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Call for ban on electric shock collars

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Dogsey Junior
Joined: Jul 2014
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28-01-2015, 01:21 AM
For convenience sake I will use the term Indian.
I'm not Indian. I a not a citizen of US or of Canada.
My grandparents were raised by Indians that originated from places called kitci waskahikun along the shores of what some people call James Bay, and nipiwin sipi a tributary of what soe people call The Red River. They learned the old ways and the language. These were the ones to raise me. Even on my English side one of the matriarchs was Indian.
I needed to learn the new ways because my grandfather told me "The old ways are of no use anymore in this new life coming.".
I made a decision to make my way to the new world only to find it was a really messed-up place. So now I am a "backslider" of sorts, throwing the new world back into it's hole of self destruction.
I utilize the old ways for my advantage fitting it into a place of the new world but not going there myself... ..well, except to avail of the easier tools it offers.
I still have a hard time with ?philosophies".
Actually, I don't feel too very comfortable posting highly personal info so I'm going to stop. There are far too many soul vampires out there just waitng for someone to prey upon.
I did'nt get your email, it was deleted. Although I would like to I really don't know how to PM you.
I'm open to sugesstions.
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Dogsey Junior
Joined: Jul 2014
Posts: 245
28-01-2015, 01:56 AM
You really don't want to know what "government departments" have done to one level or another and continue doing today. If I told you what I have witnessed with my own eyes, much less what I was told happened to my G-parents, and friends of mine you would be absolutely horrified and come to doubt practically any "government approved" propaganda.

Am I correct in assuming you were'nt raised in and are not now residing in a natural setting? When I say natural setting, I mean an intact self sustaining ecosystem with it's endemic species of flora and fauna.
... no, I'm not being sarcastic.

A wise man once said,"The adherance to the medias by people is the envy of many a dictator."
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Dogsey Junior
Joined: Jul 2014
Posts: 245
28-01-2015, 02:05 AM
I have said on many occasions, there are very few if any humans that can comprehend the respect that I feel for my dogs.
Respect is recognizing the truth. Truth is my dogs are specificaly that...dogs. It is a horrible disrepect for me to make them an extension of me. Disrepect to me yes, but even more of a disrespect to them.
I have 16. they all ahve their own way of being, but NOT personalities. They are not persons.

Who am I to impose my rules on you, your loved ones, and the entire home?
"you" in the preceeding snippet is simply filling in and not directed at anyone in particular.
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Dogsey Veteran
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28-01-2015, 02:15 AM
Our natives are not from India and really should not be called that. I mean many of them came to accept the label, but still. Indians live in or originate from India. The Alaskan and other native tribes are just that, natives. It's hardly right to even call them native Americans, so I don't. Calling them Indians for "convenience" purposes doesn't seem right. I mean I'm not one of them, but meh. As for the pm, it's impossible to do so unless you're a supporter. Perhaps starting a thread in the ask admin section may grant you the privilege to share this information.

Funny that the mods did not approve it, for they have let my information sit there even after changing mods, thus exposing it to people I don't trust. Luckily for me, I am not one to care overmuch about revealing personal information.
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Dogsey Veteran
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28-01-2015, 08:42 AM
Sheesh! Lots of food for thought here! First of all I must get off my chest the lack of respect I have for our defra. So the fact that they do not approve of e collars fills my heart with joy because had they approved of them I would have had to reconsider my whole raisin d'ętre which is something my poor old brain cannot take at this hour of the morning before I've had my caffeine fix!

Myra, I love ya babe! I love your style ... You remind me of me! We don't always agree certainly, but nonetheless we are open-minded people always willing to say we are wrong, but will fight passionately for what we believe is right for our dogs ... The animals that WE know best because we live with them, love, cry and laugh with them ... Even sleep with them! My Ben is lying on my bed as I type.
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Dogsey Veteran
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28-01-2015, 08:59 AM
Musher ... I'm sorry if I was too personal ... I cannot understand why the mods have refused to allow you to see my email address. So be it, but I apologise if I have caused you distress.

