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01-12-2012, 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Morning all

I half expected snow today, it's that cold. It's lovely and frosty though so we are going to head off for a nice walk, all wrapped up. Loki has not had anymore fits since the one yesterday, so that is good. He may have another today but this is so much better than the big clusters he used to have. Steve slept downstairs with him last night to keep an eye on him. Aww.

Very pleased to hear you are feeling a little better today Nippy.

Big hugs for Kyiro and his vet visit today.

I hope Dave doesn't send you into turmoil today H.

I would be interested to know if it turns out cheaper to keep your heating on all day Madmare. I'm keeping mine off during the day.
Afternoon Linda Think you could be right about that snow, it's definitely pretty cold out there, and I've been out in it all morning, I'm frozen now, so thank goodness this house is so lovely and warm Poor Loki, but if you think that's good, then I'll go along with that one, because I do remember how much he suffered with those clusters, so good luck with him p.s. Yep, of course he did!!!!

Originally Posted by Malka View Post

Now may I go back to bed please?!
Afternoon Grandma Can't see anything there only a little red "x"? but yes, of course you can go back to bed

Originally Posted by Rosebud77 View Post
Morning! An old missionary once told me that Robert Browning opined that there are two kinds of people, those who say "Good morning, God!" and those who say,, " Good God! Morning.. "

Bitter cold here with that stillness. Ears being assaulted as there is a motor rally up on the far road and sound carries in still air. Boys and their toys,but WHY do they have to make so much NOISE! Ah well, I still have some earplugs from the other place!

Just putting electic fire on when I get desperate; cannot afford to run the oil....

Tomorrow a local Christmas Fair; I am fairly new in the village and always my trade has depended on the tourists so I am well aware that tomorrow could bomb.

Isolated Irish villages can be very clannish; this is the only one I have managed to get into because of that and I am going further afield after some hostile encounters! The organiser of this one is a good friend and has been all the while. Love all is the word for tomorrow...maybe there will be many coming in from around too.

I am finishing various bits today and whatever happens, will sit and knit and smile very sweetly at everyone as I always do.

Just seen there is snow there! Please keep it to yourselves!!! After December 21st, my last market, fine but not just now

And stay safe and warm, please.
Morning Rosebud No, you definitely don't want any snow if you're travelling to the Christmas Fayre. Hopefully, you can stay warm enough indoors so that those fingers still work with the knitting needles so you will have lots of lovely things that people will buy from you I really hope so.

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Like this do you mean?
This is what greeted me when I got up this morning!!

Yes Jenny, exactly like that She's telling you there's no way she's joining in with that housework when she's all comfy on her dad's lap

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all

Rain has gone and clear skies have replaced it. Quick walk with Rosie, back then the trek to hospital.

Please don't mention snow! I'm phobic about the stuff and it really would be the final straw right now.

Only two days of housework to catch up on? I wish!!!!

Have a good 'un all
Morning Chris Good luck with the journey there, it should be a lot quieter for you as it's Saturday, and I hope you find Gary in good spirits when you get

Originally Posted by Losos View Post
'morning Helena and all above

Bit more snow last night, but this morning the sun is shining and it's very crisp and nice outside. Have just given the girls their worming tablets and for once they took them with no problems (wrapped in sliced ham of course )

To all of you who are suffering in any way I send healing thoughts and for your dogggies too.

Very pleased to read that, love the photo of Pepsi too
Afternoon H Zena has just had her Panacur too! The weather sounds really nice over your way, I love the snow when the sun is shining and it's cold and crispy, so enjoy your walk later on if you're going. I do know it's very hard to walk in deep snow, Dave and I once had to head back and we'd only walked half a field, but it was seriously hard going!

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members very cold here today and I have declined an invitation to go to town to see an automated polar bear whatever that is

Instead I am going to defrost and clean the deep freeze which is full of food so a tricky operation involving lots of cold boxes.

Jenny I hope you are feeling better and less sore.
Chris I hope you are feeling better too and please keep the snow on your side of the country

Have a pleasant day everyone
Afternoon Mini Oh you are soooooo wise to decline that offer whatever it was, stay warm indoors.

Originally Posted by lore View Post
Morning all,

Looks like we've had a very light fall of snow here. It's freezing too, so not looking forward to going out. I have to tho, Hubby's birthday today so off to get a card for him. He was out last night so is sleeping it off today.

Was going to be sorting Davie's room today but with himself sleeping, won't be doing that till later on. So I've dug out the poster paints and will be doing some art with Davie later.
Afternoon Lorraine Blimey, talk about leaving it to the last minute there Hope you get something for hubby's birthday, and enjoy painting with Davie later on when you're back in the warm.

Originally Posted by youngstevie View Post
Morning ALL

Freezing here, I am looking after my neighbours chickens whilst they are away I had to unfreeze their water container

Off to clean mine out now and put in loads of hay xxx

Have a great day folks xxxxxx
Afternoon Steph Not surprised that water was frozen, everything's frozen around here.

