blood and my poor mum was really shaken up again.

Two nurses were trying to put steristrips on to stop the bleeding (his skin is too thin too stitch) but couldn't get them to stick because it was bleeding too much so someone else came and done them and bandaged him quick and then discharged him .

My brother-in-law has been and picked him up and taken them home, but I am surprised after that bang on the head and the amount of blood he lost he was sent straight home, but perhaps thats what they do now.
Oh Bev, I am so desperately sorry about your Dad's fall. It's a shame he wasn't kept in for a night just for observation - shocking how quickly everyone is now sent home. I'm sure they wouldn't have sent him home without being confident that he'd be OK.

It's for reasons like this that you should move to that other house!! Did you get a chance to speak to Charly before she went off on holiday?

Everything crossed that he is oK and that your Mum copes. ((hugs)).
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tawneywolf is offline  
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30-03-2013, 04:35 PM
Disgraceful they sent him home, but then again they were probably keeping beds open for the 'needy' Saturday night drunks
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30-03-2013, 04:36 PM
Oh dear Bev - I do hope your Dad will be OK after his fall - and I cannot understand the hospital sending him home after banging his head like that. It is a week since my head met the stone floor and I am only now beginning to lose the headache and general wooziness [not the devil's horn and bruising though].

(((hugs))) xx
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30-03-2013, 04:46 PM
I hope your dad gets over his fall soon, Bev.

I'm really astounded at how quick hospitals are to discharge people these days
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30-03-2013, 04:53 PM
Afternoon all on this bright and sunny afternoon here in Hastings by the sea

Oh dear Bev, your poor, old dad, fancy sending him straight home like that in that mess, I do hope he's going to be ok.

Chris, I'm sorry to read Rosie had a bad night again because of eating a couple of chips, who would have thought. Her food must have a certain amount of fat in it, but maybe it's the trans fat that they probably use for frying theirs that causes her these problems? Maybe it's just anything fried that upsets her It can't be fat itself surely cos everything you feed her has a certain amount of fat, and every living being needs fats to surive, I can't understand it how 2 little Mac chips can set her off like this. Good job you're on the case now and can watch her like a hawk. I hope there's no recurrences tonight with her.

Jenny, I hope you can get Rucksack seen to before he drives you all mad there, it can't be nice for him either I'm sure. Hope you enjoyed a good walk with your friend this morning and we too had lots of snow flurries most of the morning but this afternoon, it's wall to wall sunshine here

Malka, oooops I always get it wrong, but I knew they go forward in Spring cos I always use that saying, but when it comes to writing it, I always get it wrong, clocks always go forward to me even when they go back!!

Norma, hope you enjoyed your walk on the plantation and let them have a good old run.

Lots of you painting, hope it's all finished now, Jackie and Mini, not forgetting the major works going on at yours Lynn.

Pat, isn't it lovely when all your dreams come true.....eventually! Hope you're enjoying having your son and dil with you. I bet you're sitting there at that table sipping your g&t watching all the activity going on around you

Hi Labrador Lover, I've just caught up with you as you'll be toodling off in a mo, so I'll say goodnight to you and Amber.

Hi Jen I bet it's positively tropical where you are??

Hi June, Isn't it nice when you meet somebody normal, who has a bit of dog etiquette on seeing you approach and you can stand there chatting putting all the rest of the dog world to rights! We did that yesterday when we met up with an ex policedog handler, he was sooooooo on my wavelength regarding other dog walkers, it was like a breath of fresh air. I'm hoping we meet him again, cos Zena adored his well behaved gsd. He even took the trouble having left his dog in a down/stay a few yards away from us, to actually ASK me if I wouldn't mind if his dog came over and greeted Zena in the proper manner. He called him over, put him onlead and then stood there alongside us, just to see how they got on, cos his dog, just like Zena can be a bit iffy with dogs with no manners, but we didn't have to worry! He said that is the PROPER way to let dogs greet and I totally agree with him, whereas most people think it's to just let their dogs hurf over to yours isn't it, leaving us to sort out the aftermath ourselves!!! One day they'll get it won't they, when new laws are brought in where they can get done if their dog attacks yours - hopefully!

