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tawneywolf is offline  
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26-01-2013, 09:33 AM
Heavy snow here last night, it is quite deep, sun is out and it looks beautiful.
Babies woke me at 7am so not that bad, went back to sleep and Sasha woke me at 9am again, I have given them a handful of chicken mince each, Sasha is in playing with them, and am back under the quilt with a cup of tea. They won't be playing out today, but will put them in the puppy palace with the slider down and they can stay in there for a couple of hours whilst I clean up. Having said that we are in a very positive situation as regards the poo's, only one from overnight and then Che and Keshi did one in front of me after their 7am brekkie and that was normal as well. These Canakur tablets are miracle workers, I am not giving even the full dose, snapping them in half and handing them out like treats, so they really are doing what it says on the tin and restoring the balance in the gut. Have now run out of them again, I too am waiting for Wednesday, my works pension comes in 1st of the month, we used to get paid on the last banking day but for some reason once you are retired they move you to the 1st banking day, there is obviously some financial wizadry behind it that is beneficial to them I may order some on my much abused credit card as I would rather have them in than not. Keshi off to the vets for her 1st vax today. I have still got eldest son here, that R8 will never make it out of the village, he took his own car out of the village onto the main road last night to park it, and said no one could get up the very steep hill leading to the A road at the top. It hadn't been gritted, years ago that was always the case and in the winter you just couldn't move because there was a line of traffic trying to get up the hill and not succeeding and blocking all traffic trying to get out. In more recent years they have always gritted it, so fun and games this morning by the time my vets appointment comes round it will have been sorted, and Hannah Honda is 4 wheel drive anyway.
I put the ashpan outside with hot ashes in early evening, and went to get it before I went to bed to put some more ashes out, and I couldn't find it, it was buried under the snow and had to get a brush to dig for it The ashes in it were cold though so was able to empty them in a bag, wood ashes really cool off quickly, coal ashes stay hot for ages. So very glad I got 4 sacks of firewood on my travels yesterday
Hope all goes well with the van today Helena and you have a nice (positive) day with Dave. Hope you get the flat you are looking for very quickly. Surely there should be something on the market in this awful financial climate.
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26-01-2013, 09:38 AM
Originally Posted by madmare View Post
Morning Lynn and everyone,

We have had another 1-2 inches of snow overnight so everywhere is white and with the compressed snow/ice underneath that, walking this morning was treacherous.

Hoping the big thaw will start today, I would rather get soaking wet in pouring rain and be able to walk normally than slipping and sliding and trying to stay upright as I have for the past couple of weeks or so.

Tescos for me this morning, also a trip to Home Bargains and The range. Lots of washing and ironing to do too.

I had a nice surprise when I got in from work last night. Charly's boyfriend Ash had been to Asda for some shopping and cooked us a 3 course meal, which he was all ready to serve up as I come in. It was lovely.

Charly also got an excellent report from the international Law firm she has been working with the past two weeks, who overall said she was exceptional. So that was really good news too as well as also hearing she got a top grade in an exam she done at uni just before Christmas, she had been ill so was sure she would fail.

Glad Dillon is quiet for you today Lynn and Rose I hope you can keep that pain minimal. I have fibromyalgia so have some idea of what you are going through.

Take care all and have a good day.
Morning Bev. It snowed here but thawed very quickly there are some nasty icy patches about still though.
What a lovely surprise for you when you got home from and well done Charly.

Originally Posted by Brierley View Post
Good morning all.

Got up to a couple of inches of snow on the ground, but I don't think it will stick around for long (says she, fingers crossed).

Rosie is still doing fine, but today is the day we mix in a quarter of her normal food with the chicken so we'll see how that goes. If she reverts and starts being sick again, then I'm considering putting her on a home cooked diet. Don't really want to as I hate cooking, but if it will work for her then that's the way we'll go.

Don't know what we are doing today. Much depends on wether this snow sticks around or not, but my guess is that we will be going out a bit later this morning and doing the usual. Still on the shorter circuit, but it's nice to get some fresh air even when it's freezing.

It turned very windy last night, but that has died down too. Nothing worse than wind and freezing cold as it feels like someone sticking pins in your face as you walk.

Something that amused me the other day at the vets was when he called in the little dog that went in just before Rosie. The dog's name was 'Piglet'. Horrible name for a dog, but, honestly, the little JRT cross did look like a little piglet.

Some people do have strange ideas on names don't they. I always try to imagine them out and about and calling their dog to them. You'd think, 'here Piggy, Piggy' would have been enough to put them off that particular name wouldn't you

Apologies in advance to anyone who may have a dog named Piglet.

Anyways, a nice shower and cup of coffee now and then I'm ready to face the day.

Have a good 'un all x
Morning Chris good luck with Rosie today.
Enjoy your walk hopefully it won't be to cold at calling your dog Piglet as a nick name I can imagine it but surely it can't of been its real name can it ?

Originally Posted by youngstevie View Post
Morning All

pavements are lethal here, due to the rain last night now they are like sheets of ice.

hope everyone is safe and well.

take care today folks xxxxxxxxxx
Morning Steph take care out there.

Originally Posted by jenny.g View Post
Morning Lynn and all ,

The sun is out and apart from a few patches/piles of snow the grass again is green

Sorry for all of you who still have snow or gales forecast. Fresh snow on top of ice is lethal so take care.

I hope Dillon has a calm day.
RoseB gets to keep warm enough and her pain under control.
Helen you have time to stand and admire your new carpet and get to enjoy the gammon - if that is what you decided on
Rosie manages the different diet.
Jimmi gets to have a walk.
Kyiro has a quiet day with as little pain as possible.

