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22-05-2013, 09:54 AM
Hi everyone, back from the hospital. I think after all the bad stuff that has been affecting us all time to share some good stuff. The consultant said that my CKD3 has not deteriorated and my kidneys are stable so there is little that they can do for me unless things change. So they are handing me back to my doctor to monitor my blood 2 or 3 times a year to make sure they do not deteriorate so he said no dialysis for you. I said I was thrilled with the news and glad that hopefully not being nasty I would not see him again. Lol. Brilliant news for you to share with me. Now if Lynn and others can come back with some more good news it will be great.
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22-05-2013, 09:57 AM
Morning all

Bit dull here weather-wise.

Am pleased to report that my check up at dentist on Monday was good......absolutely nothing to do, not even a quick proddle with the sharp thingy she used!! I'm really pleased as I have a mouthful of crowns due to fainting in the street 30 years ago (not done it before or since but certainly did it right that time ) and smashing my jaw along with either the front or back of nearly every double tooth!! Luckily my front teeth were fine. Sooo, I look after them as very best I can and panic when I go to the dentist!

Best wishes to Gorden today, also to everyone else....I hope everyone's luck today is good.
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22-05-2013, 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by lore View Post
Morning all,

Gorgeous morning here.

Helena, I hope you have fun with your friends.

Work today, the joys of third year maths for me. Yuck. Never mind.

When I get home, I'm ensconsing myself in my room and getting my exam assignment done. I need to do it. Need a bath too, so that's my evening planned.

Have a lovely day all.
Morning Lorraine. I see you enjoyed your time out last night I am pleased that you did.
Enjoy third year maths and good luck with the assignment tonight.

Originally Posted by Norma808 View Post
Good morning Helena ,Lynn ,Jenny g and all who follow
Bright sunny morning here
Hope you enjoy your girlie catch up and lunch just the thing to banish those blues
Lynn wishing Gorden the best of luck today
Jenny g
Hope your days not to boring,you just never know something exciting may turn up out of the blue
You know who arrived back yesterday at 8 45 was hoping I'd have gone to work ,surprise ,surprise was in excellent mood
He's got some work to do on his motor ,that'll keep thimble out of my hair today
Dog walk n work for me ,and cleaning up after you know who
Wishing all poorly peeps and doglets get better soon ,all those stressed feel less stressed
Have a great day
Take care stay safe
Humongous hugs to all that need them xxxxxxx
Morning Norma. Thank yo for the good luck vibes all appreciated.
Don't talk to me about clearing up behind men its really grating on me today.
Enjoy the walk.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Have a wonderful time with your friends today Nechda - and yes, I do remember your "typing" at Christmas!

Lynn - everything is crossed for Gorden regarding the job, and I hope that "they" can sort out where your Mum goes from here.

Da Booga only got me up once but then I could not get back to sleep because I had the bad ouchies and really did not want to take any anti-ouchy pills. I figured that if I could hold off from taking any until the morning...

I am hoping to catch my neighbour sometime today because she promised to get the yards sprayed against the weeds a few weeks back and it is now ridiculous. The ground covering stuff looks nice and green but it has spread all over my ramp/path and difficult to see the edges - all I need is for someone to slip on it and hurt themselves, especially as it is my insurance that would have to pay out in the case of a claim, not hers.

Oh well, the sun is shining and it is quite pleasant at the moment, although if it is anything like yesterday I will need the a/c on later.

Hope all poorlies are less poorly today - to all who either snuck in while I was typing or who will follow.

Have a good day everyone!

Morning Malka thank you for the good luck vibes. Pereg seems to be getting better at not getting you out of bed so often.
Oh yes you need those weeds cleared off your ramp we don't want you disappearing off over the edge and damaging yourself again.

Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
I hope you forget all recent stuff that's been troubling your mind and ENJOY your day with your pals and hope you might find it 'blows away the cobwebs' a bit and things won't look quite so worrying after all.

Everything still crossed for Gorden - gawd this 'waiting to hear' stuff is the worst isn't it? I reckon it shortens your life expectancy with the strain of it all.

I understand your reservations about the plans for your mum if more than one dept has to be involved - let's hope the right hand is vaguely aware of the left hand where that's concerned

All I can say is I hope you are too busy to get bored!

Hi Lore - my eldest son says he did his chemistry degree in the BATH! Good luck to you girl. I don't think you need the luck you seem to be working hard enough to succeed.