Originally Posted by Malka View Post
Awww - what a lovely piccie of Pepsi with her Dad! Regarding heating, when I finally had gas central heating fitted into my house [two winters before I emigrated!] I was advised to keep it on 24/7 at a relatively low but comfortable temperture, and my gas and electricity bills promptly plummeted.

Previously I had a gas fire in the living room, a gas heater in the hall, two electric convector radiators upstairs, and an electric immersion heater for hot water. The house was freezing in the winter and both gas and electricity bills were sky high. The house was so cold that the children used to go to bed wearing thick pyjamas, a dressing gown, and in a sleeping bag under their duvets.

The two winters that we were there with the ch the house was warm, we were warm, and as I say, the bills were a fraction of the pre-central heating ones.

Hmmm - 1 December 1969 was a Monday and it had snowed lightly and then frozen. My husband had come home after I did and parked his car behind mine, and when I went out in the morning to drive to the hospital to see my daughter I noticed that someone had skidded round the corner during the night and smashed into the back of my husband's car.

I think that was the final straw as [a] it would have been my fault for having parked first [] and [b] no way did I fancy that daily 50 mile round trip to the hospital and back. Oh, and I was 10 weeks pregnant at the time and sick as sick could be.

So I never went back home!

Lol! I bet he was shocked at that!!! Hope you're ok today and keeping warm but then it's probably nothing like it is here today.

Rosebud - those floppy berets you knit sound really appealing and I would love to be able to order some from you, although I am not sure how I could.
Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Morning Helena,Morning all

Very cold & frosty here this morning,but nice & sunny now the fog has lifted
Been out shopping and trying on boots that hubby wants to get me for christmas,two pairs I didn't like when on and the pair I did like the stitching was coming undone at the zip so no good
Am off to Gloucester in a couple of weeks so should be able to get some from there
Then hubby & I had a few words about Christmas and I am getting stressed about it,what he fails to realise is I have others to buy for too,not just him and the kids,unlike him,who only buys me, and the kids.It's doing my swede in big time!
Made arrangements this morning to go back up to the Midlands to see family,so that's all sorted,I wasn't going to bother this year but O/H wanted to.....Nice day out travelling 2 hours there,2 hours back that's providing the weather is ok and there are no hold ups!

Washing is currently on the line,more in the machine to go on the radiators when done

Hope those that are feeling under the weather are feeling better soon and those poorly dogs too.

Have a good day all xx
Afternoon Sal Hope you get some boots you like when you go to Gloucester, they've got to be right haven't they, you're probably going to wear them every day untilSpring.
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01-12-2012, 02:46 PM
Good Morning all!!

I am very jealous of all your lovely cold and frosty mornings.. even the snow!!! still pouring with rain here, woke me up in the night argggggggg.....

Very sore legs from skiing, but so worth it!!

Today i am doing a craft fair at my local community center, got everything packed up ready to go, had a little meltdown that I don't have enough stuff made as I have been so busy selling, then I reminded myself that maybe not many people will come

Anyway another busy day ahead, Hubby will walk the doglets and then come and visit me and bring me snacks!!

Happy Saturday everyone!
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01-12-2012, 03:08 PM
Hi all ,
I'm back from visiting my Mum and meeting up with my brother. Helena I always take my boys in to visit my Mum and they all know them (they've been going in since they were about 9 weeks old ) but it was out of the question today because of their Xmas Fair as there were stalls lining every corridor. Unfortunately I couldn't leave them unattended in Mum's room as I know that Rucksack would chew the cables under Mum's bed! Also even having them on a lead walking round was not on, it was full of little old ladies (and a few gents) with zimmer frames, walking sticks or the 3-wheeled walkers. I know the dogs would have just got in the way.

What I did was go early so that I could park in the grounds. Walked the dogs, warmed the car up again and left them in their crates with stag bars. I then met up with my brother and in to see Mum for a quick coffee before leaving my brother to walk her around the fair.

I did manage to buy a pair of knitted mittens (not ends to the fingers) for £1.50 which will be perfect for the cold weather. There were so many knitted things all done by two of the elderly nuns there. The residents and the carers are just gorgeous.

The dogs were fine and were only in the car for 30 minutes so it was still not cold. An unusually quick journey home around the M25 which I did in about an hour.

Just about to take them out for a run off lead before it gets really, really cold.

I have the house to myself tonight which will be nice. OH away on a boys weekend and my son at the England match at Twickenham and then out for the night.

We leave out heating on 24/7 and I have turned it up as my OH is out now But we run on oil and we are desperately low so OH jacked the tank up so should be fine for a few days .... I just hope the delivery isn't delayed any more.

