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01-12-2009, 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by Loki's mum View Post
Excellent Mo. Hope they recieve more like this than the anti dog ones they will no doubt also be recieving.
Be interesting Mo , to see if you got a standard reply like I did.

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01-12-2009, 12:16 PM
Yeah got that one too lol.

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01-12-2009, 12:23 PM
I didn't watch it,had to go out but even so had no intention to watch it anyway.

Lets give out lots of inaccurate information,whip up more hysteria,make the public even more frightened than they already are.

Surely programmes of this nature should have a responsilbilty to give out the correct info!

Makes my blood boil
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01-12-2009, 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by mo View Post
and this is what I sent.

Dear Sir Madam,

I am totally dismayed to find that information broadcast this morning was incorrect, staffordshire bull terriers jaws do NOT lock what on earth is your expert talking about I have never heard anything so ridiculous, breeding two staffordshire bull terriers will ONLY produce staffordshire bull terriers. and for someone to say, if they have children and these types of dogs should get rid of them is scaremongery at its worst, thousands of perfectly well bred, well trained, loving family dogs are now in threat of being put to sleep or dumpted into the already over crowded rescue centers because of this type of propaganda. the problem is the people that get these dogs as status symbols, have no clue on how to train. other than to goad them into an agressive state to show how "hard" they are, not the thousands of Bull breed enthusiast that take the time to put effort into producing balanced loving family dogs. we have gone a long way from being a dog loving society to becoming frighten, over reacting nation, one dog incident does NOT constitute a dangerouse breed, yes I agree there have been other incidences, but if you look at all these incidences you will find a basic common demominator in them all the people that own them. rather than trying to punish a whole breed, you should have taken a more pro active approach, by advising about correct training, of the dogs, buying from reputable breeders where temperment is paramount, promoting education in dog ownership, tighter control on puppy farmers that produce thousands of bad temperment ill health dogs being sold on the internet, age control of taking dogs out into the public, age restriction on owning a dog, possibly a licensing system, where owners need to pass a proficiency test to prove they are capable of owning a dog and caring for it. IMO the dog is also a victim here, My heart goes out to the family of the child attacked,

Yours sincerely.

M Boyd.(not a staffordshire bull dog owner just a concerned dog lover)
Great email Mo.

I just watched it myself, cant believe the rubbish that came out of the 'experts' mouth!!!
Did they just drag him off the street or what????
How on earth is 'joe public' suppoused to know the truth and real facts when you have an idiotic 'expert' on t.v spouting out fasle crap!
After all it was on t.v so it must be true!!!
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01-12-2009, 12:35 PM
I am annoyed already with Jeremy Vine and its only 1st caller, child left in garden of neighbour playing with a ball with a welsh collie there (which in the callers words is a Lassie type collie for those who don't know ) The collie attacked the caller who was 3 and remembers every detail vividly they are now 40??
I suppose at least the first call wasn't about a pitbull.
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01-12-2009, 12:45 PM
That 'lock jaw' thing really irrtates me. Think I might try and get in touch with the so-called 'expert' and ask him for evidence of the skeletal differences between staffies and other dogs which enable them to 'lock' their jaw. Sounds like another dumbass that believes everyhing that people trying to perpetuate the macho thing tell him. It's one thing being gullible enough to believe rubbish, it's another having the nerve to go on a national TV programme claiming to be an expert and relaying the rubbish under that guise. Poor staffies.
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01-12-2009, 01:02 PM
I feel like the poor staffy always gets dragged through the mud every time any attack happens.
There has been no mention that the dog involved was a staffy, but they seem to always take the flack.

I remember I think it was last year, when a poor child was killed my his nans two pub guards dogs.
And on the front page of the paper they had a pic of a staffy!!!!
And the two pub guard dogs were not staffs!
That is not on, totally out of order, unfair and misleading!
I feel the media should be giving real, good and helpful advise to try and prevent what has happened from happening again.
Not just spiting out false, untrue, rubbish that is not helpful to anyone.

My thoughts go out to the poor child who died and his family.
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01-12-2009, 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by fluffybunnyfeet View Post
This forum (and its a popular well known forum) is open to private viewing and some of the "not the dogs fault" comments do not help

When will people realise that after Pit bull ban, AB's are likely next and after that maybe the Staffy, where will it end? Will they ever learn.

I stand by my comment I would have clubbed the dog to death, because quite simply I don't have a gun.

If I did I would have shot it there and then, but if it was attacking and savaging me or someone then I would have killed it with whatever came to hand, I'd terminate it with a spoon, might take a while but hey, whatever, and as for assess the dog ... is your world really that insular?
Hang on this dog is gnawing my child face off, does it have behavioural issues? Obviously the owners fault, whoah, its just clamped its jaws on my throat, think I'd better hot foot it down to the vets and have it assesed and possibly have it PTS, Get real people, you would have killed it there and then if you could.

