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14-05-2013, 08:23 AM
Good morning all.

We have lovely sunshine here and not so lovely brisk winds. Off into town for our same old about 10.30 am.

Thankfully, since our trip over to Barnsley, Gary has settled down again into a much better mood. It's so strange how he can't seem to handle any excitement. Next time we go, I won't tell him until the day before - lesson learned.

The first batch of ducklings has now appeared and a second batch of Canada geese goslings. I love it when the babies are out and about . I just hope the rogue dog and it's owners

Oh hell - just when I thought everything was running OK and we were getting back to normal - 'phone went as I was typing - my mum had a fall yesterday and is in hospital. At the minute, it's looking like she may be home tomorrow, but they haven't x-rayed and her blood pressure is sky high. I'm waiting until my sister 'phones tonight with more news before deciding whether to go over or not tomorrow . My poor mum, it's just one thing after another for her. It's only a month ago that she was diagnosed with Parkinsons. Life can be so unfair!

Need a coffee now to calm my nerves.

Hope you all have a good day x
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Lucky Star
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14-05-2013, 09:24 AM
I'm really sorry to hear about your mum Chris - I hope she will be okay.

Sorry, too, to hear about Gill Lynn, it must be so tough for her.
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14-05-2013, 09:29 AM
Chris, sorry to hear about your Mum. Parkinsons is so horrible. My Grandad had it and my great aunt has it too. I can sympathise.

So far I've been sooooo busy....watching TV and doing nothing thinking dishes, ironing and study will be my day
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14-05-2013, 11:50 AM
Moyra - I do hope Steve's visit to the osteopath is beneficial but going on to lay a patio These men of ours don't know when to stop do they.

Mini - Enjoy your day with Hannah and I hope you got your walk in before the rain sets in.

Helena - Your walk 'up-top' sounded lovely, but that cliff edge sounds a little dodgy - I'll certainly keep mine on leads up there as they chase each other Careful sussing out the cameras ... there maybe someone in an office watching them and wondering why you are drawing a map of where they all are

Jackbox - Poor Millie with those bully police dogs

Chris - I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum - I do hope she hasn't broken anything. It breaks your heart doesn't it. ((hugs)).

Lore - your morning has sounded lovely .... I hope you don't do too much this afternoon ((hugs)).

I had a wonderful walk with my two and for the first time since Rucksack had his implant I let him off on the top field here. If you remember he kept running off which was so unlike him. A number of other friendly dogs and neighbours were up there so I thought its now or never. Flash was just wondering around and I unclipped Rucksack who just ran flat out in a straight line for about 400yds in the opposite direction. It was so funny and no one couldn't believe it. However, I blew my whistle and he turned round and came belting back again. So that was wonderful as they've both had a really good run and Rucksack appears to have his recall back on track again.

I found out about my neighbour and why the police were there for 4-5 hours yesterday. Apparently on Thursday two men turned up and offered to clear her gutters for £20 (a big house) so she said yes. Surprise, surprise while they were up there they said they found she had a problem and they could fix it but would have to come back. They turned up on Friday and took her down to the bank for her to draw out £2,500 .... which she did They said they'd be back on Monday to start the work. She obviously must have told a relative who then went to stay with her on Sunday night. They had also notified the police. Low and behold the two men turned up yesterday morning and tried to get my neighbour in the car to go to the bank again (those men must have been thinking they were on to a good thing or just very thick). Her relative appeared at that moment out of another room having called the police. The men then rushed out but were picked up by the police at the top of the road What a result ...... but how awful for my neighbour - she is such a sweetie and obviously very vulnerable by herself. One of her grandchildren has moved in with as of today.
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14-05-2013, 12:14 PM
Jenny, what a shame about your neighbour. I hope having a grandchild there will put her mind at rest.

Nice you had a good walk with the dogs.

I fell asleep, classic sign of me on a downer, sleeping a lot.
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14-05-2013, 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Labrador Lover View Post
Good morning everyone. The sun is shining here but alas it is not to last by all accounts. Lynn, well done on your support visit to Maisie. Helena good luck with your visit to Dunelms and well done on your van bookings and I hope the offer on Dave's garage works out for you too. Bev, hope Charly did well in her exams yesterday and that she has come to terms with Ash's departure.