I've promised my younger son that I will help him clear his brother's clobber into sacks (which oldr. son should have done when he moved out last June ) as yngr. son is going to turn the room into a sitting room.

See you all later.
Morning Jenny good duck with clearing the clobber.
We are starting to see green patches of grass now too.

We have had a lovely walk up the field in the woods into the two fields we have been using lately then further on through more fields and back into the woods. It consisted of snow, ice and very muddy parts but Dillon loved it and the sun was shining.
We also saw a bird of prey not sure what it was it was quite big. The seagulls were seeing it off.
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26-01-2013, 09:39 AM
Morning everyone

We have SUN!!!

Michael's composite tooth repair came away last night so we need to get him to a dentist again. I was going to try an emergency one but if he can hold out I'd rather wait until Monday and see our own dentists because I know they are gentle. I'm really worried that this is going to keep happening - he can't keep having it re-done every month. He managed his breakfast and drank milk through a straw so I'll see how he gets on today.

Loki is surprisingly quiet today. I will take him out and hope we don't both go flying - mind you it's melting! Yay!

Have a lovely day everyone.
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26-01-2013, 09:42 AM
Originally Posted by tawneywolf View Post
Heavy snow here last night, it is quite deep, sun is out and it looks beautiful.
Babies woke me at 7am so not that bad, went back to sleep and Sasha woke me at 9am again, I have given them a handful of chicken mince each, Sasha is in playing with them, and am back under the quilt with a cup of tea. They won't be playing out today, but will put them in the puppy palace with the slider down and they can stay in there for a couple of hours whilst I clean up. Having said that we are in a very positive situation as regards the poo's, only one from overnight and then Che and Keshi did one in front of me after their 7am brekkie and that was normal as well. These Canakur tablets are miracle workers, I am not giving even the full dose, snapping them in half and handing them out like treats, so they really are doing what it says on the tin and restoring the balance in the gut. Have now run out of them again, I too am waiting for Wednesday, my works pension comes in 1st of the month, we used to get paid on the last banking day but for some reason once you are retired they move you to the 1st banking day, there is obviously some financial wizadry behind it that is beneficial to them I may order some on my much abused credit card as I would rather have them in than not. Keshi off to the vets for her 1st vax today. I have still got eldest son here, that R8 will never make it out of the village, he took his own car out of the village onto the main road last night to park it, and said no one could get up the very steep hill leading to the A road at the top. It hadn't been gritted, years ago that was always the case and in the winter you just couldn't move because there was a line of traffic trying to get up the hill and not succeeding and blocking all traffic trying to get out. In more recent years they have always gritted it, so fun and games this morning by the time my vets appointment comes round it will have been sorted, and Hannah Honda is 4 wheel drive anyway.
I put the ashpan outside with hot ashes in early evening, and went to get it before I went to bed to put some more ashes out, and I couldn't find it, it was buried under the snow and had to get a brush to dig for it The ashes in it were cold though so was able to empty them in a bag, wood ashes really cool off quickly, coal ashes stay hot for ages. So very glad I got 4 sacks of firewood on my travels yesterday
Hope all goes well with the van today Helena and you have a nice (positive) day with Dave. Hope you get the flat you are looking for very quickly. Surely there should be something on the market in this awful financial climate.
Morning June glad ot hear all is goo don the poo front.
Sounds like those canikur tablets might be worth us all keeping in.
Hope all goes well at the vets later.
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26-01-2013, 09:43 AM
Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
at calling your dog Piglet as a nick name I can imagine it but surely it can't of been its real name can it ?
It must be the name she's registered with the vet because that's the name the vet used to call it in. Caused a few raised eyebrows in the waiting room
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26-01-2013, 09:43 AM
Morning all,

We had a wee bit of snow last night. But that turned to rain then froze. I am not going anywhere unless I have to today! It means trying to defrost the car.

Davie and his friend had a sleepover last night, they were quite good but my goodness they were up early today. Hoping they will go out later and I can get some more sleep.

Today is just some housework then some study. I'm a wee bit behind with empire and need to catch up. So kind of relaxing day no running around involved. I'll take Davie swimming tomorrow. Today though I refuse to rush to get out of bed.
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26-01-2013, 09:47 AM
Morning Lynn,morning all

Cold and frosty first thing, and it's a lovely sunny morning here now
Luke got us all up at 7am by stamping to the bathroom which started the dogs howling for brekkie So I asked him to sort them been as he woke them which in turn woke us all up.

Had to de ice my car,we had heavy rain last night and it froze during the night so it was icy this morning,all the snow has nearly gone

Popped to Tesco for my veggies and bits I needed,got back and Tom had sorted the kitchen out for me and had a bath

Currently have a load of washing on and hopefully going to peg it out later.

Have a good day all x
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26-01-2013, 09:48 AM
The most beautiful springlike morning here

Very late getting going today... one of those mornings where nothing would work first thing
Nothing much to report, we were going to lunch with our son and daughter in law but d-i-l has injured her foot and has to stay off it until Monday when they will xray it So I have told her to do just that and we will come another day.
Have a good Saturday everyone.
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26-01-2013, 10:08 AM
Morning all. Heavy snow here last night as well. I think it stopped about midnight but it put down about 3 inches. Gorgeous day today though & it's thawing fast.
Just going to do a load of ironing this morning under protest.

Hope everyone keeps well today. Enjoy your day.
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26-01-2013, 10:24 AM
Morning all. Almost hesitate to say it is gloriously warm and sunny here. My favourite sort of climate (hate high summer - suffocating heat). In fact I flopped out on the verandah in my swimsuit for about 3 hrs yesterday - long enough to read a whole book - bliss!
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