There is a problem with Bull breeds and one that needs to be addressed, believe me when I say this because it no amount of dodging the issue will alter the stats, and crossed bull breeds even worse We have a male collie/staff in the village, not big and lovely with people but lethal to my Full male Dobe because it has the attack gene firmly hard wired to its brain. Cue more whimpering and whinging.

Feel free to carry on with your middle of the road namby pamby liberal approach that sits on the fence and doesn't acheive anything.

Stand up and be counted, do something about it, don't just try and plug the gaps because the Bull breed ship is sinking fast, its only a matter of time, and unfortunately when the ship eventually does go down the resulting backwash will take a few other breeds with it, probably my Dobes as well even though statistically your more likely to get mauled by a Labrador.

Wheres the Ostrich head in the sand Gif/smily when you need it?

A young lad has died, very sad and tragic, I cannot even start to contemplate how it would be to die like this, horrific doesn't seem enough. How anyone can try and defend this dogs action (saying its humanising whats that about?)

The Dogs a dog, it killed, its what these and many dogs can do, granted it may have been in the wrong hands, but do you buy a Bengal Tiger and then sob because it ate your Granny?
your posts really shock me... they are ridiculous... im am too gobsmacked reading that, that i cant even pick out bits to reply to just now... i need to get over the shock first!!

Originally Posted by Benzmum View Post
Some of the comments in this thread sit very uncomfortably with me. Firstly it is my opinion that sadly there was no other outcome for the dog other than to be put to sleep as it had attacked and killed a child.

Now, let me then go on to say that in my opinion a dog never attacks without reason, wether that reason would be deemed acceptable in human eyes or not is another story but for that dog to attack and kill IT had a reason. Sadly we will never know the reason. This process is imo displayed by every breed pedigree cross or total heinz 57.

Yes it is wrong to make assumptions about a family we do not know, but it is equally wrong to make assumptions about a dog we do not know. The papers whip everything up in a frenzy and truths become lost in propagand twists.

Why was the child up at nidnight? Was the child ill or upset (could this have prompted a reaction from the dog),, I sthe dog normally caged around children but kid was in bed so running free? did the adults know the child was awake and up? Had the child teased the dog prior to this tragic event? Was the dog abused or taught to be aggresive? Was the dog ill and in pain? Did the child think it was a good idea to cuddle up next to the sleeping dog who awoke in fear?Did the child startle the dog with some noisy toy or similar? Where were the adults when the attack took place? Why did the police not investigate thoroughly complaints of aggresive dogs(if this is indeed correct info)

All of these questions and more need to be answered truthfully but sadly the general public will never know the answers and sadder still even if they did most would not see the connection between a dog attack and an upset child cuddling into an unsupervised sleeping dog.

It is tragic this child has lost his life. However although I do believe dogs have a mind of their own and their own will it is how humans shape them through training, through fear, through kindness or through neglect that make or break the dog. Yes some breeds do need a more experienced owner than others because of their sheer strength and tenacity to task (whatever that task may be) and I do not have an anaswer for the question how can that be controlled or policed. But to say a dog or anything for that matter should be clubbed to death irrespective of wether you have a gun or not is imo wrong, as I suspect there are very few of us who have access to a legally held firearm.

And Iwill add here that I know first hand what a dog attack is like as when I was in Primary six I was attacked by a collie I still bear the scars on my throat and cheek and lip. I remember the pain the fear and the screams. The dog was destroyed and one more statistic and no answer as to why it happened. Would I or my parents have clubbed that dog to death absolutely NOT. had I been 4 would that collie have killed me? I think quite possibly as it was a determined attack going for throat and face.

The dog not necessarily in this incident but sadly in many similar incidents is probably the result of a badly structured breeding programme to add fuel to the fire with looks more important than stability and little rgard if any for health problems going back in lines and aggression actively chosen - yes that is me making assumptions here about dogs and families I do not know but I am sure most of you can agree that this type of bredding goes on and an unpredictable dog (through no fault of its own) can be placed ina dangerous situation and then the dog is blamed for human c**k ups
excellent post, i totally agree with it all.

Originally Posted by Hevvur View Post
Philip Schofield - "So if you were to breed 2 viscious Staffordshire Bull Terriers would you end up with a pit bull?"

Prof Peter Neville (Animal Behaviour Expert) - "It's hard to say because you have to look at where the origins and agression comes from."

Surely the answer is "No. You'd end up with Staffordshire Bull Terrier puppies."
some 'expert' they have got there!