Steve is off to the osteopath this morning and without fail he made a fuss of Amber after she has her flea treatment. He hates the smell of it. I did warn him but she pushes herself forward to be made a fuss of all the time and he forgot himself. I hope he gets on ok at the osteopath as he hopes to go on into work where they are laying a large patio. He has two mates that have come to help him out on the job so at worst he only has to supervise.

Have a good day all.
Morning Moyra, I hope that osteopath puts your husband out of his misery (in the nicest possible way of course). The problem being, if he then goes on to work and starts lifting heavy slabs he'll probably end up back at square one, so hopefully he'll be sensible and stick to the role I know best, i.e. supervision only!

Originally Posted by Minihaha View Post
Good morning fellow members a beautiful sunny morning but what I call 'too bright too early' with heavy rain on the way.

I have Hannah all day today so we will try to go for a walk before the rain comes .

Enjoy your day everyone
Morning Mini, yes, glorious sunshine here too, but rain on the way, and it's blooming cold so wrap up warm for that walk with Hannah.

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, bit cold here today, just got back in from our walk, poor MIllie, she has just had the life frightened out of her by two police dogs being exercised in the far field from us, they were very goby and she did not like it one bit, just wanted to get back to the safety of the car

Have a good day folks...xx
Morning Jackie, oh nooooo, poor Millie being traumatised by two policedogs! They've usually been very good when we meet up with them, I have 2 who walk in the woods over the road here and they show us great respect with their dogs, one of which is very friendly anyway. I hope she's settled now and is sleeping it all off.

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all.

We have lovely sunshine here and not so lovely brisk winds. Off into town for our same old about 10.30 am.

Thankfully, since our trip over to Barnsley, Gary has settled down again into a much better mood. It's so strange how he can't seem to handle any excitement. Next time we go, I won't tell him until the day before - lesson learned.

The first batch of ducklings has now appeared and a second batch of Canada geese goslings. I love it when the babies are out and about . I just hope the rogue dog and it's owners

Oh hell - just when I thought everything was running OK and we were getting back to normal - 'phone went as I was typing - my mum had a fall yesterday and is in hospital. At the minute, it's looking like she may be home tomorrow, but they haven't x-rayed and her blood pressure is sky high. I'm waiting until my sister 'phones tonight with more news before deciding whether to go over or not tomorrow . My poor mum, it's just one thing after another for her. It's only a month ago that she was diagnosed with Parkinsons. Life can be so unfair!

Need a coffee now to calm my nerves.

Hope you all have a good day x
Hi Chris, oh dear, so sorry to hear about your poor old mum I do hope they send her home quickly and that she hasn't broken anything especially a hip! This is how my mum went, the downhill slope came on very quickly, it was just one thing after another for her, so I do hope your mum isn't going to go the same way, it's so worrying. Good luck Chris, I hope all will be fine when you get some news later.

Originally Posted by lore View Post
Chris, sorry to hear about your Mum. Parkinsons is so horrible. My Grandad had it and my great aunt has it too. I can sympathise.

So far I've been sooooo busy....watching TV and doing nothing thinking dishes, ironing and study will be my day
That's my girl, keep it up Lorraine! I know you won't, but it's worth saying anyway.

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Moyra - I do hope Steve's visit to the osteopath is beneficial but going on to lay a patio These men of ours don't know when to stop do they.

Mini - Enjoy your day with Hannah and I hope you got your walk in before the rain sets in.

Helena - Your walk 'up-top' sounded lovely, but that cliff edge sounds a little dodgy - I'll certainly keep mine on leads up there as they chase each other Careful sussing out the cameras ... there maybe someone in an office watching them and wondering why you are drawing a map of where they all are

Jackbox - Poor Millie with those bully police dogs

Chris - I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum - I do hope she hasn't broken anything. It breaks your heart doesn't it. ((hugs)).

Lore - your morning has sounded lovely .... I hope you don't do too much this afternoon ((hugs)).

I had a wonderful walk with my two and for the first time since Rucksack had his implant I let him off on the top field here. If you remember he kept running off which was so unlike him. A number of other friendly dogs and neighbours were up there so I thought its now or never. Flash was just wondering around and I unclipped Rucksack who just ran flat out in a straight line for about 400yds in the opposite direction. It was so funny and no one couldn't believe it. However, I blew my whistle and he turned round and came belting back again. So that was wonderful as they've both had a really good run and Rucksack appears to have his recall back on track again.