I am fascinated though by what you have written ... I guessed right pretty much as to your background ... Am I right in thinking that the Cree are divided into is it mountain Cree, and Forest Cree etc? I don't think that's quite right, but am I right in thinking that the Kichi are a branch as it were of Cree, taking their name from where they settled, ie James Bay?

How wise your grandparents were to encourage you in the learning of the old ways ... When civilisation falls apart as it surely will, it is people like yourself who will be able to carry on living as you live now. I am so envious of you Musher me old mate ... I will subscribe to Dogsey and then maybe I will be able to get my email address through to you.
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Dogsey Veteran
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28-01-2015, 09:10 AM
DEFRA are not pro-collar - far from it.

They commissioned the study following immense pressure from dog organisations (RSPCA, Dogs Trust, KC among others), trainers and owners who have for years campaigned for a ban.

You note that despite the independent study (emphasis on independent) that the ban still has not come despite the evidence.

I've seen a lot of talk of 'respect' for our companions. I wonder how much trust was shown by those who invented tools designed to give the pain to make them do what our respectful selves want them to do.
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Dogsey Veteran
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28-01-2015, 09:16 AM
Musher: your words about your dogs are EXACTLY how I feel about my boys ... Which is why I feel so sick inside when accused of being cruel to my dog, and worst of all, not being able to read him.

How can people say that when they have never met me, met Ben, or his father Hal who was My One ... An amazing creature, we could read each other like books. Would I have used an e-collar on Hal? You betcha ... We have neighbours across the field who have free range chickens and they would regularly escape out of their garden into the field and hide in the long grass under the hedge. We would walk passed with Hal off the lead, no idea the chickens were there. He did though ... But would totally ignore them ... Until one stupid bird would panic and there would be chicken and wolf everywhere! Oops, very embarrassing ... One dead chicken, one grinning and very pleased with himself wolf, one very understanding neighbour and one very embarrassed owner! Over the years I'm ashamed to say that Hal took several more as the chickens got bolder and strayed to all parts of the hedgerow and we never knew where they were! Had we had the e collar then, one session with an obliging chicken would have stopped him viewing chickens as food for ever ... And the chicken would have lived to tell the tale.

Speaking wolf ... "Telling" the dog in the language he can understand that you do not want him ever again to chase chickens ... Simple, very effective and humane.
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Dogsey Veteran
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28-01-2015, 09:20 AM
Myra ... I've been a member of Dogsey for a very long time and I cannot understand why the Mods haven't allowed my Direct Thread. I don't like to think paranoid thoughts, but I hope it is not because they disapprove of my use of an e collar and they think they can get back at me in such a childish and petty way! That would be extremely undemocratic. An explanation would at least have been nice, but I have heard nothing.
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Dogsey Veteran
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28-01-2015, 09:26 AM
Gnasher, I have made too many mistakes regarding dogs, and I even let my environment control how I felt about dogs. All of it was wrong, and all of it was my fault for being weak. I'm on the right path now.

My Nigredo is a beautifully behaved dog, he's really a joy to own. And though his natural temperament is great, a lot of the praise I get every single time we go somewhere belongs to me.

I can't ever fully repair my failings with Jade, I admit that. I failed to protect her, I failed to love her, but I will never fail again. And that is something I can take solace in.

Even she is wonderfully content now, and I handle our issues with grace and it works great for her. She is not my shadow like Nigredo and I can't take her places, but I can give her what she enjoys which is love, affection, and a true place to call home.

I say this Gnasher because I want you to know that I understand you and I know how it feels. You did the right thing, even though the dog was failed by humans time and time again. It's hard to see a dog that has been damaged by humans, and it's even harder when the task of helping said dog is so daunting, but as we see said dog responding, boy does it get easier.

I saw it with my Jade, and you saw it with your Ben. I opened my eyes before it was too late. Not a soul in the world would get to tell me I fouled it up because I can see the light in her eyes, the affection she once reserved only for one other person, and I can see happiness. Snuggly happiness.

Now, tell me... in the end, isn't that the most important thing? My word, I certainly think it is.
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