My day - well they are fitting aircon into the spare bedroom today. I've got THREE young men in the flat deafening me with their hydraulic equipment - gawd I cleared the floor but they still need more room - burners, gas tanks, ladders, toolboxes - not to mention the huge units they are in and out all the time and the cherry picker crane has just arrived to fit the brackets on the outside wall (Bella was in barking running mad heaven for a short time but now has just given up and is guarding a chew bone on the sofa). She doesn't even care that the front door is open and people are walking in and out past her and there is a strange bloke on a metal monster from the sky outside the windows! She's such a smart dog really - not going to waste her energy on stuff she realises she can't do anything about or where she is OUTNUMBERED by the invaders! Oh she does look fed up - head between her front paws, ears back, sat on her favourite blanket guarding her chew!

I need to get Satellite Steve in as well as my telly is still playing up and no sat signal and now Sabby's telly is on the blink too. But I don't think I want two home invasions in one week so that can wait for now.

It started out damp hot and foggy misty today. Got back from the walk drenched and limp. Whipped everything off and then had to whip it back on coz aircon guys arrived!

Just about to take some headache pills for breakfast and then I think I might do a bit of boring work while they are here.
Morning Pat. Thank you for the good luck vibes.
I have read through and caught up so I will say thank goodness by the sounds of it the air con is in and Bella and you can now relax a little and I hope the headache goes soon.
What a bargain that sewing machine was.

Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Good morning all,

Helena enjoy your day with your friends I hope you have enough laughs today to last you forever when you remember them.

Lynn I do hope you hear some good news for Gordon and you today, fingers crossed.

Lore Get that studying done.

Jenny Have a good day doing whatever you have to but enjoy whatever you do.

Malka S*ds law when Pereg is good then you yourself are not! Hope you have a good day and your neighbour does your weeding for you.

Norma et al I may have missed and those yet to come. Have a good day everyone.

I am off to the hospital in a little while for my Renal Clinic appointment for my CKD3. That what diabetes has done.
My back is still a little better today and hopefully Steve's will be now he has been to the osteopath again but it looks as though he is going to have to take time off work to let it heal.

Right, must away catch up with you all later. Bye for now.
Morning Moyra thank you for the good luck vibes.
Good luck at the hospital and it does sound like your son needs to rest that a back for while before dashing back to work again.

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H and everyone,

I have to go to the mobile breast screening unit for a dreaded mammogram this morning. I hate those things and the years between them seem to fly by. It doesn't seem that long since my last one. So roll on this afternoon when it will be over.

H, I know you are going to have a fantastic day with your friends and it will do you the power of good, just the tonic you need now.

Lynn I have everything crossed for Gordon today and hope at last you get some good news and your fortunes start to change. I also hope you get some news as to what is happening with your mum.

Hope everyone else has a good day and all doglets are well.
Morning Bev thank you for the good luck wishes.
I hope the mammogram goes well and isn't to uncomfortable.

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post

Helena I bet you have a great day with your friends, pace yourself with that wine
Lynn I hope you get the two lots of good news that you are waiting for.
Jenny hope you "catch up"
Lore, a busy evening ahead for you.
Norma thanks for the hugs
Malka hope your ouchies are better
Tang shame isn't it when all we can do is look forward to young workmen coming in,still it sounds like you have more than your fair share
Moyra good luck with your hospital appointment and Bev good luck with your mammogram.
Ihope everyone is on the up, my son certainly sounds to be improving
Back to the washing
Morning Jenny thank you for the good luck wishes.
That is good news that your son is beginning to feel better.

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all.

Had a nightmare couple of days. Mum had another drug reaction (different tablet) a couple of days ago. Then yesterday they decided that she needed to be moved to rehabilitation. This means moving her to a dump of a nursing home, not sending all the medication with her or her care plan, and not even providing a denture mug - this home is for the elderly.

My sister (and myself, truth be known) were in tears all day yesterday. I couldn't go over to support both my mum and my sister as Dave had to go to the hospital in Boston for them to inject dye into his system to take a million photo's of his eye prior to the injections which should start this week.

I'm going over to Barnsley on Sunday to pick the grandkids up so will see her then. My sister said that for me to go today would only worry both her and my mum more (because they worry about the long journey especially when they know I'm tired anyway).

Gary still isn't right. The latest injury has thrown him into the doldrums again.

Dave's next appointment should be tomorrow (hopefully). Friday, we've to take Gary to meet his friends for their 'Friday to Monday' in Butlins.

Where the heck has my quiet life gone? Please come back, you are sorely missed.

Thoughts with Gorden today and hoping he gets on famously with the Head. Surely, this has to be 'the one'.

Shattered today so other than Rosie's walk, sorting out hospital appointments and a bit of housework - nothing planned.

Enjoy your day Helena. A few good belly laughs will do ya the World of good.

Sorry, haven't been keeping up so I'll just say that I hope you are all well. That anyone who has been ill is well on the mend and that life can be more stress-free for us all.