Sorry if I missed anyone, I usually only do this bit when I'm on duty, but I have extra time today cos Dave is bashing away at the yorkstone fireplace whilst I'm sitting here typing with Zena lying patiently behind him with her ball

The van is almost ready, apart from the door hinges. He said he's replaced the table (don't believe him, but we'll know tomorrow), it's passed its major gas and electrical tests, it's had a good springclean inside and out, the fencing is booked for next week, but Dave told them, he's not taking possession of it until those doors have been done. We have decided to take all this new stuff up there tomorrow and put it in one of the bedrooms and duck tape the door. In theory, nobody should actually be going INto the van now, cos the door hinges will be done from the outside or thereabouts, so it should be safe and they know we're doing this tomorrow.

Dave was itching to get starting on demolishing this fireplace (it's a man thing, they love the knocking down bit!), so I let him start it earlier than his deadline of next Friday, even though it means I'm sitting here with the front patio doors open and it's none too warm I can tell yer

Another quiet day here though, just did a bit of shopping to Mr S and Dunelms for that mattress cover and topper for my stay in the new van next week, roast chicken for lunch which was lufferly, and an hour's nanny nap, all in all, the perfick day
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30-03-2013, 04:55 PM
Desperately sorry to hear of your dads fall ,
Sign of the times SHIP THEM IN SHIP THEM OUT ,disgracefull
Hope he gets better soon and your mom recovers from the shock
Huge hugs to them both
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30-03-2013, 05:51 PM
Don't know why it is with Rosie that fried food definitely upsets her, Helena, but maybe it's because kibble is balanced to supply their daily needs and it's the 'extra' that tips things over the edge?

She's always had an 'iffy' digestive system, but at least by identifying the fat problem, we have another option if things go downhill again - ie a low fat version of a fish diet.

Another possibility is salt. Both Mcd's and bacon have salt and I have had a dog previously that couldn't tolerate extra salt in her diet (used to send her loopy rather than give her tummy ache).

I've always thought she was intolerant to chicken also, but now I'm not too sure so the next thing I am going to try is to boil some and give her little bits to start with to see how she reacts. I really would like to include a bit of meat in her diet, even if that was just in the form of treats.

She's thriving on the salmon and potato diet, but it just doesn't seem right for a dog not to have some meat in their diet - a human rather than a dog thing, I know

It would be nice if she could tolerate some meat as she is starting to have a 'take it or leave it' attitude to her meals. Could be, of course, that she's sick of the same thing for both meals and treats.
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30-03-2013, 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Don't know why it is with Rosie that fried food definitely upsets her, Helena, but maybe it's because kibble is balanced to supply their daily needs and it's the 'extra' that tips things over the edge?

She's always had an 'iffy' digestive system, but at least by identifying the fat problem, we have another option if things go downhill again - ie a low fat version of a fish diet.

Another possibility is salt. Both Mcd's and bacon have salt and I have had a dog previously that couldn't tolerate extra salt in her diet (used to send her loopy rather than give her tummy ache).

I've always thought she was intolerant to chicken also, but now I'm not too sure so the next thing I am going to try is to boil some and give her little bits to start with to see how she reacts. I really would like to include a bit of meat in her diet, even if that was just in the form of treats.

She's thriving on the salmon and potato diet, but it just doesn't seem right for a dog not to have some meat in their diet - a human rather than a dog thing, I know

It would be nice if she could tolerate some meat as she is starting to have a 'take it or leave it' attitude to her meals. Could be, of course, that she's sick of the same thing for both meals and treats.
It sure is a mystery isn't it Chris, and I for one, certainly know what you're going through withRosie trying to get to the bottom of all this. Now you got me Googling! Purely because I'm interested in stuff like this, you can't get too much information is my motto:

Quote "Why do dogs need salt?
Salt has two constituents – namely sodium and chloride – both of which are crucial for the maintenance of body’s fluid balance and blood volume, as well the functioning of nervous tissues. Deficiencies in sodium and chloride result in problems with nervous signal transmission, low blood pressure, restlessness, increased heart rate and pasty or thick mucus. Unquote

