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View Poll Results: Is CM improving as a TV trainer & offering more apt advice
Yes 45 52.33%
No 41 47.67%
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31-05-2009, 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by ClaireandDaisy View Post
OK so this is the opinion of a vet behaviourist...

From Andrew Luescher, DVM, Veterinary Behaviorist
Animal Behavior Clinic
Purdue University

I reviewed the four preview-videotapes kindly submitted to me by National Geographic. I very much appreciate having gotten the opportunity to see these tapes before the program goes on the air. I will be happy to review any programs that deal with domestic animal behavior and training. I believe this is a responsibility of our profession.I have been involved in continuing education for dog trainers for over 10 years... I must tell you that Millan’s techniques are outdated and unacceptable not only to the veterinary community, but also to dog trainers.
The show repeatedly cautions the viewers not to attempt these techniques at home. What then is the purpose of this show? I think we have to be realistic: people will try these techniques at home, much to the detriment of their pets.

Millan’s techniques are almost exclusively based on two techniques: Flooding and positive punishment. In flooding, an animal is exposed to a fear (or aggression) evoking stimulus and prevented from leaving the situation, until it stops reacting. Flooding has therefore always been considered a risky and cruel method of treatment.

Positive punishment refers to applying an aversive stimulus or correction as a consequence of a behavior. There are many concerns about punishment aside from its unpleasantness. Punishment is entirely inappropriate for most types of aggression and for any behavior that involves anxiety. Punishment can suppress most behavior but does not resolve the underlying problem, i.e., the fear or anxiety. Even in cases where correctly applied punishment might be considered appropriate, many conditions have to be met that most dog owners can’t meet: The punishment has to be applied every time the behavior is displayed, within ½ second of the behavior, and at the correct intensity.

Most of the theoretical explanations that Millan gives regarding causes of the behavior problems are wrong. Not one of these dogs had any issue with dominance. Not one of these dogs wanted to control their owners. What he was right about was that calmness and consistency are extremely important, but they don’t make the presented methods appropriate or justifiable.

The last episode (compulsive disorder) is particularly unsettling because compulsive disorder is related to an imbalance in neurotransmitter levels or receptors, and is therefore unequivocally a medical condition. Would it be appropriate to treat obsessive compulsive disorder in people with punishment? Or have a layperson go around treating such patients?

My colleagues and I and innumerable leaders in the dog training community have worked now for decades to eliminate such cruel, ineffective (in terms of true cure) and inappropriate techniques.
I mentioned the Jindo that was given away. According to the Ultimate Episode Guide closer look reveals 25-35 dogs that are reported as still aggressive or still having problems. This is because he doesn't really offer solutions to modify behavior but rather manage it. The cases which seem to be successful were the ones where there was no underlying cause and the behavior was simply a result of the owners rewarding it. Those dealing with fear, lack of socialization could not be addressed through his methods. Hoewever these instances can be addressed by rewarding alternative behaviors and stop rewarding the unwanted behaviors.

Andrew Luescher said it and the updates prove it, Millan's methods are ineffective.
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31-05-2009, 11:57 AM
To be fair though, if people say they are a fan of CM or use his methods, or his methods have worked for them {Im not saying you have said this CC} I have skipped in and out of this thread a bit,

but if you had, people will question which method you used, if you know what I mean?

some of his methods would be leathal to a little Chi ...just playing devils advocate,

I think in threads like this, its better if people say exactly what they find useful about his methods, how they implemented them and the results they got with them,

or much could be left to interpratation, with is leathal on the net.
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31-05-2009, 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by CheekyChihuahua View Post
Are you now suggesting that I am violent towards my dogs?
You wouldn't see it that way because you've been desensitized to violence.
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31-05-2009, 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Shona View Post
as I have said before, Im not totaly against him, he has his place,

the diff between you and gnasher though is.............

you are not so single minded, you dont see his way as the only way, you will look at all methods and see they have a place.
That's true Shona - I have an integrated and eclectic approach

What I learned from CM is to be calm around dogs. That's the most important thing I learned from him and I think it's the only part of his method I use. I first watched the dog whisperer programme before I started reading other stuff about dog behaviour and different methods.

So yeah, while I don't like some of the methods he uses and the 'diagnoses' he makes, I do like some of his approach towards dogs.

Can anyone tell me the result of the poll? I haven't voted so can't see
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31-05-2009, 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by Shona View Post
To be fair though, if people say they are a fan of CM or use his methods, or his methods have worked for them {Im not saying you have said this CC} I have skipped in and out of this thread a bit,

but if you had, people will question which method you used, if you know what I mean?

some of his methods would be leathal to a little Chi ...just playing devils advocate,

I think in threads like this, its better if people say exactly what they find useful about his methods, how they implemented them and the results they got with them,

or much could be left to interpratation, with is leathal on the net.
I have said before Shona that I have used the "finger jab" with my Chis, when talking to them has not worked. This is not something that is done to "hurt" or be "violent" to the dog, it is to gain their attention.

