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19-08-2007, 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by Patch View Post
The laws pertain to breeder licensing and to animal welfare so although there is`nt a specific puppy farm terminology in law as its a more generic term than that, puppy farmers can be prosecuted under one of those two main legal routes.
Hi Patch, ok so would I be correct in saying, IF you breed one litter in ten years, your rear this litter badly, in dirty over crowded cage, then sell to a person who deals dogs, should you be caught you would be prosecuted under the law, the problem being breeder licensing, {well in my area anyway} only applies to people who breed more than four litters a year I know its all wrong, but that is how its done here, so the breeder licensing would not be of use, but you would still be charged under the animal welfare law? So a puppy farmer could be someone who has one litter in a life time, or 40 per year,,,, just as we seem to be on the subject of the old tar with one brush,,,surely the two are very diff,
the first being a one off really the second being a way of life for someone,

we have also came under fire on this thread with statements like all breeding should be stopped,,,FGS, are we really going to bow to this, I THINK NOT, if its not a wind up,,,,wtf is it,

As to the peta thing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,well,

I honestly think there are far better animal charitys to give money to,

some who even manage to stay within the law, eg,,,,no terrorisim charges,,

,I feel most who are very active in these groups,,,Im not saying the new member of the forum is,,,we dont know enough about her yet, but on the whole they are all just plain loopy,

I take my leave from this now,,,,before I do say something I regret,,,,tis in the post first class,
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19-08-2007, 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by dougiepit View Post
Hi Patch, ok so would I be correct in saying, IF you breed one litter in ten years, your rear this litter badly, in dirty over crowded cage, then sell to a person who deals dogs, should you be caught you would be prosecuted under the law, the problem being breeder licensing, {well in my area anyway} only applies to people who breed more than four litters a year I know its all wrong, but that is how its done here, so the breeder licensing would not be of use, but you would still be charged under the animal welfare law?
The example you give would come under welfare laws, yes, licensing is a different thing which is run by local councils, [ the giving and rescinding of licenses ], so breaching a license would be through the relevant laws though would possibly carry welfare issues as well which could be prosecuted for

So a puppy farmer could be someone who has one litter in a life time, or 40 per year,,,, just as we seem to be on the subject of the old tar with one brush,,,surely the two are very diff,
the first being a one off really the second being a way of life for someone,
Technically yes, the two are different, [ in the eyes of the relevant laws ].
To the general dog loving public, one would be a puppy farmer, the other [ if breeding in the manner you use for your example ], would be regarded as a byb - but both as bad as each other.
I don`t see a problem with tarring those with the same brush in as much as they should be avoided like the plague that they are [ bearing in mind you are giving hypothetical examples ! ].

The breeders who do all the health checks, are genuinely breeding to better their breed, who do everything the right way iow, should not consider themselves to be included in any scathing comments said by anyone when bad breeders are talked about when they know they, [ the ethical breeders ], are not the low life type who create misery.

If you think of it another way, say someone claims that there are a lot of agility instructors who teach the use of harsh methods - I would not be personally affronted because I know it would not be referring to me as I don`t use harsh methods and I would boot out any handler doing so at my club.

I can understand ethical breeders feeling they are also under fire when byb`s and puppy farmers are talked about in derogatory terms but there really is no need for them to feel that way when they know their standards set them apart from the bad types.

we have also came under fire on this thread with statements like all breeding should be stopped,,,FGS, are we really going to bow to this, I THINK NOT, if its not a wind up,,,,wtf is it,
The conversation may have started that way but out of passion on behalf of dogs needlessly being killed

The discussion has moved on since then with explanations of why no breeding at all would be flawed because dogs would become extinct if no one bred, or there would only be non-health tested dogs in terrible conditions from the slime brigade who would carry on regardless whether the ethical breeders stopped or not.

So no, it was`nt from a wind up - misguided thinking, yes, but the discussions / explanations have got that line of thought into perspective now, [ I think so anyway ? ].

While the theory may have been wrong, no one can fault the heartfelt passion for the welfare of the dogs which can`t get homes because of the wrong sort churning them out - all of us here are side by side on that I`m sure :smt001

As to the peta thing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,well,

I honestly think there are far better animal charitys to give money to,

some who even manage to stay within the law, eg,,,,no terrorisim charges,,

,I feel most who are very active in these groups,,,Im not saying the new member of the forum is,,,we dont know enough about her yet, but on the whole they are all just plain loopy,
Good and bad in all things don`t forget...
Perhaps I can put another perspective for you to consider - imagine PETA members [ or whatever organisation portrayed badly in the press ], were dogs - lets say they were all Rotties - and you saw some sensationalised story in the press for an attack of some sort, saying they were all devil dogs - would you believe that press was true of every one of the breed, and would you even believe what was printed at all knowing the media will blow anything out of all proportion and usually without much in the way of facts for the sake of issue sales ?
Just something for you to ponder

