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06-02-2013, 09:18 AM
Morning Nechda, morning all

For the second morning in a row I was woken by a man - well yesterday there were two but who is counting... so I now have no water and a very wet, very dirty shower/loo room [not the ensuite] which I have had to block off as Pereg wanted to go and have a paddle, and as there is no door it meant a bit of imagination was needed. [Nir has gone to find a new innards part for the shower swivel lever tap and had to take t'old one to make sure he got the correct size].

But - I think that I have solved the problem why I have had so many visits from the Dreaded Devilish Dastardly Dire Rear and why he appears to have gone. Last week, or whenever it was, when Nir came to do some filling found the base of the loo and along the floor where wall meets it [or should that be the wall where the floor meets it?] he found a miniscule slight crack in the actual soil pipe thingy so filled that in as well. So this morning while he was fitting a new inlet tap and new hose from the wall new inlet tap to the cistern inlet [which he noticed last week was leaking slightly], he asked if I had noticed that the bad smell in there had gone.

I had been convinced I could smell something bad but could not trace it - and this morning he told me that it was gas from the sewers that had been coming through the tiny crack, and yes, there is no smell now, and yes, the DDDDR seems to have packed his bags and gone! So probably that was the cause.

Anyhoo, he then set about trying to fix the shower swivel lever tap, which he did, but then only hot water was getting through, not cold. So he had taken the complete innards out and has to go and take it to the store to make sure he gets the right size, and while the innards are out he has had to leave the water off or it would be spewing through the hole in the wall where the tap is. Or rather was!

Right - now to fix my EMS and then I can do a ketchup on the forum! Until I do, I hope everyone is OK and that those who are not are well on the recovery road.

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06-02-2013, 09:30 AM
Morning Helena, morning everyone. It is Wednesday today.

No cow pats here Helena. Dillon has been a much calmer boy this morning.
I have Michael moping today as he can't afford to get into college I have offered him a few pounds but he is using it for tomorrow instead as it is a more important class he is trying desperately to get a part time job but with no success. He held good positions in full time work.
Gorden is flying to Nigeria next Saturday they couldn't get the visa changed in time for this Saturday but that's good as he won't lose work at the local school as he will be away earning money in the half term holiday instead of being off and not getting paid.

Michael is taking mum up to Norfolk on Sunday to see some homes not much cheaper than where she is but he seems to want her to go there and she is happy to go so it seems and the contracts are not as rigid which is what's worrying him the most.
Sunny but cold here.
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06-02-2013, 09:35 AM
Very late today, just could not get the PC to load or what ever you call it. Hubby has offered to buy me a new one and I might have to take him up on it. I think he is afraid I might take over his tv if I haven't got a lappy!!!!

Bev, you have never been to Dunelm?!! You gotta go, it is brill. I'm in the Torquay one as much as H is in hers

Pepsi had us (well hubby ) up twice in the night. Maybe it was the wind disturbing her, it sure was strong.

Oh and btw Bev my son-in-law is an adviser for Slimming world. I just stay very quiet, I really don't want to be organised into slimming
Enjoy your day everyone.
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06-02-2013, 09:38 AM
Morning all, its bitter out there this morn.

Well I am a few hundred £££ `s lighter this morning as I have had to order a new washing machine, as we spent last night mopping up the flood in the laundry from the old one ,

Hope all those poorly dogs feel better soon,

have a good one all, and keep warm and safe
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06-02-2013, 09:41 AM
Originally Posted by lore View Post
Morning all,

Gosh you really like that Dunelm Mill Helena they will give you a personal shopper soon.

It's been snowing but not an awful lot, not enough for a snow day unfortunately. Never mind. Hopefully it'll be an easy day.

Tonight I'm just finishing the assignment. Not sure what else, I'm sure there is something else, just can't remember what it is.
morning Lorraine Yes, I'm absolutely certain there will be something else for you to do by this evening Lorraine . Hope the sniffles have gone and stay warm it must be freeeeeezing up there now.

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all.