Have a good 'un all xx
Morning Chris thank you for the good luck wishes.
I am so sorry to hear about your mum I hope it all gets resolved soon and she gets better so she can return to her home.
I do hope Gary feels better soon too what a nightmare you are having at the moment.
(((Hugs))). X

Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post

Helena - I hope you have a lovely catch up with your friends with lots of fun and laughter. I also hope Zena copes well on the lower dose.

And yes, I most certainly do remember you at Christmas!

Lynn - everything crossed here that Gorden gets some good news, job-wise and that you get good news mum-wise. x

Jenny - I hope you enjoy your busy catch-up day.

Lore - I hope the maths day goes well. I am doing catch-up maths with my daughter - we're on the 5 times table and I am dreading revisiting calculus in the future !

Tangutica - I hope your head feels better. x

Labrador Lover, I hope all goes well at the hospital. x

Malka - I hope you are okay and that Pereg continues to be fit-free.

Madmare - I hope all goes well with the mammorgram. x

Nippy - I'm so pleased to hear your son is doing well. x

Chris - I am sorry that things are not great for you. Life gets like that sometimes, doesn't it? It's awful the way your mum has been treated.

Loki is good. We had a lovely walk this morning, although he's still sniffing like a loon! When he digs his heels in, I can't budge him.

I'm playing squash at lunchtime so Michael is going to the creche for an hour. He's very excited.

I still have details to put on the invitations for Carys' birthday. She's written all the names but I'm doing the phone numbers. It's so boring, I'm putting it off.

I hope everyone has a good day today.x
Morning Linda thank you for the good luck wishes.
I am glad Loki is well and enjoy the squash.

I have taken the liberty of filling in for Helena while she is off out living it up. Which she wholeheartedly deserves.

Update on mum. Eldest brother now driving from Norfolk to Basildon to sort out the problem and meet SS. The hospital and SS have said mum is medically fit and can now return to the home. They have spoken to the home and the home have agreed on what they have been told mum can return. Mum is saying she doesn't want to go back as they don't have oxygen she is being told she no longer needs it.
Michael is going to tell her if she was going into a nursing home she would be dying and because she isn't dying she doesn't need a nursing home. Plus as she is privately funded anything medical she would have to pay on the top of what she is already paying.
I have rung my other brother who lives round the corner and he has said he will try to get there to back Michael up he was visiting later today anyway.
It will be good cop bad cop with them too.
They will update me later.
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22-05-2013, 10:14 AM
Hi Lynn, just a quick thought, if mum is worrying about the oxygen would it be possible for the hospital to send her to the home with a portable one, just to keep her mind at ease? Not being able to breath properly is awful (i'm asthmatic) and i'm sure they could arrange something if asked so she has it there, she may never need it but, just having it there will take away the worry for her x x
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22-05-2013, 10:16 AM
morning all, a bit cross with myself as had a really terrible run, i just gave up and walked home which was probably for the best but it's annoying as i do like to think i'm a bit better than that! Oh well, always next time, new horse on the yard the yard owner said i can have a sit on if i like, so going to do that later and hope she's nice so i can cheer up a bit haha
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22-05-2013, 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Hi everyone, back from the hospital. I think after all the bad stuff that has been affecting us all time to share some good stuff. The consultant said that my CKD3 has not deteriorated and my kidneys are stable so there is little that they can do for me unless things change. So they are handing me back to my doctor to monitor my blood 2 or 3 times a year to make sure they do not deteriorate so he said no dialysis for you. I said I was thrilled with the news and glad that hopefully not being nasty I would not see him again. Lol. Brilliant news for you to share with me. Now if Lynn and others can come back with some more good news it will be great.
YAY - that really is good news Moyra and I am so pleased for you! xx
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22-05-2013, 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Hi everyone, back from the hospital. I think after all the bad stuff that has been affecting us all time to share some good stuff. The consultant said that my CKD3 has not deteriorated and my kidneys are stable so there is little that they can do for me unless things change. So they are handing me back to my doctor to monitor my blood 2 or 3 times a year to make sure they do not deteriorate so he said no dialysis for you. I said I was thrilled with the news and glad that hopefully not being nasty I would not see him again. Lol. Brilliant news for you to share with me. Now if Lynn and others can come back with some more good news it will be great.
That is good news. Not much good about having good luck in everything else if you don't have good health. I hope you don't have to see him again too!
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22-05-2013, 10:45 AM
Good news Moyra. Dialysis would be a bit of a booger so I'm glad you don't have to go down that route.
Hoping to hear good news from Gorden later Lynn.
Freedom over now Norma? Never mind I'm sure you can get rid of him again soon.
Hope your friends have turned up now H. I bet they are all suitably impressed with the house. Have a lovely day with them.
Nice bargain there with the sewing machine Pat. I've got one I've had must be nearly 40 years now. I used to make most of our clothes - the kids & mine when I couldn't afford to buy new but it's only used for alterations occasionally now.