Originally Posted by Hevvur View Post
This 'Animal Behaviour Expert' has just said Staffys tend to lock their jaw when they attack
this is just getting worse and worse...

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
I think a few e.mails to the show are in order
good idea! i will off to write my email just now...
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01-12-2009, 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by Benzmum
Why was the child up at nidnight? Was the child ill or upset (could this have prompted a reaction from the dog),, I sthe dog normally caged around children but kid was in bed so running free? did the adults know the child was awake and up? Had the child teased the dog prior to this tragic event? Was the dog abused or taught to be aggresive? Was the dog ill and in pain? Did the child think it was a good idea to cuddle up next to the sleeping dog who awoke in fear?Did the child startle the dog with some noisy toy or similar? Where were the adults when the attack took place? Why did the police not investigate thoroughly complaints of aggresive dogs(if this is indeed correct info) UNQUOTE

I'm beginning to wonder if it's something in their make up, that it's the tiny tots they seem to attack. I'm also getting very worried as to WHY these things always happen when the child is in the grandmother's care (4 cases now I think?) or the child IS with the grandmother? It's quite strange when you think about it.

Anyway, what I wanted to say was when we visited the tigers at Tiger Island and were listening to one of the talks, all standing around in front of the leopard's enclosure, you actually saw this leopard, suddenly stop and stare at one of us, and it just happened to be a child of about 4 years old, and the keeper then said, they will ALWAYS hone in on the kids, their gaze will follow a child, stalking it in amongst the crowd, and she also said, if ever (God forbid!!) it managed to escape from the enclosure, it wouldn't bother with any of us adults, it would go straight for the child, so maybe, just maybe, it's a kind of prey instinct from years back going on here?

I don't know, it's all so very tragic and it always happens in these types of estates too, the only places, where a child would EVER be roaming about in a garden at bladdy 4.00 am. for Christ's sake, what's that all about then???!!!

Poor dog, once again in the wrong hands, but I would have shot it too if I'd had a gun, to h*ll with the "assessing" bit, to me a dog like that doesn't need any assessment, there are far too many nice ones out there desperately needing a good home! If it had been a gsd I would have said EXACTLY the same thing there and that's my most beloved breed, but a dog like that is unpredicable no matter where it ends up, so it has to go I'm afraid, it's a lethal weapon imo!

That's my twopennorth!
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01-12-2009, 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by fluffybunnyfeet View Post
I do genuinely feel sorry for you, and it amply
demonstrates why the bleeding heart liberal approach doesn't cut the mustard.

This forum (and its a popular well known forum) is open to private viewing and some of the "not the dogs fault" comments do not help.

When will people realise that after Pit bull ban, AB's are likely next and after that maybe the Staffy, where will it end? Will they ever learn.

I stand by my comment I would have clubbed the dog to death, because quite simply I don't have a gun.

If I did I would have shot it there and then, but if it was attacking and savaging me or someone then I would have killed it with whatever came to hand, I'd terminate it with a spoon, might take a while but hey, whatever, and as for assess the dog ... is your world really that insular?
Hang on this dog is gnawing my child face off, does it have behavioural issues? Obviously the owners fault, whoah, its just clamped its jaws on my throat, think I'd better hot foot it down to the vets and have it assesed and possibly have it PTS, Get real people, you would have killed it there and then if you could.

There is a problem with Bull breeds and one that needs to be addressed, believe me when I say this because it no amount of dodging the issue will alter the stats, and crossed bull breeds even worse We have a male collie/staff in the village, not big and lovely with people but lethal to my Full male Dobe because it has the attack gene firmly hard wired to its brain. Cue more whimpering and whinging.

Feel free to carry on with your middle of the road namby pamby liberal approach that sits on the fence and doesn't acheive anything.

Stand up and be counted, do something about it, don't just try and plug the gaps because the Bull breed ship is sinking fast, its only a matter of time, and unfortunately when the ship eventually does go down the resulting backwash will take a few other breeds with it, probably my Dobes as well even though statistically your more likely to get mauled by a Labrador.

Wheres the Ostrich head in the sand Gif/smily when you need it?

A young lad has died, very sad and tragic, I cannot even start to contemplate how it would be to die like this, horrific doesn't seem enough. How anyone can try and defend this dogs action (saying its humanising whats that about?)

The Dogs a dog, it killed, its what these and many dogs can do, granted it may have been in the wrong hands, but do you buy a Bengal Tiger and then sob because it ate your Granny?
I know alot of you are not going to like this but I do feel this needed to be said. It is shocking but sometimes it takes that much to wake us up. Many have no idea what is in the dogs pedigree and it can show it's ugly head at any time. Of course there are many factors that end up with an aggressive dog but putting your head in the sand about the dog itself is not going to solve anything. JMHO
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