Quote "Processed human foods that are frequently offered to dogs in the form of table scraps – such as bacon, sausages and cheese – have sodium levels well in excess of those of dog foods and hence should be avoided" Unquote

I always thought dogs should never have salt, so I've learned something new today, that they actually need it, especially very hyper active dogs and sled dogs, they need lots of salt apparently in their diets. Since you are feeding a proper balance kibble, she should have enough in her diet anyway. I'm sure it's the fat Chris, but who knows? It could of course, also be the IBS which Zena has, because that would cause the flare ups and you look for something to blame it on. Just don't know do you, but hopefully, you'll be able to control it with what you know already. All the best with her Chris, it's so awful isn't it, you feel so helpless when you just don't know

Well, half the fireplace is now out Dave is very red faced and collapsed in his chair I've been watching through the kitchen hatch, I like to see men at work

Off for a shower now, we've got The Voice on tonight, love that, so I'll catch you all later.
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30-03-2013, 06:39 PM
Evening all. Sorry I have been awol all day. Hall all papered and started up the stairs. Gorden has just finished putting the blind up at the back door the front door can go up tomorrow. I am pleased the ones we got yesterday were too small I could only get black which was the best option for the colours here. But we managed to get aubergine today when we changed them which goes with the plum wallpaper and magnolia top walls. Don't think I want to move.
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30-03-2013, 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Lovely and sunny here, but still a cold wind. Got Cariad and Keshi out onto the land by the river and they had a good run about, then we went onto a bit where you can go down onto the river and Keshi went for a paddle, but wasn't really that impressed with it all, so she came out quickly, Cariad likes to paddle but won't swim. I got the cheese out when Keshi was a good distance away when we were walking back to the car, and my goodness she can hear the bag rustle a mile away, head turned, ears up and she came running up and sat in front of me without me even having to call her, so she got some cheese, got Cariad to do a sit, down and stand and she got some cheese, leads on and back into the car and home. Took Lona and Mabs onto the towpath, and unlike yesterday it was deserted until near the end when I saw a guy with a pointer, and he put him onlead when he saw me, I knew Mabs would be OK, put Lona onlead because she is protective of Mabs sometimes, had a nice chat with him, like everyone else he wanted to know what my dogs actually were it made a change to meet a normal person after the last few days and he agreed
Just having a bacon and egg sandwich then out to get some pet mince for the girls.
You have motored on that house of yours Lynn, how quick is this I think it would take me months to get where you have got in a week, housing market usually picks up around Easter so fingers crossed for you to get a quick sale.
Sorry to hear Rosie has been poorly again, but you know what it is now and what to expect if she has anything fried by the sound of it, could be worse, you could be still trying to find out what it is.
Hope everyone's having a nice day without too much stress, but then again isn't Helena supervising a Wickes delivery, that is absolutely bound to go pear shaped
Evening June so pleased to read you had a pleasant walk today.

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Well I certainly havn't had my restful day. My dad has had another fall while out with mum and an ambulance had to be called. I have just got back from the hospital. He is a right mess.
Because he is on blood thinners and his skin is like tissue paper it has ripped right open on both hands and round his wrist, he also has a big gash to his head and a massive black eye where he cracked his head on the pavement. His jacket doesn't have a spare inch that is not soaked in blood and my poor mum was really shaken up again.

Two nurses were trying to put steristrips on to stop the bleeding (his skin is too thin too stitch) but couldn't get them to stick because it was bleeding too much so someone else came and done them and bandaged him quick and then discharged him .

My brother-in-law has been and picked him up and taken them home, but I am surprised after that bang on the head and the amount of blood he lost he was sent straight home, but perhaps thats what they do now.
Oh goodness Bev your poor dad and mum and you of course.
I remember about 3 years ago when mum fell in her conservatory and split the back of her head open on the concrete floor she was in a terrible state and needed an ambulance. They cleaned her up glued the split in the head and Gill and I were very concerned and voiced the concerns when she started to be very odd in the treatment room and her eyes started rolling backwards into the back of her head I really thought she was going to die.
The nurse laughed and said you are ok Lily aren';t you and They knew she would be on her own after Gill and I put her to bed.
It seems the way of things now.
Wishing your dad well soon.
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