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11-01-2010, 03:37 PM
Originally Posted by Ramble View Post
I was going to suggest she ask you for help....but then thought that was a bit cheeky of me!!!
lol thanks for the happy birthday another year closer to 40

I wouldnt have seen your post as cheeky lol, if we cant help each other on here, what a rotten lot we would be.
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11-01-2010, 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by lozzibear View Post

Thank you, I agree that pain was the main reason for what happened. it was so out of character, and he had never done that before and hasn’t since.

Think if you pick up a dog that is in pain it would yelp and then bite

I think he has forgiven me, coz he is totally normal and keeps coming up for cuddles which is how is always is lol. and I, of course, have forgiven him.

Dogs dont think like that, you need to start thinking like a dog and become the pack leader

You must go to a dog training class.
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11-01-2010, 04:28 PM
Only on quickly...soory to be brief.

LB if you are that convinced this was pain related...have you been to the vet since it happened???

Labradork you have misunderstood how I was using the word 'stress' I mean stress in this situation as heightened adrenalin levels/excitement...
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11-01-2010, 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by lozzibear View Post

When I give him his first command, usually I do say it firmly and normally he does do what he is told (unless im in a really happy mood lol). I don’t want to seem as a big horrible scary thing to him though, and I only use a sentence when he doesn’t listen to the first word. That probably isn’t the best thing to do, but normally he does what he is told (in the house) and I have always been told to only give the command once so what should I do if he ignores me?

this is a learning experience and i feel like im expected to just know everything.
You won't seem a big horrible scarey thing to him honest you won't, you will gain more of his respect. I specifically said you should not raise your voice or shout, but use your normal voice, but in a shorter, sharp command tone, just a normal voice, and hopefully, if he's been taught the word, he'll obey.

If Zena doesn't obey me first time around, I walk away, turn my back, and that's good enough to make her do what I wanted in the first place. OR, I find an alternative, I'll go off, call her in my silly, happy voice, she comes and we do something else, it's all forgotten..... then I work on why she didn't do what I asked!

At the moment, I'm having terrible trouble getting her back indoors when I let her out in the garden, coz of the snow , and my normal call is doing nothing sometimes, not all the time, she just sits down at the bottom staring at me! I've had to think on this one, I tried shutting her out there for 5 mins (no change!), I don't want her to know it's ok that she isn't listening, I don't want to go out there and drag her in coz that would turn into a game so I had to think one step ahead, I know how much she adores "daddy", so now I say "daddy's home" which brings her galloping in at a rate of knots, only to find daddy isn't home!!!! I feel awful having lied, but for me, whatever works, then I use it, and this one works everytime!

With old Georgie it's another matter, sometimes he just totally ignores me and gives me that look, just because he doesn't want to move, and he sometimes looks at me as if to say "just you dare try and move me", but seeing as how I know him inside and out (which you will one day with Jake!) I know I could pull him, push him, whatever, but I don't, he just gets his name said again in my very low, loud gruff voice, and he budges, job done! Lol! Eventually, yes, I'm sure they do understand strung out sentences, coz sometimes, when Georgie plonks himself down in the middle of the kitchen where I don't want him, I just say to him "no, come on Georgie, go and curl up in your corner please" and he just does it, he somehow KNOWS! LIke I said Lauren, it's all time, time with one dog, time with lots of dogs, you just get to think dog like Wys has said on so many occasions!!!
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11-01-2010, 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by lozzibear View Post
But I wasn’t annoyed or anything at the time, I wasn’t anything like that until he bit me. im usually very calm with jake, and will say things like ‘get off you big lump’ and laugh or something like that.
I may be wrong in which case i'd be pleased and of course, it's not so easy over the net, but I think somewhere somehow, Jake was worried and I would guess that is due to human interactions. One big thing important for all dogs is predictability - all the family must sing from the same hymn sheet
what if a person isn’t well and their heartrate increases? Can a dog confuse that with someone being negative towards them?
No, they'd read body language etc too. That old word again, "context"

Well I assume he knows, coz whenever he gets on their bed he is always told to get off it, and the same with the couch.
It would be interesting to see his body language..
we and sometimes if I walk in either my parents room or the living room, and he is lying on the bed or couch, I will laugh and say ‘jake, what are you doing up there?’ and he just looks at me like ‘damn I was caught’ and when told to get off, he does.
Does he look kind of sheepish? as if so that may indicate him being worried. I think we need a video!