I found out about my neighbour and why the police were there for 4-5 hours yesterday. Apparently on Thursday two men turned up and offered to clear her gutters for £20 (a big house) so she said yes. Surprise, surprise while they were up there they said they found she had a problem and they could fix it but would have to come back. They turned up on Friday and took her down to the bank for her to draw out £2,500 .... which she did They said they'd be back on Monday to start the work. She obviously must have told a relative who then went to stay with her on Sunday night. They had also notified the police. Low and behold the two men turned up yesterday morning and tried to get my neighbour in the car to go to the bank again (those men must have been thinking they were on to a good thing or just very thick). Her relative appeared at that moment out of another room having called the police. The men then rushed out but were picked up by the police at the top of the road What a result ...... but how awful for my neighbour - she is such a sweetie and obviously very vulnerable by herself. One of her grandchildren has moved in with as of today.
Hi Jenny, you must be over the moon with Rucksack's sudden turn around in his behaviour, that recall sounds fab! I didn't get to go in the woods for those bluebell pics cos it started raining and I had this woman on the phone umming and arring about the price of the 2nd van for 2 weeks in august. Jeeese, £12 per DAY for 5 people each for 2 weeks and she's moaning! I told her she wouldn't get a bdooly tent in this area in August for that money!!! Anyway, I've got another nice lady waiting in the wings, with 2 doglets who wants to come for one of those weeks so I'm only giving the 2 week woman 24 hours to decide, and I will take the other booking for one of her weeks, and if she comes back to me tomorrow, then tough!

Went into Dunelms, couldn't decide on a table lamp although we really do need one, but I just couldn't make my mind up, and then I forgot to look up for the cameras Jen!!!! I went to the rugs, and the one I thought I'd fancy, I don't like it now seeing it in real life, so I came home with 2 pillows, 2 single duvets (cos I have 4 more single beds to think about in the 2nd van), and a bunch of big red flowers to go in my new arrangement in the lounge.

Dave has now decided he doesn't like his long, tall surround sound speakers in this new lounge, so he's now thinking of one of those sound bars which are all the rage cos they're less intrusive, nobody wants these long speaker units anymore (allegedly, but then he is a gadget man!). I hate them with a passion, especially where he's put them, one either side of the fire which look stupid, and the other two either side of our big opening to the hall, which also look stupid. I might put all 4 of them out in the conservatory now and then take a look and see how much better the lounge looks without them. We never even use the darn things except if we watch a dvd and he wants the surround sound, and that happens about once a year here!

I'm just glad he's come to his senses, but apparently, it kept him awake half the night thinking about them cos he doesn't like them in this new set up.

It's trying hard to rain, and I think it's going to get quite bad by this evening, but waddo I care I'm all snug indoors now, don't have to go out.

I haven't heard from the doc's which is good news, cos in the past, if it's been bad news, they've usually summoned me in there the next day, so finger's crossed all is well.

Catch you later, after I've recharged my batteries cos 5.30 am is not a good time to get up, you feel worn out by lunch!
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14-05-2013, 02:00 PM
Helena, Steve is not my husband he is my son! I still cannot control him though! Lol.
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Tang is offline  
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14-05-2013, 02:09 PM
Good afternoon. As I still haven't remembered what it was I needed to go into Nicosia for - I didn't go.

I parked up in town instead and came home with two lovely long summer dresses from a shop where the lady makes them herself (only €35 each and fully lined - bargain and added bonus - her two little dogs come to work with her so I got a lick and a cuddle). Bought some new sunnies, some sickly jellied Cyprus sweets, stopped for a bite and a drink and came home again.

I'm sure whatever it was I thought I needed in the capital wouldn't have been half as much fun!

Tomorrow I might set off for Nicosia again but divert to the garden centre as all my 'colour' on the verandah has suffered in the heat. Geraniums survive anything - will get some of those.