See you later
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01-12-2012, 03:23 PM
It's not that cold here, looked as if it had rained during the night. Both girls had found the heat lamp because when I went in there was this indentation in the shavings under it have turned it off for the day, but if it goes colder later on they will have it put on for them again. Babies doing well with their eating now, I put the 2 trays down and say come on babies, and out of the crate they clamber and run up to me squeaking. Ended up hand feeding one of them (don't I always ) but they are taking more and more of the minced chicken each time. Humpty still standing with both front feet in the tray and his head down (which is very large by the way) to block all comers, his brother was steamrollering towards him gradually though
Have got the fire lit now and am sat with a cup of tea, it is my last tea bag, so I have to go out now for 2 things, I forgot bath stuff yesterday, and now tea bags. When I was out with Lona and Mabs today we saw the Screaming Woman so nipped down some steps that go up to the tow path (originally there was a mill there and that was where they loaded the barges, now it is an estate) and a man was mending a fence, so he immediately jumped to the conclusion i wanted to go past, and I was trying to explain why not and that was getting out of the way of the Screaming Woman, when they passed, and she heard what I was saying the look I got off her was not Pretty
Rest of the walk went well, jogger ran past me and Mabs did as she was told and went away up the banking (I don't want her to think she can chase joggers) and Lona sat whilst he went past, he had to run through all this deep cold muddy water in these little shorts and trainers, I had on my snowboarding trousers, wellies, big coat and woolly hat rather him than me
Anyway, here is Todays Puppy Fix - here we have Mohawk Sooleawa (Silver)

Well I suppose I better prise myself away from this lovely fire (Cariad is lay in front of it fast asleep)
and buy tea bags and bath stuff, and will probably find something else whilst I am out
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01-12-2012, 03:37 PM
Afternoon all,
I had a look at Asda online and they had some boots I liked so I decided to go up there with Lizzie,while they still had them and got some boots from there,nice leather riding boots They have some lovely clothes etc in there....

Got the rest of the families shopping done while I was there so that's all sorted now
Also picked up a bottle of JD's for O/H 70cl for just £14 bargain!
Couldn't have picked a worse time to go though,it was very busy and I ended up been rammed by trolley's I dunno how many times

So I am nearly done now,just another couple of pressies for O/H & couple more for the boys & it's all finished
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01-12-2012, 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Afternoon H Zena has just had her Panacur too! The weather sounds really nice over your way, I love the snow when the sun is shining and it's cold and crispy, so enjoy your walk later on if you're going. I do know it's very hard to walk in deep snow, Dave and I once had to head back and we'd only walked half a field, but it was seriously hard going!
Thanks H, yes the walk was lovely 'tho poor old Bara can't go too far now and Rianna decided she wouldn't go any further either it's only about one inch of snow at the moment and easy enough to walk, after Xmas it will be different, we will be walking (or trying to walk) in about two foot which like you say is a real strain and to be frank I can't really do it now
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01-12-2012, 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Sal View Post

So I am nearly done now,just another couple of pressies for O/H & couple more for the boys & it's all finished
I wish I was. .I went to Liverpool on Thursday intending to start shopping - all I came back with was a pair of boot laces for me Hate Xmas shopping.
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01-12-2012, 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Sal View Post
Couldn't have picked a worse time to go though,it was very busy and I ended up been rammed by trolleys I dunno how many times
You have my sympathies Sal, been there done that I now have a plan and it works quite well, over here OH goes into the supermarket and I take the dogs around the back where there are lots of nice things for them to smell, and when in England (On my own) I just never go shopping on a Fri. Sat. Sun. I usually do it on a Tue. morning as soon as the store opens

I still get a few muppets but by and large it works and my blood pressure stays within safe limits
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01-12-2012, 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Taffsmum View Post
I wish I was. .I went to Liverpool on Thursday intending to start shopping - all I came back with was a pair of boot laces for me Hate Xmas shopping.
You and me both,can't be doing with crowds of people,can't get to what you want,then a long line of people at the checkouts Grrrrrr
Originally Posted by Losos View Post
You have my sympathies Sal, been there done that I now have a plan and it works quite well, over here OH goes into the supermarket and I take the dogs around the back where there are lots of nice things for them to smell, and when in England (On my own) I just never go shopping on a Fri. Sat. Sun. I usually do it on a Tue. morning as soon as the store opens

I still get a few muppets but by and large it works and my blood pressure stays within safe limits
I usually do our shopping early on a Friday morning once a fortnight,I am usually there by 8am and home by 9am,but of course O/H was getting in a flap about these boots so I told him I found some at Asda,so he told me to go and get them and before I had chance to say anything he told Lizzie to get her shoes on and she was thrilled that she could finish her shopping and she wanted to show me this superstore that I had never been too So I decided to be brave
It was huge, but full of numpties that kept getting in my way

Will be going again to finish off my shopping in a fortnight,but will not make the mistake of going at lunchtime on a saturday,I shall go early morning, in the middle of the week,so I can at least see what on the shelves!
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01-12-2012, 04:29 PM
Hi Everyone

Pleased to hear Nippy is feeling better (and what lovely photo of Pepsi and her dad!) and that you guys are doing ok

Also glad to read that I'm not the only one who leaves the heating on 24/7 in the winter! This house is made of thick stone and it used to take forever to warm it up!

Hope Lynn gets her Mac sorted soon too - we are missing you
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