My mum gets more annoyed at him going on the furniture than I do, so while I often laugh and am more calm, my mum just tells him ‘down’. she raises her voice, which could be seen as threatening, but she doesn’t physically do anything threatening, and she doesn’t approach him.
Again, hard to tell via the net but dogs can get worried by this and if they are confused a bit ... and then unwell too...they can get risen stress levels and lower tolerance...

[I don’t think he was worried about being told off, coz he was going for a walk and if he had just come when called, I wouldn’t have known he was on the bed. But I guess I might be putting too much human thought into that… I dunno if maybe he was just really comfy, and coz of how he is feeling didn’t want to budge…
If only we could ask him!
If he usually loves his walk andis ready for it, something was different and if it was, there was a reason in his mind for that. I do think it's to do with the bed/couch and confusion. Second would be the comfort thing. Unless he is a real couch potato and prefers sleeping to walks.

Ive not done it before like that, or in circumstances like that. but I once had to hold his head at the vets while she showed me how to give him his ear drops (the first time he got them) and he was whining and struggling to get away coz he obviously didn’t know what was going on. It made me feel so bad to have to restrain him like that, but I knew I had to, to help him get better.
Although he did bit like that, I don’t think he was trying to really hurt me, coz if he wanted to he could have. Whereas I just had a teeny cut on my finger (which happens easily, I do it all the time at work from the slightest things so if it had been anywhere else on my body it wouldn’t have broken the skin) and I just had a bruise on my face, so if he wanted it could have been much worse. so I think it was just that for some reason, he was scared or hurt and wasn’t through aggression.
Again tis hard to tell over the net - at the moment he is fairly inhibited when biting. I too think he was scared more than anything.


I know I should have stopped, but again I wasn’t thinking. It was late, and I just wanted to get to bed. But its something I have learnt, and next time I will just leave him or take a step back to think and then hopefully I will think of treats or a toy
That will certainly be a much better reaction, well done . However, what would your parents do? It's important that they don't tell him off (forgot to ask but does your mum know about this?)

I do see now, and I do really appreciate you taking the time to post this, and you did it in a really good way. it wasn’t critical (or at lease too critical lol) and, I am a very defensive person, due to my extremely low self-esteem so the way you put everything across was really good and I have taken it all onboard.
No probs - I know if I am ever defensive, I'm not open to discussion so try to not make others defensive! I've tried to give honest thoughts but be fair, hope that came across. Sorry to hear you have low self esteem - you are dong fine, all you need to do really is to kind of, learn more about dogs and I am sure you will do that

my mum and dad absolutely love him to pieces, and are great with him. they don’t really do any feeding (unless I am out) and they never walk him or train him. but they do play with him, a lot lol. they are more… serious I guess should be the word when he does something he shouldn’t, but they just raise their voice.
Sounds good really but some dogs will as I say need lots of consistency and even a raised voice can cause concern - also, most dogs are better trained than "told off" however nicely, because it lessens stress.Dr Ian Dunbar, good dog trainer, used to say a well trained, excellent Sit would cur emost problems, and he was right!

he wont be PTS, unless he ever does it out of pure aggression. Which I don’t think he would do, im am becoming more aware of what I should and shouldn’t do and therefore I am determined I wont allow either of us to be put in this situation again.

thank you for taking the time to write all of that.
No probs. I know you love him muchly so check out his health again and think about training/behaviour help.

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11-01-2010, 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by lozzibear View Post
How have I spoilt him too much?? and tell me how you can judge that he has no respect for me?
The very fact he has attacked you twice ! And does not listen to you.
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11-01-2010, 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by lozzibear View Post
How is it dangerous misguided?

Because you said , you have elevated her above him, implying , he now sees her on a higher level,

By implying the "resource guarding" is fixed, because you have elevated her above him, is "a dangerous misconception

Jake has shown " resource guarding" which is something else to add to his behavioural issues and this is telling us that there is a break down in your relationship with him.

She didn’t lie next to him, he lay next to her.

It doesn't matter who laid next to who, the outcome was Jake was not happy with a toddler laying next to him while he had a bone.

Jake doesn’t resource guard anything, and I hardly think you can judge that from 1. not even seeing him and yet making such a strong judgement over it

Lozz, we are making observations on what you write, you said he growled at her when she lay next to and touched him..he did not want her ther, he growled at her "that" is resource guarding!!

and 2. he has only done it that once, he has never done it to anyone else, and has never done it to her since. they aren’t left alone together, and the other day jake was lying on the floor with a bone and she was patting his head and he didn’t make a sound,

He may not have made a sound, because the last time he did, you punished him

he still happily lay with his bone. She then got up and walked away, and he followed her, bone in mouth, and stood in front of her excited with his wee bum wiggling! He now has no issues with her being near him when he has a bone.