I am sat in swimsuit with book ready to throw myself on the sunbed outside. However, every time I stand up the sun goes behind a cloud. Maybe I will stick some of the DVDs my sis bought me on and go take a nap instead!
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14-05-2013, 02:33 PM
Went off on the bone run earlier than usual as it is forecasting heavy rain, quite a few really heavy showers as going up the motorway, but then left them behind. Loadsa bones this week, the last couple of weeks I have had barely enough to get me through the week, usually I have loads to give away to anyone who happens to be around at the time. On the way back called into the garage as I heard one of my wheel bearings crunching on Saturday when I was doing a U turn (having got lost yet again for the 4th time - I also got lost twice on the way home ) so that is booked for Friday, no idea how I am going to pay for it, but not something that can be left.
Filled up with lpg whilst I was out. Everyone settled now with a nice bone, it is going very dark and overcast so looks like the rain has caught me back up. I still have some bedding plants to plant out, may do that this afternoon now everything is done, bones bagged and in freezer and a bag in the fridge for the next couple of days.
Helena, I'm very very surprised to you didn't smile for the camera in the lighting department, apparently the piccie that is to appear on Crimewatch is one of a furtive, hooded figure with their head down, would have thought you would have wanted to present the best possible 'look' for your debut
Lore, try and do nothing and be good to yourself, surprisingly the housework, ironing, cleaning etc is still there when you are feeling in a more positive frame of mind, and you cannot be blamed for feeling on a bit of a downer with things going on as they are.
That poor lady nearby Jenny, that is such a well known scam I cannot believe she has fallen for it, but well done to her family for not only scaring the life out of the people responsible, but for making sure they were caught as well, hope she got her money back before it was spent.
I had someone in to do a couple of new sockets and they were doing their best to persuade me I needed a rewire - I had only had all the electrics updated about 2 years prior to that - I got someone else in to check on both people in the end and no I didn't need a rewire and yes the job that had been done in the first place was excellent.
So glad that everything is back to normal, and being offlead for the first time in ages probably went to his head and he didn't know where to run first!!!!
That lady who makes the dresses sounds a real treasure Pat, you are going to have to get back to normal now you know, now the family have gone it means you are no longer on 'holiday' . Not got any geraniums this year, you have made me think about getting some - see how much this wheel bearing jobbie will be before I do that. It may be beans or egg on toast for a few weeks!!!
Chris, so sorry to hear about your mum, you should have a season ticket to the hospital car park at this rate, hope she isn't as bad as first thought.
Hope Gill is Ok when she gets back Lynn, any news on your mum at all
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14-05-2013, 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Moyra - I do hope Steve's visit to the osteopath is beneficial but going on to lay a patio These men of ours don't know when to stop do they.

Mini - Enjoy your day with Hannah and I hope you got your walk in before the rain sets in.

Helena - Your walk 'up-top' sounded lovely, but that cliff edge sounds a little dodgy - I'll certainly keep mine on leads up there as they chase each other Careful sussing out the cameras ... there maybe someone in an office watching them and wondering why you are drawing a map of where they all are

Jackbox - Poor Millie with those bully police dogs

Chris - I'm so sorry to hear about your Mum - I do hope she hasn't broken anything. It breaks your heart doesn't it. ((hugs)).

Lore - your morning has sounded lovely .... I hope you don't do too much this afternoon ((hugs)).

I had a wonderful walk with my two and for the first time since Rucksack had his implant I let him off on the top field here. If you remember he kept running off which was so unlike him. A number of other friendly dogs and neighbours were up there so I thought its now or never. Flash was just wondering around and I unclipped Rucksack who just ran flat out in a straight line for about 400yds in the opposite direction. It was so funny and no one couldn't believe it. However, I blew my whistle and he turned round and came belting back again. So that was wonderful as they've both had a really good run and Rucksack appears to have his recall back on track again.

I found out about my neighbour and why the police were there for 4-5 hours yesterday. Apparently on Thursday two men turned up and offered to clear her gutters for £20 (a big house) so she said yes. Surprise, surprise while they were up there they said they found she had a problem and they could fix it but would have to come back. They turned up on Friday and took her down to the bank for her to draw out £2,500 .... which she did They said they'd be back on Monday to start the work. She obviously must have told a relative who then went to stay with her on Sunday night. They had also notified the police. Low and behold the two men turned up yesterday morning and tried to get my neighbour in the car to go to the bank again (those men must have been thinking they were on to a good thing or just very thick). Her relative appeared at that moment out of another room having called the police. The men then rushed out but were picked up by the police at the top of the road What a result ...... but how awful for my neighbour - she is such a sweetie and obviously very vulnerable by herself. One of her grandchildren has moved in with as of today.
How good to hear that some of these bogus thieves were actually caught in the act. Let's hope they get a stiff sentence. These scams are so well advertised and warned about that it's easy to think 'everyone should know' by now. But of course being on the internet makes a huge difference to how clued up you are about stuff like this. And they target the elderly. Scum. Lowlife. and other expletives that would definitely get deleted!
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