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12-04-2013, 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
A TV programme. Very upsetting a young girl was punched in the head for no treason and was in a life threatening situation. However she survived. Amazing medical care.
Phew! Thought it was a relative of a member on here.
I take it this was a FACTUAL programme and not a soap story line?
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12-04-2013, 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Phew! Thought it was a relative of a member on here.
I take it this was a FACTUAL programme and not a soap story line?
No it is a factual prog.
I thought you were worrying it was someone on Dogsey. Thats why I jumped in to explain.
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12-04-2013, 11:04 AM
Sorry Pat didn't mean to alarm you. It's 24 hours in A&E all the care and dedication of the Nurses, Dr's and support staff at Kings College Hospital London.

Thanks Jenny for easing Pat's mind.
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12-04-2013, 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, I am completely shattered , not getting much sleep with Millie, the poor girl just cant rest, she is pacing all day and night , spoke to the vet this morning and he has put her on some diazepan for the next week, to hopefully relax her muscles and allow her to relax and sleep for a while, lets hope so, or I`ll be needing some myself.

Have a good one folks, hope all is OK...xx
Sorry to hear that poor Millie cannot rest. As for diazepam, I am supposed to take 1 x 5mg tablet about half an hour before I got to bed as a muscle-relaxant but have to admit that I sometimes "forget" in order than I have some to give to Pereg after a seizure, when my Vet says I can give her 10mg every 4 hours if necessary. [I get 30 x 5mg tablets a month]. But then of course she is a lot smaller than Millie and needs relaxing for a totally different reason.

The problem with diazepam and dogs, well, epi dogs, is that sometimes it has the opposite effect, and instead of relaxing them it makes them hyper.

I feel so sorry for poor Millie and for poor you. Lack of relaxation and rest - and sleep, is a real booger.
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12-04-2013, 11:20 AM
Sorry Millie is still not able to rest Jackie which means you can't too. I do hope she can settle soon.
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12-04-2013, 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Gill she survived and has had another two operations and is waiting for an op to put a titanium plate in her head.
She was very grateful to that man that stopped to help and said he saved her life. She said it would of been so easy for him to think she was drunk and left her there.
Thanks Lynn. I'm so pleased about that. Takes my breath away how people can behave like that chap on the bike. Thankfully there are others who will help like the young man who called 999 and then couldnt sleep for thinking of her all alone. Lets hope the last sort outnumber the first sort!!
It shows how lucky we are in our nhs, we all have that safety net there in times of need.
I love these programmes even though I blub a lot whilst watching
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12-04-2013, 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
A TV programme. Very upsetting a young girl was punched in the head for no treason and was in a life threatening situation.
Hi Jenny, was it a true life or fictional programme if the first then that is the second incident I've read about, remember that guy who ran up behind a young girl in central London and punched her to the ground it was all caught on CCTV and at his trial he claimed she had looked at him in an 'insulting way' which offended his religiun, no need to say what that was as usual he got a 'slap on the wrists' from the judge, and is out to walk around and do the same again
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12-04-2013, 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
No it is a factual prog.
Sorry Jenny, should have read the whole thread before jumping in still makes my blood boil to read about these mindless attacks and nobody seems to care.
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12-04-2013, 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Helena and fellow members,

Another busy day for you, but maybe if your plan of having it all done by 11am you may have a break this afternoon? I do hope so I don't quite understand why you have to give the new man-in-the-van money - maybe I missed the reason last night.

My OH arrived back safely and apart from tweaking something in the back suspension the car is all set up for the season ahead .... so a very happy OH last night.

I only slept for a few hours last night - no reason why and so annoying and when I did doze off had the most ridiculous vivid dreams Pouring with rain this morning which is a shame as I'm meant to be walking the dogs with a friend and her dog. We'll have to see if it eases off a little.

I hope you and your dogs are OK (and Millie has settled). See you all later and enjoy your day.
Afternoon Jen, and lol no I'm definitely not giving him any of my hard earned cash, he's paid ME, buty he's going to fix things up there for me, like replacing the shower hose and little things. Hope you managed to dodge the showers and get a nice dog walk in this morning.

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
Morning H, Jenny and all

I hope everything goes smoothly for you this morning H.

Shame about the rain Jenny, it's damp here but not actually raining (yet)

I have a fairly busy day today, I am taking the two younger boys out on the bike and the others for a normal walk then off to work this afternoon but leaving early as I have a hospital appointment for a scan, I think I will be glad to get home tonight!

I still haven't sorted the internet properly, I am trying to unsuccessfully install a new router. I wish they wouldn't use initials as I struggle to work out what a WAN is or if I want PPPoE or PPPoA. Will have to try again when I have a few hours to spare!

Have a good day all
Afternoon Gerry, good luck with that scan, hope all goes well and hope you had a lovely ride on the bike with the doglets.

Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Afternoon all.
Helena I hope you have everything done by 11am as planned. No nipping off to Dunelms with the cash. Although goodness you deserve too I think a nanny nap would be better for you if you can resist.

I couldn't get to sleep last night so popped on here and everyone including Sally had gone to bed. So I watched 24 ours in A&E on catch up tv finally nodded off around 12pm then Dillon had a short nibbling session around 2am then a big nibbling session at 5am.
I would like him to stop now so we can get back to our bed properly and not worry about popping out and leaving him for an hour or two. If we put a sock on him he would nibble it till it was soaking or altogether off.
I will be glad when all this decorating and moving things about is done it was the second night running I have had dreams of finding walls or the staircase with paint missing or holes in and Gorden telling me its fine no one will notice.
Raining here too or has been so the ground is very wet.

Jackie I hope you had another peaceful night with Millie and that she stays comfortable today again too.
Jenny good news about OH's car. I think and hope the man is paying Helena.

Enjoy your Friday all.
Afternoon Lynn, yep, got everything done, and now I'll be dreaming of filling up caravans when I have that nanny nap like you are with all that decorating

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H and all,
Its taken me over an hour this morning to get my computer to work. I started it up and it would go so far (very slowly) and then not load the icons or anything else. I also couldn't log it off either so had to keep switching it off at the wall. So if I go Awol you know its my computer broken down.

This morning I am going to pick my neice up and take her to my mums to sit with my dad. Poor mum has become a prisnor and can't go anywhere and leave him, so I am going to take her out this morning. We are coming back to Colchester and i am taking her all the places she wants to go but can't get to anymore. We will then pop back here for a coffee before going to Tesco's so she can choose her own shopping this week and then back to hers.

Charly and Ash are heading off to Devon this afternoon for the weekend. They have seen a couple of houses they want to view down there. Ash already owns a 3 bed house there but they have seen a 9 bedroom beautiful house they want to look at at a very good price. It needs completely re-doing inside but the shell and the lovely flagstone flooring is all fine.
Anyway I had better get on.
Hope you all have a good day and lets hope this rain goes away.
Afternoon Bev, My puter was the same this morning, I even went into start up programmes and started deleting some of them It was probably updates going on, they always slow the blooming puter down don't they, so hope all is ok now Bev.

Originally Posted by crystalgirl View Post
Hi Helena and everone,

The robin was singing its little heart out this morning,not in a tree or on a bush,on one of the sheeps head,the lamb was watching this and all off a sudden it made its move and the lamb was sprawled over its mothers head,legs hanging down its mum chest,it just made me smile,but thr Robin wasnt fazed and found another sheep to perch on and restarted his singing.I think after this weekend,we are going to get an improvement in the weather,everything crossed,but the birds are very busy now.I cant wait to see the Bluebells,Anyway hope everyone including the doggies are getting in a positive frame of mind.When we had are plastering done,the plasterer used stilts,which looked very funny. quick note to Helena,there is an amazing software package for garages,every week it prints P&L and does wages, invoicing and it didnt cost thousands.I set it up for my stepson,and he knows where he is everyweek crystalgirl
Afternoon Crystal, yes, Dave already has some puter software like that on his computer at work, it tells him how things are going on a daily/weekly basis, but he sometimes dare not look in it lol! Oh that robin, I could just picture all of that When the bluebells are out, I have the most spectacular show in the woods opposite me, it's reknowned for them, and also up on the clifftops in a little woodland up there, which I really must get some pics of. Trouble is, it's a blooming long, steep climb to come back out, but might well be worth the effort

Originally Posted by Florence View Post
Good morning!
Thought I'd pop in here for once, since I'm up at this time and for once am not at work as I've got a week off for moving. So this morning I'm getting the keys, followed by a solo cleaning session as my boyfriend does have to work today. Then the moving will begin. I have no idea at all how we're going to manage it, all I know is that it will be done by Sunday because we have no choice lol.
And then I won't have the internet for about 2 weeks, not properly anyway. We've got a dongle but that's more for emergencies.
So until then: have a lovely time and hope you're all well!

Afternoon Florence, oh how exciting, another one on the move! We did it all last May and I don't particularly want to do it again thanks, but enjoy yours, the moving IN is the best bit of course

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Good morning all.
Sounds like you all have your day planned, I hope all goes well for you.

Bev Charly and Ash have probably picked a good weekend, the forecast is good for down here, although I believe the north coast had a few thunder storms last night.

We are still decorating the bathroom, such a little room but taking so long. Of course we are getting older

Back later.
Afternoon Jen, oh yes, everything takes that bit longer when you're getting older, that's why we're doing so much now, because we just know neither of us will be able to do it in a few year's time. Even now it's telling on us both, especially poor Dave, but he'll soon be all finished.

