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Lacey10 is offline  
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03-04-2014, 12:09 PM
My neighbours Love me GORDON even though they think I'm a looney tune CORNFLAKES?...yuk
LYNN,absolutely,Berrocca is a must So far today I have;
Talked to you guys
Cleaned the house from top to bottom
Hoovered and cleaned the car
Walked the doglet
Brought rubbish to the tip
Went to the bank
Had lunch
Feed the birds
Had a chat with my neighbour
Tidied the garage
Did washing

Without Berocca I'd have just talked to you guys
See the difference thereand I'm still bouncing!! On a coffee break now
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03-04-2014, 12:11 PM
Afternoon all,

Well I'm sleeping later and later just now. Midday before I woke up today. Next week will be different though...6.30 every day unless I'm on duty, then it's 6am.

It's doing nowt but piddle down here today so I think our physical achievement will be an indoor thing tonight.

Today I'm ironing my kit in preparation for next week then getting ready for tonight, that's about all I have planned for today apart from cadets later.
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03-04-2014, 12:44 PM
Afternoon all

Blimey Eileen you've worn me out today with all this bouncing off the walls and all chores done and dusted, I want whatever you're having, and make it a laaaaarge one please

Gordon, oh that's not good, the puter blowing up on you just when things were warming up on D.a.D last night. Don't worry about that scrolling, I think it's a Dogsey problem cos I get it, the pages either stop scrolling or do a lot of bouncing (bit like Eileen).

Lynn, glad to hear Dillon finally decided to give in and eat his breakfast, but he doesn't sound that keen does he.

Jenny, hope you enjoyed coffee and a catchup with your friend and walking the dogs. I can't believe I can still walk this morning after lugging all my turf up the side here yesterday, but I enjoyed my lovely beach walk, especially as it was sunny.

Mandy a very Happy Birthday to you but I've been in your thread already, enjoy the rest of your lovely day.

Jen, oh you are really poorly. Is this what most of us had after Christmas and you didn't have it, or is this another one doing the rounds? I hope those ab's kick in soon and start helping you with that awful cough (((((hugs)))))

Moyra, yes, I expect this pollution is playing havoc with a lot of people, but I expect being on the coast it's all blowing inland to you lot. Not intentional, just the way it is, but the good news is, it'll all be gorn by tomorrow. Hope you gums are better today anyway.

Lorraine, hope the weather will improve up there for you for next week, you definitely won't want to get up at that time if it's depressing will you.

Well, I went to the beach, didn't see a soul, apart from one chap scooping through the low water with his big net, didn't stop to ask what he was catching but probably shrimps or the likes cos we are quite famous for shrimps here in Hastings.

Went down the town to get some canvas bobbing about shoes for the summer with my cut offs, and we have a new H & M (much rather have that B&M ). Bought a pair in there and a lovely new necklace to go with my dusty pink new jacket I got in M&S the other week. Seems this very pale dusty pink is the in colour for this year cos H&M was full of it. Anyhoo, I then went into the cheap old shoe shop where they have all those plastic shoes on never ending racks, they're stiff as boards and oh so cheap, but they also had some nice canvas lace ups, so I ended up with 6 pairs!!! Yes, 6 pairs, cos one for the beach and in the sea, one for the garden, one for going up to the van, another one for going up to the other van lol, then I need a pair to go out shopping which haven't got manky, and then a pair for spare for one I trash a pair. Are you keeping up here THEN, I was very norty, cos I went into River Island for some nice sandals for summer, and I fell in love with this blingy pair full of chrome/gold, really blingy, but really pricey at £35, so I said to the girl, I just can't decide whether to go for the beige/white/bit of black ones, or, the black ones and there's no way I'm forking out £70 for 2 pairs of sandals. I went for the beige and paid. THEN, I said to her, you know what, I'm going to have that black pair too, and she said that was a very good idea cos that was the last pair they had gone like hot cakes and they wouldn't be getting any more in, so there, I've nabbed the last 2 pairs Sorry Eileen, cos you would love them!

Came home, hovered all around, shoved some more washing in and some on the line, took Zena out for another walk in the woods, met up with my gsd pal with the gang of 5, and she had some bloke with her with a new gsd that I've never seen before, but it was a beautiful longcoat just like Zena (but FATTER!). We got talking about weights and even her really skinny female weighs in at 44 kgs so I don't know what the heck I'm worried about with Zena being 42! She said Zena looks great, she doesn't look overweight, and I have to say, his bitch looked fatter than Zena although Zena is taller than her.

Had the neighbour in this morning, they're going away for 2 weeks to France, so she's given me the numbers of the friend who's dog sitting and her neice, just in case of emergency. Zena was very, very good again, I'm delighted with her new attitude to visitors, but it won't last of course.

Cooked some bubble and squeak and had that with some cold chicken from yesterday and now I feel stuffed cos I ate far too much of it and it's gonna sit on my stomach all day and evening, it always does.

Still sunny darn sarf, very warm too and yesterday it was 21 deg they just told me on the local. Hope you've got the same. Catch you all later.