Please!!! dont be complacent to the fact he has not growled at her again when he has a bone, that he never will.

Your worries are that Jake had bitten you, twice he had also growled at a 2 yr old.. these are warning signs, something is going on.

He is great with her, and we are always there so that if it ever happens again we can get her away from him so it doesn’t lead to a bite. If he ever does want peace and quiet from the kids, he will go into a different room and we keep the kids out of that room, that isn’t to say that he would growl if she did go in there. but we think its fair for him to get some quiet if he wants it. of course we are careful so it doesn't happen again, but it hasn't happened again and he has shown no signs of disliking her around him.

The only big problems jake has is recall outside,

No, it isn`t, he has bitten you twice, he disregards any of your commands, he has growled at your niece...

That is a lot of issues going on, you are burying your head in the sand over this...

and I know he ignored his commands the other day, but that isn’t like him. he usually always follows them, and I don’t believe most dogs always follow commands straight away, especially when they aren’t feeling too good. every command he has been given since then, he has followed.

What does it matter if a rescue wont rehome a biter? He isn't going anywhere!

What happens the next time he attacks you or your young niece or any other child, your parents???? will they allow you to keep a dog that is unpredictable in their home, with young children.

You may have no choice in the matter where Jake's future is concerned.

Thanks, its just hard not to feel that way the way certain things are being said and the tone in which they are said. I know people are trying to help, but it was an emotional thing to happen and I was in a lot of shock. I know jake had his reasons for it, and I want to work out what they were.

I understand its emotional, we would all be as upset in the same circumstances, and I am sorry, if you feel I am being harsh, but Lozzi, it seems you are simple not seeing the severity of the situation, you need help, we can give as much as we can here, but you need someoen to see you/jake and your family, and hopefully set you on the good regime with him

Originally Posted by lozzibear View Post

How would I know if its completely cleared? Coz last time it looked like it had cleared up, but could it be too deep to see?


By taking him back to the vet, the vet will tell you if the condition is clear or just incubated.
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11-01-2010, 05:34 PM
What do your parents think of the situation out of curiosity, Lozzi?

Also, as everyone else has said, you need to be completely consistent with regard to him being on the furniture. Dogs don't generalize well, which is why a dog will act like a perfect angel in the garden when obedience training but won't necessarily do the same when out in public. It is the same with being on the furniture. A bed is a bed to a dog and a sofa is a sofa. It doesn't matter where they are, they all look the same. Being aloud on one sofa or one bed and not being allowed on another is just confusing. You either need to keep him off all furniture (which will not be easy to break unfortunately, again he won't understand), let him on all furniture or be pro-active and keep him out of the rooms with furniture you don't want him to go on. That way you will avoid this type of confrontation.
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11-01-2010, 06:30 PM
The day Jake growled at your niece when he had a bone in his mouth....Was it a real bone (as in food item) or a toy bone?

I have to say either way, this worries me a little. Dogs are clever enough to realise that children are quite vulnerable, small in size compared to an adult etc and I think letting any child near a dog who is settled with a possession is risky.

None of my dogs resource guard, they will even let me take their food from in front of them without fuss (not that I do this only maybe sometimes when Flynn is eating too fast and I want to remove his bowl so he gives himself time to swallow before the next mouthful!). However, when my niece and nephews visit, under no circumstances are they allowed near the dogs when they have "personal" items which they could get protective over. Why put dog and child in that situation?

I think sometimes people create circumstances without realising it and then wonder why things turn out the way they do.

With regards to Jake biting you, I think everybody else has said everything there is to say so I wont add my 2p worth. I just wanted to comment on the episode with your niece.
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11-01-2010, 08:47 PM
I've just sat for over two hours or so and read this whole thread.

Lozzi, sorry you are having issues with Jake. Loads of good advice here, please take it on board and think it through.

Hope his health is improving now with the treatment.

Assessing his health and going to good training classes are definitely necessary. Or even a good trainer who will do home visits if you can't make classes.

I don't have anything else to add apart from that I think you should find somewhere safe for him to have an offlead run to loosen himself up a bit....and where you can also practice recall with him.

I agree with Labradork in that he needs regular free running exercise, as well as mental stimulation. Of course, the daily onlead walks can continue as well.

Also maybe look at his diet, that may be part of his issues, combined with other things, although it does just sound like he's a confused teenage dog who is getting mixed signals all the time, leading to the behaviour he has displayed that has been discussed on this post.

What do you feed him?

Good luck, Lozzi, I'm sure with patience, care and a better depth of understanding you will get there in the end.
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