Originally Posted by twix View Post
Morning all. It sounds like we've all got similar weather, where's this hot spell we've been promised? I washed so e dog beds during a dry hour then hung them on the line only to do a mad dash to collect them all up when it bucketed down and my poor tumble dryer has gone into overdrive.

Against my better judgement I went to Tescos last evening. I don't know why because I came out fuming after seeing mummy and granny chav totally ignoring their 4-5 year old kid systematically pick a box of tomatoes off the vines then cough and do a snotty sneeze all over them!! Jeeze it's no wonder there are so many germs going around. I'm tempted to start a petition for an adults only shopping day and from now on I will only be buying stuff that is securely packaged on the highest shelf and to hell with keeping waste down to a minimum.

Someone's just emailed me a poster that says "cleaning a house with dogs is like brushing your teeth whilst eating biscuits". How true!

Have a good day all.
Afternoon twix, and LOL at that poster there, how true that is! Yeah, those kids in the shops being dragged around and shouted at can't wait for next week when I can shop in peace again

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Nechda - make sure that when you have done each thing on the list, you tick it off as you have done it, or you will end up going round in circles - keeping well away from you-know-where!

If the neighbour's car alarm was going off, why did he not see to it but just let it carry on until it stopped of its own accord? I mean why have an alarm and then ignore it?

Jenny - I am glad your OH got back home safely [and happy!]. Maybe the rain will ease off so you can still walk the dogs with your friend and hers.

Gerry - hope the scan goes OK. As for installing the new router, have you tried googling the make/model to see if there are simple instructions?

Lynn - what a nuisance that Dillon is still nibbling - you are like me with checking the time - Dillon with his nibbling and Da Booger with her wanna go outs! Hopefully all your decorating/furniture moving will be done soon so you stop having those horrid nightmares.

Bev - I do hope your computer decides to behave now - I go into headless chicken mode whenever something happens to mine! It will be good for your mum to have some time out and then choose her own shopping for a change, and I hope you both enjoy yourselves.

Is Ash thinking about that large house for a possible b&b?

Da Booger only got me up once, just before 3am, then let me have another two hours sleep after I had given her her 7am pill, so it was not too bad a night for me.

Hi to anyone who has popped in while I have been typing - have a good day everyone whatever you have planned.
Afternoon grandma Glad da booger only got you up once in the night. That car alarm was going off, cos it's his son's bmw and when the battery is getting low/flat the alarm goes off. This guy used to own a garage, so he knows how to shut them up of course, but just like when my bimmer alarm went off with a flat battery, Dave had to do something else to it. So I'll be letting him off cos he's a nice chap!

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members rain here too and back to thick mud up to Chloe's tummy .

Off to eat my porridge before popping to the shops for a birthday card then I hope to get the curtain linings made while there is no babysitting. The schools go back next week so it will be back to 'normal' babysitting then . Where would the country be without babysitting Nannas

Enjoy your day everyone whatever you are doing
Afternoon Mini Yes, where would all these mums be without grannies like you Mini! It would cost them an absolute fortunte wouldn't it. Enjoy your day Mini.

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all.

Very much a same old, same old for us today. Things start hotting up a bit next week with hospital visits, dental appointment etc. None of 'em mine, but Dave and Gary are determined to stop me from getting bored

Hope everyone is OK. No rain here yet. They keep forecasting it, but it has so far, thankfully, kept missing us. It is very dull, but dull we can do

Have a good 'un all xx
Afternoon Chris, oh here she is, bragging about her same old same old again, which I envy so much!!!! Chris, you don't know how lucky you are, I would much rather be verging on boredom than running myself ragged. Maybe a happy medium would be nice for both of us huh?

Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Good Morning everyone. Not a very nice morning all this rain but at least it is April weather! Have a good day all.
Afternoon Moyra Glad somebody else has noticed, that this IS actually typical April weather and not global warming! I've just had this discussion over the phone with Dave's accountant, so you've just confirmed how right we are!

Originally Posted by lore View Post
Morning all,

I hope everyone is well. Lynn, what a shame Dillon won't leave his paws alone.

I'm having coffee before getting packed and tidying my office. Then getting organised with lesson plans and test sheets. I need to pick up a bit of shopping, need elastic bands for tomorrow for camouflage and concealment. Fun and games and extremely busy.

It's a beautiful day here so got washing on the go.
Afternoon Lorraine, I'm catching up with you on the busy stakes here!! You need to catch up with me and get a sneaky nanny nap in later on.

Originally Posted by Gellygoo View Post
Morning all

What a miserable morning here weather wise.....very damp and really foggy. Son and partner saw a forecast for Sunday that said it will be sunny and hot and so sent out invites for barbeque......I've just seen one that says Sunday will be wet and windy ....wonder if they can freeze all the stuff they bought last night??? I bet they won't change it to next week and we'll be having a lovely time but be a tad wet! Hey ho!