Blooming cold this morning, but no snow (as yet) thank heavens. We have got it forecast for this afternoon, but I'm hoping that, like yesterday, we just get the one small shower that threatens to stick then turns to rain and doesn't (did that make any sense at all? )

Hoping to get a breakfast in this morning sometime around 11 am as Dave has an opticians appointment for 11.50 am and the opticians is only a cock stride from the cafe. Have to hope we don't get any rain for that though so it's a 'wing and a prayer' plan at the moment.

'ickle Rosie is still back to her normal self. Dare I start hoping that we have, indeed, cracked it?

I may just ring round the local hairdressers when we get back to find out which one doesn't need a second mortgage to go. My hair is very long and is driving me nuts so I'm wanting it all off. I refuse to pay extortionate prices as I've been there and done that and still hated the results. It's just so hard to find a decent hairdresser these days.

Not much else planned. We should get a delivery sometime this week of the Wafcol I ordered online, but, as yet, I haven't had an email to say they've started the delivery process. I ordered it on Monday.

I hope all the doggies who have been 'runny' have decided against being poorly. Little devils certainly keep us on our toes, don't they? I also hope those who are ill get better soon.

Is it me, or is this year proving to be a pain in the backside already for far too many of us? I do hope that spring brings better prospects with it.

Have a good 'un all and try to keep warm xx
Morning Chris So pleased to hear about Rosie, hopefully, you really have cracked it. I'm sooooo with you on this hairdresser thing, where have they all gone those good hairdressers we used to have I'm umm'ing and arr'ing here too about my colour change, which of course, if I go the lighter route, I will be under their wotsits (can't think of the word ) as I'll have to keep going back each month to have it done, wheras if I slap another colour on it myself, I can be left to my own devices. I've grown half an inch of grey out, it's very white, so the world would be my oyster, but do I really want to go with them on this and end up sitting in that bdooly chair of theirs for 2 hours a month? Life's too short isn't it Chris!!! My cut is crap too, I have a gap behind my ear which I had grown out, but when she cut it last time, back it came

Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning H and all,

I joined slimming world yesterday, so start the diet today and am already stuck as I normally have Bran flakes with a chopped banana or porridge made with water and a chopped banana, but it seems porridge and Branflakes count as syns and I don't want to be using my syns first thing in the morning. I don't want to use my bread allowance as was planning that for lunch. So havn't a clue what I can have that I have in the house. I am just not imaginative when it comes to food.

We had some heavy snow as I left work last night and by the time I got to the bus stop I resembled a snowman . Luckily it didn't settle and all is calm and dry out there at the moment. I am so sick of winter now, I need some hot weather so I can at least bitch about being too hot .

You know H we have a Dunelm here but I have never been there.

Sorry to hear Rucksack and Flash are being sick again, there seems to be nothing but doggies with sickness and runs at the moment. One of my sons dogs went down badly with it, blood in the runs etc, she is better now, but another of his has gone and got it.

Hope Dillon is being a good boy this morning Lynn.

Take care all and enjoy your day.
Morning Bev You have never been in your Dunelms??? I'm surprised at you Bev, you don't know what you're missing! I didn't realise porridge is fattening cos I've sent Dave off with his 3 day supplies which includes those tubs of porridge you just add hot water to for his breakfast, no wonder he hasn't lost as much as me then! Enjoy your day Bev.

Originally Posted by moetmum View Post
This all started New Years day when he was rushed to hospital with a suspected stroke, the Dr there thought it could be medication too but we have never had any follow up. We have an appointment next week so will grill them then, he also ended back in hospital in this area and they thought he had been released too soon. He is on a cocktail of drugs and has been since the 60's, it's bound to take it's toll.
It's such a long time Bev, maybe he needs a re-check on what he should and shouldn't be taking. Good luck, I had to do this with mum's medication.

Originally Posted by Lucky Star View Post
Morning everyone

We had a little snow yesterday but it didn't stay (yay!).

I actually slept last night - I banned everyone from the room and only woke up at 4 ish because I was thirsty!