My dogs have been trained with CM's ideas in mind from the day they came into my home and the fact that they are all great little dogs must say something. I would never hurt, harm, frighten or intimidate any dog and the inference by Promethean that I do says alot about Promethean!!!!!!

I've had a few things said on this site about me that were untrue (as in I'm apparently an unethical breeder and other such poop........... ) but to infer that I am violent towards my beloved dogs, is a step too far
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31-05-2009, 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by Sarah27 View Post
That's true Shona - I have an integrated and eclectic approach

What I learned from CM is to be calm around dogs. That's the most important thing I learned from him and I think it's the only part of his method I use. I first watched the dog whisperer programme before I started reading other stuff about dog behaviour and different methods.

So yeah, while I don't like some of the methods he uses and the 'diagnoses' he makes, I do like some of his approach towards dogs.

Can anyone tell me the result of the poll? I haven't voted so can't see
its sitting at 50/50
26 yes and 26 no,

though I voted so I could see it, and to be fair I voted no {which as I dont really watch him is a bit unfair}

but it may just be they are showing the nicer side due to complaints?
or fair play he may have improved.
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31-05-2009, 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by CheekyChihuahua View Post
I have said before Shona that I have used the "finger jab" with my Chis, when talking to them has not worked. This is not something that is done to "hurt" or be "violent" to the dog, it is to gain their attention.

My dogs have been trained with CM's ideas in mind from the day they came into my home and the fact that they are all great little dogs must say something. I would never hurt, harm, frighten or intimidate any dog and the inference by Promethean that I do says alot about Promethean!!!!!!

I've had a few things said on this site about me that were untrue (as in I'm apparently an unethical breeder and other such poop........... ) but to infer that I am violent towards my beloved dogs, is a step too far
thank you for your honesty, sorry to ask questions you have already answered as said before, I tend to dive in and out of these threads, so I do miss things.

its good you cleared that up, but it could have been read that you string up the poor wee chi's if you had not cleared it up......its always good to say exactly what you believe in when it comes to this sort of topic.
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31-05-2009, 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Sarah27 View Post
That's true Shona - I have an integrated and eclectic approach

What I learned from CM is to be calm around dogs. That's the most important thing I learned from him and I think it's the only part of his method I use. I first watched the dog whisperer programme before I started reading other stuff about dog behaviour and different methods.

So yeah, while I don't like some of the methods he uses and the 'diagnoses' he makes, I do like some of his approach towards dogs.

Can anyone tell me the result of the poll? I haven't voted so can't see
ah, Im a big fan of calm as well, {as you well know}
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31-05-2009, 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Shona View Post
thank you for your honesty, sorry to ask questions you have already answered as said before, I tend to dive in and out of these threads, so I do miss things.

its good you cleared that up, but it could have been read that you string up the poor wee chi's if you had not cleared it up......its always good to say exactly what you believe in when it comes to this sort of topic.
I get your point Shona but tbh I tend to think that as I've been participating on Dogsey for about 7/8 months now, I assumed that people don't see me as some kind of dog beater! Regardless of what Promethean is trying to say here.

CM doesn't alpha roll every dog that he visits. He uses the more invasive methods where the dog has lacked training and therefore needs more than a biscuit for a reward!

I just get sick of the Dogsey attitude that anyone who believes CM is a good trainer, beats their dogs in the secrecy of their own home (not saying that to you Shona, just generally )

I think it goes without saying that anyone who participates on a site like Dogsey, is a true animal lover. Therefore, why would any of us intentionally hurt our dogs, in the name of training or anything else
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31-05-2009, 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by CheekyChihuahua View Post
I get your point Shona but tbh I tend to think that as I've been participating on Dogsey for about 7/8 months now, I assumed that people don't see me as some kind of dog beater! Regardless of what Promethean is trying to say here

I think we need to keep in mind new people join every day, they poss will not go through older threads, so base an opinion on what they see depending on what threads they find intresting,

I have been here such a long time now, I tend not to get deeply into these threads, the reason being I have said it all before, it becomes very repetative for me,
but I do join in where I think I can add opinion or broaden someones view into other areas,

as a trainer, I took a pick n mix approach to dog training when I started, I took a bit of this from one trainer and a pinch of that, then molded it into what I needed,
I constantly chop and change to suit the large number of dogs I see,
hence I dont advocate any one trainer, nor do I dismiss them,
quite often as well, non dog trainers will come up with that little jem of training, so I steal that to
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