Lynn, I was catching up with 24 hours in A & E last night too, I've got half way through I think so I don't know what happened with that poor girl who hit her head on the road after being thumped by that "person" on the bike!!! Shocking!!

Cleaning today, ironing all done.....even the extra lot slipped in by people on here who shall not be named!!!!

Have a good one everybody
Afternoon Gill I think they've now changed their minds about Sunday haven't they, instead of sunshine, it's just going to warm up (a bit!!!)

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, I am completely shattered , not getting much sleep with Millie, the poor girl just cant rest, she is pacing all day and night , spoke to the vet this morning and he has put her on some diazepan for the next week, to hopefully relax her muscles and allow her to relax and sleep for a while, lets hope so, or I`ll be needing some myself.

Have a good one folks, hope all is OK...xx
Afternoon Jackie, awwwww ((((((((((((hugs)))))))))) poor, poor Millie I'm so sorry she's still acting like this on the pain meds and I do hope she improves for you, bless her heart. Give her a gentle hug from us please.xxxxx

Originally Posted by Tangutica View Post
Cue the Twilight Zone music - I too did not have a good night's sleep. Just couldn't settle or get comfy or waddever. Then the bin men came at 2am. Then the local dogs started up. Then I needed the loo! I ended up outside staring at the sky a couple of times.

When Bella woke at about 8.30 (she hasn't adjusted to clocks going forward yet - yay!) I felt like death warmed up.

But fortunately Monny was up and chirped 'I'll take Bella Pat you go back to bed'. What a darling! I did go back to bed at about 9.30 and actually dozed off again and woke at midday! Almost unknown for me.
Afternoon Pat Oh the joys of having temporary dog walkers living in!!!

Well I'm all done (ish!). I loaded more stuff into the van, duvets, new pillows, etc. etc. hung the new curtains in the bedrooms, put the fire on to warm the place up and he was late but he arrived. He decided to put all MY stuff into the spare bedroom in boxes, so it's all safe ready for when he goes. He said it's much better that he uses all his stuff and can break it if he wants. He also has duvets, pillows and everything, so I had to load all that BACK into the car along with the new tv cos he's brought his 32". He signed my form andpaid me cash. Nice chap, he works as an event organiser at lots of London venues including the O2 and he also dj's. He's well happy so I can leave him alone now until next Friday when the rent is due again and I can pop into Dunelms again lol

Got home unloaded all the stuff and crammed it all away in the cupboards. Thank God we live in this house now with the luxury of all these huge cupboards and fitted wardrobes everywhere, it's a real bonus with all this stuff I have for both vans. Popped into Van No. 1 to leave the milk and flowers for tomorrow's guests.

Walked early with Zena up on the top it was raining and it was muddy, but it had to be done.

Got yet another booking for the 2nd van, it's filling up so quickly I never imagined this Got a reply from my website host who says the reason they put the security box there was because my site was being spammed So what??? What does that mean to me then if e-mails go in my spam box?? He said they never took the security box off it before where you have to write in the letters that you can't decipher, but they DID when I asked them to He said I will just have to make a contact page with my e-mail details etc and use that, which I have now. I reckon it's been taken over by some muppets if you ask me, it used to be run so well, and I was on first name terms with one of the blokes who was always so helpful, but not this crowd, they're as helpful as an i don't know what!

Just as I was about to have some lunch, the phone rang, Dave's accountant, so had a good chat with him, then the new rug arrived at the door and Zena went berserk, lunch got cold, so it's all happening again here today!

I'm unplugging that phone and going to have a lie down before I have to clean the place up, change my bed which I never did yesterday, and cook something for Dave tonight.

I've managed to sort out the availability page on my website now though, so it looks a lot more legible for people, so that's one job jobbed along with the hundreds of others this week I've got through.

I might get Dave to walk Zena tomorrow morning and let me have a looooooooong lie in!
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12-04-2013, 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by Losos View Post
Hi Jenny, was it a true life or fictional programme if the first then that is the second incident I've read about, remember that guy who ran up behind a young girl in central London and punched her to the ground it was all caught on CCTV and at his trial he claimed she had looked at him in an 'insulting way' which offended his religiun, no need to say what that was as usual he got a 'slap on the wrists' from the judge, and is out to walk around and do the same again
Afternoon Harvey. I wonder if this was the same girl as on the A&E programme?? Lovely girl from your neck of the woods who had a sister who came over immediately to be by her bedside. She certainly hasn't let it stop her though, she's a fighter, I soooo admire this lovely young girl.

By the way H, you did make me laugh last night about that "non-static" caravan If this chap has any ideas, we'll have to turn this one into a big tourer won't we

Hope Rianna is doing better now with her false pregnancy?? Good luck with that H.
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