I hope everyone has a good day today.
Morning Linda When you say banned everyone from the room, that wouldn't include Michael would it? I'm sure he found his way in there somehow, probably around 4 am!!!!

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Helena and fellow members,

I've just heard on the BBC that all dogs in the UK will have to be microchipped within 3 years. That's a good thing

Helena - I hope the financial figures you put together for Dave are sufficient for the accountant. I do hope you Show&Tell after you've collected it. Enjoy your walk up on the cliffs this morning.

Moet - I hope you cousin is more settled today.

Lore - Morning

Chris - Good news about Rosie still. Enjoy your breakfast.

Bev - Good luck with your diet and well done for taking the first step of joining. With what gets eaten here in the evenings, I think a few more of us will be joining soon.

LS - Morning

Both my boys slept through the night which was a relief. Both have had a wee, but not expecting anything else from Rucksack for a while . Flash did go out and eat but has had a normal poo. I gave Rucksack half a tablet directly before his small breakfast. So hopefully that will settle his tummhy. Both are acting completely normal in that once they'd had a wee outside, it was 'game-on' and them zooming round the garden.

I must do a food shop today and my cupboards are almost bare, but other than that it is just housework and dog walks.

Enjoy your day and I hope all poorly dogs and people are feeling better.
Morning Jenny Pleased to hear the boys are back on form this morning, it's all so strange isn't it, this intermittent chucking up with our doglets. Enjoy the shopping, watch yer legs, especially in Tesco!

Originally Posted by Malka View Post
Morning Nechda, morning all

For the second morning in a row I was woken by a man - well yesterday there were two but who is counting... so I now have no water and a very wet, very dirty shower/loo room [not the ensuite] which I have had to block off as Pereg wanted to go and have a paddle, and as there is no door it meant a bit of imagination was needed. [Nir has gone to find a new innards part for the shower swivel lever tap and had to take t'old one to make sure he got the correct size].

But - I think that I have solved the problem why I have had so many visits from the Dreaded Devilish Dastardly Dire Rear and why he appears to have gone. Last week, or whenever it was, when Nir came to do some filling found the base of the loo and along the floor where wall meets it [or should that be the wall where the floor meets it?] he found a miniscule slight crack in the actual soil pipe thingy so filled that in as well. So this morning while he was fitting a new inlet tap and new hose from the wall new inlet tap to the cistern inlet [which he noticed last week was leaking slightly], he asked if I had noticed that the bad smell in there had gone.

I had been convinced I could smell something bad but could not trace it - and this morning he told me that it was gas from the sewers that had been coming through the tiny crack, and yes, there is no smell now, and yes, the DDDDR seems to have packed his bags and gone! So probably that was the cause.

Anyhoo, he then set about trying to fix the shower swivel lever tap, which he did, but then only hot water was getting through, not cold. So he had taken the complete innards out and has to go and take it to the store to make sure he gets the right size, and while the innards are out he has had to leave the water off or it would be spewing through the hole in the wall where the tap is. Or rather was!

Right - now to fix my EMS and then I can do a ketchup on the forum! Until I do, I hope everyone is OK and that those who are not are well on the recovery road.

Morning grandma Oh, those days of being woken up by a man........ and now it's only ever the dog
Glad to hear you're getting to the bottom of all those problems in the en-suite or wherever. It can be the tiniest crack in the loo that will cause problems, I know that cos of the van and the leaking cistern, just a hairline crack under the handle and nobody could find it, and then when he fitted the new sink and loo, I had a similar problem with the basin waste, a tiny hairline crack and that was brand NEW! I'm just glad he found it and I'm sure you are too. Have a good day grandma.xx

Just got back from a glorious, SUNNY walk up high on top of the cliffs, absolutely gorgeous cos I did a detour through some woodland I found where Zena was madly sniffing away, and it was very leafy and dry, narrow paths, we didn't know where we'd end up it was fabbydoo

I think I'm going to ring my hairdresser now and see what we can do about this colour of mine, as I want to go lighter with lots of highlights. I fancy that voilet red that seems to be all the rage, but my hair is too dark for that until I grow out all this grey, but we'll see.