I take my leave from this now,,,,before I do say something I regret,,,,tis in the post first class,

Nah, you won`t say something you would regret
I know you well enough Shona
If you read this I know you will be calmer and I know you will see the points in a balanced way - I believe you might even re-consider if the posts you are annoyed about were meant in a bad way as you might think on first reading them or simply the desperation of someone caring deeply, and the sheer frustration of knowing there is so much improvement needed but feeling powerless to instigate it, something we all do share feelings about and are better united on to keep plugging away at educating wherever we can and to help each other toward the right ways of going about achieving it :smt001

And if that does`nt earn me some Shona raspberry awards I don`t know what will
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19-08-2007, 07:44 AM
Originally Posted by tinkladyv View Post
I would like you to consider not breeding any puppies at all, so many healthy dogs are put down each year because of peoples so called need for cute puppies. I feel you are only adding to the problem and hope that you will look into this further.
Originally Posted by tinkladyv View Post
Because by breeding this litter, you have added yet more dogs to be homed, there are simply not enough homes for all the dogs out there. If we stopped breeding and just got rescues, then healthy dogs would not have to be destroyed.
Please take the time to look at world statistics on dog destroying, im sure many were once puppies from breeders!
Originally Posted by tinkladyv View Post
There are plenty off pedigrees at rescues, i know of many collies and labradors needing homes right now in rescue and i have only ever had rescues - two ex breeding bitches and a blind and deaf collie from a so called reputable breeder(who advertises herself as such), who continues to breed from two solid merles!
How about we all get over having a purebread and get a cross breed, after all arent they all as deserving and loveable as pedigrees????
Surely if we all had to go through rescues, we could be sure of good homes, no dogs would have to be desroyed and then if there was a need to breed, it could be controlled, so that no dog had to be put down simply because a person was bored of it or couldnt be bothered anymore.
I am not saying you are not checking homes etc, but why dont you rescue instead of breed, if its not about the money???
Originally Posted by tinkladyv View Post
But again to add, pedigrees can be got from rescues!

And if everyone stopped breeding, people would have to go through rescues if they really wanted a dog.
I think from my own experience going to a breeder is an easy option, i have heard people say so, so many times!
Originally Posted by tinkladyv View Post
I think you are nieave to think that this is not your problem too, how do you know that you are not selling to someone who has not looked into the breed?

Why not rescue your favoured breed and not breed that way, you could still supply your waiting list, but without adding more dogs to the population!
Originally Posted by tinkladyv View Post
As i said earlier, my dog was from a so called resposible breeder (she was not though) how do you distinguish????
Originally Posted by tinkladyv View Post
I am not nieve and i have thought through, my idea is not a new one and supported by many animal welfare organisations.
Again i never said breeding should stop altogether, but that all the healthy dogs already around should be homed first!
There are many pedigree gun dogs, sheep dogs in rescue and lots of puppies too, for farmers and shooters etc. Unfortunatly many many rescue collies come from farmers and they are the lucky ones, most are shot if they dont make the grade.
But they could be bread for work as blind dogs are etc and then would be monitored and these terrible things wouldnt happen.
Again a common misconception, it is fairly easy for staff at rescues to get to know dogs and decide on their temprement, they are very good at this.
Mixed breeds make excellent dogs!!!!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by tinkladyv View Post
I agree, but please look into breed rescue, there you can get a pup and you can then show it too.
Originally Posted by tinkladyv View Post
To answer your questions:
My son is 7 months old and actively involved with my dogs yes (just as i was as a child) he walks them with me in his all terraine buggy every morning and afternoon and with his daddy most evenings. He helps with feeding them and grooming and loving them...he loves our dogs as much as we do.
I only train to four commands as that is all i need for my dogs, not because i cant..I dont want peforming dogs. Thank you.
Originally Posted by tinkladyv View Post
I can only voice what i felt and that was not welcomed, although like i said before that hasnt been the case with everyone.
I hope that the future here is a lot freindlier and i shall do my best to return that .
Originally Posted by tinkladyv View Post
I dont get your point, i still am saying the same. In my opinion you shouldnt breed, a couple of years i think would be good, then it wouldnt effect your lines but it would decrease the numbers in rescue .
tinklady firstly, you say you did not get a good welcome, did you post in introduction as most other people do? No you did not, instead you stormed in to someone else's thread with your attitude of 'I have rescue dogs and therefore you should all have rescue dogs too and there should be no choice in the matter and everyone should stop breeding for at least 2 years.' We are knowledgeable adults here capable of deciding whether we want a rescue dog or not , we don't need telling we should have no choice. I have quoted a sample of your posts above, please take a moment to read through them and maybe you will see how your attitude come across to others

I have had the same breed for 43 years and knew well one of the' Godmothers' of the breed and many who helped establish it in this country before the war. I love my breed above all others, will always have a dog of this breed as long as I am able and will probably be buried with one at me feet!
I refuse to have people dictating to me what dog I can and can't have. My present puppy goes back to breeding lines I have known for 40 years. Very few of my breed end up in rescue, those that do are usually ex breeding bitches from puppy farms, if you contact our breed rescue you will find it is almost impossible to get a dog and never a puppy.