Not a bad day weather wise here, bits of blue sky but a bit windy. Just nipped to town for a couple of birthday cards for my daughter & son in law, both this weekend so they are going to a nice hotel in Cumbria for the weekend.
Nothing else planned apart from walkies
Have a good day all of you.
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22-05-2013, 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Hi everyone, back from the hospital. I think after all the bad stuff that has been affecting us all time to share some good stuff. The consultant said that my CKD3 has not deteriorated and my kidneys are stable so there is little that they can do for me unless things change. So they are handing me back to my doctor to monitor my blood 2 or 3 times a year to make sure they do not deteriorate so he said no dialysis for you. I said I was thrilled with the news and glad that hopefully not being nasty I would not see him again. Lol. Brilliant news for you to share with me. Now if Lynn and others can come back with some more good news it will be great.
Brilliant news, I am so pleased for you!

Originally Posted by Gellygoo View Post
Morning all

Bit dull here weather-wise.

Am pleased to report that my check up at dentist on Monday was good......absolutely nothing to do, not even a quick proddle with the sharp thingy she used!! I'm really pleased as I have a mouthful of crowns due to fainting in the street 30 years ago (not done it before or since but certainly did it right that time ) and smashing my jaw along with either the front or back of nearly every double tooth!! Luckily my front teeth were fine. Sooo, I look after them as very best I can and panic when I go to the dentist!

Best wishes to Gorden today, also to everyone else....I hope everyone's luck today is good.
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22-05-2013, 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Hi everyone, back from the hospital. I think after all the bad stuff that has been affecting us all time to share some good stuff. The consultant said that my CKD3 has not deteriorated and my kidneys are stable so there is little that they can do for me unless things change. So they are handing me back to my doctor to monitor my blood 2 or 3 times a year to make sure they do not deteriorate so he said no dialysis for you. I said I was thrilled with the news and glad that hopefully not being nasty I would not see him again. Lol. Brilliant news for you to share with me. Now if Lynn and others can come back with some more good news it will be great.
Yayyyyy excellent news.

Originally Posted by Gellygoo View Post
Morning all

Bit dull here weather-wise.

Am pleased to report that my check up at dentist on Monday was good......absolutely nothing to do, not even a quick proddle with the sharp thingy she used!! I'm really pleased as I have a mouthful of crowns due to fainting in the street 30 years ago (not done it before or since but certainly did it right that time ) and smashing my jaw along with either the front or back of nearly every double tooth!! Luckily my front teeth were fine. Sooo, I look after them as very best I can and panic when I go to the dentist!

Best wishes to Gorden today, also to everyone else....I hope everyone's luck today is good.
Morning Gill thank you for the good luck vibes
Excellent news from you too Gill.

Originally Posted by zoeyvonne View Post
Hi Lynn, just a quick thought, if mum is worrying about the oxygen would it be possible for the hospital to send her to the home with a portable one, just to keep her mind at ease? Not being able to breath properly is awful (i'm asthmatic) and i'm sure they could arrange something if asked so she has it there, she may never need it but, just having it there will take away the worry for her x x
Morning. The home are not allowed to hook her up the oxygen if she needed it that's why there was question mark over her possibly not going back there.
The hospital are saying she doesn't need it and are happy for her to return there.

Originally Posted by EmmiS View Post
morning all, a bit cross with myself as had a really terrible run, i just gave up and walked home which was probably for the best but it's annoying as i do like to think i'm a bit better than that! Oh well, always next time, new horse on the yard the yard owner said i can have a sit on if i like, so going to do that later and hope she's nice so i can cheer up a bit haha
Morning sorry the run wasn't a good done.

Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
Good news Moyra. Dialysis would be a bit of a booger so I'm glad you don't have to go down that route.
Hoping to hear good news from Gorden later Lynn.
Freedom over now Norma? Never mind I'm sure you can get rid of him again soon.
Hope your friends have turned up now H. I bet they are all suitably impressed with the house. Have a lovely day with them.
Nice bargain there with the sewing machine Pat. I've got one I've had must be nearly 40 years now. I used to make most of our clothes - the kids & mine when I couldn't afford to buy new but it's only used for alterations occasionally now.

Not a bad day weather wise here, bits of blue sky but a bit windy. Just nipped to town for a couple of birthday cards for my daughter & son in law, both this weekend so they are going to a nice hotel in Cumbria for the weekend.
Nothing else planned apart from walkies
Have a good day all of you.
Morning Lynne. Thank you. I hope the weather brightens up for you.
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