No news from Dunelms yet Apparently, they will ring ME when they are ready for me to collect my big rug, tcht! Fancy me having to wait until they're ready??!! I'm not having that, I'm going to take myself off down there on the way to the hairdressers and pick it up, ready or not, I can wait in the shop.....or maybe that isn't such a good idea!

Glorious, glorious sunshine today not a cloud in the sky again, just gonna feed Zena in a mo and get on the phone to the hairdressers.
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06-02-2013, 09:45 AM
Morning Helena, Morning All

Max and I have been for a bitterly cold walk this morning. I've got four clients dogs to walk later, should have been five but one has been cancelled, including a new dog which is always interesting.

After that I need to clear as much stuff out of the lounge as possible as the plasterer is coming at the end of the week to give our walls a new lease of life! It's something that we have been meaning to get done for years but never got around to - the walls are so rough in this house and we were really pleased with the plasterer who did the kitchen for us so he is coming back to do the lounge for us.

Have a good day all
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Lucky Star
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06-02-2013, 09:46 AM
Piccies of the hair please Helena!

No, I banned everyone - and they all stayed away! I'm sure people aren't really supposed to share beds and rooms.
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06-02-2013, 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
Morning Helena, morning everyone. It is Wednesday today.

No cow pats here Helena. Dillon has been a much calmer boy this morning.
I have Michael moping today as he can't afford to get into college I have offered him a few pounds but he is using it for tomorrow instead as it is a more important class he is trying desperately to get a part time job but with no success. He held good positions in full time work.
Gorden is flying to Nigeria next Saturday they couldn't get the visa changed in time for this Saturday but that's good as he won't lose work at the local school as he will be away earning money in the half term holiday instead of being off and not getting paid.

Michael is taking mum up to Norfolk on Sunday to see some homes not much cheaper than where she is but he seems to want her to go there and she is happy to go so it seems and the contracts are not as rigid which is what's worrying him the most.
Sunny but cold here.
Morning Lynn Brilliant news about Gorden, it has fit in nicely hasn't it Good luck for Michael, it must get very depressing especially when you've held down some good full time jobs Glad to hear Dillon was a good boy for you today that's always good to hear

Originally Posted by Nippy View Post
Very late today, just could not get the PC to load or what ever you call it. Hubby has offered to buy me a new one and I might have to take him up on it. I think he is afraid I might take over his tv if I haven't got a lappy!!!!

Bev, you have never been to Dunelm?!! You gotta go, it is brill. I'm in the Torquay one as much as H is in hers

Pepsi had us (well hubby ) up twice in the night. Maybe it was the wind disturbing her, it sure was strong.

Oh and btw Bev my son-in-law is an adviser for Slimming world. I just stay very quiet, I really don't want to be organised into slimming
Enjoy your day everyone.
Morning Jen Same here, I couldn't be doing with somebody telling me what I can and can't eat, I like to do it myself and I've now lost 7lbs which is staying off over the past 3 weeks, AND I ate 2 chocolate eclairs the other night just cos I CAN! Lol!

Originally Posted by Jackbox View Post
Morning all, its bitter out there this morn.

Well I am a few hundred £££ `s lighter this morning as I have had to order a new washing machine, as we spent last night mopping up the flood in the laundry from the old one ,

Hope all those poorly dogs feel better soon,

have a good one all, and keep warm and safe
Morning Jackie, oh blimey, that's not so good is it Good luck with getting a new one swiftly then.

Originally Posted by majuka View Post
Morning Helena, Morning All

Max and I have been for a bitterly cold walk this morning. I've got four clients dogs to walk later, should have been five but one has been cancelled, including a new dog which is always interesting.

After that I need to clear as much stuff out of the lounge as possible as the plasterer is coming at the end of the week to give our walls a new lease of life! It's something that we have been meaning to get done for years but never got around to - the walls are so rough in this house and we were really pleased with the plasterer who did the kitchen for us so he is coming back to do the lounge for us.