What you are suggesting is that people take on rescue dogs of types that they may not be suited to (or they don't have a dog at all), a recipe for disaster because the poor dogs could end up going to people who don't really want that type of dog but have no choice, they may not be able to cope with any behavioural problems that arise and the poor dogs end up back in rescues or bites through lack of understanding /fear and get PTS. We have had a number of people on here who have taken on rescue dogs with problems that only became effident after a number of days, the people were unprepared for the problems and had no other choice but to return the dogs to rescue.

There are some excellent breeders on Dogsey who go to great lengths to keep contact with the puppies they have bred and to ensure they are well cared for and to take them back if they aren't, I know this for a fact, I have spoken to them when they had problems with people who bought a puppy and they were were endeavouring to get a puppy back . These breeders provide people with happy healthy dogs of a breed that suites their circumstances and those owners get years of happiness from having these dogs . I don't think anyone has the right to presume to tell these caring breeders when they can and can't breed the occasional litter.

You say your 7 month old son helps to feed and groom rescue dogs, you also say you only teach your rescue dogs 4 commands because you don't want performing dogs. I am sorry to say if I was a rescue center home checking and you told me this, these two points alone would ring alarm bells for me. Small children are unpridictable and make sudden movements and sounds that can scare a dog and make it react through fear, the greatest care should be taken to protect dogs from babies and babies from dogs and I am not sure you are doing this. Training dogs is not about performing it is about stimulating their minds to prevent boredom...

I am sorry there are so many dogs in rescue, most of them are the product of people who are unable to care for a dog correctly or accidental mating not good breeders.
tinklady, if you wish to have rescue dogs that is your choice, I don't think you have a right to come on here dictating to others what in your opinion they can and can't do. I would say your attitude actually puts people off getting a rescue dogs!
I should just add I don't condone irresponsible breeding by bad breeders and people who have no consideration for our lovely breeds .
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19-08-2007, 11:13 AM
Great Post Mini and thank you for saying everything I wanted to and saying it so much more eloquently than I ever could.

I posted in thiis thread way back at the beginning but when I read later posts of TinkLady v , especially the one about her 7 month old baby caring for her rescue dog, I just could not find the right words to post a diplomatic reply ,Eepecially since TLv is a new member and I didn't want to seem unwelcoming. So thanks Mini you have done it and in a nice way.
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19-08-2007, 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by dougiepit View Post
I have yet to find a group such as this that are truely what they would have people believe, I take it by saying you are sorry to hear about this, you had no idea this type of thing went on? if thats the case, poss you should do some more research into an organisation that you are promoting, I wouldnt think they would advertise this sort of thing, but they have terrorism charges and all sorts the list is endless, so sorry I dont like this sort of group, to me the best way to gain support is to educate not dictate
For a start i was never promoting them, thank you and i am aware that there are extremists, exactly like there are in breeding iguppy farms, doesnt mean that good does not come from them, they have had a lot of peacefull success. I would never condone violence and yes i am aware of terroism charges.
Thank you.
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19-08-2007, 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by lovezois View Post
Great Post Mini and thank you for saying everything I wanted to and saying it so much more eloquently than I ever could.

I posted in thiis thread way back at the beginning but when I read later posts of TinkLady v , especially the one about her 7 month old baby caring for her rescue dog, I just could not find the right words to post a diplomatic reply ,Eepecially since TLv is a new member and I didn't want to seem unwelcoming. So thanks Mini you have done it and in a nice way.
Why is my son caring for my dogs so difficult to grasp?????
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19-08-2007, 11:32 AM
because he is 7 months old, he doesn't even understand the concept of the toilet yet how on earth can he be actively involved with caring for an animal.
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19-08-2007, 11:33 AM
What a brilliant thread! (apart from a few) i am REALLY enjoying hearing peoples views on this.
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19-08-2007, 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Mahooli View Post
because he is 7 months old, he doesn't even understand the concept of the toilet yet how on earth can he be actively involved with caring for an animal.
Please re read my previous post, i explained it there.
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19-08-2007, 12:09 PM
Tinklady v
Please re read my previous post, i explained
it there.

Why is my son caring for my dogs so difficult to grasp
I have read it and find it difficult to grasp because having had a child of my own I know for a fact that a 7 month old is not capable of caring for itself never mind for a dog.
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