Wassup with Dogsey, it logged me out whilst I was typing that, good job I saved it!!!! Also this daily thread does not appear on the new posts section??? I had to go into chat to find it cos it wasn't even on my control panel, ooer
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03-04-2014, 12:45 PM
Afternoon all,

It has turned out to be a glorious day here although only intermittent sun probably due to air quality I am sorry for those of you who have grotty weather though ... it will get better.

I had a lovely walk with the dogs other than having to take shelter in a neighbour's driveway when the big male chocolate lab was running towards us on the end of flexi lead dragging the au pair along at a rate of knots I've just got back having had a catch-up over coffee with my friend Polly (who Helena has met and who sends her love).

Moyra You are really having a rough time . The air quality is very poor and yesterday when I drove back from Hertfordshire (having visited my Mum) where the skies were totally clear, I could see looking towards London and Surrey (the direction I was driving in) how the sky looked yellowy due to the pollution . I hope the abs are starting to kick in and you don't suffer any more tummy trouble. Get well soon.
Lynn Hopefully you've found something that Dillon is happy to eat now. The fish Orijen is the most pungent smelling kibble I've ever smelt .... my dogs love it, my family hate it
Nippy you poor thing .... just think of the weight you'll lose with all that sweating .... there is always a silver lining My trouble is I make up for not eating when I do feel like eating I really hope you 'turn-the-corner' soon. You must sick to death of this horrible virus you have, having nursed Brian when he was at his worse too. Get well quick. Your post still made me smile .... there's no keeping you down is there
Gordon I hope your computer problems sort themselves out. You'd surely be lost if you couldn't see what was going on in here Don't you worry about Sally .... we'll all look out for her, armed at the ready
Lacey I think the Irish Berrocca must be a special recipe .... it never makes me clean the house from top to bottom, let alone any of the other things on your list. Please send me some of yours over My diet is still going Ok and I've now lost nearly 3/4 stone ...... but I really struggle at times and long for Sundays which is my cheat day
Lore You still sound busy. I hope that rain moves on as its enough for anyone not to want to get out of bed . Take care and take things slowly.

Off in to the garden to water the turf I laid at the beginning of the week and trim the neighbour's hedge which overhangs our side.

See you all later.
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03-04-2014, 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Helena54 View Post
Afternoon all
Came home, hovered all around, shoved some more washing in and some on the line, ..........................
I should have guessed you'd post a megga long one at the same time as me so that I missed it
I've always had my suspicions about you Helena and you've now admitted that you are a very very special person
Sounds like you've had a wonderful day so far and you buying 6 pairs of shoes made me hoot with laughter. How will you remember which one is for which purpose ..... it could go horribly wrong
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03-04-2014, 12:57 PM
We have River Island here,will be tracking down those shoes Although I could sell them,always end up buying new one's anyway
H&M is cool,I like it B&M is brill but reckon you can shop on line if there's something you really fancy
We are going to Belfast on Sunday to look for our dresses for nieces wedding( beginning of May)Were meant to stay over but there is something on and the hotels are charging treble!! not having that Looking forward to shopping there,Will have dinner too Make a day of it,OH isn't back till Monday
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03-04-2014, 01:03 PM
JENNY,don't struggle Little bit of what you fancy every now and again won't hurt.Buy a skipping rope If you have a biscuit,skip it off!!
Thing about Berocca is,I'm a bit hyper anyway,so I think it just makes me supercharged!! Hubby gets a bit scared,especially at night time
In saying that,my mum takes them and she's a normal person and they Definiately work for her
Will take another one at tea-time,cause I'm spinning tonight.. It's great,can't feel a thing!
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03-04-2014, 01:08 PM
Afternoon everyone.
Lorraine I hope you enjoy next week and it perks you up.
Now Helena 6 pairs of shoes 2 pairs of sandals a new jacket and necklace have you robbed a bank.
Jenny glad you enjoyed the walk and coffee apart from out of control dogs and au pairs.

Well the road to Lidl today was nice and clear so popped in there to get some bits then across to PAH to see what they might have for Dillon but couldn't see anything that I felt like feeding to him, then stopped at a couple of nursery horse and dog feed places same again. I have never owned such a fussy dog. `He has plenty of energy although today he is not quite so full of himself but that would of been yesterdays extra long walk. Hopefully the fish4dogs samples will be here soon not that they will last long but at least I will know if he will eat it or not. Knowing him he will be all over it then lose interest in a couple of weeks.
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03-04-2014, 01:39 PM
Okay, so I have got as far as getting up and making Brian breakfast and myself a cup of coffee. That's about as far as it goes.

I do have to go up the street for food in a while, then going to iron the kit and do my boots.

Looking forward to next week, I have no clue what I'm going to be doing. Won't find out till I get there, I'm there on Saturday afternoon and leaving on Friday evening so I can go to a tree planting ceremony in Evanton on the Saturday morning, it's for WW1 so it's important that we go to these things. So going to that as well.
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03-04-2014, 01:43 PM
I got those fish4dogs samples LYNN,was so excited when the parcel arrived Went through all the little bags,thinking WOW This is great!! Decided which one she'd start with and handed it to her...OMG,if looks could kill She looked at me like I'd two heads and came from another planet!
Nah,wasn't having any of that,spoilt brat!!
Left it in with next door,also a Shih tzu,male,has a bit of manners
apparently he went through the lot and loved it!
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