Have a good day all
Morning Jane Oh I don't envy you having a plasterer in That's my worst nightmare, not only the clearing out of the room, but all the bdooly mess they CAN make, some of them are clean, but others, they tend to trapse it all around the house as they go out to do their mixing up, so don't leave him home alone Jane, keep a strict eye on him lol!

Hairdresser is ringing me at 10 am but she's late!!!

I fancy the Kelly Osbourne colour, it's a grey with a pink/purple hue, cos when she was on the telly, Dave said how much he liked her hair. I'll have to look a bit odd for a few months, very odd in fact, but by letting all the grey come through I'm sure it's "do-able". Take a Google Linda, it's a lovely colour she's got!
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06-02-2013, 10:21 AM
Cold here, but sunny and yesterday's snow and slush has gone.
Was woken at 5.45am, so seems to be their new time, anything's better than the 2.30 and 4am's they were doing.
Thought the cow pats were off Sasha, however Ash went this morning on the 8.30am call and it was cow pattish, whilst the others were normal, so have given Ash half a tablet and Sasha has had half as well, Keshi looked disappointed at being left out, handed out a mini charcoal bone to all, they have to sit to get one though, and she forgot she hadn't had a canakur tablet.
Did the 2nd half of brekkie at 8.30am and gave girlies their brekkies, it is egg day today for them. All is still quiet, I took a cup of tea back into my nest and went back to sleep.
We've got a fairly big Dunelm's that moved into the old Asda store when it built a massive one, and another Dunelm's in the other direction that isn't quite as big on a trading estate near the lpg place I go to, been in that.
I daren't spend any pennies at the moment, which is depressing, because I feel I have more than earned a shopping trip, not even dared go in TK Maxx
Was speaking to my friend yesterday, who I have Cruz and Midnight with, and she was saying this tummy bug dogs are getting is thought to be a version of the novo virus that us humans are getting, makes sense I suppose, and that is why the doglets are getting so poorly and it is going on for so long.
Ooooh I sooo long for a shopping spree, you are giving me withdrawal symptoms with your Dunelm fixes.
Glad to hear the Nigerian trip is not only on, but Gordon will not lose wages from his consultancy work, this can only be the light at the end of the tunnel Lynn, because once he has done something like this at short notice they will maybe use him a few more times, and a short trip abroad has got to be better than a couple of months contract abroad.
Hope you have managed to drag Dave back out of the doldrums and back onto the straight and narrow, this motorhome sounds great, although of course you can't do weekend lets, well you could I suppose because I have often looked at hiring one when I want to take all girls to shows hundreds of miles away, which is why I got Norman because he was so adaptable, Hannah Honda is nowhere near as obliging or accomodating sizewise. Eldest Son says I can use his toyota van if needs be, so I have to be happy with that, and with all these puppies I don't have any time to go to shows and socialise anymore anyway. I start Ash at puppy class next Wednesday and Sundays, then when he finally goes off with his daddy, then Keshi will be going, also got to get Mabs back down to earth and the girls need to be kept up to scratch, once Cariad has been spayed. So full Agenda for me for a good few months.
I thought porridge was the thing to eat, I have porridge most mornings and it does stop me snacking, I don't want to eat again till early afternoon, and if I am running around doing stuff it keeps me going till late afternoon, which is when I go for the tomato soup with cheese on toast.
With all that's gone I have lost weight, had to use a belt on some combats I haven't worn for a while yesterday, so every cloud eh?
Well I need to move myself now and get the jobs done I suppose, all nice and cosy here though and tempting to stay where I am
Puppy Fix is Sasha

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06-02-2013, 10:48 AM
Morning all

Cold but dry and sunny here at the moment,
Organised chaos here first thing as my car needed to be for it's MOT at 9am,
Took it in and they couldn't do it because they couldn't log in on the computer,so it's rebooked for Friday morning.

Nothing planned for today apart from the usual,

Have a good day all x
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